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Sex Ed Uncensored - Sensuality: Mind Blowing Sex Sh8t!!! for Young Adults
Sex Ed Uncensored - Sensuality: Mind Blowing Sex Sh8t!!! for Young Adults
Sex Ed Uncensored - Sensuality: Mind Blowing Sex Sh8t!!! for Young Adults
Ebook67 pages52 minutes

Sex Ed Uncensored - Sensuality: Mind Blowing Sex Sh8t!!! for Young Adults

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Get ready for Sex Ed 101-TayloR Puck style! Are you ready to know everything there is to know about Sex (even the rauncy, triple X details)? Sensuality is a researched-based guide, filled with hysterical narratives and commentary that will educate its readers, as well as entertain them. Based on Dr. Dennis Dailey's Circles of Sensuality, this sex ed lesson covers every aspect of human sexuality that an adolescent should know. By using urban language and extreme bluntness, TayloR entices teens with laughter while they absorb underlying morality, and learn the essential tools and material needed in order to aid them in making healthy future choices. With subject matter ranging from simple anatomy to bestiality, trained sex educator, TayloR Puck, M.S., M.Ed., answers the questions teens wouldn't dare to ask out loud. This comprehensive sex education lesson tells you the juicy details your parents and educators would never dream of teaching!

Release dateMar 1, 2017
Sex Ed Uncensored - Sensuality: Mind Blowing Sex Sh8t!!! for Young Adults

Taylor Puck

TayloR Puck, M.S., M.Ed., is a trained sex educator, and is in the process of receiving her doctorate in Human Sexuality. As a sexologist and author of How to Get Laid in Less Than Three Dates, TayloR educates people while entertaining them with her comical narratives. She strives to give adults of all ages the sexual education they truly want and need to know. TayloR's goal is to diminish the stigma that America has placed on sexuality, as well as promote fun and safe sex! She lives with her two Jack Russell Terriers in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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    Sex Ed Uncensored - Sensuality - Taylor Puck


    This circle of sexuality revolves around our own experience with our bodies, as well as with others’ bodies. Its major components include: Skin hunger, the human sexual response cycle, body image and fantasy.


    I’M FAT?!?!

    D epending on how one counts, there are over one hundred visible body parts of the human body. The chances that someone is satisfied with every single one is slim to none. Why?!? Well, because of Barbie of course! I mean, she was the closest thing to porn when we were children. No matter what sex or gender you identify as, one of your strongest memories of seeing the naked human form probably involved this doll. Now that’s fucked up! And what’s even more fucked up is the lasting impression it caused. Her body image has been etched into our brains as normal. It doesn’t matter that the dimensions of her body resemble a 5’9 tall woman, with a 39 bust, 18 waist, 33 hips and a size 3 shoe.

    But sorry. You can’t go around pointing fingers. If we’re going to blame Mattel for providing girls with long-lasting body image issues, we’re going to have to throw in some blame to Hasbro’s G.I. Joe and Teddy Ruxpin too! Cause he sure as hell did a job on Ted’s self-image!

    For starters, according to the Centers for Disease Control, the average height of a female is 5’3. At this height, the average waist line is 37. As for the hip measurement? Well, according to research, men are most attracted to women who have a 0.7 waist to hip ratio (WHR). A woman with this measurement would be known to have an hourglass figure. Sorry to say, Ladies: You’re born with your framework. So, you’re going to have to deal with it. You may be pouting right now, because you think that everyone has an hourglass figure but you; but, here’s a reality check for you: A study conducted at North Carolina State University found that ~46% of women were banana-shaped; over 20% were pear-shaped; ~14% were apple-shaped, and under 10% were hourglass-shaped. So if you resemble a fruit, don’t fret! There are plenty of ways to camouflage your waist line to make you look more triangular. Just Google that shit (GTS)! And indulge yourself in a plethora of fashion websites trying to sell you their latest trends. OR… You could always be happy with what you have and flaunt the shit you were born with!

    As for boobs? Again, GTS it, Girls. G-T-S! If you’re not happy with your No-See-Um breasts, go buy some push-up bras and wear a V-neck shirt! There’s a reason why Victoria’s Secret has become the leading specialty retailer of lingerie in the United States. It’s because they realized EVERY WOMAN has issues with their breasts! And I’m sad to report; it only gets worse as you age. Unlike men, whose dicks look the same at the age of 80 as they did when they were 20, a woman’s breasts do not withstand time well.

    It’s not a shock to anyone that women place too much emphasis on comparing their bodies to others. You know when you’re walking out of the grocery store, or down the street and other women are looking at you, giving you the eye? It’s probably not because they’re sexually attracted to you, but because they’re sizing you up and comparing themselves to you. Again, it’s fucked up. If a woman glances at you, and thinks you aren’t as good looking as her, she’ll actually get a burst of self-confidence. There are of course, exceptions to this. Secure women might size you up and compliment something about you to themselves. For instance, they may think after eyeing you, Wow. She has beautiful highlights. I should ask her where she gets her hair done. Or, She is so beautiful. I wish I was that age again. She doesn’t know how lucky she is. (Usually, the older women are the more secure ones.)

    As for men, when they are sizing each other up on the streets, they may be looking as

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