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How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap!) Hashish at Home
How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap!) Hashish at Home
How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap!) Hashish at Home
Ebook50 pages44 minutes

How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap!) Hashish at Home

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About this ebook

It took me years to develop the basic process. Eventually, I figured out a way to make hash that was simple and easy. I'm quite proud of the method as it gives you more hash per pound of shake than any other method. In the end, this method will use absolutely all the THC in your shake. Nothing will be lost and you will eliminate 90% of the vegetable material at the same time. It's also the least expensive method you will come across. Gram per gram, this will give you the cheapest, best hash you can make, right in the comfort of your own home. What are you waiting for?

Release dateOct 22, 2018
How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap!) Hashish at Home

Matt Chatelain

Born in Ottawa, fifty-two years ago, I have been the owner of a used bookstore I opened in Ontario, since 1990. I have been writing since I was ten. Beginning with poetry, I quickly moved on to short stories and non-fiction pieces. I stayed in that format for many years, eventually self-publishing a franchise manual, as well as a variety of booklets. Having semi-retired from the bookstore, I embarked on the project of writing my first serious novel, which I expanded to a four-book series after discovering an incredible mystery hidden within a French author's books. My interests are eclectic. I like Quantum Physics,Cosmology, history, archaeology, science in general, mechanics, free power, recycling and re-use. I'm a good handyman and can usually fix just about anything. I'm good with computers. I love movies, both good and bad, preferring action and war movies. I can draw and paint fairly well but am so obsessed with perspective and light that I cannot think of much else. I am too detail-oriented. I have been around books all my life. In my mid-forties, I decided to focus on writing as my future job. It took me five years to learn the trade. Now I know how fast I can write and how to develop my story and characters. I always wage an internal war to decide if my next story is going to be a mild mystery or a big stake epic. So far the big stakes are winning

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    Book preview

    How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap!) Hashish at Home - Matt Chatelain

    Make your own fantastic (and cheap) Hashish at Home

    Table of Contents



    How Basic Hashish is Made

    How I developed my process

    The Ice-Water Mesh Bag Method

    Simplifying the process

    The Technical method


    Interesting ways to sample your product

    Funny pot stories

    About the Author

    More Books by Matt Chatelain

    How to Make your Own Fantastic (and Cheap) Hashish at Home

    Copyright 2018 by Matt Chatelain

    Smashwords Edition October 2018

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    Smashwords Edition, Licence Notes

    This Ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This Ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase another copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thanks for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Cover design by Matt Chatelain


    Though the process I describe is easy to do, it does require common sense. If you do not follow basic safety rules, purchase the right products, miss some steps, etc, don't be surprised when your final product is not as expected, or perhaps even dangerous. Proceed slowly when doing things for the first time and refer to the instructions if unsure. Don't smoke while working (either tobacco or otherwise). Don't be stupid. You can smoke (all you want) after the job's done. What a reward.

    Important: Making THC concentrates may or may not be illegal in your locality. Please ensure you follow all local and federal laws while making this product.


    I first smoked hash when I was 18. I lived in Pembroke in an apartment (rent paid by my parents), while going to an Algonquin College Forestry Tech course (parents paid for that too). I had this dream of becoming a forest ranger but there were only 12 of those jobs in all of Ontario and, if truth be told, I didn't want any of them. Some guy said he was getting a gram of hash. I'd heard about that stuff and wanted to try it.

    I'd smoked pot once, the year before at some camp, and, though looking at the stars had seemed particularly meaningful, I was never sure if I ever really got high. I offered my friend to go half on the purchase. He took me to his place in his hot rod car, which was very impressive to me. I only had a bicycle and it wasn't even that expensive.

    When we got settled, he pulled out his gram and, using a sharp knife, cut it in half. He asked me how I wanted to smoke it, which baffled me. I hadn't really thought about it and had no idea what to suggest. He came back with a pipe, which he proffered. It looked like he knew what was best so I went with it.

    The next question was how much did I want to smoke? I had no way of judging what was an acceptable quantity, so I said all of it. My friend laughed but seemed agreeable. By then, there were several other guys in the living

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