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Improving the Self Dear Universe ... I've Waited Long Enough!: Improving The Self, #3
Improving the Self Dear Universe ... I've Waited Long Enough!: Improving The Self, #3
Improving the Self Dear Universe ... I've Waited Long Enough!: Improving The Self, #3
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Improving the Self Dear Universe ... I've Waited Long Enough!: Improving The Self, #3

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An intriguing philosophical and realistic insight, into the countless reasons as to why our manifestations or dreams, haven't met the light of day.  The trying, understanding, having worked our fingers to the bone, and dealing with the frustrations of having sent out multiple requests, prayers or demands to the Universe, God, or our 'Higher Powers', and still waiting for visible 'progressive' results to eventuate.  It encourages the 'seeker', to question their 'Higher Powers' above, beyond or around, as to why positive wishes or heartfelt desires, are extremely delayed, or not granted.  It also motivates us to analyze certain belief systems or concepts, that we may have, or are following at present, as to their true power in aiding us reaching climatic heights in our lives.  'Dear Universe … I've Waited Long Enough', completes the 'Improving The Self ' trilogy series.

Release dateOct 8, 2018
Improving the Self Dear Universe ... I've Waited Long Enough!: Improving The Self, #3

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    Improving the Self Dear Universe ... I've Waited Long Enough! - Anthony Michael

    Improving the Self

    Dear Universe …. I’ve Waited Long Enough!

    When positivity, faith, belief, patience, action, guarantees and opportunities, yield delayed or minimal results!


    Copyright © 2018 by Anthony Michael

    Published by AMC Publishing

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be used, duplicated, reproduced in part or in hole, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author and publisher, except for brief quotations in a review, or where permitted by law.

    The information contained in this publication is intended to be educational, informative, motivational, philosophical, inspirational and not for diagnosis, cure of any health, treatment or emotional instabilities, nor for the purposes of personal endorsements of products or systems, deliberate product advertising, or guarantees of financial gain.

    Digital ISBN: 978-0-9942771-4-5

    1st edition, September 2018

    AMC Publishing

    Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA 3053

    Gold Coast, QLD, AUSTRALIA 4217

    Table of Contents





    -1- Dear Universe … I’ve Waited Long Enough!

    -2- Dear Universe … I’m waiting for an answer!

    -3- God, The Universe, ‘Your’ Higher Power, The Jedi Council … they ALL have the right to say ‘NO’!

    -4- ‘Parallel Universes’ - your ‘other’ existences

    -5- Easing the Frustration: Work Hard For ‘The Passion’, then The Reward

    -6- Compiling a ‘realistic’ Ask and Ye Shall, or Shall not Receive checklist. The ‘2 -5 -10+ Contingency’ plan

    -7- Expectations: Hollywood Vs Reality

    -8- Abundance galore for everyone! So, where’s our share?

    -9- The Past does count!

    -10- The ‘Law of Attraction’ minus the wonderful Oprah, Ellen, and the New York Times Best Seller list

    -11- So, what went wrong? Who’s to blame?

    -12- Good luck tools, manifestations, practices, expert advice

    -13- Still on First base?

    -14- How much suffering, patience, persistence, loss and humility does it take?

    -15- Success stories Vs Continual challenging stories, fabrication, truth, purpose in life, and destiny

    -16- Misinterpreting, or misunderstanding the ‘Journey of Life’ & Option availability

    -17- Personal Satisfaction, happiness, achievement, and being reckless & crazy!

    -18- Challenging the unjust ‘Universe’, God’s, or a ‘Higher Power’s’ decision

    -19- So, what next?

    -20- Author’s spiel - a summary

    -21- And then some …


    The Author - Bio

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    The Music of ‘Tranz Mystique’

    The Music of Anthony Michael


    Please allow me to take the opportunity to thank you for purchasing this publication. It is most reassuring to know, being a passionate part-time author and ‘modern-day’ full-time thinker or realist; an everyday run of the mill human being - to know that others out there, are curious about the truths, mysteries, and ‘hypes’, that surrounds the ‘Personal Growth’ industry, and one’s existence.

    The connection is especially made when one is ready, or has commenced their own personal journey towards personal growth, or life progression; most of us are keen to climb up that food chain. Where one is working to establish a new and improved self, attain some kind of peace or nirvana, with the hope of eventually being rewarded with one’s own personal jackpot – an ultimate goal or dream achievement. For some, it may be a continuous pursuit of dreams.

    Many, fall too easily for the hypes that pop out of the woodworks guaranteeing magical like powers, and ancient secrets of achieving greatness, in whatever one desire’s - in a very short period of time. I’m sure some new or re-hashed ‘you can have it all’ phenomenon, is on its way any moment now - we're due for one! ‘The Law of Attraction’, I think, has been overly exhausted and exposed; how much more could the next ‘guru’ or whatever, spiel about this so-called phenomenon?

    Authors, authorities, psychologists, personal growth gurus, call them what you will - will achieve the greatest sales and ranking on the ‘New York Times’ best seller list, based on the enthusiasm of what humans want to believe – that anything is possible. It’s what we want to hear when life gets us down.

    The ‘creator’ of such a ‘new’ most likely re-hashed hype, usually banks on the curious, deeply frustrated, easily enlightened nothing to lose persona, desperate for answers and magical solutions - for their next seven to eight figure paycheck. They’re probably already looking at that penthouse suite or 30-room/25-bathroom mansion that Jay Z and Beyonce is about to place on the market (so my sarcastic crystal ball predicts).

    I appreciate, respect and accept with no bias (as I am no expert, judge nor jury), that the world is filled with a diverse array of people and beliefs. Interpretation on what, or who’s running the ‘whole’ show (the ‘Grand Puppet Master’), is totally a personal and individual one. As for yours truly, ‘God’ is my chosen Creator, and ‘The Universe’. The Angels are my protectors and the poor supernatural guardians or ‘watchers’, that have to put up with my chemical imbalances from day to day!

    You may be on the same belief level as yours truly, or appoint some other ‘Higher Power’, that you associate as being the almighty creator or ‘Universe’ … or none at all. Regardless of your beliefs or rationale, believing that some powerful force is running the show down here on Earth and out there in the Universe (apart from powerful mortals with an agenda), should be evident. The phenomenon of ‘life’, cannot just be us humans popping up out of nowhere, multiplied via a ‘seed’, and living a 24/7 soap opera, ‘till death. There has to be ‘more’ to life; hence why we are seeking for either logical, or illogical explanations or answers.

    Sometimes our goals and dreams, may seem ludicrous to our immediate family, friends, work colleagues, or the general public pre-launch - hence the secrecy that some of us may impose on our dreams or ambitions from others. Most of us however, usually either shyly or humbly disclose our dreams to others, say a ‘select’ few, or brag about it to everyone we come into contact with. If fame and fortune is to found and granted as a result of continual belief and pursuit, well then, it's kudos to the stubborn and persistent dreamers! We would definitely like to follow suit!

    The naysayers, may just view the dreamers as being crazy and unrealistic - and so be it. If one falls short, well, then one will receive an earful of everyone’s two cents worth, or the infamous ‘I told you so’ speech. I’m sure they mean well ... sometimes.

    The subject of life improvement or personal growth, has been so hyped up and varied with an array of beliefs, theories, equations, thoughts, philosophies, advice, statistics, and minimal evidence, that it’s hard to decide which one to believe in or follow and if so, which one is truly effective. ‘Celebrities’, are the best and most notable evidence of ‘dreams coming true’, but how about Mr. and Mrs. Non-Celebrity? Did they have a particular ‘belief system’, that they followed or adhered to? Thoughts in this book is primarily about having already undertaken a belief system/s, that thus far, has proven ineffective. Secondly, the ‘why/s’, as to the reasoning behind such dull, uninspiring outcomes. Is it truthfully a ‘hit and miss’ system, fluke, 1000 – 1, or luck of the Irish phenomenon?

    As for the success stories, we’re not talking about those that may have been payed to ‘endorse’ someone’s belief or ‘success’ system either. We need to know whether success can be achieved by anyone just emitting ‘positive’ vibes, wishes and frequencies towards the Universe, and also be exposed to those that have fallen short on their passions, ambitions, or dreams – one, twice, or multiple times. We may also be enlightened as to the rationale of why, it may be easy for some, but a difficult or a long struggle, for others.

    I don't know everything about everything, so my glass is always a quarter full. I assume that my writings and philosophical thoughts are the ‘quarter’ full section of my glass; I have three quarters that can be filled with further opinions, knowledge, wisdom, education, facts, thoughts, speculations, conversations and advice. I can even accept criticism; if it’s honest and helpful.

    We've already been given the opportunity and good fortune of existing on this planet, so that's already a fabulous ‘positive’ start! I’m talking about the ‘opportunity’ to make the most of it - not necessarily being grateful for the ‘state of affairs’ of the modern world, that’s being destroyed by mere selfish, over-confident, self-righteous and narcissistic people in power. Nature, the Earth, and being alive, is sometimes all we need to be grateful for. The internet? Hmmm … sure!

    We, are just humble pawns in the whole scheme of things on Earth, run by politicians, banks, faceless influential powermongers and lawmakers, but our Higher Powers, the immortal one’s, can assist us in our ‘true purpose’, and destiny; if we adapt to being ‘open minded’, and reduce our need to be ‘totally’ in control of our lives. Letting unseen powerful entities somewhere in space, in the Heavens, or breathing down our necks, take some control to allow a little ‘magic’ into the mix, may be required for complete execution of a dream to manifest.

    I cannot speak from personal experience for those that are super successful, nor for those that are struggling, as I believe I am ‘in-between’ at present, but I always hope things may get better as time goes by for ‘everyone’, that deserves it. It can potentially get better, and we may have to stubbornly and impolitely, ‘demand’ personal success from our Higher Powers, in order to achieve it!


    Dear Universe … I’ve Waited Long Enough!

    Where's Your 'Pot of Gold? … and many thoughts and babble in between

    (Easing the Blow of Not Getting What You Want)

    Yes, you guessed it - I've repeated the 'Title' of this book, and added a sub heading that's hopefully summed up what this publication will be about. That is, just in case you were wondering what 'I', 'You', or anyone else in existence - may actually be waiting for from the Universe!

    The 'Big Kahuna', our prayers or requests answered, our 'Pot of Gold', and finally, our 'Dreams' attained! The 'I've Waited Long Enough' statement, is making it clear that a period of some substantial length, has gone by, and that some form of request or message, has been transmitted at some early stage.

    If you're whining about not finding your perfect soul mate after a few weeks, then I'd advise you to cease reading any further until many months or even years, go by first. What we'll be trying to decipher here in a realistic, mature, analytical and ‘get real’ style of thinking, is the 'why' we're not reaping the results we so desire and especially, why is it taking so long. Things may take a long time!

    That may sort of place your mind at some ease. I do stress though, all my publication's contents, philosophies, advice and facts, assume that 'you too', are working your butts off, and waiting for some reward!

    Any examples I've used of people/celebrities becoming successful and achieving their dreams, are 'actual' real people who have worked their butts off, and suffered along the road to success. You must throw a pebble into the pond first, before expecting a ripple. That is, not only do you have to have an idea, a clear thought, a goal, a plan of attack, and the physical and mental stamina to ignite a dream, but you must be at it for months, years, or even decades! You must 'earn' your dream, is what I'm trying to say.

    Just a little insight regarding what you’re about to get yourself into! If you’re open minded, a realist, about to start, or have travelled quite a distance into your personal journey, then read on! If you still have hope, fight, determination, are slightly stubborn and rebellious, and not a sucker for over deliberate patronization, read on!

    If you do not possess the need to assimilate unrealistic ‘hype’ or ‘fairy talk’ (I mean BS), then read on! If your future goals, dreams and passions are what makes life worth living, and ejects you out of bed each morning and deters you from sleeping at night, then read on! If you’ve struggled through personal journey, found your mountain too steep to climb - slippery, cold, or not much light in the distance, suffered a few falls, and almost willing to turn around and quit, then read on!

    Do we need more convincing? Sure! If you’ve believed or followed a system, a concept, an expert, authority, mentor or life improvement coach’s methodologies into attaining your dreams, and yielded minimal results, then read on! If you’ve studied and practiced a guaranteed life changing phenomenon, invested time and money into certain courses, projects or towards your personal dreams, with little or no results, then read on! If you’re prepared to realize that your pursuit may be intended for other individuals, and your calling has not been identified as yet, then read on! We could go on forever I guess, and I'm starting to sound like an 'infomercial', or some super-duper life coach!

    You’re ready to be enlightened by the fact that you haven’t ‘failed’ in your goals or ambitions if expectations or results have hit a sour note, but may instead need to understand or be reassured, that more time may be needed to reassess, where your ‘true’ life purpose may actually lie. You may need to forward your energies and efforts towards a new direction, or undertake a new journey. Perhaps you're on the right track - just a few more weeks, months, or by the end of the year, when a breakthrough may occur.

    No one can tell you exactly when - it's an exciting prospect or uncertainly that will happen, when it's the right time. Perhaps you're just missing a simple element to the 'success' equation, or just in need of finding 'the one', that will grant your dreams, the final seal of approval! If you’re prepared to assimilate such revelations, then keep reading on!

    I’d like to think that what you’re about to read, is the raw cake, before the cream, icing and sprinkles go on it. A wake-up call to what ‘reality’ really is, and what may really be happening 'in the stars'. It's not always going to be smooth sailing, and there will be periods of frustrations and hardships - even if you think it's time for life to give you a break. Human existence is where the good guys don’t always come out on top, or the hero doesn't necessarily save the world - there's always casualties. A world where one has to continuously physically and mentally engage in proactive behavior and action, in order to achieve one’s dreams. A world where ‘fairy tale’ like magical powers, usually exist on the ‘big screen’, T.V. or ‘hyped’ up publications or systems - not in real life.

    Opportunities come and go. We've all been there at some stage and sometimes, they present themselves and vanish in a blink of an eye. Phases in life go up, and they go down - a continuous cycle, and for some, they may balance in the one direction. The ‘Tao’ of the world and life, must run its course. Compromise is mandatory, and Yin and Yang must be maintained, or co-exist.

    To understand that life was not meant to be easy, is challenging in itself, like we have to convince ourselves that it's no fallacy, or that we can manipulate it to suit our wishes when we so desire. It will be full of obstacles, sacrifice, suffering, tests, trials and tribulations, but it will build character and identity, and create purpose and eventual success.

    Life can be fun and full of surprises at times. That's why each morning is like buying a scratch ticket - you never know when you'll strike it lucky. As for the answer to the whereabouts of our ‘Pot of Gold’, hopefully you’ll figure that one out at book’s end (I’ll help you a little)!

    I’d like to inform my dear readers, that I’m not here to sell you a new concept, or magical phenomena that will change your life forever. You’ll determine that at the end of your reading experience. It may hopefully motivate, inspire or more likely, re-adjust your attitude or perception, towards life. It may help you perceive the world and life in either a more open frame of mind, or ease the tension and frustrations of massive expectations.

    That in itself, and buying yourself more time to achieve some form of life satisfaction or success, will reduce personal stress, and promote a healthier way of living. You'll enjoy life heaps more if you're allowing yourself more time to get to your destination, if the roads are under construction. In other words, be patient, and realize sometimes you cannot force the issue - just 'Let It Be', as the Beatles once serenaded.

    Readers or seekers, as I like to call any individual looking for common and down to earth enlightenment or answers, may have already experienced the ‘hype’ over the years, that’s available out there. I was certainly one of them. Those that may have read my previous two publications ‘Improving the Self - What Should You Believe?’ and 'Improving the Self - What's Really Going On?", may have ‘awoken’ from a semi state of hypnosis! I did when I was writing it.

    Reading, following or believing in a system of belief, religion, or life enhancement concept, can be hypnotizing if you're willing to be devoted to it. By that I mean, convinced by a concept or system of its effectiveness to produce positive or miraculous results as almost guaranteed by the creator or author. The continuous belief or use of it, although attainment of goals or dreams seem blurry or under par, is the hypnotizing effect it can have.

    It's simply a ‘placebo’ effect. Brilliant marketing, hype, and the power of the mind and what we perceive and want to believe, is a form of ‘hypnosis’, that’s placed upon the more vulnerable or desperate human individual, although such an individual, may not realize it for quite some time.

    So, what happens once we do ‘snap out of it’ - that is that 'state of hypnosis' that has captured our minds into believing in false or unrealistic hope? Usually the Q&A’s, may follow. Law suits are not unusual either - when evidence of 'fraud', rises to the surface.

    The questions may outweigh the answers in the beginning but unfortunately, an apprenticeship in life must first be undertaken. One must act mentally and physically in order to fully understand and experience the answers, and not just mentally processing them, or imagining.

    Athletes visualize their success leading up to an Olympics, and are glorified in the weeks leading to the event - plastered in adverts galore. The night before, they may pull a hamstring just getting off the toilet, and that's the end of that quest - for another 4 years! Thanks for the millions in endorsements, sponsorship and superhero type of ads for crappy products - back to rehab! The mind is indeed powerful, but action and what happens physically in reality, may differ and defy our expectations either in a negative, or positive way.

    My 'Improving the Self' series of publications, mainly deals with the first and foremost question of Why haven’t I progressed?. Why am I still on first or second base?. Why have I fallen a few steps behind?. How Do I Move Forward?. What should I believe in?. Where's my reward?. What's truthfully going on?? Hopefully, those questions will be answered by yours truly in layman's terms, or more so, in a friendly chit chat conversation amongst friends (and a few drinks in between). I don't ever want to sound 'clinical', 'clichéd' or 'scripted'.

    I'm not keen on using overused or expected jargon, thoughts or ideas used by psychologists or scholars, spieled from text dating back thousands of years. Things have changed a little since Socrates and Plato, just in case the average Joe Blow hasn't realized it. Concepts may be similar or the same, but execution of such concepts in the modern world, may need to be modified or definitely improved upon.

    I must express that I do have a ‘dry’ sense of humor, perhaps toned down a little during the writing of this particular publication, compared to my previous exposes. At times my humor, thoughts, and opinions, may be interpreted as ‘sarcasm’, or even cruelly negative, offensive, impolite or mean. Perhaps at times, you may relate, connect, or empathize with my writings and thoughts, have a chuckle, or be befuddled or totally unimpressed.

    Those that know me, may be wondering why I've suddenly become a philosopher or life progression author that wants to help others, especially if they're aware I'm still unstable at times, and still pursuing happiness. That just makes it more authentic and honest, in my opinion. Surprisingly, I've probably naturally made room for future publications, once I hit my jackpot - you know, the how to become a success books!

    Like those Food and Beverage reality shows on T.V. (too many to mention), whereby the reputable host screams to management or staff, as becomes the villain. What seems to be the reputable host's insecurities, arrogance, pompousness and display of mistreatment towards the contestants, business owners and staff on display to millions on T.V, ends up being the villain, really trying to help!

    It may seem cruel or barbaric, but horses are continually whipped in a horse race - just in case you forgot about that! Success may require you to receive a bit of whipping, as motivation and to also remember, other people are in the hunt for your ultimate quest too.

    Jack Ma (Alibaba), continuously stresses that there are others out there too, looking for the same opportunity, and better qualified. You need to be aware of the competition, step up and be more, is what he's saying. It may be stated that the Universe has 'abundance' for all, but in reality on Earth, what you seek may be limited! You have to be wicked and cruel at times, to encourage the best out of people - and that may include the 'truths' too.

    No intention to offend, but I do like to throw in a bit of a ‘spark’ to what I say, especially if I’m quite upset over certain issues. Sometimes, I don’t hold back as life and reality, are cruel at times, but compared to the 'Don't Give A F*ck' series of books out there by certain authors (which I love), I'm the Pope!

    Speaking of life and reality, the two go hand in hand. Fairy tales on Earth do exist for many individuals, but not without its fair share of reality. Deception, perception and lack of disclosure, usually sucker the average human being from knowing the truth, about anything, especially those ‘living the dream’.

    From companies offering profits, from shares or a certain scheme, to elite idolized sports figures dominating a particular sport, and religious leaders, religion or concepts, or products. We want to really know what's going on behind the scenes.

    Sometimes, we’ll be shocked with the truths and lies! From one of my heroes, 7-time stripped Tour De France victor Lance Armstrong, to Robin William’s and Avicii's depression and eventual suicide, certain truths will shock the hell out of us. Eventually, the truth does catch up with everyone, at some stage! I'm hoping dear Jim Carrey finds 'balance', or solves his identity crises soon! At least he's still making movies.

    I would also like to emphasize that my style of writing, is very easy to understand. It is direct from the heart, soul and mind, and no degree in linguistics is necessary to understand my grammatical style, use of vocabulary or over intelligent, confusing philosophical jargon, or thoughts.

    I was quite bad in English during my school years (I was mainly bored and lazy), so I haven't set the bar too high! My writings are not an exercise, or submission manuscript for a Masters or Doctorate degree in Psychology or Philosophy either (although it could hold some merit).

    I’ve read savant types of works, and apart from realizing the author’s need to demonstrate their 150+ I.Q. level (or disclose their insecurities), most of what they’ve written, especially if it’s of a psychological or philosophical subject, is just textbook facts and spin. 'Heart and Soul', and a dab of reality and life experience, may be missing from their works.

    From formulas, statistics, sometimes the obvious and concepts from previous icons, sages, founders, experts or authorities - most train of thoughts are usually recycled information. That’s fine, but sometimes people prefer ‘out of the box’ thinking, a little heart and soul, personal experiences, and honest reality.

    Exposing a little ‘vulnerability’, may win more hearts at the end of the day. I tell audiences not to be afraid of screwing up in 'Karaoke', because the common crowd who cannot sing, feel more secure and comfortable. When a Whitney Houston clone or Ole Blue Eyes wannabe gets up there and kicks butt, the crowd may be wowed, but not always supportive - they love a bit of 'vulnerability' and fun to one's performance.

    The professionals, have probably ruined the funsters plans, to sing Karaoke whilst cruising the Mediterranean! I just think of Rocky Balboa’s heart and soul determination at the end of Rocky II, winning over Apollo Creed’s snappy refined technique, fitness, and super confident cockiness. Drago obviously put an end to that cockiness permanently in Rocky IV! In other words, people love a realistic, humble and soulful 'underdog'.

    I am open minded and a realist, and totally aware of ‘free will’, believing that all individuals roaming the Earth, have their preferred beliefs. Some may be perceived as either negative, positive, right or wrong, the ‘true and only’ one, some total fodder, and some may simply choose to believe in none.

    Many of us, may just believe in the ‘self’. For this reason, you may translate or interpret the ‘Universe’, as the actual ‘Universe’ out there - a massive energy field consisting of atoms, planets, gases, moons, stars, meteors, comets, black holes, milky way, alternate worlds, and multiple solar systems.

    You may also interpret the ‘Universe’, as being ‘God’, the Creator of the Universe, and His team of people, the Angelic Realm, and Earth Angels. You may also interpret the ‘Universe’ as surrounding nature or life force, other alternative religious leaders, figures, founders, your chosen ‘Higher power’ or Creator. It could be yourself, your higher conscience, or even Master Yoda if you will!

    * At this stage, I must apologize for referring to 'I', and explaining my methods of writing for some paragraphs. I'm just trying to keep my readers in the loop as to what's going on, or better still, get to know me much better. In between, I sway to and fro towards the subject matter at hand. I think it makes for a more personal, credible read, and hopefully, we may have something in common too! For those that have Book I & II in the series, you know how I roll!

    You may choose to believe in nothing at all, perhaps just fate, karma, co-incidence, Yin and Yang, or the Tao of life. Your chosen ‘Universe’, will somehow be linked to you, and your existence. Your specified requests and demands, and the life that you lead at present, will be a reflection of human action and choices, and the supernatural creators of life and the Universe above, surrounding you, or inside of you. Even if it’s a piece of rock, a picture, a statue, a coin or paper clip, we all need something to believe in, to request to, demand or pray to, consult or talk to, and also to blame!

    Although I mentioned that my previous publications are prequels to this edition of the 'Improving the Self' series, I would like to quickly explain in further detail what it analyzes, and therefore the need for the current title following, will make more sense. In a nutshell, 'Improving the Self - What Should We Believe?', and 'Improving the Self - What's Really Going On?', examines and exposes the systems, beliefs, concepts, hypes, manifestation tools and rituals, that supposedly offer positive guarantees of personal growth, positive change, and getting what you want.

    My opinions are thrown in, to disclose what I think works and what doesn’t, what we could do to improve one’s life and destiny, what the majority may accept as gospel, or what is over or underestimated, along with real life examples. The ‘truth’ and reality of it all, is my prime purpose for initiating such a journey into the writing world. 'Improving the Self - Dear Universe … I’m Still Waiting?', I believe, is the perfect follow up, especially for those that have gone to extraordinary lengths to achieve their goals and dreams.

    This publication is for those that have undertaken one or multiple journeys, already walked hundreds of miles over many years, stayed determined, hopeful and kept on sweating, without finding their rainbow on the other side. I'd love to write a 'Dear Universe … Thank you for the Rewards!' type of book in the future. That would be about attaining our goals or dreams, or moving up the ladder of life, and finally being rewarded for our hard work and determination. Like I've said in the past, the Earth never stops revolving, as too does life never ceases to operate - so too must we keep on the move, but allowing time to 'smell the roses' on a daily basis.

    Whether we're seeing results or not, we have to keep that engine running, and keep driving towards our destination. It's better to imagine that we're almost there, than to axe a pursuit, and have nothing to chase. I know I would never stop working (well … for myself), and so too why many multi-billionaires who don't really need the extra billions to survive, hardly quit either.

    Lao Tzu may have quoted, A journey of a thousand-miles, starts with a single step, but what happens when you’ve nearly approached that milestone? I’m not talking a few months of commencing your journey, or even a year to walk a thousand- miles, and we’re not talking car or ‘flight miles’ either! This is hardcore Kwai Chang Caine of ‘Kung Fu’ walking distance (but not bear feet and kicking a*s along the way ... ouch), but walking for many years, even decades!

    Even if some new thinker, modern-day sage, or spiritualist ‘updated’ the quote to just ‘one hundred miles’, motivating one to ignite that dream that doesn't require the other 900 miles, the main point is the fact that ‘we make a start ... that single step to many steps later’! I hope no one's taking the 'mileage' figure, as in physically walking literally!

    I have made a hardcore 'start' into the direction I would like to end up at, and that's more than some people I know who doubt me, or haven't embarked on their own journey. It also doesn't mean that you have to quit your job, sell all your possessions, and move in with some Amazon tribe to live off the land, and re-connect with mother Earth (although some have taken such a path)!

    It may sound more believable or credible but realistically, it's all proportionate to what you want to achieve in life, and your current status. If you're single, perfect! If you have business interests you want to keep, or a loved one that doesn't want to relocate to the forest, family, or even need a job on the side for steady income, then it won't be as simple as selling shop and moving out. It's bal*sy, but can sometimes backfire and dampen your motivational spark if a rash decision hasn't been thought or planned out properly.


    Dear Universe … I’m waiting for an answer!

    * Universe – can be a representation of either ‘God’, your chosen ‘Higher Power’, the actual ‘Universe’ out beyond, a ‘Force’ of great power that controls your world and destiny, or even ‘Your Greater Consciousness’ or self.

    We've stressed our concerns to the Universe about waiting long enough for something brilliant to happen in our lives. How about the Universe explaining to us why it's taking so long, or why we're receiving luck in sprinkles or installments? Also, why are we still on first base, or circling the same block over and over again? I have been lucky in many a situations during my journey, but I cannot figure out whether that's just benefitting my survival, or whether it's a sign that luck will be with me when I go for the big kill.

    Mundane or everyday miracles are always welcomed, but how 'bout those miracles aiding us when we require them to achieve our dream like pursuits? I can always find work and make money (thus far), therefore have food on the table and a roof over my head. I'm not afraid to work, and will grab any certification or training that is required to continuously work, but that's just an everyday survival skill requirement.

    It's not being lucky or granted a miracle, unless I found a job that paid $80.00 - $100.00 an hour - for a 40-hour working week! I'm not going to think about the taxes for now, but for me personally, that would make for a comfortable living. For others, it may not be that simple, but I'm just trying to make the point that just surviving day to day, isn't pursuing the 'big Kahuna'. There's larger fish we've gotta fry! That's what our journey is all about for now.

    So, we’ve made the start, and surpassed the many miles. The multiplying years have passed, including the dedication, persistence, hard work, patience, and ups and downs that we’ve faced. We’re consistently challenged along our path, hoping to achieve personal greatness, attain goals set, and grasp our ultimate dreams. The result? Well, you may be ‘still waiting’ for that greatness to present itself. That’s the whole purpose of this 350+ pages discussion. We want answers damn it! The ‘where’ is it, and ‘why’ hasn’t it appeared yet questions, and hopefully some enlightening answers, will clarify the possible reasons.

    Grab a copy of the original 'Karate Kid' (sorry Jackie and Will), with the great Mr. Miyagi, and his principles and philosophies in training wimpy Daniel-san, is roughly a representation of how faith, patience, persistence, hard work and belief, works. We must add a little of 'Hollywood BS' also, as the clichéd 'crane kick' used to win the championship, is also used in 'The Matrix'. I wouldn't use a crane kick on a 350 pound plus toughie with a head and neck the size of my torso (if a neck exists under that head)!

    Let’s continue with our example of the 'Karate Kid'. So, let’s say, and this may be a spoiler alert for example’s sake, you ended up maintaining your Sensei’s house, became brilliant at painting houses and fences or polishing cars, and ended up learning no Karate at all? Instead, you end up getting beat up to a pulp, at the tournament? Perhaps your Sensei, was actually just a janitor or maintenance man after all, just kidding around with his expertise, but believable because he was Japanese. He was actually getting expensive makeovers on his house, done for free by a douche bag from Jersey, who had no life. Sucker! I can imagine the Wayan brothers doing a send up of this - if they were around in the 80's before 'In Living Color'.

    Following a belief system, manifesting positivity daily, and working your butt off with little or no results or no bright light at the end of tunnel, is quite frustrating, especially when you’re pepped up, or jacked for success! Daniel-san or the ‘Karate Kid’, may have just wasted time, and perfected the art of home improvements and the classic ‘crane kick’, but many of us, may have exhausted quality life years, faith, hope, belief, sacrifices, guarantees, and finances. It doesn’t get any easier when the hourglass is thinning out from the top!

    * For the record - the ‘Karate Kid’ ending, does prove Mr. Miyagi’s system and philosophies were quite genuine and enlightening. It wasn't a waste of time for Daniel-san, as he was transformed from zero, to hero, and the new You Tube series of the 'Karate Kid', 30 years later or so, portrays him as a successful car dealer.

    As I watch successful

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