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Companion #3 To The Book The Truth About Reality; Articles
Companion #3 To The Book The Truth About Reality; Articles
Companion #3 To The Book The Truth About Reality; Articles
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Companion #3 To The Book The Truth About Reality; Articles

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Jesus gave Christians the least consolation price by them being saved from descending ever deeper into perdition. What Jesus truly wants is for them to discover that the truth that will set you free. It is all in the Bible, but religious tradition has made its message hidden from the mind. Jesus claimed that the truth shall set you free from hell and that it will return you to the spiritual realm as free entities. Christians, presently, are still lost to spiritual reality by hanging on to the lie. Physical Reality is a red herring!
The spirit in Jesus’ mission on earth was a rescue operation with two objects in mind. Adam and Woman as whole beings were torn apart into cells that must exist utterly individually in a dream reality because of lies they believed about their god in. Jesus on earth was on a rescue mission with two objects in mind. First: saving souls from hell; the 2nd by giving souls clues to restore the truth again. All gadgets and problems of the world keep you focused on things of the world so that you are utterly unaware that you are caught. What is outside the box Universe? Deal correctly with the facts encountered there. For instance, what if that box will be dumped into an incinerator? As long as you do not know that you are in utter danger you will fail to try to rescue!
Someone was kind enough to come inside the box and actually explained what is outside the box. I am the one who finally understands what he was saying. Read my book series and become one who also knows for sure why we must get out of the box ─ pronto!
Christians believe they have it all in being saved in Jesus but they are mistaken. Jesus gave them the least minimal consolation price by them being saved from descending ever deeper into perdition. What Jesus truly wants is for them to discover the spiritual truth; the truth that will set you free. It is all in the Bible, but religious tradition has made its message hidden from the mind. Jesus claimed that the truth shall set you free from hell altogether and that it will return you to the spiritual realm as conscious and free entities. Christians, presently, are still lost to spiritual reality by hanging on to the lie believed in paradise.
The spirit in Jesus’ mission on earth was a rescue operation with two objects in mind. Adam and Woman as whole beings were torn apart into cells that must exist utterly individually in a make-belief physical environment because of lies they believed about their god in paradise / the spirit in Jesus. Jesus on earth is on a rescue mission with two objects in mind. First: the prevention of as many souls as possible from falling deeper into perdition by accepting Jesus as savior; the second by giving souls all the pertinent information to divine through wise philosophy the spiritual truth as to what happened to souls in paradise by believing a spiritual lie about himself/the spirit in Jesus. Once the truth is again understood one can be redeemed from soul’s fall into perdition
Physical Reality is a red herring!
Yes; cell phones are junk. All gadgets and problems of the world keep you focused on things of the world/box so that you are utterly unaware that you are caught inside a box and you are utterly ignorant of what is happening to the box with you inside it. The real problem for humanity is to understand correctly what is outside the box and to deal correctly with the facts encountered there. For instance, what if that box sits on a conveyor belt that is about to dump things on it into an incinerator. As long as you do not know that you are in utter danger and trying to rescue yourself is not a possibility!
Thank goodness, someone was kind enough to come inside the box and actually explained what is outside the box. I am the one who finally understands what he was saying. Read my book series and become one who also knows for sure why we must get out of the box ─ pronto! ~ 7-25-0030 Humanity has no idea what awaits it. / Hans v

Release dateOct 31, 2018
Companion #3 To The Book The Truth About Reality; Articles

Hans van Krieken

Hans van Krieken started out life in Indonesia, formerly the Dutch East Indies, in 1937. He was a prisoner of war of the Japanese as a child during WW2 and immigrated to Netherlands in 1947. He was shipmate for the Holland America Lines.He plied the very stormy waters of the North Atlantic for 3 years, and experienced the angriest and the gentlest moods of those waters and the Pacific ocean for more years. He also sail-boated the waters off South America, the Caribbean and off the west coast of North America.He became a US citizen in 1966. He has two sons. He was divorced after 16 years of marriage. His present marriage of 36 years is a great success, so he does not feel too much depreciated.He worked as a designer and manufacturing engineer in the greater Silicone Valley sphere of industry, and also operated his own small business. Through the years he enjoyed glider flying, cruising, scuba diving, horse riding and researching American and Biblical history.He designed cruising sailboat hulls and ocean-going commercial cargo vessel hulls. He is in the finishing stages of publishing a book “The Truth About Reality”.He also holds a patent on his super-fast, super shallow hull design that will alter cruising and racing sailboat and super fuel-conserving vessel hull design in the future. He moved from Northern California to Long Island, NY to Maine and finely to the Asheville area of Western North Carolina.I must say that my books recommend being saved in Jesus because it is 1, for free; 2, Jesus has that power, and 3, Jesus offers such being saved,4, it is essential because my very thorough research of Jesus is that he always tells the truth.Before going on: they are the dedicated seekers who end up with the spiritual crumbs of truth! The truths I have received far surpass those of any guru, pope spiritual teacher and minister. Without reading my books you are utterly doomed. You believe I am full of hoot, but the loss is loss is entirely and forever yours; only I have the truth, so I do not give a hoot about your existence. Now, For a microcosmic mental picture of god read The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks, 2014 winner of the Carnegie Medal; then go on and read Hans' books. God allows for war, cruelty, suffering and what not. He has his reasons; we may not understand or agree with him. He knows what ultimately is best. The author is fully versed in the common Law of England, which is the common law in America. He has taken the semesters needed to cover trot, criminal, contract and real estate law. He plans to write a book about the way I see American political history and what it should be. There have been innumerable deviations from the original constitution, creative but unconstitutional cases were placed before the Supreme Court whereby both the attorney general and the supreme court allowed cases to be distorted in order to gain case law precedence for actions to be taken by government in the future (now well established case laws on the books). Deliberate wrongly worded phrases in some amendments caused the free and unburdened people to suddenly become subjects of the federal government.Hans is in the final stages of completing a boxed set of five books The Truth About Reality. They all will, hopefully, be for sale shortly through This set of the books Jesus said is the exquisite pearl a wise man will give all his treasures for.These four books are entitled:Companion #1 to the book “The Truth about Reality”Companion #2 to the Book “The Truth about Reality”Companion #3 to the Book “The Truth about Reality”Companion #4 to the Book “The Truth about Reality”I also have combined all five books in one book named "Boxed set of Five Books". It is available for 25% for free reading and because it has five books, the first book is almost entirely available for your perusal. If your device allows it use the epub reader.About the book mentioned above; if they prisoners would have been reading the bible that would have been their ticket out! Because of the nature of god and because the nature of people humanity desperately needs a spiritual savior. Modern society is blasé about god, religion and spirit. It will be their downfall as it became theirs.Basically, Physical life is a mystery. It is a mystery because in paradise we believed a spiritual lie that removed our consciousness from participating in that reality. It is our duty to solve the mystery of our present physical awareness and explain why we are isolated from spirit where we belong; in order to be reintroduced into spirit. To refuse to solve the mystery or to refuse to find evidence from others sources available like the resources I have for you means that you will permanently separated from your original source of reality and you will be bound to exist in this very uncomfortable physical reality – for ever.

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    Companion #3 To The Book The Truth About Reality; Articles - Hans van Krieken

    Companion #3 To The Book

    The Truth About Reality


    Hans van Krieken


    This e-book is licensed to the purchaser only. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each. If you’re not the purchaser, please purchase your own copy. This content remains the copyrighted property of the author, and aught not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Thanks for respecting the author’s work.

    Companion #3 To The Book

    The Truth About Reality


    ISBN: 9780463445778

    Copyright 2018; by Hans van Krieken

    A Edition

    Table Of Contents

    About The author


    Foreword 5

    Recommended Book 6

    This following section is for Christians Only

    Representation Of The Spiritual Trap-Net We Are Caught In

    Figure 1

    Figure 2

    Proposal for New a New Amendment to Constitution

    Jesus Taught

    Most Official News Articles, Government Announcements

    What Others See Plainly We Often Ignore

    Reports & Bibles Are Slanted to Creatively Misinform You

    About Bill 071409 Before Congress Today

    Another Angle to the Story of the Prodigal Son God's Point of View for

    Creating the Universe;

    The Reproduction Process of God

    This Is Odd Indeed

    One more Little Thing

    Slavery ─ a Way of Life

    Living Hell

    Our Misgivings Towards the Word Fuck;

    Comparison of Cells in a Living Body and the Bodies

    of Ants or Bees That Are Part of a Nest

    How Courage and Telling the Truth Relate to Each Other

    Rebuttal to the Laws that Declare Gay Marriages Are Illegal

    Prophesy Of the End of this Cycle of Physical Reality; Page 90

    Having Eyes to See

    My Impossible Dream

    Speech to the Pastors

    My Understanding of Our Presence in Physical Reality

    My Recommendations to You

    Consider this

    Can a Lie Contain Truth?;

    Insight into Men for Young Women

    Nothing New Will Ever Happen under the Sun;

    Physical Reality Is a Creation of Our Own Cellular Collective Beingness;

    Inflation and Its Quirks


    In WW 2 the Chinese General Populace Was Treated;

    Worse of All by the Japanese

    Slavery and Suppression

    I Am All for a One World Order

    High School Ought To Include Courses In Salesmanship And Acting



    The purpose of this book is to inform you of the most important information available on earth. The very most of my materials are available on the internet for free, but I am now well into my eighties and I do not know how much longer my articles remain available on the internet.

    I worked at Lawrence National Laboratories in California on fusion power research. Most nuclear research is classified, but fusion reactor research is such a difficult operation to accomplish, that is why fusion power research is not classified anywhere in the world. My articles are of much greater impact than fusion research. That is why my articles are for free on the web. These articles will disappear from the worldly scene when I am gone; that is why I am writing this book while I am still able; so that what I have to tell you will still be available after my death.

    This book is based more on sharp philosophy, much knowledge and experience than on attacking organizations, people and groups, although I have specialized learning and experience about the subjects about which I write. The point of the book is to open your eyes, once and for ever, to the false rationale on which all our observations, experiences and premises of physical life are based. This false rationale is planted in you by means of propaganda.

    Most important advice before we go on in this narrative: buy the King James Version of the bible. It is the only bible that can be trusted. Don’t trust anyone who says not to get that bible. It is available on the internet (new/used) or in used books stores! I do not write this to advertise. This is among the best and you simply cannot ignore Jesus. He, simply, was too wise and intelligent and too totally outside the box for his age to be anything else but spiritual to ignore his presence on earth. I am not a Christian but I do endorse Jesus with all my heart to you.

    As back-up bible (not nearly as good as the King James) get the Good News Bible also. Check for accuracy in the King James and read for daily use the Good News Bible. I have worked with these two for decades and they give, more or less, the same meanings – hard to find these days.

    Now about finding your place or finding sections in this book you want to come back to in the several versions of ebook, I suggest a working contents linking system or a go-to box. If not, do the following:

    Kindle books do have a word number finder at the bottom of the page. Get a piece of paper and find the word number of the section you encounter as you read the book and note the section and the word number in two columns to generate your own index. Once you finish the book you have a complete section finder. To open the finder there is a menu at the top. The word number finder will open at the bottom if you click the appropriate menu at the top.

    Most important advice: Buy the King James Version of the Bible. It is the only Bible that can be trusted. Don’t trust anyone who says not to get that bible. It is available on the internet (new/used) or in used books stores!

    As back-up bible also get the Good News Bible. I have worked with these two for decades and they give exact meanings one with the other.

    Hans van Krieken

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    This book contains a bit of many important issues in our lives.

    What helped me enormously in my education, and my direction of philosophy is the book by Jacques Ellul, This book should be in every one’s library and should be read many times. Here it is:

    Propaganda: the Formation of Man’s Attitude; available on the internet.

    Terrible things happen when good individuals do absolutely nothing when all is secretly programmed to go wrong! Good people need to be inspired to understand and do the right things.

    I do not want you to necessarily believe anything I write but I do want you to think about it all. Believing and knowing without thinking is having been brainwashed. Rote-learning in school, in a way, is brainwashing but is done for beneficial reasons. Political and religious indoctrination (brainwashing) is done to trap your mind into believing without thinking about things.

    Most often it is done through magic-like trickery. Indoctrination leads your mind (nearly blindly) into accepting things that are obviously wrong. Magicians do the same thing through material manipulation tricks. You think he/she is doing one thing but actually she/he is doing something entirely different. Brainwashing/mind-conditioning happens to us all daily in large portions through media, books and religion. You cannot trust anything you hear or read/see. News is what they tell you, not necessarily what happened and the conclusions you are to believe lead you astray. Repetition is the trick to mind-conditioning!

    The One World Order (OWO) Conspiracy has accomplished about 85% of its goals; and it controls about 85% of the world’s resources. All the foreign intervention wars before, during the world wars and since WW II are fully One World Order operation manipulations, and hardly anyone understands that! These operation manipulations caused 2 world wars, and are responsible in all for some 200.000.000 deaths and untold destruction, sorrow and mayhem, but the people at the top on both sides were all buddies because they all belong(ed) to the OWO-conspiracy ─thus, Hitler did not die and was not burned to ashes. They cover their tracks by saying that our armed forces’ foreign interventions are good for trade, peace and world-harmony; but behind this conspiracy are always power hungry desperados ─and for the people: suppression. Our news media are brainwashing institutions. No high officials are placed on the voting ballot that do not first secretly pledge allegiance to the One World Order. The common people are utterly deluded! Government and the media are our worst internal enemies; and it seems clearer each day that organized churches may have the Horror, mentioned in Revelation in the bible, already placed or standing at or on the altar. Of course, it must be another fiction we have accepted as truth.

    I refer often to the bible, The King James version; you should read it also, but particularly Genesis chapters 1, 2, 3 and the New Testament gospels by Jesus. Everything Jesus says makes sense spiritually once you understand that physical reality is, spiritually speaking, a virtual reality. Do not read any printer’s comments in the bible. They have no real meaning because it relates mostly to material matters and misunderstood spiritual matters. Below follow some sayings of Jesus and how I understand these!

    Jesus said that the devil is a devil in spirit. What humans know of the devil is based on a lie. The devil we people talk about is merely an inferior spirit, one in Jehovah’s own realm of jurisdiction – the realm that was created on a scheme of spiritual lies. What Christians know about this devil is that he opposes Jehovah laws, rules and ordinances; and this (Jehovah’s) devil constantly leads people astray from Jehovah’s doctrines. This devil sets the bait in the next lower trap section (shown in the book The Truth about Reality; and herein) to draw us away from our present section in the net to the next lower. That devil is the anti-Christ Christian people know. There are others!

    The serpent, the devil Jesus talked about, is a devil of a much higher order. He is the murderer of Adam and Woman in paradise; also called serpent. This spiritual devil betrayed the true God to Adam and Woman by calling the true god a liar! (Genesis 3: verses 1 through 6)

    Jesus said in John: 8, I did not come on my own authority, but he (his true father) sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? . . . You are the children of your father, the devil, and you want to follow your father’s desires. From the very beginning he was a murderer and he has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies. But I tell the truth and that is why you do not believe me. You see, naturally, we cannot believe Jesus because his truth escapes us altogether. That is the reason he came among us: to teach us that truth." How much stronger can Jesus say that this liar is Jehovah, our father in physical reality, but not in truth ‒ and physical reality is spiritual nothingness! Physical reality exists as a brainwashing scheme in the minds of deceived comatose souls. Paradise lays all around us but the lie-believedprevents us from participating there.

    The serpent in paradise is a murderer because Adam and Woman perished in paradise because they believed in his lies about the true god. They are still (as) dead; and their bodies still lie in paradise. The serpent is now the god of the universe. He is a liar from the beginning and a murderer in the realm where you either live forever or die because you believe a lie. We as earthlings exist as virtual creatures in a virtual reality called physical universe. As dead entities in paradise. The only life Jehovah could give us (in Adam and Woman) is a life engineered as virtual creatures in a virtual reality. We see ourselves as alive. Jesus sees us as dead. His purpose is to bring us back to life by making us remember how we died as spirits and thus remember that we denied the true god his truth. As soon as you (as slumbering soul) remember what happened to you in spirit you can renege on the spiritual lie you believed and you can then come back to life in true spirit. This is how Jesus truly wants to bring you back from death – the spiritual death. Nobody truly understands this manner of being restored to life as Jesus means it – not some virtual life but your true and real life as spirit –always.

    In the spirit we have the reality of truth, and the reality of lie. These two realities act in opposite ways exactly contrary to each other and are absolute dichotomies. Truth in spirit is reality, ultimate and never-ending. Truth cannot contain even the hint of a lie (fiction), because the hint or the slightest insinuation of a lie would depreciate truth into absolute nothingness. It is either all truth or nothing. Through sticking to the spiritual truth you exist eternally.

    This is the logic by which a phony reality is constructed: It must seem so real that the entities in it cannot view it any other way than that the reality is REAL. So, our immediate assumption as entities in the physical reality must be, suppose it to be not real. Then you have the major hurdle already under your belt. And, low and behold: the bible suddenly starts to make a lot of sense! Read it, at least the four gospels; and you’ll see! Jesus knows what he is talking about.

    There are also many miracles in the Old Testament; like at one time, the sun did not move for some 12 hours and no relationships in the planetary system were affected. Another miracle was when Moses hit a rock and water gust from it to allow the Israelites to drink and to water the cattle or when the Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to pass to escape Pharaoh’s army. These are all recorded facts in history. Hordes of people witnessed these things. And all this, and many, many more miracles just as a forerunner show to the coming of Jesus. Naturally, Jesus had to perform miracles in his stay on earth to link himself to all the miracles recorded in the Old Testament. The people from that time had no clue, understanding or the knowledge of the working of a virtual reality, but they did record these miracles, probably for people in our age to understand.

    Here is another example that indicates that animals have souls. A prophet was riding along on a donkey and suddenly the donkey stopped and the prophet could not get the donkey going again. At last the donkey said; Stop hitting me, there is an angel in front of me! This is in the bible. If donkeys can see angels and talk, they must have souls.

    And here are some examples of how difficult it is to escape some of the fictions on earth we got caught in. To have to submit to. the fractional reserve dollar we get paid in. It is a fiction we got ensnared into from birth on up. It is inescapable today. Your US citizenship is unheard of to escape. You can only escape it by immigration to another country; and there they have another citizenship you must submit to. All fiction within universal reality; which, of course is a fiction we fell into through a deceit/propaganda system in paradise.

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    This Following Section Is for Christians only:

    I now understand more about the end times as seen by John, the apostle, and given to us by him in the book of Revelation in the bible. With what I wrote in the paragraphs above new insight came to me. It is being guilty of accepting all these fictions (lies we accepted in order to live in communal society here in earth) that violates all of god’s (Jehovah) laws, ordinances and rules. We, all souls, have lived in these fictions for millennia in many reincarnated lives and with the progression of time we have invented and accepted ever more of these fictions that make us more and more guilty in Jehovah’s eyes. All these fictions we are forced to accept by administrative powers high above us can be summed up as the Whore of Babylon as mentioned in the book of Revelation in the bible. It is violating/prostituting our lives to god-forbidden fictions that will condemn ourselves to hell. The churches are

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