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How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude
How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude
How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude
Ebook56 pages31 minutes

How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude

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About this ebook

Having a gratitude attitude is a choice.


But how do we choose thankfulness when everything that can go wrong has gone wrong? How do we remember to be grateful when everyone else seems to have more than we do?


We change our mindset. 


How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude is an invitation to modify how you contemplate your life in its current state. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, remind yourself to be grateful for the good things in your life.



This 21-day gratitude devotional for women will encourage you to find and keep an attitude of gratitude. Each devotional examines a factor that can affect your gratitude attitude. Things like loneliness, envy, forgetfulness, and many more.

How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude challenges you to choose gratitude with intention. A life of thankfulness in Christ will banish ingratitude so you can live your best life now.

Release dateFeb 19, 2018
How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude

Aminata Coote

Aminata Coote is a wife, mother, author, and follower of Jesus Christ. She is passionate about helping women to run their race. She encourages women to first know God, and then know themselves while getting on with the business of running their race.  You can read more from Aminata at You may also connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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    Book preview

    How to Find Your Gratitude Attitude - Aminata Coote


    This 21-day devotional encourages you to look at your unique situation to help you change your perspective. Many things happen in our lives that can cause us to feel neglected or hurt—sometimes they are out of our control.

    For example, we can’t control how our employers or family members treat us. Or the economic condition of the country we live in.

    What we can control is how we react to them. Are we going to be petulant and ungrateful? Or, will we find our gratitude attitude and be thankful for the positive which can be found in even the most trying of circumstances?

    As you work through this devotional, I pray that you’ll evaluate your life and the attitude with which you approach it.

    Are you being grateful and acknowledging God’s hand in your life? If not, what’s preventing you from doing so?

    Make this book your own. Highlight key points, add notes, grab a notebook or a journal, answer the questions, and get involved.

    Most importantly, I urge you to prayerfully engage with the Scriptures. Read the daily verse in your Bible, underline it, and make notes of your observations.

    Take it a step further and read the additional Scripture passage each day. Reading the Bible can change your life and will be the key to helping you find your gratitude attitude.

    Your friend in the struggle,



    Day 1: What Are You Complaining About?

    On the next day all the congregation of the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, saying, You have killed the people of the LORD. Numbers 11:41 NKJV

    It’s ironic to start a book on gratitude with a verse about complaining, but I wanted to be real. I complain a lot. I complain about my finances and how every pay period finds me short.

    I complain about the number on the scale when I step on it. I complain about the way my hair looks when I comb it. Am I alone at the pity party?

    My friend, are you complaining a little more than you should? Let’s work on our perspective together. Instead of complaining about the few things I lack, I’m choosing to be grateful the bills are paid, there’s food in the house, there are treats to keep me sweet and I have hair to

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