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Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises
Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises
Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises
Ebook268 pages3 hours

Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises

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About this ebook

Do thoughts of the last days fill you with fear?
Are you in denial about the present worldwide unrest?
Are you looking for a place of peace and safety in these End Times?
The high level of hostility, extreme hatred, and unprecedented violence worldwide today is unlike any other time in history. Many respond with fear, others with denial, still others seek to escape to safety.
•Are we living in the Last Days as prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago?
•Who can escape the great and terrible Day of the Lord?
•Will the volatility we face with unpredictable world leaders and the escalating levels toward wars build up to World War III? Is this setting the stage for Armageddon described in the Bible?

The Bible speaks of a great End-Time Harvest of souls. The Church must be prepared to receive and disciple the many people who are awakening to the truth of Jesus. What will the Harvest be like and how can we get ready?
Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Time Promises explores the answers to these questions and more. There is hope, there is safety, and there is escape. It’s not in cowering or hiding, but in knowing and embracing the truth, and joining the army of God whose victory is assured.

This is book Four in the Faith to Live By series.

Release dateOct 14, 2018
Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises

Pamela Christian

NEWS FLASH: Book 5 in the multi award-winning Faith to Live By series, "Prepare for the Harvest! God's Challenge to the Church Today releases 4-15-2020! Watch for special celebration.For over twenty-five years Pamela Christian, has been helping people in matters of faith. Pam passionately wants people to discover and confidently live in, life-giving truth. Her ministry vocation began serving as Teaching Director for Community Bible Study, (an independent, international, interdenominational, organization). This led to her receiving invitations to speak nationally, followed by work as radio talk-show host in two major markets. In 2015 she added work as television talk-show host on HSBNtv. She is an award-winning author with her "Faith to Live By" book series. Pamela holds a certificate in Christian apologetics from Biola University, an area of study that influences all her work. She is also an international, itinerant minister with an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from the HSBN International Fellowship of Ministries Apostolic Center. She and her husband live in Orange County, CA, with their two married children and families living nearby.

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    Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God's End-Time Promises - Pamela Christian

    What Others Say . . .

    Pamela Christian’s timely book will help people understand what the Bible says about the End Times and how to respond and to walk in peace as the second coming of Jesus draws closer. Her book provides insight in God’s faithfulness and inspiration to raise us up to walk closely with Jesus. Pamela has clearly identified the accelerating darkness in this day along with the scriptural promises to prepare us so we are not caught off guard. There are many practical principles in this book that will equip ministry leaders to strengthen others in the Body of Christ and to prepare believers to boldly stand against the plans of the enemy. Prepare for the Harvest! Confidence in God’s End-Times Promises will help equip those who are anxious about the future.

    —Mike Bickle

    International House of Prayer of Kansas City

    Additional endorsements from Dr, Heidi Baker, Corey Miller Ph.D, and Professor Lee Ann Mancini among others. Click Here.

    Prepare for the Harvest!

    Confidence in God’s End Time Promises

    Book Four in the Faith to Live By series

    Copyright © 2018 Pamela Christian

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles and reviews.

    Additional legal information at back of ebook.



    No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.

    The words of Jesus to His followers as recorded in John 15:15

    I dedicate this book to Jesus, God who took on human form and willingly gave up His mortal life unto death so those He calls friends can be in eternal relationship with Him. This book, and the entire book series, is written to help as many people as possible become friends of God, and enable each of us to enjoy all the benefits of being joint-heirs with Christ Jesus. Amen.





    PART ONE—Understanding the Past

    Chapter One—The Existence of God

    Chapter Two—The Origin and Defeat of Evil

    Chapter Three—The Power of Pentecost

    Chapter Four—God’s Master Plan

    PART TWO—Embracing the Present

    Chapter Five—Understanding the Harvest

    Chapter Six—Separation of Wheat and Tares

    Chapter Seven— Preparation for the Harvest

    Chapter Eight—Signs of the End-Time Harvest

    PART THREE—Expecting the Future

    Chapter Nine—God’s End-Time Promises

    Chapter Ten—The Prepared Church

    Chapter Eleven—The Prepared Saint

    Chapter Twelve—The Signs of the Times

    Chapter Thirteen—The Last Days

    Chapter Fourteen—New Heaven and New Earth


    About the Author

    Additional Endorsements



    I am amazed this book exists. In fact, I’m amazed that I wrote a single book in this series, let alone four at present. I wrote the first book out of a heart of outrage and compassion in response to an article by ABC News revealing the rampant deception among highly influential people. While I was writing it, I sensed there would be more books. After writing the third, I thought the series was complete, until very early August when I began pondering the many misconceptions people have about the End Times.

    The next thing I knew I was writing a fourth book on the topic. Please understand, I have never been drawn to the study of eschatology (theological study of the End Times, which my daughter innocently heard then repeated as exitology—her coined term I love!) I am prophetically called, however, to teach and give instruction—to be a strong asset to the Church, which refers to all believers in Jesus. So, when I learn about doctrine that is inconsistent with the hope and victory available to us through faith in Christ, I am unable to remain silent. I am not a watchdog over the Church. I am a member of the Church who desires to help us all stay focused on truth and live victoriously by faith.

    Unlike my first three books, this book came together in less than thirty days from concept to completion of the original manuscript—and that’s not writing full-time, rather writing about two and one-half days a week. I firmly believe the Holy Spirit was at work through me such as I have not experienced before. First, therefore, I humbly thank the Holy Spirit, in all humility, wanting to be a faithful vessel in God’s plan.

    Eschatology is a field of study that has many people purporting conflicting interpretations of Scripture. With that in mind, I thank those who have helped me shape this book with the purpose of increasing interest and awareness in the topic, without being dogmatic. Thanks belong to all my endorsers and advance reviewers. Your input, correction, and encouragement are most appreciated.

    I also thank Lee Ann Mancini, adjunct professor at South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary and award-winning Christian children’s author. She’s read all four of the books in the series and plans to use the third book, Revive Your Life! Rest for Your Anxious Heart in her college class. She has encouraged me greatly, and her encouragement gave me the confidence to tackle the subject of this book.

    I cannot fail to thank Dan Story, who was (and is) a mentor of mine through his books long before I had the privilege of meeting him. Dan read my original manuscript which was very poorly written. Instead of dismissing me as a writer, he encouraged me with practical input and believed in me as a minister of God’s truth. I have grown and learned so much from Dan, owing success I’ve experienced, in large part, to him.

    Jimmie L. Hancock, retired chaplain, colonel, USAF, who himself is an author, is another individual to be acknowledged. He read the first book in the series, which was released under another publisher with many errors. Having never met me, but in the spirit of God’s love, he wrote me and gently pointed out the errors. By this time, I’d discovered the errors, cancelled the contract with the original publisher and republished the revised book. I sent him a replacement book, expressing gratitude for him wanting my book to be without error. Since, he and his wife and I have become ongoing pen pal friends. He and his wife Catherine have shown me unexpected support for my ministry, which Jimmie continues, even with the recent loss of his beloved wife of over fifty years. I am exceedingly grateful, and in appreciation of their support, I hope to be a blessing to him and the memory of his wife.

    With this book, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working with Inger Logelin as my editor. I have thoroughly enjoyed learning even more from her as she applied her years of education and experience to my text. Beyond her professional abilities, Inger’s dedication to help me best produce the book from my heart to paper, with concern for my readers, created more of a partnership atmosphere, which I greatly appreciate.

    Lisa Knight is the cover designer for all four of the books in the Faith to Live By series. Not only is she talented, she too partners with the author wanting to produce excellent book covers and other marketing materials. Her knowledge of the Christian market, as well as the general market, have helped build my brand and have contributed to the various awards the books have received.

    Last (and Scripture states the last shall be first), I acknowledge my readers and ministry recipients. The work I do—whether through this book series, my television series by the same name, my work in radio, or through speaking and teaching at conferences and retreats—my life’s work is for your benefit. I very much want to be true to my God-given calling to help people discover and live in the same life-giving victorious truth I have been blessed to find. May my ministry in Christ continue to bring benefit to many, with all glory to God.

    (Back to Table of Contents)



    Having been in ministry for over twenty-five years I have seen a lot of trends or movements within Christianity—some for the better, though not all. Wanting to help people discover and live in life-giving truth, especially after learning about the devastating extent of deception vast numbers of people are under, I wrote the first book in this Faith to Live By series: Examine Your Faith! Finding Truth in a World of Lies. Initially, I thought I’d write just the one book. However, while writing it I realized there would be at least three; now here I am writing the fourth in the series because of the great and terrible realities of our time.

    The entire world is in chaos. Every nation, every people group, every community is suffering major upheaval. There is not an aspect of society anywhere that is unaffected. What was right is now wrong, and what was wrong is considered right. It’s overwhelming for those who don’t know these days were prophesied long ago, and therefore to be expected. Even for those who knew these days would come, it is tremendously unsettling. We need to find our moorings and make certain we are securely stationed on truth.

    Many speak of the Billion Soul Harvest they believe is imminent. Others refer to the Great White Harvest, the End-Time Harvest of Souls, and the Latter Rain Revival. Are these referring to the same event of harvesting souls, or are they different events? What situations or circumstances will precede the Last Days? What signs and realities should we watch for to know we’ve entered the time of the Great White Harvest? What must we do to be prepared? What will happen to those who are not prepared? Is the Church ready to disciple a mighty influx of new believers?

    Pentecost, as revealed in the book of Acts, was a tremendous and unique display of God’s power and compassion that marked the beginning of the Last Days. After Jesus’ death, He appeared to His disciples, over a period of forty days speaking about the kingdom of God. Acts 1:4 reads, And while staying with them, he ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father, which he said, ‘you heard from me, for John baptized you with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.’

    While Jesus also appeared to over 500 people, making them witnesses of His resurrected body,1 the number of disciples He instructed to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit was about 120 in number.2 Not fully understanding what they were waiting for, still they remained in a Jerusalem residence, joined together in an upper room. The baptism of the Holy Spirit came with a sound of a mighty rushing wind and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:2–4).

    Because Pentecost is a celebrated Jewish holiday, the city of Jerusalem was filled with Jewish believers from many other nations on this day. The sound of the commotion among the disciples attracted a multitude to seek out the cause. The multitude were bewildered and astonished because each one was hearing them speak in his own language.3 Men from all over the known world heard the disciples speaking in their native language about the works of God. This miraculous event was the beginning of the End Times, according to the Old Testament prophet Joel. This means we have been living in the Last Days for the past nearly 2,020 years.

    Yet, as I observe Christians and the Church at large, I don’t see any evidence of a proper awareness concerning this epic reality. This remind me of the response of people to Noah in his day, who heard the claims of imminent danger but did not believe. As a result, they perished. It is not God’s desire that any should perish. God has gone to great lengths to provide us prophecy in the Scriptures so we can be prepared to overcome in the impending End Times.

    With this book I want to take you through some of the prophecies concerning the End Times in an overview fashion, while exploring the evidence and signs to assist us in reading the times in which we live. I will explore some of the various doctrinal positions on the End Times, and actual historical events that have served as precursors to the Last Days. I will also explore what we can and must do to be prepared for this great and terrible season.

    God has not given us the prophecies for us to respond with fear and dread, although a great number of Christians respond that way. God has given us the prophecies for wisdom and insight so we can be prepared to be workers of the harvest—partners with Jesus in harvesting souls into the kingdom of God.

    If we will listen and heed what God has said, we will find ourselves in His protection, able to escape the judgment that is certain to come upon this earth—upon those who refuse to believe. Let’s not be counted among those; instead let us learn all we can to be prepared for the Great White Harvest that will lead to the glorious return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, which means Anointed One.

    This book is written for those who hope there is a way of escape from the ever-increasing evil all around. Let me reassure you, dear reader, there is a glorious way of escape; there is a tremendous hope and a future for you if you genuinely seek truth. As we see evil, rebellion, lawlessness, chaos, and every form of wickedness increasing, we are seeing the birth pains of the beginning of the end of this world. Scripture, which for Christians includes both the Old and New Testaments, provides us all the prophetic revelations and promises we need to persevere with the victory of Christ (the Anointed One) Jesus.

    The Old Testament refers to the books from Genesis through Malachi and more specifically the Law of Moses which governed God’s people until the New Testament era. The New Testament refers to the period encompassing Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, which fulfilled the Old Testament Law and ushered in God’s grace.

    May this book bring confidence and assurance to your soul, while helping you learn how to respond to the great and terrible days that precede the return of Christ.

    (Back to Table of Contents)




    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    —John 1:1


    Chapter One

    The Existence of God

    God is a spirit being. God has no beginning and He has no end. He is a self-existent, all-powerful, eternal being. This is difficult for us who are finite people to comprehend. Because our physical nature is to be conceived, born, live, then die, we think in terms of beginnings, middles, and endings. However, when we consider God, we must consider Him from His revelation of Himself.

    God cannot be scientifically proven. As I wrote in Revive Your Life! Rest for Your Anxious Heart,

    To prove a matter scientifically requires direct observation and measurement. The scientific method of proof requires theories be verifiable by physical experiment. On that basis, the existence of God, for which evidence cannot be tested, is incompatible with science. However, science [by physical experiment] is not the only method available to determine a matter.

    Philosophical examination, such as conducted by Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher and theologian who was immensely influential during the twelfth century AD, provided five ways to prove the existence of God using the arguments of motion, efficient causes, possibility and necessity, graduation of being, and design. To learn more about his work search Summa Theologica on the Internet.

    Today the argument of design, which points to an intelligent designer, is one of the more popular methods of proving the existence of God. Another way to prove the existence of God is the reality of moral law, which requires a moral law giver.

    Historical evidence is yet another method of proving matters to be true. The Christian Bible which records God’s intervention in creation with actual historical events detailed, provides us evidence to not only believe in God’s existence, but learn about His character, will, attributes, and intentions. Archeological findings continue providing physical evidence to this day, proving accounts of historical events as recorded in the Bible.

    The Bible, also referred to as the Word of God, is a collection of writings by men, penned under the spiritual influence of God. These sixty-six books are collectively referred to as the Bible or Scriptures. The written Word of God is the primary and indisputable authority for the Christian faith. It is essential to have a resolved conviction that the Bible is the Word of God, then use the Bible to learn what God says about Himself.

    The entire Bible reveals the existence, character, will, attributes, and intentions of God. Isaiah 40:9–28 is

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