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The Origin of Life: Awaken
The Origin of Life: Awaken
The Origin of Life: Awaken
Ebook94 pages1 hour

The Origin of Life: Awaken

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About this ebook

The Origin of Life is concerned with consciousness and brings intelligence to the theory of evolution showing how super-energy worlds existing beyond the speed of light could have decisively influenced the origin of life on earth, and how our world can be visited by super-energy beings without our being aware of them.

PublisherRobin Beck
Release dateOct 19, 2018
The Origin of Life: Awaken

David Ash

David Ash was born in Kent, England in 1948. One of eight children he was the second son Dr Michael and Joy Doreen Ash. David has been married three times and is father of nine children and grandfather of eleven.David (with Peter Hewitt) is author of The Vortex: Key to Future Science, by Gateway books in 1990. He is also author of The New Science of the Spirit published in 1995 by the College of Psychic Studies in London. In the same year Kima Global Publishing of Cape Town published his book Activation for Ascension. Kima Global Publishing has published all his subsequent titles including: The New Physics of Consciousness and The Role of Evil in Human Evolution in 2007 and The Vortex Theory.David travels the world speaking on the Vortex Theory and the Living Universe. He is also an accomplished musician and singer-song writer. David usually includes his music in his teaching programmes and concludes his workshops with a Sacred Sabai Blessing which is a sung meditation based on a Thai style ceremony.

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    Book preview

    The Origin of Life - David Ash

    The Origin of Life

    David Ash

    With Matthew Newsome & Susan Saillard-Thompson

    The old story has finally reached the end of its telling, and the space is clear for a new story to emerge. This cannot happen while the old story still carries hope.

    Charles Eisenstein

    Published by:

    Kima Books,


    copyright David Ash 20th October 2018

    eISBN 978-87-93886-66-7

    Publisher’s web site

    Author’s web site

    Cover art by Argonaut Design Ltd.

    World rights Kima Global Publishers. With the exception of small passages quoted for review purposes, this edition may not be reproduced, translated, adapted, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or through any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without the permission of the publisher.


    To my family.

    I’d rather be one of the devotees of God than one of the straight, so-called sane or normal people who just don’t understand that man is a spiritual being, that he has a soul.

    George Harrison

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Evolution is not by Chance

    Chapter 2: Life Screams Intelligence

    Chapter 3: The Universe as a Mind

    Chapter 4: Consciousness

    Chapter 5: Understanding Energy

    Chapter 6: Spirituality is not Religion

    Chapter 7: God and Energy

    Chapter 8: Plasma and Life

    Chapter 9: Water and Life

    Chapter 10: Super-Energy

    Chapter 11: DNA Resonance

    Chapter 12: Alternative Medicine

    Chapter 13: Healing


    About the Author

    Other Books by David Ash


    The Origin of Life is concerned with consciousness and brings intelligence to the theory of evolution showing how super-energy worlds existing beyond the speed of light could have decisively influenced the origin of life on earth, and how our world can be visited by super-energy beings without our being aware of them.

    Chapter 1: Evolution Is Not By Chance

    There is a problem with Darwin’s theory of Evolution. The problem lies with the widely held belief that biological life, in particular the cell, appeared by pure blind chance from the random interactions of inorganic matter. That idea is not based on science, it is story that most scientists believe on the basis of their blind faith in materialism.

    The chance hypothesis for the evolution of life on Earth caught hold in 1953 when Stanley Miller passed electrical discharges through a mixture of gases replicating the early atmosphere of the earth. Amino acids were discovered in the consequent mix which led the scientific community to conclude that Miller had discovered how life began. They seized on the idea he had proved that life emerged from lightening discharges which caused the formation of organic molecules from inorganic gases. In line with the predominant materialistic belief amongst scientists, the story that atoms jostled together to form amino acids, which then formed proteins morphed into ‘scientific fact’. Over billions of years, scientists argued, these become organised, by incremental steps, into cells. This all happened by pure blind chance and the rest is ‘evolutionary’ history, so to speak.

    The discovery of amino acids in meteorites supported this story. If life was seeded by the arrival of organic molecules from space, the possibility that life originated by chance was increased by the vastness of space, against the limits of earth.

    However, the Miller-meteorite-mythology is weak. Science revealed another molecule, called RNA (ribose nucleic acid), as essential to the formation of proteins. RNA is made of small molecules called nucleotides, which are slightly more complex than amino acids.

    In 2009 nucleotides were fabricated from electric discharges in a lab at Manchester University. However, this discovery did not explain how RNA first came to be formed. There is no evidence that RNA can form at random from nucleotides, just as there is no evidence that the appearance of amino acids, in Miller’s experiment could lead to the happenchance appearance of a protein molecule.

    Imagine we were wiped out in some terrible catastrophe and aliens landed on Earth outside a cottage in the Peak District. Unable to explain how it came to be they began to search for clues. One of them found stones on the ground identical to those in the cottage walls and suggested the stones must have arranged themselves into the cottage by chance.

    The alien said that over an enormous period of time the random organization of stones could have happened incrementally, by the action of wind and wild animals. Another alien pointed out that the mortar, holding all the stone together in the cottage walls, was of the same substance as the stones. He wondered how it came to be set precisely between each stone and how they came to be perfectly positioned in the wall, with openings for windows and doors, just by chance. He concluded it was beyond the bounds of probability that both mortar and stones could have been arranged together, into the cottage walls, by luck alone.

    The stones represent amino acids in this story and the mortar, the nucleotides. The random appearance of amino acids and nucleotides, through electrical discharges in gases, is the equivalent of the aliens finding limestone near the cottage. Just as the random appearance of limestone near the cottage does not explain the cottage, so the random formation of amino acid and nucleotide molecules do not explain how these came to be arranged in the protein and RNA molecules, observed in cell biology. The formation of organic molecules, in electric discharge experiments, does not support the belief that they self constructed by chance into complex molecules, in incremental lucky steps, over immense periods of time.

    Protein molecules don’t just self-construct. They consist of anywhere between fifty and several thousand amino acids organised in a very specific order, by a living cell, that enables them to perform specific tasks in the cell.

    On average 200 types of amino acid are incorporated in a protein molecule. In every cell there are many thousands of different types of protein molecule. The chance of just one protein, consisting of 100 amino acids, randomly forming on earth, has been calculated at about one in a hundred thousand trillion.

    The sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule is set by the RNA molecule. RNA is required to form protein but proteins are essential to the formation of RNA, so the proteins and RNA would have had

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