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Pollux Paradox
Pollux Paradox
Pollux Paradox
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Pollux Paradox

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The Citadels were the pinnacle of law and order in the Empire. They served as centers for trade and kept the peace in thousands of solar systems for centuries. Fleeing the destruction of their own Universe, one of these mighty stations arrived in ours, taking position in the atmosphere of Saturn. The only survivors were two doctors and the multitude of AIs that ran the station. Looking to Earth to repopulate the Station, a young man is selected to become the new biological half of the Controlling AI named Pollux. In addition to becoming the human half of an ancient computer, he learns of a major problem on Earth.

Release dateFeb 18, 2014
Pollux Paradox

Ben Winston

Ben Winston (1965 - ?) was born in Iowa and grew up in Minnesota on the family dairy farm. Upon reaching adulthood, he joined the United States Army as a communications technician. Before getting out of the military, he decided to go to school for computer electronics. Shortly after getting out of the military, and after getting a new job with an over-seas company, he was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. A month after beginning the new job, he was laid off due to budget over-runs on the project he was hired for. Upon returning to the United States, he had difficulty maintaining employment because of the chronic illness. He began writing as a form of stress release, from being home bound and not being able to work, and found he liked writing erotica. Ben wrote a trilogy called the Talosian Chronicles (Currently in rewrite to remove the graphic sex and finalized his vision of the story). The first book, Star Dancer, won awards and was nominated for many others by the online communities where it was posted. Ben Winston returned to school for literature, after completion, he began writing professionally. Being an avid fan of science fiction he focused on this genre. He was, and still is, influenced and inspired by Gene Roddenberry, Anne McCaffery, David Weber, Isaac Asimov, and Ray Bradbury. Some of his favorite movies and TV shows are; Battlestar Galactica (both versions), Andromeda, Star Trek, Firefly, Star Wars, and many of the B-rated movies that were actually box-office bombs.

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    Book preview

    Pollux Paradox - Ben Winston

    Chapter 01


    Jimmy walked into his best friend Tommy’s room and saw him lying in bed again with the remote control. Tommy had been sick longer than usual this time, and as far as Jimmy knew, they still didn’t know what was wrong with him.

    Hey, Tommy said once he saw his friend.

    Jimmy noticed that Tommy had pulled the blankets up higher than normal, and wondered about it. It wasn’t cold in the room at all. Then he was momentarily taken aback; Tommy had been letting his hair grow and for the briefest of moments, Tommy looked like a very pretty girl.

    Having Tommy as his best friend for these last years had been a little difficult for Jimmy. Mostly their friendship was natural because their mothers were very close. The two boys had known for some time that Jimmy’s mother Janie, and Tommy’s mother Holly, were lovers. That, and living next door to each other since forever, made them natural friends; even though Tommy seemed a little ... girly at times.

    Jimmy had even ‘dated’ Tommy’s older sister Tina. If you call playing doctor behind the pool shed, dating. Three years ago, Tommy, Jimmy, and Tina had been really good friends despite the fact that Tina had been two years older than the boys.

    One thing led to another, and a game of ‘doctor’ got really interesting. Jimmy and Tina ended up having sex while Tommy ‘helped’.

    Tina was gone for two very long years. Jimmy got no letters or phone calls. He felt that she’d forgotten him and it broke his young heart. As a result, the remaining two friends got closer, and Jimmy’d found that he wanted to take Tommy in his arms as well, but everyone said that was gay.

    The feelings only got stronger for Jimmy, and as Tommy got sicker, Jimmy began to worry that he was going to lose the person he loved again.

    Jimmy sat on the bed. Hey. What’s with the blanket? You cold or something?

    Tommy bit his lower lip. I’ve gotta tell you some stuff that you might freak out about.

    Dude, you’re scarin’ me, Jimmy said sarcastically. You know I don’t freak easily.

    Well ... they figured out what’s wrong with me; why I’ve been getting sick, Tommy’s soft voice said.

    Really? Cool! Maybe now they can get you feeling better! Jimmy said.

    Well, they’re still thinking about that. But, this is going to change things ... things between us. I’m afraid you’ll think I’m a freak.

    I’m your best friend, Tommy! It can’t happen. Jimmy said bravely. He noticed that his friend had winced when Jimmy said his name.

    After a deep sigh, the invalid pushed the blankets down her body to her waist. She was wearing a nightgown, and the paired lumps of semi-largish breasts were obvious on her chest. There’s some stuff I’ve been hiding from you. Turns out I can’t hide it anymore.

    Jimmy just sat there with a strange look on his face. He seemed to be staring at the breasts. Suddenly he shook his head as if he’d realized he’d been staring, and rose from the bed to think. Tommy was a girl? But ... Jimmy’d knew Tommy was a boy. How could he suddenly be a she?

    How ... I’ve seen you naked! How can you be a girl all of a sudden? Did those doctors do something to you? Jimmy asked even though he’d never heard of someone accidentally turned into a girl before.

    No, I was born this way. I do have a boy parts, but it’s small and isn’t developing anymore. I should have told you back when these started growing, she indicated her chest. But the doctors said it just could have been in response to a surge of either estrogen or testosterone in my system. It wasn’t, my body has finally figured out what it wants to be; a girl, she said fearfully watching Jimmy. Still not freaking? Are we still best friends?

    Jimmy was thinking a hundred miles an hour, but it always came back to how he felt for his friend. Yeah, we are ... On one condition.

    The girl looked a little panicked. What?

    You let me do something I’ve wanted to do to you for years. Jimmy said as he walked over, knelt on the bed, and kissed his friend on the lips.

    Hesitantly, Tommy put her hand around her friend’s head to hold him closer and so he wouldn’t break the kiss she’d been wanting too.

    Someone clearing their throat at the door made them part quickly. A smiling Holly was standing there. Well, I see that you’ve figured out your new relationship. You both know, don’t you that you’re in for a really hard time with the other kids and a lot of the adults?

    Jimmy shrugged. I don’t really care. How do you and Mom deal with it?

    Holly blushed brightly. Deal with what?

    Denial is not just a river in Egypt, the former Tommy said, chuckling.

    Holly gave her new daughter a playfully dirty look. Paybacks are a bitch, little girl! Now, I need your signature on these forms and then you can legally start using your new name.

    New name? Jimmy asked, looking back at his friend.

    The girl shrugged. I’m a girl now and need a girl’s name. So, I’m Tammy, she replied as she signed the forms for Holly and handed them back. Has the insurance company called yet?

    Holly shook her head sadly. That’s not the way it works, Sweetheart. You have to call them, not the other way around. Although the last response I got from those pricks makes me want to hire a lawyer and sue them for every penny I can.

    What do you mean? What’d they say? Jimmy asked.

    Well, Tammy needs to have a partial reassignment surgery, or her condition will eventually kill her. But our insurance flatly refuses to pay for it because they consider sexual reassignment surgery as 'elective' by their guidelines. The little fact that it’s a life and death situation is irrelevant to them. The asshole I spoke to last time told me that they were a good, Christian, god-fearing company that didn’t deal with sick perverts.

    So ... does that mean that Tom ...uh, Tammy’s not going to get better? Jimmy asked.

    Not yet, honey, sorry. I’m still fighting them, but you know the saying; no one wins against the insurance companies. But, we’ll keep trying, and figure something out, Holly said bravely as she left the two alone.

    So ... I guess you’re not too freaked over the whole me being a girl thing then? Tammy asked.

    Jimmy shrugged. Not really, more confused than anything. I mean, do you remember how you, I and Tina used to be before she went away?

    That was mostly the two of you, but yeah I do. She has some really nice tits, Tammy said grinning.

    Lesbian! Jimmy said teasingly.

    Tammy stuck her tongue out, Nope, I like at least one boy! Besides, Tina doesn’t count anymore.

    Dope! Anyway, I think I kinda, you know, started likin’ you both back then. A lot. But anyway, you saw how she acted when she got back. Then when you got sick, I was worried I’d lose you too, Jimmy explained. He snorted, Still might if we can’t get you that operation. What’s that for anyway? I mean, you’re a girl, right?

    Tammy nodded. I’ve got all the girl parts except a vagina. I have a penis and what was supposed to be testicles in place of it. I don’t have a prostrate like other boys. I have ovaries, and a uterus, just no vagina. They need to remove the boy stuff, so I can be a girl.

    But what about the other stuff, like, you know, the clitoris, and vulva and stuff? Jimmy asked.

    Tammy shrugged. I have a clit, it’s in there somewhere. The doctor touched it, and I about pissed myself right there. Anyway, since I have ovaries, and a uterus, I’ve been having my period. That’s what’s been making me sick.

    Well, you have to get better, otherwise, how am I supposed to take you out on dates? Jimmy asked smiling at his friend. Tammy grinned back.

    Chapter 02


    I swear to god, Janie. I wanted to cry right there. Jimmy couldn’t have taken it better. I know Tammy sure needed it. This has to be scaring the shit outta her! Holly said as she sat next to her lover. I know it’s scaring the shit outta me! I could lose her, and those fucking bastards won’t do anything about it!

    Janie put her arm around the woman she loved. I’ll call my lawyer, Jacob, but no one’ll touch this case. It’ll be viewed as two lesbians trying to force one of their children to become a girl against her will, and make the insurance company pay for it. She kissed the woman on the forehead to comfort her. Maybe after the company reads the statements by the doctor’s and that priest the hospital has, it’ll help.

    Holly smiled softly. Jimmy and Tammy know about us. When I warned them that they were going to be facing some problems, Jimmy flat out asked me how you and I handled it. When I tried to deny it, Tammy snorted and said denial wasn’t just a river in Egypt. I wonder if Donna and Tina know?

    Are you serious? Tina likes to watch us when we make love, and I expect Donna to start calling you mom too, Janie said, smiling in return.

    She already does. I guess we aren’t fooling anyone anymore, Holly sighed.

    You know... we’d need to talk it over with the kids, but we could always sell my house to pay for Tammy’s surgery, and we could all live in your house, Janie suggested. "By state law, we can’t legally marry, but we can set things up so all we’re missing is the license.

    Holly pulled away to look her lover in the face. You’d do that for me? Us?

    Why not? Look, we already make all our decisions together; we sit down together and figure out the bills. We sleep together almost every night, and I really miss you when we don’t. Let’s just come out of the damn closet and become one family, Janie said. Hell, we’ve been together longer than either of our marriages lasted. I’m willing to bet that the better part of the town knows about us anyway.

    Before Holly could reply, her oldest came in and slammed the front door, dropped her book bag, came over to the two loving women, and sat down on the floor in front of them. She leaned in and hugged both women's knees.

    Why are boys such idiots? She asked the two women.

    What’s wrong sweetheart? Janie asked, kindly.

    That Ass I’m no longer dating! He thought that just because my parents are lesbians, that I should at least like other girls. Well, I do, but that has nothing to do with you guys. Anyway, he decided, that since you two like girls; then I do too. Therefore, he decided he could fuck whatever tramp caught his eye and I’d be good with it. All without even talking to me about it. How can they even breathe being that stupid? Tina asked rhetorically.

    Well, generally, it’s a side effect of all the blood in their heads running down to fill the dick. You see the lack of blood to the brain starves it of oxygen, affecting the common sense centers... Janie began.

    Tina looked up at her mother as if to ask if Janie were serious. Holly tried to stop the giggle, but couldn’t. Soon all three of them were laughing at the stupidity of the male animal.

    How’s Tammy? Tina asked, after she stopped laughing.

    I think she’s doing better. She finally decided to tell Jimmy what was happening to her, Holly replied.

    I think there might have been more between them than even they were aware of until now, Janie added.

    Tina was suddenly sullen, and rose. I’m sure they’ll be good for each other. She leaned forward and kissed Janie on the cheek. Thanks, ‘Mom’. She repeated the gesture with Holly before she walked over, grabbed her bag, and headed up the stairs.

    I really wish I knew what that was all about. Something happened between her and Jimmy. I don’t think Jimmy has a clue what it was, but Tina is definitely holding a grudge over something, Holly said looking after her daughter.

    She’s been like that since she got back from that nun factory Bill sent her to. Something had to have happened to her there, but she sure as hell won’t talk about it until she’s damn good and ready, Janie added.

    Speaking of Bill, that ass has subpoenaed Tammy’s medical records, trying to prove that I forced the sex change on her. You know, if he’d just pay the money he owes instead of wasting all this time on litigation, we’d sure as hell be in a better place. It would really take some stress off Tammy too; Tina flat out hates him. If I didn’t know better, I’m sure she’d kill him if she had the opportunity, Holly said.

    Well, to get back to matters at hand. We should talk it over with the tribe before we decide to sell one of the houses. Otherwise, we could get voted off the island, Janie said grinning at the woman she loved.

    I think we both have immunity idols anyway, but let’s do a sit down out here after dinner, Holly suggested and snuggled back into her lover. God, this is nice.

    Chapter 03


    Mr. President, we have a problem, Stan Mansfield, the Director of the NSA began as he entered the oval office.

    I’ll call you back Sweetheart, something’s up. I love you. The man behind the desk hung up the phone and nodded to a chair. Whatcha’ got Stan?

    Before sitting down, Stan put a DVD in the player and let it auto-start.


    The image on the screen was the planet with jagged lines depicting the major fault lines. A female with a slight British accent began speaking. "Good day, Mister President. We apologize for this interruption. In seven days, a fifty to ninety kiloton device will be detonated in a subterranean location on a major fault line. Since the United States is, in effect, the planet’s police force, we felt that you should be the one to receive this message.

    "You may reset the seven day timer, once, by removing all American troops from Middle Eastern countries before the seven days pass. The UN troops can remain to protect the people of those countries until they are able to do so for themselves. The exception being the bases that were built prior to your ‘Operation Desert Shield’ of the nineteen-nineties. Your continuing military presence in that area is only making matters worse.

    "We understand that it might take more than a week to do this, since you have a lot of troops and equipment. The detonation will be delayed until your troops are removed, then it will be reset to one week. We feel that we should mention that if you are not in earnest removing your troops, the deal is invalid, and the timer will continue on the original schedule; you will not be warned in that event.

    "Once your troops are removed, the American government will cease all financial aid to foreign countries. We applaud humanitarian efforts and relief, however there is something you’re not officially aware of; your money is not going to help improve the lives of the people. It’s being used to buy weapons. Ironically, In most cases, the weapons are being purchased from Americans and used against American interests and people.

    "Israel. Continued financial and military aid to this country is letting them seek military solutions to problems that can be resolved peacefully. This, in turn, is further destabilizing the Middle East. Religious differences are not the main reason Israel is hated by all of their neighbors. They need to grow up and realize this. Cutting them off financially might also be the key to finally balancing the hundred-trillion-plus-dollar American debt; it certainly couldn’t hurt. We would also recommend that you charge a fee to countries that ask for your military protection. However, the last is only a suggestion.

    "It is also required that legislation be ratified by the U.S. government that will outlaw the use of all engines that use petroleum products as fuel. This must be accomplished within the span of time for the device. The international dependence on Fossil Fuels must cease. If you need more than a week, we would recommend you get those troops moving, that is the only way you will get more time.

    "It may seem like we

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