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The Hero Wore Glasses
The Hero Wore Glasses
The Hero Wore Glasses
Ebook40 pages34 minutes

The Hero Wore Glasses

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About this ebook

What if someone could be transformed from average to hero just by wearing eyeglasses? Robbie was average in every way until he found the glasses. When he started following the instructions, his started to overcome his fears, and Robbie's ability increased. With great power came increased attention in the form of romantic interest and danger. When danger and romance collide, Robbie will do whatever it takes to save his girlfriend and stop the Russians trying to steal his glasses, even if it means becoming average again.

Release dateOct 5, 2018
The Hero Wore Glasses

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    Book preview

    The Hero Wore Glasses - Nicholas Kuvaas

    Chapter 1

    Robbie was no hero. He went to work. He went home to an empty house, and he watched TV until he fell asleep. With average height, average build, an average face with average blond hair, and average pale blue eyes, Robbie didn’t stand out. He went to work every day and chatted with his two friends, Bobby and Ricky, but the invisible man would garner more attention outside of his little group. An attractive redhead named Cindy always caught his attention, but his nerves overwhelmed him before he could even say hi to her. That was until, one day, he found the glasses. He pulled them from muck half covered in mud. They looked like fine ordinary black metal glasses, and, using his shirt, he cleaned them leaving a large mud stain on his new white shirt. Little did Robbie know that these were not run of the mill ordinary glasses. Examining them in the sun, to his surprise, the lenses weren’t scratched. After looking them over, he placed them in his pocket. Once he made it back to his bedroom, the glasses were placed on a drawer to remain unused for weeks.

    One day, Robbie’s normal average glasses slipped from his hand and fell to the floor. When Robbie stooped to pick them up, the spectacles were broken. Stumbling around his home, his hand landed on the puddle glasses. Through squinted eyes, he looked them over and, satisfied, put them on. At first, something about them felt strange, but his vision cleared. He found a mirror and looked at them. They were stylish. Not so plain, he thought. Workout gear laid out on his bed caught his eye, so he went for a jog. A little trail along a clear stream full of trout was his ideal jogging path. This time, something seemed different. He couldn’t get over how clear his vision was. Every little movement popped out at him.

    When he arrived back at his house, he made record time though he thought little of it. Robbie showered and made supper. He put his glasses back on, and a voice recording started to play. He looked at his phone only to find that it was not the source of the sound. The sound emanated from his glasses.  

    Evaluation complete. Strengths: to be determined. Greatest fears: fire, asking a woman for a date, authority, worries about the future, and pitch-black darkness. Select mode. Options: scientific, athletic, medical, or heroic.

    Those fears are spot on.

    Select mode.

    Heroic? Asked Robbie.

    Hero mode selected.

    Icons appeared on Robbie’s glasses. He took them off and examined them. The icons became visible when he wore the glasses.

    What the devil is this?

    "Welcome to the augmentation program. You have been selected to wear the enhanced visual battery. These glasses will provide

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