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Feast for the Incubus, Tales from The Keep Book 1
Feast for the Incubus, Tales from The Keep Book 1
Feast for the Incubus, Tales from The Keep Book 1
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Feast for the Incubus, Tales from The Keep Book 1

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Doubts reign over Ian’s life – doubts about his worth, doubts about his decisions, and doubts about why anyone would want to be with him. But Ian has no doubt that he needs to change. When yet another boyfriend dumps him, Ian vows to find what he’s missing. He will do whatever it takes to fix his sex life, even visit a strange club filled with even stranger patrons.

Kit has never doubted his place in the world, at least not since the moment he walked into The Keep. He belongs with his Master. Sorinu helps keep him centered. He understands all of Kit’s quirks and loves him for them. Kit just wishes that he could be enough to keep Sorinu satisfied. But sometimes love isn’t enough.

Sorinu is hungry. As an incubus, he’s been able to survive on the energies released from his sanctuary, the paranormal, BDSM club called The Keep. Plus, he has one of his mates standing beside him, his sweet Kit. But he’s still hungry, slowly starving. Without his other mate, Sorinu’s appetite will never be sated.

Within the walls of The Keep, these three men might find more than lust. In the end, maybe love will be a feast to assuage every craving.

Release dateNov 13, 2018
Feast for the Incubus, Tales from The Keep Book 1

Jenna Castille

It’s always the quiet ones. Mild-mannered Jenna Castille lives a rather normal life with her husband and daughter in Reno, Nevada. Only her husband and closest friends know about the twists and turns her imagination takes. She’s loved fantasies and horror stories since childhood. Then she discovered erotic romance. As a writer, she never could decide which genre she liked better, so she decided to throw them all in a pot and see what came out. Her friends love to read her stories. They tell her at least now they understand the glassy-eyed stares and all the mumbling to herself. Happily, they don’t have to worry about her anymore. Being a writer is much better than being committed.

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    Feast for the Incubus, Tales from The Keep Book 1 - Jenna Castille

    Feast for the Incubus

    Tales from the Keep Book 1

    Jenna Castille

    Feast for the Incubus

    By Jenna Castille

    Copyright 2018 Jenna Castille

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for purchasing this eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favorite authorized retailer. Thank you for your support.

    Content Warning: this book is intended for adult audiences only, and contains violence, adult language, and graphic sex scenes.

    About This Book

    Doubts reign over Ian’s life – doubts of his worth, doubts of his abilities, and doubts about why anyone would want to be with him. But Ian has no doubt that he needs to change. When yet another boyfriend dumps him, Ian vows to find what he’s missing. He will do whatever it takes to fix his sex life, even visit a strange club filled with even stranger patrons.

    Kit has never doubted his place in the world, at least not since the moment he walked into The Keep. He belongs with his Master. Sorinu helps keep him centered. He understands all of Kit’s quirks and loves him for them. Kit just wishes that he could be enough to keep Sorinu satisfied. But sometimes love isn’t enough.

    Sorinu is hungry. As an incubus, he’s been able to survive on the energies released from his sanctuary, the paranormal, BDSM club called The Keep. Plus, he has one of his mates standing beside him, his sweet Kit. But he’s still hungry, slowly starving. Without his other mate, Sorinu’s appetite will never be sated.

    Within the walls of The Keep, these three men might find more than lust. In the end, maybe love will be a feast to assuage every craving.


    Title Page

    About This Book

    Chapter One – Slow Starvation

    Chapter Two – Isn’t All Sex Good?

    Chapter Three – Membership Requirements

    Chapter Four – Pretend to Be Human

    Chapter Five – Monsters Everywhere

    Chapter Six – Shock Therapy

    Chapter Seven – Filling the Emptiness

    Chapter Eight – Not Broken

    Chapter Nine – Delicious Red

    Chapter Ten – The Fun Begins

    Chapter Eleven – Paras are People Too

    Chapter Twelve – Worthy

    Chapter Thirteen – Eat Me

    Chapter Fourteen – To Mate or Not to Mate

    Chapter Fifteen – Tastes Like Honey

    Epilogue – Who’s Next?

    About Jenna Castille

    A Personal Note from Jenna Castille

    Sneak Peek at Other Books by Jenna Castille

    Other Titles by Jenna Castille

    Chapter One – Slow Starvation

    Music pounded in the room below, the club at its busiest point of the night. Various types of creatures writhed to the music on the club’s central dancefloor. Groups of two to eight filled the tables lining the walls. From his vantage point in the private balcony overlooking the dancers, Sorinu couldn’t tell that the club was different from any other dance club on the Strip. Well, beyond the fact that there wasn’t a single human in the place, and the dress code leaned towards bare skin, latex, and leather.

    Still, all he could see were people dancing or drinking at the bar. Even the private tables and booths were tucked beneath him, out of sight.

    But as he sat in his plush leather chair, watching, Sorinu could feel the difference flowing up from deeper in his domain. Waves of lust and dark pleasures rose from the other rooms. Not a single playroom or dungeon space lay empty. Each level, including the club and bar, was filled. Emotions flooded his club, a bounty for the incubi and succubi who used it to feed without worry of hurting anyone. This place was everything that Sorinu ever dreamed when he built it. A place where paranormals could take off their human masks to be themselves while expressing their sexual desires just as freely. A place where his people could survive while trapped in this realm alone. It was a refuge for all.

    For most, The Keep was a sanctuary hidden in the midst of the mortal realm.

    For Sorinu, The Keep was alive. Always alive. It had moods and mood-swings. It had a pulse. It had a soul.

    A soul that kept Sorinu well-fed, if not satisfied.

    But after so many years of existing off other people’s pleasures, the incubus felt empty. A feast spread before him, and it tasted like dust. Only his kitten held any flavor for him, keeping him sane. He looked down at his sweet sub, his perfect mate, kneeling on the thick carpet by his feet. The collar Sorinu had hand-crafted for him, one that could adjust with his kitten’s shift, glittered at his neck. The lithe blond belonged to him in every way and had owned his heart for over a decade.

    Knowing that Kit alone would never be enough for him broke that same heart.

    You’re brooding again, Master.

    Sorinu ran his fingers through his kitten’s blond curls, tugging lightly. Kit purred, rubbing his cheek against Sorinu’s leather clad thigh. He scooted closer between his master’s legs, so he could tilt his head back and meet Sorinu’s gaze. As they were in the safety of The Keep, Sorinu dropped his minor glamours, letting his golden eyes glow down at his kitten. He loved how the power in his gaze always sent shivers through his mate. He moved his hand to rub at the one of the twitching cat ears peeking out of Kit’s curls.

    I’m not brooding, Kitten, no need to worry.

    Kit’s eyes narrowed, and one little canine tooth peeked out as he frowned. "You know I can smell a lie. You shouldn’t ever lie to me, Master. You never need to lie to me."

    Sorinu sighed, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. True, but I’m not lying to you. I’m lying to myself.

    Slipping and arching in a decidedly inhuman manner, Kit slipped up and across Sorinu’s lap. He rubbed into his master’s chest, curling into a warm ball. Sorinu wrapped his arms around his kitten and held him tight. Petting his bare back, Sorinu could feel the vibrations of Kit’s contented purrs rumbling.

    You’re thinking about your third, Kit whispered against his chest. You can admit it. I understand, and it doesn’t hurt my feelings. Not the way you think it does.


    Thin claws lightly kneaded Sorinu’s chest. Please, Master, let me finish. It hurts, but only because I know how you feel. As your paranormal mate, I’m supposed to help you feed from your mortal mate without hurting him, to be a bridge between you.

    "Our third, not mine. He’ll be our mate." If we ever find him.

    "Our mate. I know you worry about when or if you’ll find him, Master. Every unmated para worries about never finding a lifemate. You’re not allowed to hide that from me. I’ve always known that it can’t just be me and you forever. It’s my job to care for you as much as it’s your job to care for me. Knowing I can’t help you find him is the only thing that hurts, not that I’m not enough for you alone. He paused for a moment, running his palm up and down Sorinu’s bare chest. But it’s not just you that you’re worried about, is it? You’re thinking about your cousin."

    Him and the others of our kind, trapped on either side of the veil. As long as the veil is closed, the chances of an incubus or succubus finding both their mates plummets. Sorinu closed his eyes and let his kitten’s touch soothe him. "I realize how lucky I am to have found you, Kitten. With having you and the club, I can survive for another millennium without my other mate. And I’m in the mortal realm, so I should find him. It’s the others like Ryncu that I fear for. The Peace Accords may have stopped the killing, but it’s left my kind to a slow starvation. We need both our paranormal and human mates to thrive. How many paranormal mates are on the other side of the veil? After so many years, that’s where Ryncu believes his mate must be. Now that he’s been banned from The Keep, his madness will only grow stronger, along with his hunger. So, I worry and wonder how many others are in the same position. But it’s nothing for you to take on."

    Kit tucked in closer, rubbing his cheek against Sorinu’s chest. I’ll try not to, Master. But I hate seeing you so sad.

    Sorinu leaned down to kiss the top of Kit’s head, right between his twitching, orange and black cat ears. How lucky I am to have you for a mate, Kitten. You’re such a good little kit.

    Mischief danced in Kit’s eyes, moments before he ran his rough tongue up Sorinu’s neck. I could show you just how good I can be if you’d like, Master.

    Is my kitten feeling playful?

    Oh, yes, Master.

    Sorinu stood, scooping his kitten up in his arms. Then let’s take this to our playroom.

    Chapter Two – Isn’t All Sex Good?


    The door barely missed Ian’s nose as he stumbled back in the nick of time. He leaned against the far wall for support, his hand pressing against his heart. His boyfriend’s words echoed through his mind. Ex-boyfriend. Max is my ex.


    Heat flooded his face as the door to the apartment across the hall opened, and a young woman peeked out to shoot him a pitying look. Shamed to his core, Ian shoved off the wall and scrambled for the elevator.

    How can this be my fault? But isn’t always my fault? Ian stabbed his finger at the button for the first floor so hard, he jammed his knuckles. He could feel his blush, the bane of his red-headed existence, spreading from his face down his neck and chest. Max gave me his key. He knew I had his key. But it’s my fault that I wanted to surprise him with takeout from his favorite Thai place? It’s my fault that he wasn’t alone?

    I drove him to cheat on me because I’m an epically bad lay? I’m an ice cube in bed? This shit is somehow my fault?

    A deep, painful chuckle clawed its way out of his chest as the elevator door finally opened. And I left my damn dinner in there. He’s probably laughing and sharing it with that limber bastard he had wrapped around him when I walked in.

    Stumbling into the thankfully empty elevator, Ian forced back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks. Mortified already, he didn’t think he could bear anymore humiliation.

    At least he managed to hold out until he was back in his car before breaking down. He lost total track of time as he shook, sniffling and sobbing. Six months, and this is how it ends. That son of a bitch! He pounded his fists against his steering wheel. The tears dried up, but his body shook. He told himself it was from his anger, but Ian suspected it was more from a mixture of grief and mortification. It took him a while, but once he felt like he had some semblance of control, Ian pealed out of the apartment parking lot and headed for Charleston Boulevard and home.

    What is it about me? I’d blame Max, but he’s not the first to say that to me. How can I be bad at sex? Isn’t all sex good? Where am I screwing up?

    If something’s broken in me, how do I fix it?

    Shivers running through his body, Ian turned off the air conditioning and let the Vegas heat warm his frozen body.

    This is fucking Las Vegas. If you can’t find a sex store willing to help you get your kink on, you’ve got to be blind. Guess I’ve been driving around with my eyes closed for too long. Time to broaden my horizons.

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