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The Healer's Kiss: Forced To Serve, #4
The Healer's Kiss: Forced To Serve, #4
The Healer's Kiss: Forced To Serve, #4
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The Healer's Kiss: Forced To Serve, #4

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Mate or not—love will not keep her from following her warrior heart.

Book 4 continues this epic space adventure with a new crew member who craves the chance to get even. Lt. Boca Ador well remembers being tortured, mutilated, and made a sexual slave on the planet of Lotharius. Chiang of Greggor doesn't want her to go back there, but returning to help rescue the High Ambassador's daughter is her choice to make. 

Neither her work as a healer nor her growing attraction to the reluctant Greggor doctor is going to keep her from walking the warrior's path. She doesn't care if the insistent male is her mate and her destiny. Love of any kind will just have to wait until she has her revenge.

Release dateOct 24, 2018
The Healer's Kiss: Forced To Serve, #4

Donna McDonald

Donna McDonald published her first romance novel in March of 2011. Fifty plus novels later, she admits to living her own happily ever after as a full-time author. Her work spans several genres, such as contemporary romance, paranormal, and science fiction. Humor is the most common element in all her writing. Addicted to making readers laugh, she includes a good dose of romantic comedy in every book.

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    The Healer's Kiss - Donna McDonald


    Chiang walked into the Liberator’s main conference room, saw Boca sitting across from Ania, and immediately went to sit in the vacant seat beside the hard to find Sumerian. Glancing around the room, he didn’t see the captain yet. Perhaps he could get to the bottom of his greater concerns before the meeting began.

    Trying to keep their conversation as private as possible, Chiang leaned sideways to whisper his demands. Where were you last night, Boca? And how did you manage to stay one step ahead of where the computer said you were?

    When Boca continued to ignore him, Chiang softened his tone and tried a different approach. I tried to find you to apologize.

    No apology is needed. Nor do I intend to request one, Boca said, staring straight ahead across the table.

    "I realized I behaved poorly yesterday. I interrupted your training with the ensigns, perhaps embarrassed you. At least look at me while I’m groveling," Chiang ordered, his voice rising on the final demand.

    The room went silent in surprise at Chiang’s raised voice. Everyone’s gaze turned to them. Boca lifted her chin, trying not to be mortified by all the attention.

    Your emotional state is not my concern, she declared, hissing the words. Now be at peace and let me do the same.

    Chiang drew in a frustrated breath and swore in his native Greggor tongue as he turned sideways in his seat to face her more fully. Just as he was about to demand a full explanation about why she was avoiding him, the door opened to let in both Captain Synar and Malachi. The daemon came immediately to the empty seat on the other side of him and had the audacity to return his frustrated glare with only a respectful nod. Chiang hated that Malachi so thoroughly enjoyed his conflict with the stubborn Sumerian female.

    Our discussion is not over, Chiang warned in another whisper before facing forward to listen to Synar. He flinched as Boca glanced at him nervously and swallowed hard. What had he said to scare her now?

    Good. No one had conflicts today I see, not that I would have allowed any to prevent this meeting, Synar said. His tone full of sarcasm, but for once he didn’t care what his crew thought of his emotional state. "This discussion is long overdue, and implementing my requests will take some time. So let’s get to the point right away. No one—and I mean no one—is leaving the Liberator on any mission again until new tracking measures have been put into place."

    Captain? I detect some very strong emotion in that order. Are you angry with our performance? Gwen asked.

    "Angry? No, not angry, Commander. Just finally exercising my right to change some things and run the Liberator as I see fit. Synar pressed the com button firmly, looking at the entire group as he spoke. Audio recording requested for this assembly. Grant general access to data. Record and distribute to all participants in the room at this time. Use visual scanning to determine full list."

    Recording on. Visual scan commencing.

    Synar stood so he could walk around the table.

    "We’ve had three high ranking crew members and a guest on the Liberator get captured. Some were taken right off my own ship while everyone watched. I’ve decided changes are required to make sure this never happens again. Up to now, I haven’t been much more than just the person who sets our course and arranges missions, Synar said. You are hereby put on notice that going forward I plan to be the person who makes the rules as well."

    "Again I ask, with all due respect, Captain Synar—what the hell has got your shorts so twisted concerning us?" Gwen demanded.

    Despite your irreverent tone, that is a good question, Commander. For starters, I’m tired of my crew getting abducted, Synar said. We lost a crew member on Lotharius during the last mission there, which will not happen again if I can prevent it. While the ensign’s death was the culmination of our weaknesses, the fact is we’ve spent more time recovering our own crew than rescuing officials for several missions now.

    He turned his full attention to Ania.

    Peace Keeper Looren, I let you talk me into your going with Commander Jet on the Terris Rein mission without Malachi. I convinced myself your Khalsa training would protect you, which it might have if you not been rendered and kept unconscious. My instincts were screaming at the time that it was a mistake though. But did I honor my intuition? No, I did not. I think we both know why—as does every other person in this room.

    Do not blame yourself for what happened to me, Liam. I did not foresee my abduction either, Ania said, trying not to sound defensive. She still did not understand how she had been caught so totally off-guard. And she didn’t need Liam reminding her.

    "My point exactly—neither of us saw it. Dorian was unavailable. Chiang was in denial. And Gwen’s intuition was not fully developed at the time. I knew that, but I still ignored it."

    Liam, recriminations serve no one, Ania said.

    On that we agree, which is why from now on, Malachi will always accompany you, either in your body or as mist. Is that clear, Peace Keeper Looren? This is your captain speaking, not just your mate, Synar said for clarification, pointing to the com. This order is being entered into the official record for my ship. You will obey it or you will never leave the ship again.

    Aye—your command is clear, even if perhaps not practical, Ania conceded, mostly ignoring Liam’s attempt to use his authority.

    Both of them knew she was not an official crew member. Technically, as Malachi’s host, she wasn’t an independent entity at all. She was all but invisible.

    You know it was the daemon they wanted, not me. Malachi’s presence may or may not have made a difference in that particular case, Ania argued.

    It is not a request, Ania, Synar said flatly. Malachi will accompany you on all future missions. End of discussion.

    Ania lifted a hand in surrender when she saw further debate would gain her nothing.

    Synar nodded at her gesture. Good. Now for the next issue.

    He paced down the table and away from the female who was always distracting to him.

    Having crew members abducted is bad enough, but not being able to locate a captured crew member is unacceptable. Boca Ador served as a senior medic at a facility that placed Sumerian agents in covert places. She and I have consulted about some alternatives that would make crew members traceable with a handheld device at the planetary level, even when ID scanners on ships cannot find them. I’ll let her explain how it works.

    When all gazes swung to Boca expectantly, she swallowed against the tightness in her throat and lifted her chin. There is an ink made from the Andrius plant that puts off a distinct and traceable biological signature that a handheld scanner can easily find. Sumerian agents often draw a design in this ink on their bodies, which looks like a normal adornment. When ID chips are scrambled or even removed, the ink allows the agents to be found anyway.

    Gwen laughed. So what are you suggesting, Boca? We’re all supposed to get tattoos using this ink?

    "Tattoos?" Boca repeated, looking instantly at Chiang in confusion.

    Chiang calmly stood and pulled off his doctor’s tunic, turning his back to show Boca the markings on his shoulder. A tattoo is just the Earthling word for this kind of body adornment. Mine is my Greggor family’s marking.

    Boca’s gaze fixed itself initially to the intricate design of the mark on Chiang’s shoulder, but she couldn’t prevent it from following the smooth skin down over the rest of his impressive back.

    When Chiang turned back to face her, his gaze held hers to see if she understood. Awareness happened in a rush and was followed by an arousal so intense it was painful.

    Boca swallowed nervously again. Using all her willpower, she wrenched her gaze from Chiang’s body while he tugged the tunic back on. But the damage was already done.

    Rampant unchecked desire to be with Chiang the Greggor was not unfamiliar to her now, but it was still unwanted. Her knees trembled, and she pressed them tightly together to stop them. If he would have reached for her, she would have crawled into his lap even with everyone watching. Her programming had already started to encode him on her energy. She was tuning herself to him, involuntarily maybe, but it was happening nonetheless.

    Boca had to clear her throat to speak again. Ironically, the gazes of others in the room no longer unnerved her. All she could think of was running her hands over the Greggor’s back and listening to him moan. Her husky voice betrayed her arousal when she finally spoke. She hoped those listening merely thought she was in fear of her own words.

    The design need not be as large as Chiang’s family mark or cover so much area of the body, Boca said, holding up her hand to Gwen and circling her palm. This much is all that is needed. We will concentrate the ink in small designs for maximum effect and to be less noticeable as an adornment.

    Gwen turned and smiled at the incredibly handsome male at her side. Looks like we’re getting tattoos, Zade. Can we get matching ones? I vote for kickass dragons.

    Fictional Earth creatures do not appeal to me. Pick something alluring. Or perhaps symbolic of your beliefs, Dorian ordered softly.

    Gwen laughed at her mate’s order, promptly deciding she would talk her mate into the dragon tattoos later, when they were alone and she could have her way with him until he agreed. So, Synar, I assume you want us all to get these marks? she asked, working hard not to smile.

    "No one is leaving the Liberator again for a mission without a ‘tattoo’ in this ink, Synar agreed, using Gwen’s word for the mark. Not even Malachi."

    When the others looked at him in surprise, Malachi shrugged and smiled. For clarification, what our captain means is that my host body has to have a way to be found as well. I quite agree with him. I would hate to lose my current home.

    I thought you were invincible, Chiang challenged.

    Energetically, that is a profound truth, Doctor. Certainly not much can block me or stop me, but there are metals like Ceruse that seem impervious to my energy. I would explain, but the physics are boring, and likely beyond the ability of most in this room to comprehend, Malachi said.

    Explain it to those of us who can, Chiang challenged.

    There are many more important things to discuss. You will just have to take my word that to protect my host I would as gladly allow the mark applied to this body as I would to Ania Looren’s, Malachi said. He bowed his head to the Greggor, but did allow himself a smirk of satisfaction over Chiang’s irritation.

    Synar looked between the battled males. "Every crew member that leaves the ship will be marked. This is non-negotiable. Pick a design and submit it to Medical by tomorrow. The ink arrives Friday on the supply ship."

    Any other decrees you want to drop on us today? Gwen asked, grinning at her superior, mostly because he was acting more like one than usual.

    "I have two more pieces of general information to share. The first is that a new Lieutenant will be joining us soon. Her expertise is in tracking, which I deliberately sought, since the ship is not equipped with advanced scanning. There will be more about her after she signs her contract to serve on the Liberator. I want to meet her face-to-face before deciding if she is going to be a good fit. She is currently on the crew of the Paladin."

    Synar paused and looked between Chiang and Boca.

    The second and more important issue concerns our upcoming return mission to Lotharius, he said softly. Ensign Ador has asked that Ensign Karr be considered to accompany her on the mission as her owner mate. I am taking her request under advisement.

    There was a moment when Chiang’s angry gaze fell on her that Boca felt a full blown panic attack coming on. She met Ania’s gaze across the table and watched her trainer bow her head, respecting Boca’s recommendation. Ania’s support helped her keep her chin in the air.

    That’s all for now, Synar said, hoping to defuse the situation before his new doctor ended up making a professional fool of himself because he couldn’t control his feelings. He looked at Dorian for support, but his counselor only shook his head. Synar’s gaze swept the table again. The mission will commence near the end of next week. Our team will go in as soon as we get word the second ship is near the rendezvous point.

    As everyone stood to leave, Chiang turned to Boca. It was decided that I am to accompany you as your mate. Why have you asked for this change?

    Boca lifted her chin. "I talked with the captain about the growing complications of our—situation—especially considering your intense reaction to my training. Ensign Karr shows no remorse in his interactions with me."

    That young male is not going with you, Chiang whispered, towering over her as they both stood. I meant what I said, Boca. No one is going to control you. But if you must have a temporary torturer, then by the Creators, it’s going to be me.

    I believe that is a decision for the Captain to make, not you, Boca stated, hiding her trembling hands in the pockets of her Medical smock. Defiance was still very hard for her, but especially with this male. Her desire for him weakened her. Now I must meet Lieutenant Zade for meditation practice. Excuse me, Doctor.

    You can run for now, but this discussion is not over, Chiang told her firmly as she turned to leave.

    Of course not, Boca replied as confidently as she could. Captain Synar hasn’t made his decision yet. Now I really must go.

    Chiang’s hands fisted at his side as he watched Boca flee on the heels of Gwen and Lieutenant Zade. The masculine laugh near his ear had his hot gaze swinging to the male who owned it.

    Watching you and the lovely ensign fight over your mating is nearly as entertaining as seducing her would have been, Malachi commented. She’s a determined female. And I do believe she is quite angry with you.

    Didn’t she tell you about Sumerian females, daemon? Chiang asked, his tone flat and hard. They can’t be seduced.

    Boca lies to protect herself, Malachi said with a grin, slapping Chiang hard on the arm and earning a searing glare. But then, you already know that for a fact, don’t you? You both carry images of each other which are quite stimulating to the rest of the intuitives on this ship.

    Chiang took two cleansing breaths wondering what would happen if he punched the smirking daemon just once, really hard. It probably wouldn’t hurt the foul mist he was, and then he’d also have to hear all the whining about the damage to the host body. Or worse—he might have to fix it.

    As much as I find your anger appeases my irritation that the lovely Boca is not meant for me, I have to ask you to set aside your possessive mate inclinations for the moment, Doctor. I wish to discuss the possibility of serving on your Medical team. Liam—I mean, Captain Synar—has given me permission to ask. To start my service, I could easily apply the tracking marks, even the dragons our adorable Earthling commander is secretly hoping to talk Lieutenant Zade into getting, Malachi said, bowing his head to the still fuming Greggor male. I didn’t mean to look at the images in Gwen’s head either, but she was so excited, I couldn’t resist.

    Sounds great. Having you in Medical will ensure I always know what the Helios you’re doing. I expect you to commit to no mind reading as a condition, and I assure you that I will come up with inventive tortures to incapacitate that beloved host body of yours if you don’t behave yourself under my command, Chiang said.

    Kinky and very appealing since it’s been a while since I was properly punished, as I am sure you are well trained in how to do. But I prefer females to make me suffer, so I must decline your offer of bodily torture, Malachi said. I assume behaving myself also includes stopping all attempts to seduce the delectable Sumerian you consider yours already.

    You start work for me tomorrow, Chiang said roughly, ignoring the comment about Boca being his, choosing to glare his agreement instead. "Your stasis unit is arriving on the Paladin. If Captain Synar agrees, you can fly over with Zade to retrieve the unit, as well as our new Lieutenant. On your return, you can spend the required time setting it up. I’ll connect it to the Medical analysis system afterwards. We’ll do the testing as soon as it is functional."

    As you wish, Doctor, Malachi said, bowing his head again. Thank you for agreeing to my request. You will find me an obedient medic.

    Not bothering to offer respect, Chiang turned abruptly and left, heading out of the conference room door to the nearest com port not in hearing distance. He wanted to know where Boca kept hiding and would enlist the entire Medical staff to help find her if needed, including the cursed daemon who would no doubt enjoy the task.

    The angry Greggor slamming the conference room door made Malachi laugh again. He turned to see Liam and Ania standing, arms crossed, both glaring at him. He couldn’t fight the additional laughter welling up inside at their matching irritation over his argument with Chiang.

    Humor was an odd sensation in a corporeal body, Malachi decided. Normally, he only experienced such things at the mercy of his host’s senses. He was still getting used to feeling his own amusement again after so many years of not doing so. And Conor’s body wasn’t used to feeling mirth, so he was doubly challenged.

    What are you two angry about now? Chiang the Greggor said yes to my offer, he protested. I will serve him well. I gave you both my word and swore by the Creators.

    Malachi couldn’t help laughing more when both his keepers rolled their eyes.


    How long do you think you can avoid him? Dorian asked, turning his back discreetly to the woman before dropping his pants. The mating urge will make him very motivated. He will find you eventually, especially on a ship this size.

    Dorian hung his clothes on nearby empty pegs and lifted his black robe from another, wrapping it around him as he chanted a prayer to cleanse himself from negativity. When he turned to face Boca, he fought the urge to smile at her gaze fixed determinedly on the ceiling of the meditation room.

    Does my nudity offend you, Ensign Ador? That was not my intention. If you had come at your appointed time, I would have been already properly dressed for our session.

    A lack of clothing never bothers anyone trained as a medic, Lieutenant. Your male form is most pleasing. It is just that I am currently in a vulnerable state, and you are an alluring Siren. I appreciate your mate’s continued faith in training me, Boca explained. Also, I fear her agitation should she discover I have seen her mate nude without medical cause.

    My mate and I have had no discussions concerning my nudity. The only helpful advice I can offer is that your vulnerable state to other males can be easily fixed by claiming your own mate, Dorian said, walking to where the diminutive female stood frowning at him now.

    He gazed down at her kindly, noting Boca Ador barely reached his shoulder in height. Like many others who had come into contact with her, Dorian was also concerned about Boca’s continued resistance to a connection that would make her stronger if she would only bond with the Greggor. If her will was not unbreakable in its intent when she returned to Lotharius, her body might not support her survival if captured again. Boca’s mind was far more vulnerable than any other part of her.

    Sumerian females do not claim, Lieutenant. The males of my species do the claiming, Boca explained tightly.

    "Don’t you think it’s time to set aside your self-deceit? Your spirit has chosen a male, and his energy calls to you. And Sumerian females can claim when they choose to do so, Dorian informed her. It was not so many millennia ago that this was done commonly. You were sired into one of the old families of your Sumerian lineage, which means you are quite capable of binding a mate to you. Your lack of honesty is a waste of our time together because you are too distracted by your rebellion to meditate."

    I’m sorry, Lieutenant. I have no wish to waste your time, Boca said stiffly, hurt by his words.

    Let us be honest then about this problem, because do not be mistaken, it is a very real problem for you. Your fear of giving up control to a mate is as great as your physical fear of the very large Greggor you are drawn to. If you cannot conquer these lesser challenges of your life, how can you prepare yourself to face a planet of males who would sexually enslave you again given any opportunity to do so?

    Do you really believe that bonding with Chiang would not be conceding to the same fate for me? Boca demanded, lifting her chin. You know how Sumerians are in mating. We are not that much unlike Sirens, but the difference is that I will be bound to him much more than he will ever be bound to me.

    Bonding is always a risk. Often mating is the largest one a being ever takes, Dorian said. "The mental turmoil of feeling that much compassion rivals any other torment I have known.

    Mating is enslavement, no matter the circumstances. I know you feel nothing when I look at your unclothed form. The Commander holds your full attention. Do you like being bound in all ways to her? What of your own free will? What of your other desires? Boca demanded, feeling herself tremble in anger at her teacher’s lack of understanding.

    Dorian walked around the frightened Sumerian female, studying her projected energy. Boca was so angry after her exchange with Chiang in the conference room that she was shooting spikes out in every direction. Each one was a loss that could be better used to fuel her will to survive. In fact, the Sumerian female was so upset he could barely constrain her from disturbing the energy of his sacred space.

    How interesting that you consider me enslaved to my mate. That’s an odd term to place on what is as much a spiritual connection for me as a physical one. Gwen Jet is my everything. I have but to think of a need and she comes immediately to mind. I suppose some might call Siren devotion a form of enslavement, but I find it quite comforting to be bound to only her, Dorian said. And I appreciate knowing the warrior in her would fight for me, as she has already proven.

    "Yes, but you are a warrior yourself. You do not fear her attempts to rule you," Boca said sharply.

    She was very surprised when he merely laughed at her words. Shame over her defensiveness suffused her face. She immediately regretted showing such disrespect to the male who had volunteered to be her spiritual teacher.

    Again I must point out you are trying hard to deceive yourself. Of course I fear Gwen, Dorian said with a short laugh. Have you not seen her angry? I am not spared from our Commander’s wrath just because I please her in bed. Other males have done that before me and not been spared either—as you well know.

    Boca drew in a stunned breath, clamping down on her frustration, and the jealousy that was always a heartbeat away now since she shared the healing kiss with Chiang. The thought of him with another female was more than just physically painful. It also made her want to sharpen blades and use them on anyone who dared approach him for bonding. Maybe sometimes she thought of Chiang as her property now. Fortunately, she still had no problem pushing those ownership feelings away.

    Why torture me with a reminder of Chiang’s past relationship with your mate?

    Dorian shrugged as he walked back to where he could turn and meet her glare face-on. The Creators, in their wisdom, sent me someone to share my life who will never bow to my will without a fight to exert her own. She keeps me humble, which is an odd sensation for a fully trained Siren of Rylen, especially one from my mother’s house. Sarinnea’s line holds a preferred status in our society, and you could say I am well used to having my way with most creatures.

    Yet you have not bound your mate to you irrevocably, Boca challenged. Sirens are capable of bending a mate’s will.

    Given enough provocation, I could undoubtedly produce pheromones that would bend Gwen’s will to mine and perhaps prevent her from ever speaking harshly to me or anyone else again. I’m not even tempted to do so.

    Dorian stopped and folded his hands in front of him as he listened to Boca sigh.

    I was not implying any insult to her character, Boca said tightly.

    No, of course not. I just wanted to share with you that though I possess a Siren’s ability to alter the responsive nature of my mate, I would never do so. To do anything less than honor her true nature would destroy the very appealing physical side of what we share, as well as dishonor our spiritual connection. It would be like saying ‘no, thank you’ to the Creators for the mate they chose for me.

    "I do not see the point of our discussion concerning your mating. My arrangement with Chiang is of no importance to this mission. Or to you—no disrespect, Lieutenant. I am sure the Creators have much more important things to deal with as well."

    On the contrary, the Creators affect the minutiae of our personal lives for greater purposes. And I think your relationship with Chiang is vastly important to this mission, which is to save someone who has devoted her life to doing the Creators’s work. Dorian lifted his chin to mirror Boca’s expression back to her. Surely your instincts are insisting that you must overcome your fear of Chiang to be successful—even if you are choosing to ignore those guiding forces consciously.

    Would you have me engage Chiang in physical battle to prove my warrior worth to him? Given the inequalities between us physically, I would be foolish to do so. Besides, this is simply not done on my planet. It would be considered impertinent of me to challenge a male I have made even the smallest of mating commitments to, Boca said, defending her actions. Then there is also the concern that Chiang is my superior on the ship.

    The latter is just an excuse, Ensign. My mate remains my superior. That situation will not change until Gwen chooses to amend it. So far, her greater rank on the ship has not been an issue in our personal connection, Dorian said lightly. Perhaps it is helpful that we are both learning to concede control to each other during our private times together.

    Does she routinely give you reasons to fear her, and do so on purpose? Boca demanded, trying to make him understand.

    Dorian bit the inside of his jaw to keep from laughing. Gwen filled him with agitation as often as she filled him with lust. It was not fear she generated, but their natural friction created strong emotions that he had to constrain at times.

    I prefer to think of what I feel for Gwen as frustration rather than fear.

    Well, I feel both for Chiang the Greggor, Boca declared. And he does nothing to lessen either.

    Ensign Ador, your spiritual life will not grow from hiding out in my meditation room paralyzed by inaction. You should be asking yourself why the non-committal Greggor is trying so hard to bind himself to you. Why would the Creators move him to mate with you when it is well known Chiang has made a habit of avoiding all other such commitments? His current celibacy is a trial to his nature, and yet he persists in it for fear you will reject him if he seeks relief from other females. Now I am not saying his ease is your responsibility— Dorian stopped, laughed, and reconsidered. "Well, actually I am saying it’s your responsibility. You can ease each other without a full mating. Sirens are not the only ones who can do this. But you must learn to think more clearly about your situation to see the truth in it."

    Chiang will not stop at partial bonding, Boca choked out. I have sensed it. I cannot take the risk of permanently binding myself to another controlling male. You might as well give the controller back to my Lotharian owner as ask me to even partially mate with Chiang.

    The Greggor will not control you if you don’t let him. No male can unless you go along with it.

    Boca pulled herself up until she was stiff as a board. What do you suggest I do then?

    Come to an agreement between you and insist he honor it, Dorian advised. Then end his celibacy and yours. Give yourselves some physical peace at least. But I warn you that if you are true mates, vibrational sharing will only soothe a short while. You will both need the full physical connection to find a real release from your constant torment.

    What if I cannot bring myself to bond with him at all? Boca asked. I neither want to nor feel it to be critical.

    Then I believe you will fail on this mission. Ensign Karr is not experienced enough to handle himself among Lotharian males who view females as objects they own. Chiang has worn the Xendrin collar. He knows what it is like to be on both sides, Dorian reminded her.

    Boca frowned, mostly because he was right. How can I trust him, Lieutenant? Males say whatever is needed to get what they want. No male has treated me differently.

    If you cannot face the Greggor’s affectionate ownership bravely, you will not succeed in facing the Lotharians’s more sinister ownership again. Fear of conceding to Chiang is merely a mirror of your fear of being an unwilling captive again. And I suspect your fear of Chiang is a reflection of your previous mating as well, Dorian said, holding her gaze. I don’t think Lotharius was the first time you were treated as a sexual slave. What say you to that charge, Ensign?

    My Sumerian mate exercised his rights. My concession was his due. However, I concede Chiang is not Rogan, Boca denied. This I have seen. He is much more considerate in bonding.

    Dorian grinned. Well, at least you have one good thing to say about him. The Greggor fairly sings your praises to whoever will listen. Chiang even bargained with the daemon to stop trying to seduce you.

    I cannot be seduced. Malachi jests with him, Boca said, unconcerned about the daemon’s interest in her.

    You left the meeting in too much of a hurry and missed the big news. Malachi has taken a job under Chiang as a medic, Dorian told her, turning away to keep from laughing as Boca gasped in shock.

    Why would the captain agree to such an arrangement? The daemon cannot be trusted, Boca declared.

    Dorian turned back to her. "Perhaps that is true, but Synar has already sanctioned it. Tomorrow Malachi will travel alone with me to the Paladin. It is a test for Malachi I think."

    "Slaggika," Boca swore.

    "I agree with your sentiment about the daemon, but swearing

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