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Predestined: Book One
Predestined: Book One
Predestined: Book One
Ebook60 pages54 minutes

Predestined: Book One

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In the wake of her abruptly ended engagement, Kayla has traveled to the beautiful island of Hawaii to be a bridesmaid in her best friend’s wedding. As soon as she arrives on the island, she catches the attention of the best man, a dominant who will stop at nothing to make the prim and proper bridesmaid acquiesce to him. Will Kayla give in to her hidden desires, or will she be able to resist the enigmatic Ryan Harper?

PublisherTeiran Smith
Release dateOct 12, 2018
Predestined: Book One

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    Predestined - Sasha Hart

    Sasha Hart


    Copyright © 2018 Sasha Hart

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including informational storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Sasha Hart except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a book review.

    PREDESTINED is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Part 1

    The Tranquility Resort in Kauai is even more stunning in person than in the brochure. The moment I step out of the taxi, I am greeted by warm, tropical air as the sun kisses my skin. A gentle wind blows, tousling my long brown hair. The intense heat mixed with the scent of ocean and exotic flowers summons the delights of summer. I inhale a deep breath. This is just what I needed.

    Back home in Chicago, not only is it winter, but there is a brutal snow storm bearing down, obliterating everything in its path. I’m lucky I left when I did, otherwise I’d have been stuck there. O’Hare airport canceled all flights not long after mine departed, leaving travelers stranded in a frozen tundra of hell.

    A jovial concierge greets me, Aloha. He places a lei made of carnations around my neck and kisses my cheek. My name is Hans. Welcome to Tranquility Resort, Miss Bauer-Smith.

    I hate the formality of my name. I wish my mother hadn’t insisted on hyphenating it. Please call me Kayla.

    He nods with a smile. Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.

    I flush. I flush anytime a man compliments me.

    I will bring your luggage inside and Valen, he points to the man beside him, will lead you inside to check in.

    The main entrance is grand with large copper doors. Valen opens one of the oversized doors and motions for me to step inside. Again, I am astounded by the splendor. Unlike many five-star resorts I’ve visited, Tranquility has not exaggerated on its beauty or luxuriousness.

    Before I make it to the desk, I hear a squeal. A sound I would recognize anywhere. Chelsea, my best friend, runs my way arms flailing.

    Bestie! she shrieks with a ginormous smile. She nearly chokes me with her hug. I’m so happy you made it.

    Me too.

    I was so worried your flight would be canceled. Her voice oozes relief.

    If I’d left any later, it might have been. I heard the airport canceled all flights an hour after mine departed. It wouldn’t have been an issue if I could have arrived yesterday as originally planned. But due to work obligations I had to come a day later than everyone else.

    I’m so relieved now that you’re here. I feel like I can finally breathe.

    I called you before I boarded. You knew I was on my way.

    Yeah, but still… You’re the only person I even care about being here. Well, with the exception of Aaron, of course. Her blue eyes sparkle as she chuckles.

    You are glowing, Chels. I squeeze her hand. I’ve never seen you so happy.

    I am happy Kay-Kay. But how are you doing? She traces the dark circles beneath my eyes. You look tired. Beautiful and perfectly put together, but tired.

    I am exhausted. I had to work double time to make up for the days I’m taking away from the office.

    I know they’re your parents and all, but they work you to death. I don’t know how you put up with it.

    Until recently, it never bothered me. Being a hard worker comes naturally to me. I inherited it from my parents. They both work a minimum of sixty hours a week. When they’re not working they’re schmoozing prospective clients. But this year their expectations of me have grown exponentially. I can’t remember the last full day off I had.

    I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this vacation, I say. You couldn’t be getting married at a better time.

    Once in my room, Chelsea gives me the rundown of the itinerary for the next two days.

    Everyone, wedding guests included, will be having dinner at Emerson Steak House tonight. Chelsea sits on

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