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Hallow Blue Moon
Hallow Blue Moon
Hallow Blue Moon
Ebook44 pages31 minutes

Hallow Blue Moon

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It’s Halloween! Are you scared? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of monsters? Of goblins? Of things that go bump in the night? For Sue, none of those frightened her. What scares Sue more than anything is her feelings towards Teri, her very good friend. Sue is in love with Teri and has been for a very long time but has been too scared to act on her feelings, to tell Teri how she really feels. What’s even scarier is not knowing how Teri will respond once she does tell her. Will Teri be scared of Sue? Will she run away screaming?

If all that wasn’t scary enough for Sue, she had other things to be scared of. Sue is Catholic, with a strict upbringing with no room for lesbians and her parents not knowing she is gay. How will they react when they find out? Then there’s Teri, she’s a Wiccan. Sue and Teri are on the opposite sides of the spectrum with religion, or are they? Sue has heard all her life that Wiccan’s worship Satan. How can she have feelings for a person who worships Satan? Will Sue’s feelings towards Teri be stronger than all her fears put together.

Sue has to take her young nephew trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. When they reached the last house in the neighborhood and they knock on the door, Sue is shocked when Teri answers the door dressed in a see-through Wiccan ceremonial dress. Sue is at a loss for words but Teri is pleasantly surprised to see Sue. Teri tells Sue about the Wiccan ceremony they were going to have later on that night and invites Sue to attend.

Sue was supposed to attend a boring Halloween party with her parents but she doesn’t want to pass up an opportunity to be with Teri so she decides to lie to her parents so she can sneak over and attend the Wiccan ceremony. A few months before, Sue secretly had bought a sexy outfit in the hopes of wearing it for Teri. Tonight, would be that night.

What happens this Halloween night will change Sue forever. On this full moon night, we are going to answer all those scary questions and maybe just a little bit more, especially since there is someone hiding in the background, someone called the Watcher who sees more than they are supposed to.

PublisherSue Teri
Release dateOct 25, 2018
Hallow Blue Moon

Sue Teri

Welcome to my secret desires, where you will be aroused by stories of passionate desires, erotic lust and taboo adventures. I like to provide you with lots of detail and description that I hope will pull you into most enticing, intense, erotic and orgasmic sex scenes. I hope you will find yourself playing with yourself as you experience the characters’ moans and groans of sensual lust in my writings. I beckon you with promise of sexual gratification. Welcome to my World of Secret Desires...

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    Book preview

    Hallow Blue Moon - Sue Teri

    Hallow Blue Moon

    By Sue Teri

    Copyright 2018 Sue Teri

    Smashwords Edition

    Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover Design by Designers_Hub

    Table of Contents

    Author’s Notes


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    About Sue Teri

    Titles by Sue Teri

    Connect with Sue Teri

    Author’s Notes

    This story was written as an adult fantasy and is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCE ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please story your files where they cannot be access by minors.

    The characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen years of age or older.

    It is okay to READ stories about unprotected sex with others outside a monogamous relationship. But it is not okay to HAVE unprotected sex with people other than a trusted partner. 2-million people around the world contract HIV every year. You only have one body per lifetime, so take good care of it!


    Teri and I have several classes together at the local community college as part of our advance placement our senior year in high school. She has been trying to get me to go different places with her for a long time. I like her well enough, I mean heck, and I think I am actually in love with her. I get this silly mushy feeling every time I get around her. She is about as pretty and sexy as they come. She is a few inches taller than I with long slender legs, a slim waist, and enough tits to choke an alligator. I feel a deep burning desire to touch those tits every time I see her. They are perfectly shaped globes of sexuality. I do not know; they may be loaded with silicon or saline, but I would damn sure like

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