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Working With Your Angels: Contact Your Loving Guardians & Recognize Their Signs!
Working With Your Angels: Contact Your Loving Guardians & Recognize Their Signs!
Working With Your Angels: Contact Your Loving Guardians & Recognize Their Signs!
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Working With Your Angels: Contact Your Loving Guardians & Recognize Their Signs!

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About this ebook

Angels Can Change Your Life!

Life here on Earth can be difficult at times and almost unbearable at others. Yes, we have many wonderful and happy experiences too, but once you begin to regularly work with your angels you’ll find that the hard times don’t last as long, and you can get through them much easier. It’s nice to know that you don’t have to carry the burden of your troubles alone.

Angels can also offer encouragement, bring you inner peace, healing, and even send you wealth in various forms. Your life will change in amazing ways once you follow the guidance of your loving guardians.

The main problem you’ve probably encountered though is how to contact your angels, how to “hear” them, and how to use their guidance. I cover this in-depth throughout the book and will show you several ways you can communicate with them.  

No matter where you are in life or where you’ve been, your angels are waiting to connect with you and want to help you. All you need to do is let them in. They won’t crash through that closed door and rescue you though, you’ve got to open the door and embrace their love. Only then will you experience the deep connection you can have with your angels and the many ways they can help you. 

Release dateNov 7, 2018
Working With Your Angels: Contact Your Loving Guardians & Recognize Their Signs!

Kelly Wallace

Kelly Wallace is a best selling multi-published spiritual and self-help author, radio show host, and has been a professional psychic counselor for over twenty years. She can see, hear, sense, and feel information sent from Spirit, the Universe, and a client's Higher Self. Whether your problems or concerns are in the area of love, finances, family, career, health, education, or your path in life, she offers affordable professional intuitive counseling, caring guidance, and solutions that work! More than just a typical psychic reading or counseling session, you will feel you've found a real friend during your time of need--whether you simply want answers and guidance to your current worries or concerns, or you're interested in learning more about your soul mate, spirit guides, past lives, or anything else. Kelly uses her intuitive gifts and over two decades of professional psychic counseling to help you create a life you deserve and desire! With her you will find there is no hype, no wild predictions, no sugar-coated false information. Instead, you'll receive honest, open, caring guidance you can trust. Visit her site today and book a reading!

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    Working With Your Angels - Kelly Wallace

    Books by Kelly Wallace

    10 MINUTES A DAY TO A Powerful New Life

    Become Your Higher Self – Using Spiritual Energy to Transform Your Life

    Breaking The Worry Habit – Stop Your Anxious Thoughts And Start Living!

    Chakras – Heal, Clear, And Strengthen Your Energy Centers

    Clear Your Karma – The Healing Power of Your Past Lives

    Contacting Your Spirit Guides – Meeting and Working with Your Invisible Helpers

    Creating A Charmed Life – Enchantments to Attract, Repel, Cleanse & Heal

    Dream Work –  Using The Wisdom Of Your Sleeping Mind To Change Your Waking Life

    Energy Work – Heal, Cleanse, and Strengthen Your Aura

    Everyday Miracles – Powerful Steps to Wonderful Experiences

    Finding Your Life Purpose – Uncover Your Soul's True Goals

    Healing the Child Within – Rewrite Your Early Childhood Life Script

    How to Cure Candida – Yeast Infection Symptoms, Causes, Diet & Natural Remedies

    Intuitive Living – Developing Your Psychic Gifts

    Intuitive Tarot – Learn the Tarot Instantly

    Is He The One? Finding And Keeping Your Soulmate

    Master the Art of Picking Up Women

    Master the Art of Dating Women

    Master the Art of Sex and Seduction

    Never Good Enough – Escaping The Prison Of Perfectionism

    No-Sweat Homeschooling – The Cheap, Free, and Low-Stress Way to Teach Your Kids

    Psychic Vampires – Protect and Heal Yourself from Energy Predators

    Reclaiming Your Soul – Healing Your Spirit, Building Confidence, Finding Your Voice

    Reprogram Your Subconscious – Use The Power Of Your Mind

    Shadow Work – Understanding and Making Peace With Your Darker Side

    Signs From The Universe – How To Recognize And Interpret These Life-Changing Messages

    Spirit Guides And Healing Energy – Worth Your Guides, Aura, and Chakras

    Spirits I Have Known – Haunted Places, Haunted People

    Spiritual Alchemy – Transform Your Life and Everyone In It

    The Art Of Happiness – Living A Life Of Peace And Simplicity

    The Love You Deserve – Release Toxic Relationships and Attract Your Soulmate

    The Mended Soul – Healing Your Mind, Body, & Spirit From Anxiety & Depression

    The Overwhelmed Empath – A Guide For Sensitive Souls

    The Power of Pets – How to Psychically Communicate with Your Pet

    Transforming Your Money Mindset – From Broke To Abundance

    True Wealth – Reprogram Your Subconscious for Financial Success

    Upgrade Your Life – Small Changes, Easy Actions, Big Success

    Way Of The Lightworker – Discovering Your Role & Following Your Path

    Working With Your Angels – Contact Your Loving Guardians

    About Kelly Wallace

    KELLY IS A BESTSELLING spiritual and self-help author, former radio show host, and has been a professional psychic counselor for over twenty years. She can see, hear, sense, and feel information sent from Spirit, the Universe, and a client's Higher Self.

    She offers professional psychic counseling, caring guidance, and solutions that work! More than just a typical psychic reading or counseling session, you will feel you've found a real friend during your time of need—whether you simply want answers and guidance to your current worries or concerns, or you're interested in learning more about your soulmate, spirit guides, angels, past lives, or anything else.

    Contact her today for an in-depth and life-altering reading!



    What This Book Covers:



    Who Are These Angels?

    How Angels Make Themselves Known

    Types of Angels

    What Do Angels Look Like?

    Do Angels Really Exist?

    The Role of Your Angels

    Signs from Your Angels

    Angels Can Change Your Life

    Help Your Children Work with Angels

    Surrounding Your Child with Angel Love

    Healing with Your Angels

    Emotional Healing with Angels

    When Nothing Is Going Right

    When Your Angels Aren't Answering

    Part Two - Communicating with Your Angels

    Contacting Your Angels

    Different Ways to Communicate

    Journal of Miracles

    Automatic Dictation

    Angel Vision Board

    Angel Cards

    Angel Meditations

    Fun Ways to Work with Your Angels

    Your Angels Will Never Abandon You

    Being an Earth Angel

    Book an Angel Reading

    ~ Part One ~

    All About Angels


    MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE in angels, but there are many different ideas about what they are and what they do for us. Some believe that they’re far away, existing only in heaven. Others believe they come and go in our lives when we need them. Many feel that they’re by our side night and day. Then there are people who think that angels existed only in the past or are just decorations to use during the holidays.

    The truth is, your angels are with you every moment and never leave your side. You have a guardian angel that’s always with you, and there are higher angels and other helpful angels that come to you when you need their help. If your life is stable you may only have your one guardian angel with you, but when you go through hard times or points in your life where you’re going through a lot of changes or need to make a difficult decision you could have several angels around you. Even if you don’t feel them and even if you aren’t sure they really exist, I promise you that your angels are still with you.

    Some clients have asked me that if angels are real then why do we have to go through hardships and make mistakes? That’s because angels won’t interfere with your free will. They will protect you, and you probably have evidence that this is true. How many times have you said, maybe even half-jokingly, that your guardian angel must have been with you since you weren’t hurt or injured during an episode? Angels can also help guide you in life; they’re just waiting for you to ask for their help. Once you learn how to communicate with your angels get ready for miracles to happen!

    Who Are These Angels?

    ANGELS ARE MADE OF pure energy and are messengers, guides, supporters, and protectors. They can offer encouragement, bring you inner peace, and can even send you wealth in various forms. I can’t imagine my life without my angels. I feel so close to them and they’ve gotten me out of many bad situations and have led me to countless wonderful paths. Consider them your best friends; ones you can ask for their input and guidance on various situations, and also talk to and joke around with. Contrary to what many people think, angels really do have a sense of humor.

    They’re Always Around

    The main problem you’ve probably encountered though is how to contact your angels, how to hear them, and how to use their guidance. I’ll cover this more in-depth throughout the book, but all you need to do is believe in your angels and ask for what you need. By sending your thoughts out into the universe your angels will hear you and will begin to work with you. Their messages come through in many ways, and all you need to do is

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