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Two Week Turnaround
Two Week Turnaround
Two Week Turnaround
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Two Week Turnaround

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About this ebook

1. Replace Your Vices
There isn't a coked–out celebutant in Hollywood that Sofia King can't turn around. That is, until her producer father calls in a crazy huge favor... to turn–around the one guy Sofia never wanted to see again.
2. Reduction of Free Time
Actor–out–of–control Isaac Blue is as insanely sexy–hot as ever. The kind of hot that makes a woman toss both inhibitions and panties. All Sofia needs to do is keep Isaac on the straight and narrow until filming wraps up... which means there's only one way Sofia can keep his attention.
3. One day (night) at a Time
Her plan involves replacing Isaac's vices with raw, no–holding–back sex. With her.
Sofia tells herself she knows that she's in control. That in two weeks, Isaac will be a changed man. And then she tells herself that there's no way she could ever fall for Isaac Blue again...
Release dateApr 1, 2015
Two Week Turnaround

Geneva Lee

Geneva Lee is the new York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Royals Saga. A hopeless romantic, Geneva prefers fantasy to reality, especially fantasies involving powerful, dangerous, and sexy men. When she isn't writing, you can find her devouring a good book while avoiding the laundry. She recently returned to the Midwest with her family after a brief gig in Washington.

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    Book preview

    Two Week Turnaround - Geneva Lee

    Chapter One

    Outside the window the Hollywood Hills stretched across the horizon. Not the glittering lights of Los Angeles, but the wild, arid Santa Monica Mountains with their dusty patchwork beauty. Sofia approved of the view. Growing up in these hills, she had an appreciation for any vantage point that offered respite from the hectic, cutthroat city below, and it was exactly what Georgia Andrews needed to ensure a successful turnaround.

    Checking scenic view off the list on her iPad, she dropped the tablet into the Birkin bag she’d left on Georgia’s bed. The actual room needed some work. Tabloids littered the bedside table along with dirty wineglasses. Between the view outside and the clothes scattered across the floor, it looked like a high-end dorm room. Sofia would definitely have to call in her interior decorator to do a quick flip.

    A couple of solemnly clad men exited the attached en suite and nodded to her as they carried bags of god-knew-what for disposal. Sofia made it a point to handle turnarounds personally, but she always brought in a team of experts to handle the spring-clean after encountering one too many dildos in drawers. It was hard to look someone in the eye when she’d been wrist-deep in their sex toys, especially her male clients.

    But everything was right on schedule with Georgia. The assessment had been a breeze. Like Sofia, Georgia had grown up in LA among the paparazzi and fame hungry. Unlike Sofia, Georgia had fallen victim to the glitz and glam. At twenty-four, she had ten movies to her name and twice as many trips to rehab. She’d gone from a Hollywood darling to a cocktail party punch line in the past three years—and that was where Sofia came in.

    She had taken the actress on less than ten days ago, and in the next four days Georgia’s life and reputation would be completely turned around. All thanks to Sofia.

    Right now while strangers removed all the temptations of her former life, Georgia was getting a head-to-toe spa day at Girgio’s. Not only would her life suddenly be polished, orderly and genuinely glamorous, she would be, too.

    Miss King? Karin poked her head in the bedroom door, chewing on her lip as she waited to be acknowledged. The nervous gesture only drew attention to her assistant’s fresh-faced youth. Karin wasn’t helping herself out with that ponytail either.

    Sofia cocked an eyebrow, shaking her head. "Ms. King, please. I’m not defined by marital status."

    I’m sorry. I forgot again. Her apology was genuine, which betrayed her short time in LA. Sofia had a soft spot for the starry-eyed girls who sent her emails asking about work. Karin, like many others, had been sent her way by a producer friend, because she had all the makings of an excellent assistant—punctuality, work ethic, a submissive personality—and none of the it-factor to be an actress. She wouldn’t last six months. None of them had, which was what made them ideal candidates for the position. They never stuck around long enough to see the potential blackmail material they encountered on a daily basis.

    Still a new assistant twice a year meant coping with the little nuisances.

    You have a phone call, Karin informed her.

    I don’t take phone calls during cleanings, Sofia reminded her in a gentle voice. Please take a message.

    It’s your father, Karin said timidly.

    Put him through, Sofia said, clinging to the last shred of patience she could muster, and next time mention that right off the bat.

    Karin nodded, scurrying back to the makeshift office she’d set up in the kitchen. A few moments later Sofia’s phone buzzed with the incoming call. She slid Accept as she made her way into the bathroom to check on the team’s progress. Hi, Daddy.

    There’s my baby girl. Arnold Maxx was one of the most intimidating men in Hollywood. He’d scared more directors out of the profession than any other producer and was loosely linked to four suicides. A fact which he shrugged off as part of the business. Now he headed up the most profitable film company in the world, Maxximum Studios, but the one thing that could turn him into a giant cuddly teddy bear was his only daughter.

    Sofia smiled at his pet name for her, softening as usual at his affectionate tone. She’d got her attitude from her daddy, although even now while she ran a successful multimillion-dollar enterprise she couldn’t say no to him. After her mother’s death, they’d stuck together in a city known for tearing relationships apart. When she pitched him her crazy business idea, he’d got her foot in the door with the Hollywood elite. She’d taken it from there, building a name for herself as a miracle worker, but she’d always be grateful that he’d believed in her little scheme from the beginning.

    Anything new in your life?

    Working myself to death, she said dryly.

    Same here, he admitted. So does that mean that you’re on a job?

    Yes. It wasn’t like her dad to call in the middle of the day to chitchat. Neither of them had time to waste like that, but it was nice to pretend for a moment.

    Turning, she caught one of the techs watching her in the mirror. She shot him a withering glance, and he turned away quickly. She’d learned a long time ago that it didn’t matter if she wore a bikini or a parka—most guys saw blonde and lost their ability to function in polite society.

    Ms. King? Another tech held up a prescription bottle for her approbation.

    Sofia took it, reading the label before she snapped open the lid. Flush, she mouthed to him.

    I’m calling in a favor, her dad continued.

    I’m free in a couple of days, she said, scanning the contents of the medicine cabinet for any more bottles. Plucking two aspirin bottles from the shelf, she tossed them into the garbage. What twenty-four-year-old popped aspirin? Celebs loved to hide drugs in plain sight.

    No good. I need you now.

    Sofia recognized the firm tone her father usually reserved for contract disputes. The one he used when he was cutting someone’s budget. Daddy, I have four days left on this job, and she’s one of your girls.

    He paused as though considering this. Which one?

    Georgia Andrews.

    That girl is a train wreck. Maxximum has a much bigger problem.

    Sofia could picture his dismissive wave as he spoke, and her eyes narrowed. She’d run from the industry because of men like her father, and while she adored him for reasons largely related to genetics and the lottery of birth, she also knew that when he looked at his actresses he saw a bottom dollar. Georgia’s career was in the toilet, which meant she wasn’t worth his time. I have a responsibility to my client.

    I know, baby girl, he said, quickly shifting his approach. But you can put Georgia up in rehab for a few weeks. My problem can’t wait.

    She’s not a jug of milk, Sofia said. I can’t put her on ice so she doesn’t spoil.

    Look, when was the last time I called you in?

    Sofia hesitated. He had her there. After all these years her father had never actually called her in for a job. Never.

    I need you to handle this. You’re the only one I can trust to turn this situation around, he admitted in an uncharacteristically anxious voice. I’ve got six weeks of on-location shooting sunk into this picture and my star is a time bomb.

    Fine, she said with a sigh. He was right—she owed him this. She’d put Georgia up in Malibu Heights, where she could at least be certain the girl would behave herself, and be back in two weeks to start the process over again. Who will I have the pleasure of fixing this time?

    He paused. So we’re agreed then.

    Daddy? she pressed. He was avoiding her question, which wasn’t a good sign. Who is it?

    You’ve already agreed, he reminded her, and if anyone else could do this I would have brought them in.

    Who is it? she demanded.

    Isaac Blue.

    The name punched her in the gut, and Sofia sucked in a breath so quickly the air whistled over her lips. Dammit, I am the last person you can trust to turnaround Isaac Blue!

    I think you’re wrong about that, baby girl, her dad said. Call it a hunch.

    He had to know that wasn’t true. Just like he’d known not to mention that bastard’s name until he’d got her to agree. He

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