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Piece of Life: Back to Hometown pt. 1
Piece of Life: Back to Hometown pt. 1
Piece of Life: Back to Hometown pt. 1
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Piece of Life: Back to Hometown pt. 1

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Anthony walked over and huddled up in front of her who sat on the sofa. He pretended to be ashamed, caressing her calf. He felt her smooth, soft skin. The caress raised up, touching her knee. He felt the hairs there goosebumped. Ida pulled up her negligee slowly, revealing some of her thighs, inviting him to caress her further. The caress slightly raised up, circling, sometimes massaging.

Release dateOct 9, 2018
Piece of Life: Back to Hometown pt. 1

Frank Spreader

Incurable writer. Creator. Extreme reader. Travel fanatic. Introvert. Friendly coffee junkie. Music ninja. Internet nerd. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Thinker.

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    Piece of Life - Frank Spreader


    by Frank Spreader

    Copyright 2018 Frank Spreader

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    A young couple, Indigo and Hillary, with their two children: four-year-old Hallie and six-year-old Rilla, were going on the executive bus on a Christmas holiday trip to Louisiana.

    They almost canceled this trip because Indigo wasn’t allowed to leave before he finished the task that must be completed three days before Christmas. After working overtime for ten consecutive days, the task could be completed, and he was allowed to take time off.

    Hillary herself initially didn’t expect to leave for the holidays this time. Although the bus tickets had been booked a long time before, until the date of departure, Indigo hadn’t been able to leave.

    But suddenly, at twelve noon, he called from the office to get her ready to leave for the Port Authority Bus Terminal. In haste, at two o’clock in the afternoon, delivered by his office car, they managed to get on the bus just in time.

    They had a good trip to Newark, Delaware. But a few miles to the rest stop, there was severe congestion due to an accident. Vehicles must line up. Although the air conditioner on the bus worked pretty well, the jam for hours made all passengers tired and bored.

    It was getting dark. Hallie and Rilla, who had been cheerful all afternoon as they were leaving, were getting tired and sleepy.

    Hillary sat with Hallie, and Indigo with Rilla. They sat in the middle row, two rows from behind.

    When Hillary reclined the seat, the touch of her body provoked his passion. Understandably, two-week overtime made him unable to fulfill the obligation as a husband.

    It was a gloomy atmosphere. The driver had turned off the main cabin lights, leaving only the floor lights on.

    Buttercup, whispered Indigo, I want it.

    Hush, seriously? said Hillary as she changed Rilla’s sleeping position beside Indigo, her father.

    I’m gonna go to the restroom. If the situation turns out possible, I’m giving you a missed call, insisted Indigo.

    Ah, no. It’s risky.

    Take it easy, said Indigo as he got up from the seat and walked to the restroom.

    He assumed the situation turned out possible. This restroom was on the backside. It had a special door. And right now the driver was busy battling the line.

    Well, it’s safe here, he thought after entering the restroom. He soon gave his wife a missed call.

    There was an incoming call on her cell phone. Hillary read the caller’s name. It was Indigo. Holy Mother of God, what should I do? It’s risky, she complained.

    Understandably, she was likely to be submissive and a bit introverted. She was just an ordinary housewife. And her association was also limited to housewives. That said, she was a traditional woman. But she was very obedient to her husband. She realized Indigo had fought for the past two weeks, completing the job, so they could go on vacation. And it must be very heavy and tiring. To some extent, Indigo didn’t have time to have sex.

    After making sure her two children lay asleep, Hillary turned her gaze on the other passengers. All the seats were fully loaded. And all the fifty passengers were trying to sleep. Even the person sitting behind her had been asleep since the dusk. She stepped to the backside, then opened the restroom door.

    It was a cramped restroom. Indigo had to slide his body so that Hillary could enter.

    She was surprised to see Indigo had stripped off his pants, leaving only the briefs and T-shirt.

    He immediately embraced his wife. Buttercup, we’re gonna try something new, he whispered as he kissed her ear.

    It was, indeed, one of her sensitive areas. But the smelly restroom and her worries kept her passion stuck. But as a good wife, her devoted spirit encouraged her to respond well.

    Hillary hugged her husband back. Just follow what he wants, she thought.

    His hand pulled up the hem of her skirt. Indigo stroked her knee, and his hand moved upwards until it touched her panties. Then his hand moved inwards, fingering the gap between her thighs, feeling the warmth of her mound covered in a lacy piece of cloth.

    Hillary spread her thighs to make it easier for his hand to fulfill its duties. Her passion was getting whipped. She pulled his face and crushed his lips. Her tongue danced in his mouth, exploring every inch of it. Hmph…

    Getting a good response from his wife, Indigo was getting excited to feel her groin and give gentle pinches on it. Occasionally, he slipped his finger into the leg opening of her panties, gently rubbing the netherhair sticking out.

    Hillary sighed. Her hand moved down to repay his deeds. She easily put his hand into his briefs and grasped his cock that started squirming. She kept feeling down, stroking and squeezing his balls. His cock was getting hard.

    Getting this kind of treatment, Indigo also repaid her. He slipped his middle finger into her pussy after shifting a piece of cloth that was covering it. His middle finger sneaked in after rubbing her clitoral bulge. He did it over and over again as his palm punched her Venus mound.

    He sucked her lips while rubbing his finger against her pussy. His tongue crept everywhere with ferocity, twisting her tongue. Hmph…

    Hillary jiggled when Indigo did her like this. The more she jiggled, the more Indigo swiped her pussy. She began to bear it no more and responded to it brutally. Her fingers gripped his cock tightly. She rubbed it and tugged it. His cock started throbbing in her grasp. Every time Indigo swiped her pussy, she rubbed it and tugged it furiously.

    Under normal circumstances, Indigo would have laid her wife down to delay his cum. Various ways he would do to slow down the tempo, like giving her oral sex. But it was impossible in this restroom. And inevitably, he was getting pressed for it because Hillary was tugging his cock constantly.

    She tugged his cock hard. Her hand was getting tired. She had to use her left hand to help and her right to wring his balls.

    Indigo was getting helpless. His concentration got lost. The swipes of his hand at her pussy were getting weaker and neglected. And his briefs unknowingly had slipped down.

    Buttercup… Ow… Buttercup… The more he

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