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The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 7
The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 7
The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 7
Ebook57 pages48 minutes

The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 7

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About this ebook

Join Splot, the Floating Pink Blob as he travels on adventures to fight evil! In this collection, he'll inspect a new café run by correction fluid, search for a hooligan hermit crab who pinched his cake, try out a new restaurant run by an absolutely quackers duck, prove his innocence to a serious business monkey who thinks he's a thief and take part in a treasure hunt challenge run by an astute albino crab. Does the young pink blob have what it takes to battle these foes? Read on to find out!

Release dateOct 26, 2018
The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob: Part 7

David Cathrine

I was born in Edinburgh in 1986. I studied Visual Communication - New Media at Edinburgh’s Telford College and I use the skills and knowledge gained there to help me illustrate some of my books. My other works include “The Year of the Snakes”, “A Fishy Tail”, “Bob Piercem’s Perplexing Quest” and the “Splot, the Floating Pink Blob Short Story Compilations”.

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    The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob - David Cathrine

    The Adventures of Splot, the Floating Pink Blob - Part 7

    By David Cathrine

    Copyright 2018 David Cathrine

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents

    Splot the Floating Pink Blob in – Calcifer's Cunning Café Clash

    Splot the Floating Pink Blob in – Don't Get, Um, Snippy With Me, It's My, Um, Birthday!

    Splot the Floating Pink Blob in - Beavers Gnaw Best

    Splot the Floating Pink Blob in – Monkey See, Monkey Stalk

    Splot, the Floating Pink Blob In - The Crazy Crab-Tastic Caper

    About the Author


    Splot, the Floating Pink Blob in – Calcifer's Cunning Café Clash

    Deep in a forest with tall trees and lush grass, were two odd characters, one looked like a dark blue pen, while the other appeared to be some blue correction fluid with a red cap who seemed rather bored.

    'I'm bored, Percival,' the correction fluid said to the pen.

    'What do you want me to do about it, Calcifer?' the pen, Percival answered the correction fluid.

    'I want to go on holiday,' Calcifer said.

    'Then earn your vacation by yourself,' Percival said. 'I'm too busy to just edit the script for you this time to make it so you can instantly afford it.'

    'Awww....' Calcifer said. 'How do I earn it?'

    'Get money.'

    'What is that?'

    'Stuff you earn that can get you things. You earn it by getting a job.'

    'Okay, now I need to think of ideas. Oh, I know! Farewell, Percival! I'm off to make some money!'

    'Yeah, good luck with that.'

    With that, Calcifer left to begin his journey.


    After several hours of walking past some pretty rough terrain, which had absolutely no effect on our future money-earner, Calcifer, he eventually arrived at the town of Felinburg, where he quickly began to build a lemonade stand.

    'Ahhhh, now this is the life!' Calcifer said as he finished preparing his lemonade stand. 'Now this is how the real money-earners make their money, or so I've heard by listening to kids. Okay, so if I set up the price to make it about 100,000 dropos, as advised, then I'll earn my holiday in no time! Okay, now to wait.'


    Several hours later...

    'Hmmm....' Calcifer said as he looked a little upset. 'Nobody's buying. There have been plenty of people walking by, so what am I doing wrong? I'm sure I followed all the hot tips and tricks! Maybe I should lower the price? No, that would be giving up too easily! Maybe my advertising's not enough. I need a new approach. Hmmm...think, Calcifer, think. Aha!!! I've got it! I could sing about the lemonade! Oh a potential customer's coming. Ahem!

    Lemonade, you are so healthy

    Lemonade, you are divine

    Lemonade, you help make me wealthy

    Lemonade, you help calm me down when I whine

    Pretty good if I do say so myself.'


    The person dropped a few dropos down onto the lemonade stand and carried on walking.

    'Huh, that's strange,' Calcifer mused. 'He gave me a few dropos, but he didn't buy anything. Maybe he liked the song? Well, anyway, I won't get anywhere at this rate. I need a new approach. Wait! Maybe I should ignore the advice of others, and build a café instead! Yeah, let's try that!'

    With that, Calcifer set off to begin his café business.


    A few days later...

    'Well, Calcifer's Crumby Café is now in business!' Calcifer

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