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Sheriff Wyler Scott and existing humans, what is left of humanity now reside on the alien Ahgundy world of "Ciera" in this tenth in the series novel. They are at peace and the Aztec God's are now in charge of everyone and everything. Arriving in space is a new President formerly of the USA. Things are now growing as the colony flourishes, but not everything is perfect especially in the Culligan's controlled Boom Town across the Tereneo Valley below the Tarameme Mountains. Worse yet, because of the suppression of the master controller Ahgundy President, a real threat that could end all life is developing on Ciera, something that could destroy the entire colony and system. A boiler of a story that builds chapter by chapter as the changes grow to a very wild ending, should keep faithful readers of the series on the edge of their seats. All in the traditional style of the Sheriff Wyler Scott Series.

Release dateNov 7, 2018

"Mark Paul" Sebar

My most important love is story telling of fictional tales, far away places, memorable characters, great beginnings and surprise endings. I can author work across many genres comfortably. If I can connect with you my reader, then I did my job and we are hopefully, both happy.

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    Book preview

    Ciera - "Mark Paul" Sebar


    Wyler Scott # 10

    By Mark Paul Sebar

    Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Before you consider reading this story. It is the number 10 story in the Sheriff Wyler Scott Series. There are character tie-ins from previous Wyler Scott stories that if you have not read them already, will make a great deal more sense. This story ties in with the first Wyler Scott novel Contact of the Forestry Kin the second novel Idyllwild the third novel The Trail To East Mohave the fourth novel Broken Canyon as each previous story pulls in characters that are in this novel. Likewise, this story has a very close tie-in with Wyler Scott # 5 The Chocolate Mountain Murders, Wyler Scott Novel # 6 Tahquitz and the # 7 Wyler Scott Novel The June Lake Incident. Wyler Scott Novel #8 Cuffed and The Tale Of Two Berdoos #9. So for a better experience, if you have not already read the older titles, please read the previous Wyler Scott novels first. Thanks!

    Sebar Publishing

    First Printing 2018

    ISBN 978-1-930246-61-4 TXu2-119-813

    Copyright all text and illustrations in this story © 2018 All Rights Reserved

    Library of Congress, United States of America


    Chapter 01

    Chapter 02

    Chapter 03

    Chapter 04

    Chapter 05

    Chapter 06

    Chapter 07

    Chapter 08

    Chapter 09

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Other Stories

    Chapter 01

    It was a beautiful day under the towering foot of Mount San Jacinto. Mohany and his father had been hiking the barren desert as an eagle soared overhead and a gentle breeze blew through the massing tumbleweeds of the lower Colorado Desert. Soon our journey begins, his father commented and the younger Mohany Rodriguez smiled.

    In the big Tereneo Valley on the Ahgundy planet Ciera, Wyler was busy cleaning up the cabin with Ileen. The fireplace was going and the two of them finally had this old cabin and ranch estate to themselves. The sky was a clear blue and the new moon rose slowly over the horizon of the sunlight of just one large sun. Then, there was a knock at the door. You want to get that honey? Ileen called from the bedroom.

    Wyler turned and walked to the door. He took a deep breath, wiped his thick bushy mustache and turned the handle. He opened the door and Awf and a large group of Ahgundy were floating there. We need to talk, sheriff.

    There is more of you than this cabin can hold, Wyler grinned politely.

    That is okay sheriff; I shall speak on the behalf of the Ahgundy who are present.

    And? Wyler replied.

    This is our home world. It belongs to our people, Awf started. He could see it did not sit well with Wyler. Your leaders from your former world will soon be here, and we would like to see if we can free up and convert some more of our own people for a new peace.

    You did hear what the Aztec Moon God told all of us. We are safe here, you go out there and you are taking your chances, Wyler replied, pointing a finger towards the Gore Desert.

    This is my people’s home as much as out there. We will survive no matter where we go on Ciera. Awf’s words were quite adamant in their connotative tones. He had gotten his point across and could read it on the sheriff’s face, and even feel his emotions. He calmed and so did Wyler.

    Any idea when you are coming back here? Wyler asked him.

    When our work is done, we shall return. Ours is one of achieving a peace for all here, between all who live here and in this system, Awf replied.

    And what about the other Ahgundy that remain here, who can control them should they have problems in this community, like say for instance Culliganville also known as Boom Town over yonder? Wyler gestured.

    The Ahgundy that reside here are loyal and peaceful. The more active Ahgundy went to Boom Town, but some may return, given time. Some will be a problem, maybe, maybe not, depending on how they are confronted, especially by humans and the Godumbian. There is still a deep distrust among many Ahgundy, and like humans have said in their past philosophies, trust is built through deeds! Awf paused a moment, and then he continued. Your new detention center has been built and with it, what you call a court of law, where an entity shall make a decision upon your guilty and finally an attached repository for something that holds valuable items such as what you call currency. Many Godumbian’s are talking of leaving to the new world above; created by the entity you call a God. That moon has an atmosphere they can breathe, but remains deadly to the other life forms that are here. In a thought, it does give the Godumbian Ambassador KaGooSwah an advantage. His quarters at the detention center have pass thru shielded entry. As long as the minimal Ahgundy power system remains intact, his living space shall keep his moon atmosphere. That atmosphere is piped through a dimensional line from the moon directly for his comfort. Should the power stop, that atmosphere would quickly destroy all local life here. As for the center, it will have to be run by what you call a technician. In this case, and a taller Ahgundy floated past Awf.

    My associate, Awf politely bowed slightly to Wyler and the other Ahgundy followed that custom. His name is Kilr, and he will run your system to ensure it is working properly. He will also be the only main communication with me, while I am out and about. Awf floated back, made a slight bow only this time with his hands clasped, as did the other Ahgundy. Good bye Sheriff Wyler Scott and your significant other. Awf’s last words brought an expression of muse upon Ileen’s face. The Ahgundy all turned and exited the cabin estate property and Wyler took a deep breath as they floated away and then disappeared into thin air. He closed the door.

    And just how are you going to keep the peace? Ileen placed her hands at her sides.

    Yeah, Wyler gulped for a moment of doubt. Just how?

    Suddenly a few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Wyler stared at Ileen a moment and then turned and walked to the front door, opening it. Sergeant Samuel Sledge was standing there, out of uniform and in a Hawaiian shirt and denims. He had a straw cowboy hat on and took it off as he entered at Wyler’s welcoming gesture. The sheriff closed the door. You sure got comfortable in a hurry, Wyler commented.

    Yes, most of us got shore leave on the ships and since I am a regular ground military, we get an indefinite leave. No more United States.

    Yeah, Wyler rolled his eyes. Any other surprises?

    Just stopped by with more time to say thanks for everything sheriff, especially keeping the peace, Sledge replied.

    Thanks, Wyler broke a slight musing grin, but it would become short lived.

    Don’t thank me yet. Big brass was saved from Earth, the Sarge let it slip. Heard they have brass coming on our fleet.

    Fleet, Ileen questioned.

    What kind of fleet? Wyler mildly asked.

    Well, it was a secret for a very long time. The U.S. Military had a space fleet built on reversed engineered alien technology. Why do you think there were photos of buildings on the Moon, Mars, and perhaps elsewhere in the solar system and beyond?

    And who did you say got saved from Earth? Wyler further questioned.

    Rumor has it the former first lady, Vice President, his wife, a Russian and a translator, but again just murmurs among the military people in the colony. Should make an interesting time, wouldn’t you say so sheriff?

    Boom Town was booming with business all right. It had an old western style build to it and the saloon was busy with many military personnel and also colonists coming and going. At the entry sat an Ahgundy with a holster and a six-shooter. He watched everyone coming and going as another Ahgundy exited the premises equally armed, floating through the swinging doors.

    Inside, there were people at the bar and players at tables gambling the diamonds they had collected from the Ahgundy weapons. Military people had sneaked out from the colony and these became the new currency. A diamond, a drink; and a diamond to buy into a card game. Clarence Culligan had figured out a system and it had caught on in the colony almost overnight. Off to the side there was a holograph setup of a play with dancing bar girls. The Ahgundy had built all this including a tap water system for the drinks and manufacture of more drinks such as beer and whiskey.

    It did not get any wilder than this, and it seemed at the time, the new venture had taken off for the Culligan’s. However, if Wyler Scott knew one thing, it was that a person like Clarence Culligan was never happy with one venture. He had learned a lot of the man over the years, what makes the Culligan’s tick and it had revealed a very differing side of what many thought of the tall Arkansas persona and charm. Soft spoken and wisdom spewing Clarence Culligan was a manipulator, a con man or at least this is what Wyler knew.

    It was a space fleet of large vessels from Earth. The project had remained hidden to the world, very hush-hush, almost never whispered though, sometimes rumored by UFO conspiracies and their theorists. The large contingent of ships was traveling through a portal in the darkness of folded space on the way to the Ciera system and the colony. Aboard were the former vice president, his wife and supposedly the former rumored first lady of the United States of America as well as former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachav.

    The problem was, the colony of remaining humans was small, even with all the military personnel that had survived and not all were from America. There were some Chinese, Israeli’s, Germans and Russians in the group and many did not speak the English language, however, they were able to communicate thanks to the Ahgundy systems of translation. Therefore, in a sense, the colony was a new world, a chance for human’s to, perhaps start over, or to perish from dangers yet undiscovered.

    Ciera was an interesting world, a desert with tall mountain ranges and grassy valleys, many dangerous animals including giant insects that could kill in a heartbeat. The Sasquatch came and went between this world and others, and across the Gore Desert at the western most edge of the Sateelo Mountains were the orange colored tall and thin Tilmook, the very race who specialized in steering clear of the Ahgundy and proved elusive to enemies with their portal systems.

    The Sateelo had lived isolated, quiet and in their own bubble world on Ciera, rarely venturing outside the mountain range they called home. It was because of their lack of participation they had been free of the Ahgundy till recently when the Ahgundy Rebellion had begun. This had drawn their race in, whether they wanted it or not, and to their credit of isolationism, the not was more to their persuasion. Unfortunately, they had never met an Aztec Indian God of Earth, but soon they would and the sacrifices of them to that God would also become unwelcomed and apparent.

    Chapter 02

    It was calm, a gentle breeze that blew along the ushering canyons along the badlands south of the Lona Hills that beckoned the Aztec God Quetzalcoatl. The God walked along the portal of his new domain and subjects. He had enjoyed this stroll; admiring the landscape, and the moments that ticked by, brought him closer to the mountains of the Tilmook. He approached the steps at the edge of the Sateelo Mountains and ascended them to the doorway of the tall, thin orange alien race.

    Quetzalcoatl had an ancient arrogance about him, one that foretold he was at home here. He glanced about, dawned a slight grin, and then pushed right through their portal doorway and into a cavern of the Tilmook. He walked slowly, unknowing what to expect, took a deep breath and then walked a bit further. Then he hovered slightly in the air and glided down the long corridor, finally setting down. He closed his eyes and concentrated. You fear me, that is good, he said aloud through his thoughts. You watch me, you are here even now, and I can feel and see your presence. You are here, there and everywhere watching, hearing my thoughts. He took another step, and a tall thin Tilmook appeared from thin air.

    You are of the species that fled a world called Earth, the species they call humans, yet you are not human at all, but quite differing and complex. The Tilmook welcome you, we find you intriguing as we are open to learning of others.

    The Tilmook stood there before Quetzalcoatl. I have been awarded this province, I am your new God, he informed them. I will protect and grow your civilization and in turn you must make a daily sacrifice to me from one of your own.

    A sacrifice? the Tilmook seemed puzzled.

    Yes a sacrifice, Quetzalcoatl demanded. A heart!

    A heart? the Tilmook asked. What exactly is a heart?

    It beats inside you, the Aztec God informed him. A sacrifice must be made in my honor and I shall grow your people, protect you and provide for you.

    Ah, a heart, the Tilmook gestured to its chest.

    Yes, Quetzalcoatl replied. One of those a day.

    What if we have no heart as you request? the Tilmook asked. What will you do with this heart if you can get one?

    You must have a heart, the Aztec God seemed confused. It is required as part of a religious sacrifice to me in exchange for the very wonderful things I shall provide you.

    And if we cannot give you one and we do not need your help, then what?

    Do not anger me, Quetzalcoatl placed his right hand out and the Tilmook was in his palm in a miniaturized form. Do you see my power?

    The Tilmook disappeared a moment and reappeared before the Aztec God in full size. Yes, that was quite exciting, you like to teleport and we do too. Now tell us of your sacrifices.

    I have…you must cut out a heart for me.

    The Tilmook took a step forward. Can you place your hand inside my body and feel for a heart?

    Quetzalcoatl did just that, felt around inside the Tilmook’s chest area and then down below. You speak truthfully, you have no heart there.

    Yes, the Tilmook stepped closer. "We have a large energy central nerve system, the Ahgundy have six of these hearts, and we have

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