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Shattered Sun
Shattered Sun
Shattered Sun
Ebook157 pages3 hours

Shattered Sun

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About this ebook

Cassandra Adira Knight may have been born from the light and forged in the fires of hell to be a warrior, but there’s more to her than that. It’s time she learned about her mother’s side of the family.

Her trainers, Father Raphael, Arkangel Michael, and demi-demon Ari don’t like it but that’s just too bad. She has sacrificed too much already for her paranormal powers; she’s entitled to the truth, even if the truth leaves her shattered.

PublisherKD Jones
Release dateOct 30, 2018
Shattered Sun

KD Jones

KD Jones has been a huge fan of both romance novels and science fiction novels since she was 16 years old. Her favorite television shows growing up were Star Trek and Doctor Who. When not writing, she can usually be found curled up on the couch with a good book, working on her hobby of photography, or spending time with her family.

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    Book preview

    Shattered Sun - KD Jones

    Shattered Sun

    7even Circles Series

    Book 4

    KD Jones

    Copyright 2018 KD Jones

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20


    About the Author


    Cassandra Adira Knight may have been born from the light and forged in the fires of hell to be a warrior, but there’s more to her than that. It’s time she learned about her mother’s side of the family.

    Her trainers, Father Raphael, Arkangel Michael, and demi-demon Ari don’t like it but that’s just too bad. She has sacrificed too much already for her paranormal powers; she’s entitled to the truth, even if the truth leaves her shattered.

    Chapter 1

    What do you think, Cassandra?

    What? Cass had gotten so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t paid much attention to anything else around her.

    Cassandra Adira Knight was born from a mating between an unknown arkangel and a demi-demon woman named Laura Knight. Demi-demons were half human and half demon. She didn’t remember her mother, or much of anything from her first eight years of life. Her mother, Laura, sent Cass away for her own protection. Her mother, unfortunately, did not live long after Cass’s departure. The person who took Cass away had also done something to her memories. Only recently did she learn what had happened to her. Not all of the details of her past had been revealed yet. The person who had tampered with her memories turned out to be someone close to her that she had trusted, Ari. He promised that eventually all her memories would return, she just had to wait.

    Cass discovered her origins about a year ago, when a demon attacked her and her friends at the diner she where she worked as a waitress. Powers she never knew she possessed arose and helped her defeat the demon and awakened her to her destiny.

    A few months ago she reunited with her mother’s family. The family reunion was not without its complications. Her grandparents were wealthy high society people with expectations for her that Cass did not think she would ever meet, but she agreed to try by taking a position with her grandfather’s real-estate firm.

    A throat clearing from across the desk had her sitting up. She looked over at the silver haired man talking to her. The demi-demon and grandfather she had only recently learned about.

    Abraham Knightengale, Detroit’s real estate mogul and her newly discovered demi-demon grandfather looked at her with irritation from across his large wood desk. He conveyed a no nonsense attitude and had very little patience for anything else.

    I’m offering pay your full tuition if you change your studies to specialize in real estate. All your expenses will be covered.

    She squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. The idea of being beholden to this man made her nervous. Respectfully, I’m not sure about that.

    Cass had started working as an intern for her grandfather’s real estate company three months ago. Now he wanted Cass to work as a full time assistant to one of his managers, Colin Reynolds. He also wanted her to live with him and her grandmother, but she politely declined the offer. She already spent one weekend a month with them and felt a bond growing slowly between her and her grandmother Avenia. She still couldn’t say she had a bond with Abraham though.

    What is the problem? he asked impatiently.

    I can handle the new change in my job responsibilities but I am taking online courses for general college right now. I’m not specializing in anything yet.

    Fine. We’ll discuss specialization when you finish your general electives. What about moving in with me and your grandmother? If you won’t move in with us, how about a nice little apartment in one of our buildings closer to where we live?

    Cass lived with her best friend, Leeza, even though things had been tense between them. It felt like if she accepted anything more from him, he would try to take over her life completely. However, if she turned down everything, it would make their relationship even more strained. She had to keep it balanced.

    I’ll think about it.

    If you want to take another look at the one you saw before, just go by and ask the manager he’ll let you in. If that one doesn’t make you happy, there are a few others that you might like.

    Thanks, Abraham.

    He sighed. Grandfather, call me Grandfather.

    I’m still not comfortable with that yet.

    When will you be comfortable?

    It may take a little while. I’ve been on my own for most of my adult life.

    He seemed to realize that she would not budge on the issue so he changed the subject. How are your courses going?

    Good. I have to go to campus to take an exam, but it’s going great.

    What about your other training?

    I’m not talking to you about that, she told him.

    Cass performed warrior training with Father Raphael and Arkangel Michael. Ari, the demi-demon who had messed with her memories and sort of her sort-of lover, trained her to use her demon powers. Her grandfather Abraham remained displeased that she refused to discuss her powers or her training with him.

    She had been falling in love with Ari when she thought him her friend. Then she found out what she really was and his part in her memory loss. He did it to protect her and she might have been able to forgive him for that, but then she found out his connection to her grandfather. Ari had been hired to locate her for Abraham with the intent to eventually introduce them. In exchange, her grandfather would help break the arranged marriage contract between Ari and a sleazy succubus. Granted, he had made the arrangement with her grandfather before he had found her and became her friend.

    Things were tense still between her and Ari. Cass had a hard time over Ari for not telling her the truth about working for her grandfather or for leaving out the fact that he had been engaged to the succubus bitch. It made her wonder if all the flirting and seduction Ari aimed toward her had been all lies.

    In addition, a few months before she and Ari shared sex but he acted like nothing special had happened between them. That worried her, that she might have been bad at it since it had been her first time. It also pissed her off. The tension between them grew and it didn’t help that she trained with him on her slowly developing demon powers. The training could only be described as brutal, intense and damn hot. Yet, he walked away at the end of their sessions without a backward glance as if he couldn’t wait to get away from her.

    Are you coming this weekend? her grandfather asked knowing he hit a dead end with her on that subject.


    She came on Saturdays to their fancy dinners. Sometimes it would be just the three of them sitting around a table big enough to sit ten. Other times there would be business associates that her grandfather wanted to impress. After dinner, they would have a glass of wine around the fire while her grandfather read the paper. Then she would spend the night with them, go to their church and return to the apartment she shared with Leeza on Sunday afternoon.

    Yes, her demi-demon grandparents went to a fancy cathedral and they made her, a grown adult woman, attend with them. Cass couldn’t help but wonder if their priest knew what her grandparents were. If he did, he never showed it. The routine drained her but this weekend, her plans needed to be changed up a little.

    I can’t go to church with you on Sunday, I promised Father Raphael I would attend his service.

    Abraham didn’t look happy about it. Your grandmother will be disappointed.

    I haven’t been to one of his services in a while and I promised to come.

    He sighed. Very well.

    She gritted her teeth at the way he assumed she needed his approval. Abraham could only be described as a master manipulator. Cass hated the guilt trip he always used when she didn’t do what he wanted. That had been one of many problems with their relationship thus far. He wanted to control her and that was not going to happen—ever.

    Cass felt surrounded by people who wanted to tell her what to do, how to feel, what to wear. Her relationship with Father Raphael, Michael and Ari continued to be strained because her trust in them had been shaken. At least she could count on the one constant in all this crazy paranormal mess, her human best friend and roommate Leeza.

    Her cell phone vibrated and she resisted reaching into her pocket to check it. Is that all?

    Abraham waved her away dismissing her. He didn’t believe in wasting time and had already begun looking at something on his computer.

    Standing up, she walked out of his office closing the office door behind her. Some of the tension in her shoulders relaxed. Being around her grandfather always made her go on alert, ready for an attack. Abraham’s secretary Rita smiled at her. They had grown quite close over the past three months that Cass had worked in the office as a part time gopher. Rita had been training her the past few weeks to take on the new position as assistant to Colin to replace his current assistant who would be going on maternity leave soon.

    The other assistant, Susan, should be a happy glowing mother-to-be. Instead she demonstrated a pissed off attitude that Cass suspected came from fear of being permanently replaced. Because of Susan’s horrible attitude, it left Abraham’s assistant Rita to step up and train Cass. For that, Cass had been very grateful. Rita always displayed a very positive and nurturing personality which made it easy to work with her.

    How did it go? Rita asked.

    As good as any meeting with Abraham could go. Cass sat down at the seat behind Rita’s desk.

    Rita nodded her understanding. He’s a hard one to read.

    Yes he is. Has Susan left yet? Cass asked nodding across the way to the other desk that currently remained empty.

    Today was Susan’s last day and she refused to make room for Cass at her desk until she finally left. Until then, Cass shared Rita’s desk.

    Mr. Reynolds asked her to go ahead and leave when she takes her lunch. He’s ready to get her out of here.

    Susan is a real— Cass tried to think of a nice way to describe the woman but failed.

    Bitch, Rita finished for her.

    Yes. They both laughed.

    So, where is Susan?

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