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Billionaire Mindset
Billionaire Mindset
Billionaire Mindset
Ebook150 pages2 hours

Billionaire Mindset

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About this ebook

This book will give you winners mentality & will give you necessary skills for winning. It will show you clear path in life. The Biographies of Billionaires will give you insight to their life.

This book consists of two parts. First 7 chapters cover billionaire mind set & their stories. Next 18 chapters will give you various life skills, which if implemented will transform your life.

This book will give you positive thoughts, confidence & energy to face the real life challenges. It will show you road map of happiness & success. It will transform your lives if you implement basic principles of subconscious mind, brain & concentration.
Chapter on “Law of Karma” will show you sure & tested way of happiness. Chapter on “Change Your Destiny” will really change your destiny. If you implement Pranayama & focus in your life.

Wish you all happy & successful years ahead.

Warm Regards
Shivshankar K. Sangale
(BE Production)
From Latur, Maharashtra ,India

Release dateNov 3, 2018
Billionaire Mindset

Shivshankar Sangale

My self Shivshankar Sangale, I am graduate in Production Engineering.I have more than 20 years of experience in automobile industry in India.In 2017 i had started writing & publishing books.Till time I have published 5 books. 4 are in English & 1 is in Hindi.

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    Book preview

    Billionaire Mindset - Shivshankar Sangale


    This book will give you winners mentality & will give you necessary skills for winning. It will show you clear path in life. The Biographies of Billionaires will give you insight to their life.

    This book consists of two parts. First 7 chapters cover billionaire mind set & their stories. Next 19 chapters will give you various life skills, which if implemented will transform your life.

    This book will give you positive thoughts, confidence & energy to face the real life challenges. It will show you road map of happiness & success. It will transform your lives if you implement basic principles of subconscious mind, brain & concentration.

    Chapter on Law of Karma will show you sure & tested way of happiness. Chapter on Change Your Destiny will really change your destiny. If you implement Pranayama & focus in your life.

    Wish you all happy & successful years ahead.

    Warm Regards

    Shivshankar K. Sangale

    (BE Production)

    From Latur, Maharashtra ,India

    Title - Billionaire Mindset

    Author Name- Shivshankar Sangale

    Published By Samashwords

    Copyright 2018 Shivshankar Sangale

    All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrival system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed by a newspapers, magazine or journal.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person. Please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchased it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of author.


    Morning rituals mean doing specific things in daily morning & making a habit of it. It is very important aspect of life for becoming successful in life. If you win the morning you can win the whole day. If you follow these rituals definitely you will become a millionaire/billionaire in your life. With new year make a Firm determination of following these rituals. Good morning rituals make our mind & brain energetic. On the basis of which we can win the day.


    Normally peoples start their day by checking mobile,news etc. But successful peoples don‘t do this. After getting fresh first thing should be meditation. It gives energy & makes our brain ready for peak performance. Meditation is the most important factor for most of the billionaires. Most of successful CEO, also gives credit to Yoga & Meditation for their success.


    Most of successful people‘s use this powerful technique; affirmation is nothing but a positive statement which we repeatedly say to ourselves. It helps to sow these positive thoughts in our subconscious mind. When anything goes to subconscious mind, sooner or later it becomes reality.

    Suppose you say that, I am going to become billionaire, then your mind act as program, it will stimulate you to find the correct path for becoming billionaire, you will collect all necessary knowledge & you will act in that direction only. You will find newer opportunities which others cannot see.


    You utilize your imagination power, to make mind movies of the desired things and circumstances. Just imagine as a billionaire, How you will act How you will live How you will travel How peoples will respect you What will be the business you will be doing Your brain sees no difference whatsoever between visualizing something and actually doing it.

    It improves your confidence, self-esteem, personality & body language. It activates your subconscious mind to create solutions for getting the goals you want. It creates new levels of self-motivation.


    There are lots of scientific benefits of doing exercise in morning. It gives more oxygen to brain. It releases more endorphin in our brain, which gives better and happy feeling. It gives more energy.

    All these benefits can be received even by doing few minutes exercise. Even if we do jumping jack for 1 minute, it gives 10 times more energy & clarity of thoughts.


    It do not mean reading newspaper, social media messages, time-pass messages etc. Reading must improve your knowledge, confidence, self-esteem, for example reading self-help books. You must invest in development of your brain and mind.


    Today‘s time is the best time to become billionaire/millionaire, because in these days no. of reach persons are growing very fast because of abundant opportunities available. Earlier never these many billionaires/millionaires were available at any one time.


    The first stage to become reach is to dream big. Then it is followed by plans, decisions, work, team etc. Most of the peoples even do not see big dreams, that is why they cannot do anything big.

    You have to imagine what you will be after 5 years, How you will stay How will you travel How you will be doing business How you will be giving commands in office How peoples will give you respect How much money will be earning Imagine for a perfect & healthy life. The more you will imagine the perfect life, faster the things will attract to you.


    When Jadav Molai Payeng was 16 years old, that time a heavy flood was occurred in Assam (India),due to flood most of the soil along with trees & shrubs were flown along with flood. Due to which it affected eco cycle of forest. Most of the land was become infertile. It has reduced reptiles & birds.

    When Molai spoke to elders and asked them, Like birds humans will vanish from this area Elders were laughing on him. And they told him not to worry. Then Molai approached forest department & asked them to plant trees. But he failed to get any cooperation. Forest dept. asked him to plant trees on his own. Then he took responsibility to change. He has started sowing plants on that unfertile land. He continued to do it for next 30 years. The result is that now that land becomes a forest of 1360 acres. Now it is known as Molai forest. It shows power of responsibility for a single man. He has got prestigious Padmashree award from Government of India.

    On contrary common peoples keep on blaming Government, Neighbors, relatives, parents etc. This blaming attitude, gives a feeling that ,others should improve, so

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