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Spring of Elves
Spring of Elves
Spring of Elves
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Spring of Elves

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About this ebook

The arrival of Queen Elin is the beginning of a new alliance between the three light elf villages, but is also the cause of their new dangers. King Helmar learns the long-lost queen is alive and is determined to capture her, enlisting the most dangerous creatures in Murkwood to assist him. The villages have to stay on high alert as the three guardians try to rid the area of these creatures, who this time are a danger to humankind, as well.
Release dateJun 20, 2016
Spring of Elves

Joanne Vruno

Joanne Vruno was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe), to very adventurous parents who were missionaries at the time. She spent her childhood in Maplewood, Minnesota, houses away from Battle Creek Regional Park. Her childhood introduced her to a love of nature by exploring and hiking the woods, camping with her family, and gardening. Today Joanne lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and the youngest of her three children It isn't unusual to find her working in her yard, walking her dog, or having a picnic while spoiling her four grandchildren.

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    Spring of Elves - Joanne Vruno



    Grandma’s living room suddenly filled with over a hundred elves. They surrounded us. My sister, Emily, instinctively grabbed my hand as both light elf leaders, Dolph and Agda, along with Grandma’s gnome, Lunt, stood up and bowed. All three said in unison, Queen Elin. Your Majesty.

    Standing in the middle of the elves stood a female elf with an essence of strength and power about her I had not seen in another elf. She did not show her age physically. If I had to guess, I’d say she was the same age as Silver, Dolph’s wife. Her face was what drew one in, with an immense amount of magic and wisdom permeating her eyes.

    It took a second before Lina and Berg, Grandma’s two tomtes, as well as my grandmother, also stood and bowed to the queen. It is such an honor to meet you, Queen Elin, Grandma said. I’m Alice, the guardian of Silver and Dolph’s village. These are my tomtes, Lina and Berg, and these two girls are my granddaughters, Aly and Emily.

    I’ve heard many good things about you, the three guardians who helped my wolf pack’s twin brothers, Fen and Fir, said Queen Elin in a soft but firm voice that seemed to sweep the room into silence.

    Emily and I quickly stood and bowed to the light elf queen and smiled. Neither of us knew what we were supposed to do at that moment.

    We are so pleased to know you survived the wrath of Odin. Your brother will be so happy to know you are alive, said Lunt.

    Oh, Lunt, it’s so good to see an old friend, said Queen Elin, taking Lunt’s hand. How is your lovely wife, Alma? I suppose she’s protecting the surroundings outside right now? I’ll have to catch up with her some time.

    Lunt’s face was one huge smile. She would love that.

    Then Queen Elin turned toward Dolph and took his hand as she looked directly into the face of the lead light elf. Dolph, you haven’t aged at all that I can see, she said. I suppose Silver must be in your village. She’s another I would love to see.

    Your Majesty, we would be honored to show our village to you, said Dolph. May we ask what we can do for you?

    Yes, but first I’d like to be introduced to this other light elf, replied Queen Elin, taking Agda’s hand.

    Your Majesty, I’m Agda. My husband, Beck, and I are the lead elves for the other light elf village here. It’s such an honor to meet you, said Agda, almost shaking with excitement.

    Ah . . . Agda. It was your village that discovered Koppor’s powers. I always felt she didn’t belong in the military. I’m pleased her true powers were finally discovered. If they hadn’t been, I would not be here at this moment. You see, when Fen and Fir returned, they told me all of what happened here. Aly, I know you saved them both from dwarf attacks. Neither would have survived without the light elves’ help, along with your guardian magic. I’m grateful to all of you in this room. I was foolish to think they could survive outside my protection. For more years than I can count, I have lived in isolation with a small village of light elves and my wolves. I was able to keep us all hidden from Odin in the beginning. Then, when I learned he had died, I often wondered if it could be true. I knew I couldn’t take the risk, so I found a spot in Murkwood where we lived isolated and safe from all the others. When one of my birder light elf scouts heard of the dwarfs searching Murkwood for light elves, I knew we needed to move quickly into the human world. I had no idea how large the human population was when I sent Fen and Fir out to warn and help keep the light elves safe from the rock elves. Strange, how the tables turned and light elves helped my wolves.

    We love your wolves and were sad to see them leave, said Emily.

    I think the love was mutual, Emily. Queen Elin smiled at Emily. Fir spoke of you as Fen spoke of Aly—with deep affection. You two must be very special to earn the wolves’ trust. They grew up with me and my light elf village, so we are family, but to have trusted humans, especially after being shot as Fen was, took someone extra special to reach him.

    I turned red in the face as Emily stated, That would’ve been Aly.

    Well, Aly, I thank you. My wolves are very dear to me. I’m impressed with what Fen and Fir told me about the powers you hold to heal ones in need, transport yourselves and others, and put creatures or humans in a sleep state. I hope you know this is not a normal trait for most humans. May I ask where it’s from? asked Queen Elin, looking directly at me.

    Grandma spoke up. Your brother, King Klas, gave the gift of becoming a guardian of light elves to the eldest daughter of each generation in our family. Because I had only a son, said Grandma almost apologetically, it skipped a generation and went to Aly. This fall, we discovered that Emily, Aly’s younger sister, somehow was also granted this power. We certainly didn’t expect that. She hasn’t developed all her powers and is still in training, but Aly has all of her powers and is still working to perfect them. Both girls have taken to their new life quickly and impress me daily with their abilities and strength. And those abilities have been tested weekly with all the dwarf and rock elf intruders hunting around the area.

    I always knew my brother was wise, Elin said with a warm smile. Imagine that, coming up with human guardians to protect a light elf village. Brilliant! King Helmar would never imagine such a thing, just as he could never imagine Koppor’s ability to change a rock elf back into a light elf. I was so impressed with this ability I had to try it myself. Here is the result, she said, spreading her arms. One hundred new light elves who need homes. Do you think you can accommodate them? I kept thirty in my village, but with the wolves, it’s hard to hide any more.

    Dolph gave the queen a bow. Well, Agda, can you take twenty-five more? If not, I’ll take them all, he said.

    We can take twenty-five, said Agda, turning to address the new light elves. Will you please split up into your families? We want you to stay with your loved ones.

    Soon the room was filled with small groups.

    Agda drew some groups together and then looked toward me. Aly, can you do us the honor of transporting us to our village?

    I smiled at Agda as I stood up. "Definitely. Send Agda and the twenty-five new light elves she’s selected to Agda’s village. Send Agda and the twenty-five new light elves she’s selected to Agda’s village. Send Agda and the twenty-five new light elves she’s selected to Agda’s village." Poof! They were gone.

    Impressive! said Queen Elin.

    Dolph quickly spoke as he noticed the faces of the remaining seventy-five new light elves. Don’t be afraid. I know you have already transported once here with Queen Elin, and we’re just going less than a mile away to my village. Alice, will you do us the honors?

    Grandma stood up to repeat her phrases and soon the room only held one light elf, Queen Elin.

    So, Queen Elin, if I may ask, where’d you find these new light elves? asked Lunt.

    When told by Fen and Fir that rock elves from the old mountain mines had been brought here by the guardians and with the use of Koppor’s newfound healing powers returned into light elves, I was intrigued to try this power out myself. Knowing that those mines made the weapons that injured my wolves, I decided closing down King Helmar’s armory suppliers was my goal. I was able to transform all the rock elf miners except two. I left them in the mines to tell the tale of how the others just vanished. Oh, would King Helmar be shocked to know the missing rock elves are now light elves healing the world instead of causing havoc on it, chuckled Queen Elin.

    So there are not enough rock elves left to make weapons for the dwarfs then, either? Lunt asked. They won’t be happy! I wonder, will that stop them from helping the rock elves? Without getting some form of payment, I can’t believe they have any reason to keep fighting. Imagine that, you might have eliminated a major threat to our villages. Lunt smiled at the thought.

    Berg shook his head in thought. Imagine what must have gone through those two remaining miners’ heads when suddenly they were the only two left in the mines. It had to have left them in complete fear, knowing some form of magic was around them, wondering if they were to be struck with it next!

    How about the fear of having to report the disappearance to King Helmar? piped in Lunt.

    I didn’t think of that, said Berg. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ran away and hid instead of facing him. King Helmar would eventually learn nobody was manning the mines. It will be very interesting to see what he does next. I, for one, thank you for decreasing the dwarf attacks, he continued, turning to the queen. This autumn’s been physically draining for these three guardians.

    Talking about physically draining, said Lina, looking at Queen Elin, you must be feeling the effects of this huge transport. I’ll get you something to eat. She stood up and quickly hurried to the kitchen.

    Thank you. I am in need of strength, said the queen as she found a pillow to sit on.

    One thing Lina recognizes is an exhausted transporter, said Grandma. She beamed at Berg, Lunt, and Lina. She’s experienced it quite often this past year by all three of us guardians. We wouldn’t be at our full strength without the caring and wisdom of others.

    Lina returned just then with a plate piled high with food. I didn’t know what you’d like to eat, your Majesty, so I brought a variety. She bowed.

    It looks wonderful, replied the queen, taking a grape.

    Grandma’s face grew serious. Your Majesty, what do you think we should do? Should we keep changing rock elves to light elves? Do you know where to find them?

    That’s our problem—we don’t know exactly where the rock elf encampments are. The mines were easy to find. Rock elves have mined the same mountain areas for centuries, said Queen Elin. I haven’t had a chance to talk to any of the new elves. Maybe we can get some information from them. It would be draining on everyone’s magic to pull rock elves to us from out of the blue to try to transform them, and then send the ones who hold too much evil back to where they came from. You’re welcome to try, but you may need your powers to protect the light elf villages. With the large numbers of elves now in the villages, they’re going to be harder to keep hidden. I think it wise to keep the healing trips outside the protected area to a minimum for the time being. I know it would be exciting to stretch out and heal more rivers, lakes, and land from human pollution, but that’s where the rock elves are searching. Does anyone know how many troops King Helmar has? Queen Elin asked those assembled.

    Lunt spoke up. We were told his army was very large when we left King Klas’s castle a thousand years ago, but we have no knowledge of present numbers. We can’t ask your brother, either. There’s no communication between the castle and us right now. The king found spies in the castle and doesn’t want anyone to know of the nine villages of light elves, said Lunt.

    There are nine light elf villages? Queen Elin asked, her eyes showing surprise. Why, my brother is quite the genius. The rock elves are searching for a single village. One. Do we know which one holds my nephew, the prince?

    Grandma shook her head. "No. I mean, the two lead elves of the village he lives in surely know, but we didn’t even know there was a prince until a few months ago. Our two villages now know of him, thanks to the swan maidens of Murkwood, but as far as we know, the other villages are still clueless."

    How did the swan maidens know? asked Queen Elin.

    The dwarfs that came searching around Murkwood announced it, I said. Isn’t that how you learned it, too?

    It is, said Queen Elin. So that means all the creatures in Murkwood know. This may cause more than just rock elves and dwarfs to hunt for him. I wonder what that cousin of mine is using as a bounty to find my nephew.

    What cousin? asked Emily.

    Why, King Helmar. Didn’t anyone inform you he’s King Klas’s and my cousin?

    No, this is the first we’ve heard about it, said Grandma. Lunt, did you know?

    Lunt gave an embarrassed shrug. Well, yes. I thought you knew this, though. All the lead elves know, too. I guess we never referred to him that way. I’m sorry I never told you. King Helmar has been known as the rock elf king for so many years, we never thought to inform you that he was of royal blood in the light elf kingdom.

    So, is that why he is searching for the prince? asked Grandma. If both King Klas and his heir, the prince, were suddenly eliminated, he’d be the rightful heir, wouldn’t he?

    Well, actually, no. I am, said Queen Elin. "I started my own separate kingdom with my brother’s blessing. We thought being spread out in two kingdoms would be safer for the light elves during the war. The world was in such a mess at that time. Helmar also wanted his own individual kingdom, but his request was turned down. Neither King Klas nor I thought he was strong enough to hold up against the two worlds at war—the Norse Gods and the giants. It seems we were correct, because Helmar was easily persuaded by the riches the giants offered him.

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