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The Ice Maiden
The Ice Maiden
The Ice Maiden
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The Ice Maiden

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At night he prowls the streets targeting young women walking home alone. He is addicted to a perverted pleasure. The first victim is found naked lying in a ditch. Why had her body been kept in a deep freeze for so long? Two other girls disappear, discovered many weeks later, murdered and frozen in blocks of ice. Set in Cambridgeshire this is the swinging sixties. Detective Inspector Jack Gilbert is a hard nosed traditional copper with old fashioned principles tasked with hunting down this perverted ice killer. Can he crack the case before another girl is killed and frozen in time? Grab your FREE copy today and discover the answer. THE ICE MAIDEN is an exciting prequel to the first book in the best selling DI Jack Gilbert crime thriller series.

Read ICE MAIDEN and at the end of this short introduction you have the opportunity of downloading THE CHOCOLATE KILLER – for FREE! The first book in the thrilling best selling Detective Inspector Jack Gilbert Series, set in Huntingdon during the sixties. Love is a many splendored thing, except when it becomes depraved. A series of killings lead Jack and his new team on the investigation of a serial killer, who always leaves his victims with the same perverted calling card. Whichever lead they follow becomes a dead end. How do they find him? You always hurt the one you love and the killer is on the prowl looking for someone special; the love of his life. Until he finds her again, women are being killed, to satisfy his sweet insatiable perversion. Jack Gilbert and his team hunt him down. How many women does he have to kill before he finds the one? Chocolate will never taste the same again!

Release dateMay 15, 2018
The Ice Maiden

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    Book preview

    The Ice Maiden - Michael Saunders

    The Ice Maiden


    Michael Saunders


    The Ice Maiden

    Copyright @ 2018 by Michael Saunders

    Published on Amazon 2018

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    SPECIAL OFFER                                                   

    Chapter 1                                                                          

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7 

    Chapter 8

    Fancy another FREE read?

    THE ICE MAIDEN is a prequel, when Detective Inspector Jack Gilbert was based at Peterborough, before the creation of the Mid-Anglia Constabulary and his move to the force’s new HQ at The Manor at Brampton, near Huntingdon.

    If you have a taste for murder then after reading The Ice Maiden, download THE CHOCOLATE KILLER. It’s the first in the DI Jack Gilbert series and for a limited period it is available for FREE!

    It’s yours for FREE!

    Get the first book in the thrilling best selling Detective Inspector Jack Gilbert Series. Simply click the link below

    Love is a many splendored thing - except when it becomes depraved. Jack and his new team are seeking a serial killer who leaves his victims with the same perverted calling card. Whichever lead they follow it becomes a dead end. How do they find him? You always hurt the one you love and the killer is on the prowl looking for someone special; the love of his life. Until he finds her again, women are being killed to satisfy his sweet insatiable perversion. How many women does he have to kill before he finds the special one? THE CHOCOLATE KILLER is the first book in the thrilling best selling Detective Inspector Jack Gilbert Series, but be warned – read it, and chocolate will never taste the same again!      

    Read the ICE MAIDEN and there’s a link at the end of this book allowing you to download for FREE, number one in the Jack Gilbert Series – THE CHOCOLATE KILLER.

    Then again, if you’re impatient and can’t wait, you can get your copy here now.

    Just click on this link to receive your FREE book

    Chapter 1

        What a shit Christmas, he said to himself; little knowing that next year’s Yuletide would be even worse.

        Jack Gilbert gave a deep sigh as he made himself a cup of coffee. He had been up all night and didn’t think he had had one minute’s sleep; his mind was all over the place. He turned on the transistor radio to hear some group called the Beatles, caterwauling some mindless dirge. Bloody pop groups, he complained. They’re all the same; here one minute, gone the next – and they call that music. Irritably he re-tuned the station to the Light Programme where real music could be heard. All alone in the house, he walked into the lounge, put his coffee down on the table and sunk back on the sofa. From somewhere, he knew not where, he suddenly began to cry. Not just a tear, but a full scale blubber. Gradually he got a grip and looked up at the ceiling, roughly wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, wondering why, thinking grown men didn’t cry. This wasn’t him at all. He was a Detective Inspector for God sake, and in his position used to being in control. Now look at him. He shook his head, as if this would drive away the fears and doubts, but never the grief.  He felt so alone and dejected after what had happened. He hadn’t even bothered to cook for himself, which was unusual. He liked his food, but whatever he ate lately seemed to give him heart burn. He slumped back and thought of his wife. Viv was still in hospital, but at least she was being well looked after.

        He took a deep breath and ran a hand over a face rough with stubble. This was not him. He looked at his watch and came to the conclusion it was useless just sitting around moping. Perhaps he should go into work? At least he could lose himself in reports rather than let his mind wallow in grief.

        Fifteen minutes later he was on the A1 up to Peterborough. Turning his blue Austin A55 into the car park of the police station on Bridge Street, he got out and walked across to the main entrance of the Peterborough City Police force. He paused before climbing the four stone steps beneath the traditional blue lamp and took a breath, unsure of how he was supposed to behave.

        Inside, the Desk Sergeant looked up and was about to smile, before he remembered what had happened and became covered with confusion, not sure how he was supposed to react. In the event Jack merely nodded, stretched his hand out and pushed open the swing door into the corridor beyond. Briskly he ran up the stairs to his first floor office, which didn’t do wonders for his breathing. He made a mental note to cut down on the beer, or the making of his middle age paunch would be for keeps. Wiping his face with a hand; a weak attempt to reshape the growing jowls into some semblance of a pleasant disposition, he paused before the main office door to recover his breath and compose himself. He turned the handle and went inside. Morning lads, he mumbled, not making eye contact with the two detective Constables sitting at their desks, and went directly to his office at the end of the room, shutting the door behind him.

        Constable Street raised his eyebrows, a thumb jabbing towards the closed door, before giving a shrug at detective Constable Oakman. He wasn’t due to come in yet, was he?

        Oakman looked at the closed office. No, I thought he was on compassionate leave for another two weeks yet. Mind you, and he looked his colleague in the eye. We could do with his input on this bloody Trayhorn case.

        In the

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