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Walk as Jesus Walked: Volume II: Growing in Christ
Walk as Jesus Walked: Volume II: Growing in Christ
Walk as Jesus Walked: Volume II: Growing in Christ
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Walk as Jesus Walked: Volume II: Growing in Christ

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Volume I of this two-part series focused primarily on the teachings of Jesus and how these teachings impact both the Christian and the unsaved of this world. If you have not already read Volume I it is recommended you do as it will help lay the foundation needed to prepare you for the spiritual growth topics discussed in Volume II. However, the two volumes are not sequential and the Spirit can surely fill in the gaps if you desire to begin with Volume II. Volume II places a focus on the everyday life of the true Christians as defined within the text in this volume. Here the discussion covers many topics to help with one's spiritual growth as they seek to walk with Christ. As with Volume I, the messages in Volume II were derived from separate Hen Soma-One Body Ministries "Word for Today" online postings. Consequently, some portions of these messages may appear to be redundant to you as the reader, but this is only because the original postings took place over a broader span of time than it may take you to read this book. Furthermore, the chapters in this book are not sequential or in series and can be read in any order as each message was derived at separate times from the Spirit of God. As true Christians it is essential for each of us to learn to walk as Jesus walked and therefore messages focus on just that. Once we learn to walk as Jesus walked we will begin to enjoy a life filled with faith, hope, and love. My prayer is the Lord will use these messages to inspire you to live a deeper spiritual life as you grow and learn how to walk as our Lord walked. Moreover, I pray these messages will further equip you as a servant of our Lord to inspire others to walk as He walked. Furthermore, if you are unsure if you are spiritually reborn and possess the gift of eternal life, my prayer is the Spirit will use these messages to plant and water the seeds of faith and bring you to repentance and full surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, I pray these messages will help the Church to unite all around the world in prayer, fellowship, and love. Please take time to pray before and after reading these messages to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you as you spiritually grow in the understanding of the Father's purpose for your life here on earth. "Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked." (1 John 2:6).

Release dateOct 17, 2018
Walk as Jesus Walked: Volume II: Growing in Christ

Dr. Steven J. Bassett

Dr. Steven J. Bassett grew up in New York as one of ten siblings. He graduated high school in 1976 and entered the United States Air Force that same year. It was on June 6, 1982 when he personally met Jesus, was spiritually reborn, and thus baptized into the Body of Christ. Since that day, in spite of his many shortcomings, the Lord continues to guide him along the narrow path to serve the kingdom of heaven as a part of the Body of Christ. He now resides in the USA and is blessed with a beautiful family, wonderful fellowship, and best of all a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ.

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    Book preview

    Walk as Jesus Walked - Dr. Steven J. Bassett

    Walk as Jesus Walked

    Volume II: Growing in Christ

    Copyright 2018 Dr. Steven J. Bassett

    Published by Dr. Steven J. Bassett at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please return to your favorite ebook retailer to discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 - You Are Called to Minister

    Chapter 2 - What Do You Treasure Most?

    Chapter 3 - To Abide in Him is to walk like Him

    Chapter 4 - What Teachings Are You Following?

    Chapter 5 - Satan is Always at Work

    Chapter 6 - Do Not Neglect Fellowship

    Chapter 7 - Understanding Spiritual Concepts

    Chapter 8 - God Can Turn Anything into Good

    Chapter 9 - When Will the Lord Come for You?

    Chapter 10 - What are True Christians?

    Chapter 11 - The Father Provides Us an Advocate

    Chapter 12 - Let Your Light Shine

    Chapter 13 - Lord of the Harvest

    Chapter 14 - The Peace of God

    Chapter 15 - Walk by Faith

    Chapter 16 - The Kingdom of Heaven

    Chapter 17 - Live Spirit-Filled

    Chapter 18 - Doing the Will of the Father

    Chapter 19 - Heed the Teachings from James

    Chapter 20 - How Would You Define Your Ministry?

    Chapter 21 - This Is Why We Are Here


    About Hen Soma-One Body Ministries


    Volume I of this two-part series focused primarily on the teachings of Jesus and how these teachings impact both the Christian and the unsaved of this world. If you have not already read Volume I it is recommended you do as it will help lay the foundation needed to prepare you for the spiritual growth topics discussed in Volume II. However, the two volumes are not sequential and the Spirit can surely fill in the gaps if you desire to begin with Volume II. Volume II places a focus on the everyday life of the true Christians as defined within the text in this volume. Here the discussion covers many topics to help with one's spiritual growth as they seek to walk with Christ. As with Volume I, the messages in Volume II were derived from separate Hen Soma-One Body Ministries Word for Today online postings. Consequently, some portions of these messages may appear to be redundant to you as the reader, but this is only because the original postings took place over a broader span of time than it may take you to read this book. Furthermore, the chapters in this book are not sequential or in series and can be read in any order as each message was derived at separate times from the Spirit of God. As true Christians it is essential for each of us to learn to walk as Jesus walked and therefore messages focus on just that. Once we learn to walk as Jesus walked we will begin to enjoy a life filled with faith, hope, and love. My prayer is the Lord will use these messages to inspire you to live a deeper spiritual life as you grow and learn how to walk as our Lord walked. Moreover, I pray these messages will further equip you as a servant of our Lord to inspire others to walk as He walked. Furthermore, if you are unsure if you are spiritually reborn and possess the gift of eternal life, my prayer is the Spirit will use these messages to plant and water the seeds of faith and bring you to repentance and full surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, I pray these messages will help the Church to unite all around the world in prayer, fellowship, and love. Please take time to pray before and after reading these messages to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you as you spiritually grow in the understanding of the Father's purpose for your life here on earth. Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked. (1 John 2:6). Please feel free to share any comments or questions concerning these messages at Amen!

    Hen Soma Ministries meets each week online to share in koinonia with others who are in Christ and as He wills. These intimate small group meetings offer fellow servants from around the world to share in Spirit-led koinonia. If you are interested in joining with us, please send me an email to so I can connect with you.

    Chapter 1 – You Are Called to Minister

    All true Christians, no matter what your background may be, are called to minister to the needs of others. The true Christian does not have the right to choose who we will or will not minister to. This is exclusively decided upon by our heavenly Father according to His will. Tradition and manmade titles to identify a person have created a false understanding of what it means to be a minister. Many would tell you that a minister is the guy who works at the local church down the street or some special person appointed to be a minister by God.

    The term minister when used as a verb (to describe an action) is defined as one who attends to the needs of someone else. The entire Church (Body of Christ) is called upon to be used to meet the needs of others on earth as we serve as our Lords hands and feet. The who, when, where, why, and how of what we must do each day is up to the Father and is exclusively according to His will. His will may include being asked to help meet the needs of the poor, to comfort others who are in distress, or encourage brothers and sisters in Christ, or the many other countless ways the Father may choose to use us. All we need to do is surrender our lives and let Him take charge to use us as He sees fit and we become His ministers.

    Ill-advisedly, many who are willing to serve can fall into the trap of running out to do things for the Father instead of just letting Him use us for His work. Although this may sound harmless we can make a mess of things really quickly in our eagerness to be helpful. Imagine you are making all the preparations to host a huge cookout for a specific group of people you wish to honor. You then place all of the supplies, food, etc. in your storeroom in preparation for this event. When the time comes for the cookout you gather your servants in the storeroom to tell them about the upcoming festival and what they must do with all of the contents you have placed in the storeroom for this event. When arriving at the storeroom you discover that the servants, being proactive, have already gone out and distributed all of the supplies, etc. to those they thought needed these things.

    You may be pleased that your servants were trying to be helpful, but all of their actions had nothing to do with your plans. It is for this reason we need to sit back and wait upon the Father to instruct us how we should use the resources He provides in our lives. Another trap Christians can and often do fall into is when we become consumed with the demands and pleasures of this life, which in turn end up stealing valuable time the Father could be using us to minister to others. It is extremely important for the Christian to grasp that the only things that are truly 'good' in our lives (in the whole world for that matter) are the things that God has done – not the things that we have done.

    All throughout the world there are many who make the claim to be Christian, read the bible, go to church, and even pray, yet in reality remain spiritually separated from God. These so-called believers do all kinds of 'good' works in the name of the Lord believing their lives are pleasing to God. Regrettably, in the end they will find out that these deeds will amount to nothing of value to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and, in your name, perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matthew 7:21-23).

    As stated, knowing the will of the Father is no mystery to His true servant. It is just simply doing what He asks us to do. Everything that Jesus did in His ministry was aligned with the will of the Father. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of Him who sent Me. (John 6:38). Therefore, Christians must live their lives to do the will of

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