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Underworld, Calypso (book 2): Underworld, #2
Underworld, Calypso (book 2): Underworld, #2
Underworld, Calypso (book 2): Underworld, #2
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Underworld, Calypso (book 2): Underworld, #2

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About this ebook

Evil exists along with the decadence and the unsavory sins of humanity. Beneath the cities, the mountains, seas and oceans, dwells an ancient deity, one that defies all that humanity stands for. Enter a world like no other, Underworld. Experience a series that will titillate your senses and make you crave for more. Suzzana C. Ryan has done a superb job of opening up a world that only she can create. Book two will introduce you to a new evil and will give you more of Calypso, a snake-shifter and power hungry queen. Take the journey and don't miss a book of this series.

Warning: Intended for mature audiences. This series contains hot vampires, werewolves, demons and some nasty sexy shifters. They're evil and fight like creatures from another world. This series contains explicit love scenes, mature language, and some kinky sexual situations. If you're into hot, mischievous, behaving badly and naughty paranormal stories, then buy this series.

Release dateOct 27, 2018
Underworld, Calypso (book 2): Underworld, #2

Suzzana C Ryan

About the Author Suzzana C. Ryan is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She has always wanted to be a writer. She began this journey in 2011, and an indie publisher published her first work, A Vampire for her Birthday. Then she was diagnosed with breast cancer. However, that news never changed her dreams. She wrote even during her darkest days undergoing treatment and surgery. She got lost in her fantasies. Today she is still writing and has conquered her demons and disease. Her advice is never to let go of your dreams. Go for it. She's written over thirty books and will continue to create romance stories that people love to read. Thank you,  Suzzana C Ryan Facebook, Twitter

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    Book preview

    Underworld, Calypso (book 2) - Suzzana C Ryan

    Chapter One


    Calypso hated Edgar’s treatment, like dirt under his boots. The Governess of Tartarus, a city in the Underworld, made up primarily of lost souls, deserved better, and she was sick of his tyranny.

    Crazy, old mother fucker, she hissed as she paced the cold floors of the Underworld. She stopped to catch a glimpse of herself in the ornate floor-length mirror Edgar had gifted her. He knew her vanities and played upon them. Her thoughts shifted to Emmy Harris and her unfortunate demise.

    The bastard let Emmy Harris, her Emmy Harris, a recently created vampire, loose in Agatha's labyrinth. Poor tortured thing. There was no way she could have found her way out of the maze. Even newborn vampires had to be careful as they maneuvered through the labyrinth. The ferocious rock scorpions waited for anyone or anything that got lost so they could tear them from limb to limb. What a waste! Never mind that Edgar had promised Emmy to Calypso.

    After he told her that Emmy was dead, to appease her, he threw her a few of his harem creatures. She wiped a drop of blood from her full, green-tinged lips. Her anger made her ravenous, and his hideous creatures became a quick meal.

    Sated and ready to leave, she decided to sneak a peek at the yummy archangel Edgar held prisoner. When she inquired about him, she found that Edgar had let him go. The bastard had all the fun. Avanti, his succubus mate, demanded the handsome creature be unharmed. And with the release of the prisoner, he bade the beautiful fairy he’d been fucking, farewell and sent her off with the archangel.

    Was Edgar Baron getting soft? Crazy old shit. Vampires rarely showed any emotion, let alone a sense of fairness. But she knew the demon well. He always had a reason for everything he did and couldn’t be trusted.

    Calypso’s thoughts turned to Valentina, the beautiful, luscious half-breed offspring of Edgar’s. What a delicious treat. The beautiful bitch was loyal to her father and beautiful mother, Avanti, and was unwilling to betray either.

    She’d lost Mytra, a tiny snake-shifter, who’d been her primary contact to the overworld and Argatha. Now, she was in the dark and needed to find a new overworld informant. Of the never-ending trail of overworld spies, there was one male shifter who owed her a favor. That was Michael Smith, who lived as a human and hadn’t taken a life in years. He owed her. The werewolf had taken a human wife and blocked his DNA. He was a perfect selection.

    Then she needed a spy in Argatha. She needed one of his seedy little demons to do her bidding, and somehow, she’d bribe one with a promise of gold coins. She’d know soon enough what Edgar was planning. She also had a little dragon shifter who was more than willing to betray the under-lord. That knowledge made Calypso smile.

    She’d out-smart Edgar Baron if it killed her. It was time to head home. Her visit with Edgar was over. She’d come for Emmy and found the woman slaughtered in the Labyrinth.

    In her usual flamboyant way, hair trailing behind her along with her silks, she left the rooms she’d been staying in and headed to Edgar’s throne room.

    Stupid ass, she mumbled. Throne room? He really thinks he’s a fucking king.

    Behind her ran the little dragon shifter. She kicked at him, and he tumbled head long before her as they entered the large arcane doors to Edgar’s so-called throne room.

    Edgar raised his head. Their eyes locked. Ah, Calypso, I see you’re leaving me.

    Yes, I have pressing matters at home. I have a nursery to attend to.

    Yes, a bunch of little, annoying snake-shifting creatures. How many are in incubation?

    Too many to count. A shifter never has enough to protect her back.

    I feel the same way about demons and vampires. There is always a need for more.

    Really? Maybe you should keep an eye on the newborns. Shame what happened to Emmy.

    Yes, I agree. Such a pity, that one. Rebellious from the start, and it’s never good when a newborn vampire falls in love. Addles their brains.

    Well, Edgar, time to leave. Tell Avanti I am sorry that I missed her. Such a delightful creature, your mate.

    Behind her, she heard the commotion. Get the fuck out of my way, you idiots.

    Avanti made her royal entrance. Calypso turned to greet her and, as always, was astonished at the beauty standing before her.

    Avanti, she cooed.

    My dearest Calypso, leaving so soon?

    Calypso opened her arms to embrace the beautiful succubus. It’s time. My children await me.

    Then go safely.

    Calypso smiled and nodded. She suspected that Avanti had something to do with Emmy Harris’s disappearance into the labyrinth. The succubus was a vengeful bitch.

    Thank you, my dear.

    Do come back soon. We haven’t had a chance to play.

    Calypso curtsied and gave Edgar a coy smile. My Lord. Then she turned and left.


    Once she was home, it was time to check on the nursery and see how her offspring were doing. She’d heard there were two new warriors in incubation. That made her happy. For every male born, there were five females, assuring that Calypso’s society was a female-dominated one. Most males had two purposes, protecting the city, and procreating the species. Unfortunately, unrest was growing in the tunnels and throughout the evil underground. War was imminent, and she needed more warriors. The queen was the only one who could allow more males to incubate and grow.

    Calypso was a

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