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Holding Strong
Holding Strong
Holding Strong
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Holding Strong

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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An up-and-coming MMA fighter wants more than just one night from a woman fleeing her past in New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster's irresistible new novel. 

Heavyweight fighter Denver Lewis plays real nice, but he doesn't share. That's why he's been avoiding top-notch flirt Cherry Peyton. But a man can only resist those lush curves for so long. Their encounter surpasses all his fantasies, bringing out protective urges that Cherry's about to need more than she knows… 

Denver's combination of pure muscle and unexpected tenderness has been driving Cherry wild. Yet no sooner does she get what she's been craving than old troubles show up on her doorstep. And this time, Cherry can't hide behind a carefree facade. Because the man by her side is one who'll fight like hell to keep her safe…if only she'll trust him enough to let him…

Release dateJul 1, 2015

Lori Foster

Lori Foster is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author with books from a variety of publishers, including Berkley/Jove, Kensington, St. Martin's, Harlequin and Silhouette. Lori has been a recipient of the prestigious RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for Series Romantic Fantasy, and for Contemporary Romance. For more about Lori, visit her Web site at

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 stars

    ****Full Review****

    I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

    Denver has had his eye on Cherry for awhile but since it seems like Cherry has her eye on everyone he has held himself back. When it becomes clear that they only want each other, it's on. With family drama and trust issues plaguing our couple, they both must fight for what they truly want.

    The hot sexy times come up a lot faster in this book but since the previous two books in the series (Hard Knocks and No Limits) featured Denver and Cherry's sexual tension and itch for one another, it didn't necessarily feel rushed. This could definitely be read as a standalone, the beginning might just feel a bit rushed if you have no context for how Denver and Cherry have been dancing around each other. As always, Foster's dialogue, chemistry between leads, writing, and characters make this an entertainingly fun read. The book did seem to run a tad long however, too much repetitiveness with Cherry not wanting Denver to get hurt and claiming it wasn't his problem when dealing with her foster family.

    Cherry was a fun character to read, she was open and fun loving while Denver hit all the points of the trifecta hero, protecting, sexy, and strong; I do wish a couple out of the hundred times he used "girl" could have been cut, though. It was a little drawn out how Denver kept himself away from Cherry because of what he deemed her excessive flirting and side eye inducing when it was linked to issues pertaining to his stepmother. Cherry's issues with her foster brothers leaned toward the melodramatic but where would the romance world be without some angst to keep our couples on their toes? Cherry and Denver never quite swim in the deep end of the pool but they work well together and were amusing to read about.

    Past and future characters make appearances in this, setting it nicely in the MMA world Foster has created. I know what you all want me to say and yes, Armie makes appearances here, with one particular scene that will have your toes curling in anticipation for what is to come. There is also a bonus chapter from Cannon's pov during his wedding reception that I shamelessly read three times over. All in all, Holding Strong isn't the strongest addition to this series but I still liked it. It's a fun read that could be cut down but has some fabulous scenes involving the MMA men and world Foster has created that we all love to read about. I'll definitely be on the lookout for the next in the series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    4.5 StarsDenver is one hell of an alpha and I just love Cherry and him together. Lori Foster never disappoints!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Denver struggles against wanting Cherry. He keeps her at arms length until she provokes him to the point that he can't resist. Then the tables turn. He decides he is all in and now if he can just convince her...Insta-love alert! He definitely stacked his claim pretty quick after trying to hard to resist. I would have been happier with a little more story/build up. Not my favorite but not a bad read either.I received this book in exchange for an honest review for Netgalley.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Denver and Cherry have been circling each other for a long time. Things get steamy when Foster finally unites them. There is lots of feminine independence and alpha male protectiveness to be had. Denver is definitely old school in the realm of women but his other qualities do manage to redeam him.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I couldn't get my wits about me while reading this to actually highlight a passage that I liked so I won't be starting this review of with a quote. While this book was in my tbr pile, I want supposed to have read this as I have tons of Netgalley and ARCs to read, but clearly I have no self control. This book follows Denver and Cherry who are characters that have been introduced in the previous book and novella in the series. Denver clearly can't get enough of Cherry but forces himself not to take anything to the next level. Cherry really likes Denver and had been trying forever to get him to make a move. This book dives right into the heat as Denver and Cherry have spent the previous parts of this series dealing with their feelings.I could not get enough of the chemistry between Denver and Cherry. This book and these characters are practically sizzling at times. One thing that I didn't altogether enjoy was Denver's incessant need to keep calling Cherry 'girl.' It was overused and to me defused the heat at times. Both Cherry and Denver have things from their past that they'd really love to forget. Their pasts really come back to haunt them in the second half of the book. Cherry's past was much more interesting to me than Denver's. At times I felt like the people from their past hijacked the story.Usually I don't like when authors take time to set up the next book in the series but I loved it in this book. The next book in this series follows Stack and you really get a great glimpse at the chemistry between him and Vanity. This book also really adds to and sets up Armie's story. I am dying to read Armie's story and this book made the wait even harder. Overall this was a really good addition to the series. Denver could come off a bit strong but I can't really say I minded all that much. I really cannot wait to start the next book in this series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very good book. Cherry is a sweet girl with a difficult past. She makes friends easily, and through her roommate has become a regular at the fights and club that includes Denver. She comes across as a bit of a flirt, thanks to her close friendships with a lot of the fighters. But Denver is the one she is really interested in, and he pretty much ignores her. So she gets a little flirtier with the others in an attempt to convince herself that it doesn't matter.Denver has definitely noticed Cherry, and is very attracted to her. But her ease with the guys brings back memories of another woman and makes him avoid her. After they've all attended the fight of another member of the club, he finally gives in to the desire. They have a smoking hot night together, but in the morning he discovers she's come down with a bug that's going around. His protectiveness kicks in as he takes care of her, then gets an added boost when he finds out there are three shady characters claiming to be family looking for her.I liked Denver. He's definitely an alpha guy, protective, strong, and a bit controlling. He's also got a sweet side that shows up in the way he takes care of Cherry while she's sick. He's got a good focus on his growing career as an MMA fighter, as well as his career as an accountant. On the down side, he's definitely a bit of a sexist and some of the things he says can rub the wrong way. He also has a tendency to be jealous and jump to conclusions, at least at the beginning. After that first night together, then the next few days taking care of her, Denver starts to realize that what he's feeling for Cherry is more than just lust and it scares him. He's not so sure he's ready for what that means. He is sure that he isn't going to leave her alone to face whatever it is that's after her.I liked Cherry a lot. She is a survivor. After the deaths of her drug dealer parents,she ended up in a foster home that was even worse. The three sons of the family were horrible, with the oldest being the worst. The things that he did to torment her, and the things that he attempted, could have left her a mess, but she got away and made a good life for herself. She has been in love with Denver since shortly after she met him, but believing that he didn't like her tried to leave him alone. She was ecstatic when they finally got together, and really bummed when she got sick. Her independence takes a hit when he insists on taking care of her. When she finds out that her "brothers" are looking for her, she is terrified, and not just for herself. She's certain that they will find a way to hurt anyone she cares for and tries to keep Denver from getting involved.This brings the main conflict between Denver and Cherry to the forefront. Neither of them is good at trusting other people, and opening up to each other is a hard thing to do. Denver continues to insist on Cherry telling him everything, and eventually she does, but she's not happy about it. She's sure that when he knows everything, Denver won't want anything more to do with her. I loved seeing him prove her wrong. He is there to protect her, but he also shows his respect for her by actually listening to what she wants to do about the men after her. Denver has things in his past that he has no intention of telling her, in spite of his insistence on honesty from her. But when a piece of his past shows up, he discovers he's willing to share with her after all. I loved the confrontation at the gym that showed how Cherry had his back and how that changed his feelings. Cherry's love for Denver is strong, but she doesn't know if his care of her is because of his protective nature or if he really does have feelings for her. Until she knows, she's reluctant to speak about her own feelings. When Denver figures his out, he's wary of saying anything until he has a better idea of how she really feels about him. I loved their confessions because of how they came about.The suspense of the story, with the three guys who were after Cherry was really good. I loved seeing how Denver's support made her stronger and better able to deal with them. The parts that dealt with them showed just how horrible they were and what Cherry was up against. Her reluctance to have anyone else get involved was overcome by Denver's insistence on helping. And because Cherry was considered to be part of the fight "family", the rest of the guys also got involved, including a couple of my favorite cops from the previous series. When the final confrontation came, I loved the way that Cherry stood up to him, giving Denver time to arrive. The takedown was awesome and Denver's actions were totally believable given his feelings for Cherry.I loved the scene at Cannon's wedding, as each of the fighters and their ladies get some attention. I really enjoyed seeing how Denver is now so confident in Cherry's love that he can handle her dancing with others. I really liked the bit at the end, with Merissa asking Armie to dance. The last chapter of the wedding told from Cannon's point of view, and his realization of their feelings for each other was great. It makes me even more anxious to read their story.One of my favorite things about this series is the relationships among the various fighters. I love the way they tease each other. They are also always there for each other, whether it's filling in at the gym, moral support at a fight event, or backup when there's trouble. I also like the way these guys give back to the community with programs for kids, teens and adults, and neighborhood patrols to help keep trouble away. It shows what big hearts they have underneath those tough guy exteriors.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the second novel in the Ultimate series. This time it is the romance between Denver Lewis and Cherry Payton. Though they are part of the same circle of friends, Denver has been successful at avoiding Cherry. He thinks she is just a flirt and he wants a woman who wants only him. But when danger comes after Cherry in the person of the three foster brothers she ran from when she was seventeen, all of Denver's protective instincts rise up and he is determined to protect her.Cherry has rebuilt her life since running away and now is a cheerful and confident woman who is really in love with Denver. When trouble comes, she is just as eager to protect Denver as he is to protect her. The love scenes are spicy and the tension palpable in this fast-paced romantic suspense title. I liked Cherry very much. Denver was less likeable for me. He read as much older than he was with his chauvinism. I was surprised when I did the math to find out that he was only 26. I would have thought he was in his mid-forties. His penchant for calling Cherry "Girl" seemed odd for someone who was only three years older. Once I got over Denver's quirks, I really enjoyed the story. I also liked seeing characters I knew from earlier books by the author. I look forward to reading more about this group of friends and watching these tough, masculine fighters find their loves.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Denver, an MMA fighter who is doing rather well for himself, is greatly attracted to Cherry, one of the women in his group’s inner circle, but refuses to make any overtures. A relationship isn’t for him. The entire group is out of town after watching Armie fight and when Cherry is being bothered by a guy who isn’t taking Cherry’s rebuffs seriously, he walks her back to her hotel. Cherry has known she’s in love with Denver since first meeting him and wants him in her arms, fearing to believe what it could mean when he finally makes a move. Definitely an alpha male, Denver can sound rather condescending, which Cherry objects to often. But he’s also loving, protective and wants to handle her problems, which comes in the form of foster brothers who had made her life hell years ago, and these scary guys want something from her. Cherry is very independent and doesn’t want to involve others into her problems. The story has a great deal of angst both on the relationship front as well as the threat from her past.Sex happens surprisingly early; very detailed. Most of the other many sex scenes start off detailed and fade to black.I enjoy the way the author incorporates others that we’ve already met in her stories and even sets up future couples that apparently will have their own stories. These characters are all very likeable.Every couple seems to have the same situation; the woman knows she’s in love with the guy who does his best to stay clear of the woman who holds his interest for more than sex. And everyone can see the guy’s feelings long before the guy recognizes it himself. That’s an aspect of these books that I wished would get shaken up somewhat.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Denver has admire Cherry from afar since the day they set eyes on each other, but her friendly way with the other SBC fighters and his relationship with his cheating stepmom has him less than anxious to begin a romance with a woman that reminds him of her. Thankfully, a long night of ogling the woman dance with other man and her latest attempt to approach him has lowered his defenses and seduced him into thinking perhaps he should get to know her (body) a bit before being so hasty to dismiss her.The man is slightly sexist, but it’s hard to fault him for it, because he is just so damn adorable in his over-protection of her and he does appreciate an independent and strong woman – he just feels he should treat her like a gentleman, protect her from danger, and care for her when she’s ill. It’s hard to not drug his food, lock him in the trunk of my car, carry him to a deserted island and force him to worship me hate a man for that, doncha think? Even if you’re a gal who likes to call the shots, I think you could still find the hunky man as adorable as I did!Outwardly, Cherry appears to be “flirt”, but anybody in her friend group not colored by their own lust for her (aka Denver) could see the woman only has eyes for Denver. Sadly, he could never see it, so she makes up for that by pretending she isn’t hurt by his abrasive behavior. I’m not usually a fan of misinterpretation as plot conflict, but thankfully it wasn’t the main conflict and Foster always makes it work.As the novel progressed both Denver and I start to realize how much torment this woman suffered in her childhood and that Cherry and his stepmom are polar opposites. Personally, I don’t know anybody in real life who has battled such a dysfunctional – and downright brutal – childhood and came out a winner. I only wish Cherry wasn’t fictional so that I could hit her up and ask her how she held it all together and turned out to be so normal!Holding Strong was another beautiful addition to Lori Foster’s book list, even though the ending was a little more flat than I anticipated. It still rocked and I would still recommend Holding Strong to all fans of contemporary romances and to those who enjoy a happily ever after as much as this romance junkie does.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Summary Denver Lewis is a heavy weight fighter and dang good at what he does. But Denver is also very hooked on one special woman…Cherry. He has cared about Cherry for a long while, with her upbeat and bubbly personality, he just can’t resist. Right when Denver and Cherry decide to act on their feelings, Cherry gets ill and when Denver cares for her, instead of having dirty sex….their relationship moves to a whole different level that neither of them could see coming so soon or one that they would embrace so eagerly. But Cherry has a past, a painful one and she has enemies, and they are out to destroy what they have together. Denver, however, isn’t intimidated by them, and is determined to show Cherry his true feelings and no bullies are going to take apart what they have built for each other.Plot and Story Line Holding Strong is the second book in the Ultimate series by Foster and boy am I glad I bought this one months ago….now I wish I hadn’t waited so long in reading it. I just couldn’t put this one down, and like with everything that Foster writes…its a story to remember. Holding Strong, start off with Denver and Cherry trying to figure out what they want in each other—-just sex or a relationship. AT first they just want to have sex…the chemistry between them is vibrant and both of them are eager to pursue it. But right when things are about to get good, Cherry finds herself sick. This is what really made the story a winner for me. Because we see that beneath the lust these two have, there is definitely more going on between them then just physical intimacy…so much more depth is about to be revealed. I just couldn’t get enough of the way that Denver treats Cherry when he figures out she is sick. So sweet and caring, and that made me love this alpha male even more. Even though he is protective of Cherry when her past becomes revealed, he also works with her and I like how they compromise in various situations.What is also fun about Holding Strong, is seeing more of the Ultimate Fighters play a role inthe story—especially Arnie. Now seriously, Arnie is so fun to read. I loved the tension between Arnie and Rissa. But we also see many of the others as well, and I love them all and how protective they are from Cherry, they treat her as one of their own. There are many other elements I really liked about this story. I loved how there was a added level of danger and suspense and bit of mystery to the story. My heart just went out to Cherry, and all she had to deal with when she was younger. From her personality, you would never see that coming or what she struggles with internally. She is one strong woman, and I admired her even more after reading this one.The Cover Love….Love….LOVE!! Gorgeous and sexy. I really like the pose….the whole process of taking his shirt off…love the muscle and yummy deliciousness!!Overall View Holding Strong is a emotional and sexy romance that will keep you fascinated from page one. Intriguing, mysterious, and passionate.