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The Truth About Reality; An Essay
The Truth About Reality; An Essay
The Truth About Reality; An Essay
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The Truth About Reality; An Essay

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Christians believe they have it all in being saved in Jesus but they are mistaken. Jesus gave them the least minimal consolation price by them being saved from descending ever deeper into perdition. What Jesus truly wants is for them to discover the spiritual truth; the truth that will set you free. It is all in the Bible, but religious tradition has made its message hidden from the mind. Jesus claimed that the truth shall set you free from hell altogether and return to the spiritual realm as conscious and free entities. They, presently, are nowhere at all.
Mormons place their hope in a forgotten angel. But let’s face it, after Jesus came to earth there is no reason for god to rely on angels or prophets. Jesus is the spiritual last word for all mankind. My books give what Jesus’ inner-teaching is all about. Without my books you are up the creek. For those who cannot trust me Jesus provided the emergency of being saved in Him.
Open your mind to new possibilities in reality not anticipated before. Transform your understanding and experience of life and of God through The Truth About Reality. Read on and learn from the author’s comprehensive understanding of spirit and society. The Truth About Reality deals with the dilemmas of physical life, our misplaced confidence in religion, political humdrum, our very lives, relationships and with our absolute ignorance of reality. We are kept in a state of ignorance by our belief in a spiritual lie. The book explains how the spiritual hierarchy operates, how it thinks; what it wants from us. There has never been a book like The Truth About Reality, there never can be another like it. This one tells it all. It presents radically new views on the reality of the universe, the gospel of Christ, Christ, anti-Christ, Christendom and Hell. It brings to your consciousness a clear understanding of what the spiritual heavens are and what true redemption really means. It also paints, in clean bright strokes, the difference between actual reality, fictional realities and how a fictional reality can exist. This book could never have been written in any other time-period. Its detailed content will spark a new wave of debates regarding science, religion, politics and humanity. The worst thing in life is to be led by preconceived ideas. The best thing in your life is to read the book and discover new concepts of true reality! As a modern person you must have this book. Buy these books!

Release dateOct 31, 2018
The Truth About Reality; An Essay

Hans van Krieken

Hans van Krieken started out life in Indonesia, formerly the Dutch East Indies, in 1937. He was a prisoner of war of the Japanese as a child during WW2 and immigrated to Netherlands in 1947. He was shipmate for the Holland America Lines.He plied the very stormy waters of the North Atlantic for 3 years, and experienced the angriest and the gentlest moods of those waters and the Pacific ocean for more years. He also sail-boated the waters off South America, the Caribbean and off the west coast of North America.He became a US citizen in 1966. He has two sons. He was divorced after 16 years of marriage. His present marriage of 36 years is a great success, so he does not feel too much depreciated.He worked as a designer and manufacturing engineer in the greater Silicone Valley sphere of industry, and also operated his own small business. Through the years he enjoyed glider flying, cruising, scuba diving, horse riding and researching American and Biblical history.He designed cruising sailboat hulls and ocean-going commercial cargo vessel hulls. He is in the finishing stages of publishing a book “The Truth About Reality”.He also holds a patent on his super-fast, super shallow hull design that will alter cruising and racing sailboat and super fuel-conserving vessel hull design in the future. He moved from Northern California to Long Island, NY to Maine and finely to the Asheville area of Western North Carolina.I must say that my books recommend being saved in Jesus because it is 1, for free; 2, Jesus has that power, and 3, Jesus offers such being saved,4, it is essential because my very thorough research of Jesus is that he always tells the truth.Before going on: they are the dedicated seekers who end up with the spiritual crumbs of truth! The truths I have received far surpass those of any guru, pope spiritual teacher and minister. Without reading my books you are utterly doomed. You believe I am full of hoot, but the loss is loss is entirely and forever yours; only I have the truth, so I do not give a hoot about your existence. Now, For a microcosmic mental picture of god read The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks, 2014 winner of the Carnegie Medal; then go on and read Hans' books. God allows for war, cruelty, suffering and what not. He has his reasons; we may not understand or agree with him. He knows what ultimately is best. The author is fully versed in the common Law of England, which is the common law in America. He has taken the semesters needed to cover trot, criminal, contract and real estate law. He plans to write a book about the way I see American political history and what it should be. There have been innumerable deviations from the original constitution, creative but unconstitutional cases were placed before the Supreme Court whereby both the attorney general and the supreme court allowed cases to be distorted in order to gain case law precedence for actions to be taken by government in the future (now well established case laws on the books). Deliberate wrongly worded phrases in some amendments caused the free and unburdened people to suddenly become subjects of the federal government.Hans is in the final stages of completing a boxed set of five books The Truth About Reality. They all will, hopefully, be for sale shortly through This set of the books Jesus said is the exquisite pearl a wise man will give all his treasures for.These four books are entitled:Companion #1 to the book “The Truth about Reality”Companion #2 to the Book “The Truth about Reality”Companion #3 to the Book “The Truth about Reality”Companion #4 to the Book “The Truth about Reality”I also have combined all five books in one book named "Boxed set of Five Books". It is available for 25% for free reading and because it has five books, the first book is almost entirely available for your perusal. If your device allows it use the epub reader.About the book mentioned above; if they prisoners would have been reading the bible that would have been their ticket out! Because of the nature of god and because the nature of people humanity desperately needs a spiritual savior. Modern society is blasé about god, religion and spirit. It will be their downfall as it became theirs.Basically, Physical life is a mystery. It is a mystery because in paradise we believed a spiritual lie that removed our consciousness from participating in that reality. It is our duty to solve the mystery of our present physical awareness and explain why we are isolated from spirit where we belong; in order to be reintroduced into spirit. To refuse to solve the mystery or to refuse to find evidence from others sources available like the resources I have for you means that you will permanently separated from your original source of reality and you will be bound to exist in this very uncomfortable physical reality – for ever.

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    The Truth About Reality; An Essay - Hans van Krieken

    The Truth About Reality

    An ESSAY

    Hans van Krieken


    This e-book is licensed to the purchaser only. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each. If you’re not the purchaser, please purchase your own copy. This content remains the copyrighted property of the author, and aught not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Thanks for respecting the author’s work.


    An Essay

    ISBN: 9780463899892

    By Hans van Krieken

    Copyright 2018; by Hans van Krieken

    A Edition

    Table of Contents

    About the Author


    Note to the Reader

    The Bible tells Us to Honor Our Parents

    Please Read this Book as if It Is Fiction

    We Have a Duty to Trust

    About Virtual Realities

    News as a Medium of Fiction

    Spiritual News

    Keep on Reading

    Human Mind Is a Maze of false Belief Systems

    There Must Be a True reality out There

    A Description of the Spiritual Trap;

    Creating Fictions in Environment Is Magic

    Fictions within Fiction / God Is in Control

    Power exerted reveals a criminal activity

    Propaganda Is the Evil Advertised in the Forbidden Tree

    Air Bridges


    Undermining Skyscrapers under Construction

    Government is a fiction made to appear as if real

    The Universe as a Corporation

    What Really Happened in Spirit to Create the World

    The Incorporation of the Promised Land

    Experiencing and understanding the Foundation of Reality

    The Adopted Disintegration of the Cells of the Spiritual Body

    The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

    In Physical Awareness there Is no GOOD

    Jesus’ True Message Was Always Directed at Soul

    Even Though the Forbidden Tree Embroils Souls in all Aspects of Evil, its True Purpose Is to Teach the Value of True Good

    Rules and favoritism are part of fiction


    Jesus as Part of the Fiction

    figure 2

    Evil and Jehovah’s Universe

    Proof of our fictional Existence

    Jehovah’s America

    The People Are Free and Have the Power

    The Hierarchy in Negative Spirit

    The Hierarchy of All Spirit

    Jesus’ two Identities

    The Involvement of the International Bankers

    Jesus Enters the Scene when Jehovah has played His Full Set of tricks

    Relationship between Good and Relative Good (figure 3);

    I give some more references as Jesus as Son of Man

    Three possible Destinations for our Souls

    Dual Roles In Jesus and in Government

    War and Taxes

    The American Civil War

    The Involvement of the International Bankers

    Complaint against US Government

    US Code Title 42

    Why the IRS arrested me

    My Criminal Case Was Titled Wrong\

    Trial without Counsel

    Good in Spite of the Evil

    Fictional Nature of the USA

    Isolation of the Major Virtual levels

    Jehovah in the dual roles of Good and Evil

    Through much of this book I will call Jehovah Evil

    Jehovah and the Spirit in Jesus scheming for the sake of Good

    Optical Illusions

    The Undoing of Adam

    Light of Truth Shines in the Realm of Darkness

    John 17: the Face of the Good Spirit

    Truth and Trust Reign in the Realm of the True God

    A proposal for a general election to change the amendments, the constitution for the United States and for dissembling and reuniting of the Union of states and to create a state of the District of Columbia.

    There Is a Spiritual Realm of Difference in the Meaning of the Verbs to Believe And to Know

    A False God Knows All Things about Others while Concealing Knowledge about Itself;

    Fiction Steals Power for Its Continued Existence

    Fictions Are the, Almost, Sure Means to Get Creatures Lost Forever

    Why Modern Man believes He can see fiction

    Why Modern Man Must Understand That he cannot Tolerate Deception in Government

    Jesus as Comforter Will Guide any Lost Soul that Can Comprehend the Betrayal of Trust between Jesus, Jehovah And Adam, into Reality as Established by Jesus

    The Constitution as a Means of Communion between the People and the Fiction of the Government

    Birth & Death as a Means to Experience the constantly Changing Human Reality

    Fictional Environments Always Obscure True Reality

    Physical Reality through Spiritual Deceit

    We are better Off Disbanding the United States of America

    The Exoneration of the serpent/Jehovah

    Paradise Must Be the Spiritual Conceptualization and the Idea-Fabric for the Creation and Establishment of Physical Reality



    Interview with Hans

    Short Overview of all reality and its purpose as far as it concerns us as souls

    Hereunder Please Find a Series of Figures

    Jesus’ prayer revisited

    Prayers according to Jesus’ Preaching

    The End


    The purpose of this book is to inform you of the most important information available on earth. I worked at Lawrence National Laboratories in California on fusion power research. Most nuclear research is classified, but fusion reactor research is such a difficult operation to accomplish, that is why fusion power research is not classified anywhere in the world. My articles are of much greater impact than fusion research. That is why my articles are for free on the web. These articles will disappear from the worldly scene when I am gone; that is why I am writing this book while I am still able; so that what I have to tell you will still be available after my death.

    This book is based more on sharp philosophy, much knowledge and experience than on attacking organizations, people and groups, although I have specialized learning and experience about the subjects about which I write. The point of the book is to open your eyes, once and for ever, to the false rationale on which all our observations, experiences and premises of physical life are based. This false rationale is planted in you by means of propaganda.

    Most important advice before we go on in this narrative: buy the King James Version of the Bible. It is the only Bible that can be trusted. Don’t trust anyone who says not to get that bible. It is available on the internet (new/used) or in used books stores! I do not write this to advertise. This is among the best and you simply cannot ignore Jesus. He, simply, was too wise and intelligent and too totally outside the box for his age to be anything else but spiritual to ignore his presence on earth. I am not a Christian but I do endorse Jesus with all my heart to you.

    Now about finding your place or finding sections in this book you want to come back to in the several versions of ebook, I suggest a working contents linking system or a go-to box. If not, do the following:

    Kindle books do have a word number finder at the bottom of the page. Get a piece of paper and find the word number of the section you encounter as you read the book and note the section and the word number in two columns to generate your own index. Once you finish the book you have a complete section finder. To open the finder there is a menu item at the top. The word number finder will open at the bottom if you click the appropriate menu at the top.

    When, while reading this book, you want to consult a figure in the appendix, please write down the page number where you left off or the word number in the file in this e-book so you can easily continue to read from where you left off.

    Hans van Krieken

    Back to TOC

    Note to the Reader

    First some things you will be familiar with as if it has always been your own when you have read this book diligently

    Christians believe they have it all in being saved in Jesus but they are mostly mistaken. Jesus gave them the least minimal consolation price by them being saved from descending ever deeper into perdition / existence in hell, but only for the duration of this ongoing age. What Jesus truly wants is for us to discover the spiritual truth; the truth that will set you free. It is all in the Bible, but religious tradition has made its message hidden from the mind. Jesus claimed that the truth shall set you free from hell altogether and return you to the spiritual realm as conscious and free entities. They / Christians presently, are nowhere at all. Christians are as spiritually dead as before they were saved in Jesus. They are still in hell / the underworld because they still believe that their god and father in paradise is a liar.

    Jesus said that he, from before his birth, is from above and that we, from before birth, are from below; indicating that he is life and that we, in the region of darkness, are from death ‒ even before we, as humans, committed the sins that Jehovah is talking about. Jesus is referring to Genesis 3: 1-7, where it is told that we, in paradise, believed that the serpent told the truth about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil while our father and true god, the spirit in Jesus, is the liar. We died that day because among others, we believed our father and god (the spirit in Jesus) to be the liar; and the lair, the serpent/Jehovah to be the truth-sayer. It, also, clearly states that life is in spirit and that death is is to be in physical reality. physical reality is the under world/ Hades) Now; swallow that; you Christian.

    Everything in the universe is associated with spirit – there is absolutely nothing not associated with spirit. The only life possible is in spirit, but when the spirit in us believes a lie we live the physical reality, which is the life of the dead / Hades /underworld. Physical reality is the spiritual underworld; the world where those believing a lie reside because in spirit the lie cannot be allowed to exist in order to preserve the spiritual truth. The belief in a spiritual lie will send you immediately into a coma where you are forced by the liar to dream physical reality – a coma dream. Everything that exists physically is associated with each soul who has been treacherously caught to believe the lie. This soul is brainwashed away from the truth, but remember that Jesus said The truth will set you free. That is how the liar created physical reality (as a new substitute reality for true reality) in which he is the ultimate boss and god (He stated that there is no god before me). The god of the universe is, in fact, the liar and makes you believe that this reality is the only and true reality. Read the materials in this site and in my book! By the way, the website will disappear in the near future but the e-book / The Truth About Reality will remain. Without this book you will never know the spiritual truth. It is all up to you to become enlightened or to go into perdition / hell / Lake of Eternal Fire as everyone else. Your redemption depends on something entirely different than on believing in Jesus as Christ. Don't be stupid; find out what I am talking about.

    If you are an out-of -the-box philosopher this information is for you. You can follow how the author gets from step one to two etc. you cannot disagree that one of the author's conclusions must be that the entire universe is a play that involves every soul ever created by god in Adam and Woman / (Eve, after the lie believed) and that physical reality is Hades, the spiritual underworld. I have proven beyond a doubt that the Bible besides a lot of Jehovah's propaganda contains the truth; and that Jesus is a real person that walked this earth like you and me; yet in spirit he is our god in paradise before we betrayed him; and he still is.

    We continue with the foreword

    Please read with me the quotations of the bible and follow my train of thought throughout; and you will see that I am right about what I write. The spiritual setup is such that the spiritual truth remains as hidden as possible; but spirit insists that we do receive some inkling of its presence. That is where the bible and Jesus come in. No one before Jesus’ coming was aware that another realm exists that is reality where we intrinsically belong. After Jesus came to earth and taught us as best he could to reveal true reality no church organization since Jesus was aware of this true reality either. Spirit has been awesomely cleverly hidden. It was up to soul in a coma to draw the truth from a dream reality it was immersed in to extract from its dreams the true reality and so to be able to return home again. Physical reality is a test bed for soul. Soul exists in spiritual nothingness because the fiction that filled the nothingness displays evil and hides the true good

    The bible is full of mystery and miracles, but once you understand that physical reality is a virtual program played off in the minds of souls disguised as humans, the bible begins to make a lot of sense. It is Jehovah’s way to make anything Jesus can say about true reality as if it is about Jehovah as godhead instead. This is so because the truth cannot find fertile soil in earth; because the spiritual truth understood would wipe out the spiritual lie in which our awareness as soul is wrapped; because in spirit the truth will always vanquish the lie.

    Jesus came to give us hints of another higher reality but any hint he might give of it reflects on the liar, the serpent in paradise, as if he were the true god. Just know that a virtual reality is at its best when it looks truly real to the entities assigned to play a role in it. Physical reality, then, fits all the qualifications of one. The universe is one fantastic preprogrammed propaganda expression believed to be true. Who on earth would ever believe it is not the true reality?

    Everything we do every day is in the program. It seems so much as if we are independent, self-thinking and acting entities, but we act, almost always, like puppets on a string. Our tantrums, expressions of love, and you name anything we can do or are capable of are acts, emotion and reflexes, are already sub, sub-routines in the program. All that we are able to understand from awareness in physical reality, if at all possible, is for soul to again understand the truth; and only if we as humans seek it from the data made available to us, from experience and from thinking about it all.

    Your universe, your country, your religious affiliation, and your friendships are all based on environmental propaganda (seemingly unseen and unnoticed forces in your life that you gregariously embrace and cross-disseminate) through family culture and tradition, communal, scientific and law-enforced traditions and indoctrination. Jesus brought to light that all authorities reigning over us through religion and secular arrangements that claim to lead us are as blind philosophically, mentally and spiritually as bats in daylight; even though they have read and were taught the bible in the seminaries. That is because all they know is of a traditional nature, and not upon out-of-the-box thinking. To get the truth, you must be an out-of- box thinker.

    You seek out these indoctrinations, whether religious or secular in nature, with gusto because they ground you physically in your environment, in your relationships, and make the loneliness and burdens of life, [and a slave to negative spirit and human authority] more bearable as you share them with your group of similarly indoctrinated people – democrats with democrats, protestants with protestants, etc. The groups of people you regularly associate with will cross promote the belief systems of the group. This type of conditioning actually makes physical ‘life’ worthwhile and gives you a feeling of being sane, intelligent, appreciated, loved, accepted and alive. It is all phony, yet life would be unbearable if we did not allow ourselves to be duped this way. The more secular education you have the more brainwashed and grounded you are in physical reality.

    In the early years of the twenty first century when I was still a Christian at heart, I wrote many, many dozens of articles in the Christian style and one day I happened to compare god to a handyman working in his tool shed having a bunch of projects sitting on a shelf in boxes, one of them being a project called physical reality. Then it suddenly occurred to me to think of how he would accomplish such a project. That sent me again to searching through the bible, and bam, this idea, based on all facts in the bible and my experiences in life, the comatose soul idea popped in my mind and I knew immediately that was how it was done; especially when I happened to come across the book by Jacques Ellul "Propaganda; The Formation Of Men’s Attitude; available for a mere $6 or so on the internet. It opened my mind to not only human systems of propaganda but especially the propaganda of the spiritual kind; as expressed by the spiritual liar/serpent.

    The science, art and technology of effective propaganda have found out these, above-mentioned, urges in humans and animals and the practice of this art in society has them arranged into manageable and goal-oriented systems whereby people can be formed into huge groups that will obey the command triggers given by an over-all propaganda system through news, editorials, TV programs, movies, etc. Friendships, relationships, one’s identity in a group, one’s intimate relationship with a significant other, several groups, and nations of people are carefully fostered so that we will be amenable to serve by free-will in these groups through volunteering, accepting duties and willingness to defend and die to secure the safety, continuity, growth and might of the group. It is all based on deceit that one willingly and desperately embraces to make one’s existence acceptable, worthwhile and worth living. Yet no one researches, ponders and thinks about the fact of why we are here.

    Through broadcast systems of propaganda people, without compulsion, will align themselves to actions to intimidate and coerce individuals and entire nations by means of ridicule and full-fledged efforts of war.

    My intentions are honorable in that I want to induce you to reconsider every urge you feel to comply to do things that might hurt others and, without fail, yourself also. If we truly want to make the world a better place to live we must be more honest to ourselves and to our fellow men

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