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The Memories of Misty
The Memories of Misty
The Memories of Misty
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The Memories of Misty

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Joan Goodfellow is focused on her career, her lover and making money.

Until the day she remembers Misty.

A stranger’s wild and whimsical musings begin to invade Joan’s mind - fighting for dominance over her own ordered and sensible thoughts. As she falls down a rabbit hole filled with strange and yet somehow familiar recollections, Joan finds herself struggling to hold onto her sanity.

Her closest friend suspects a mystical reason for Joan's behaviour, her loving boyfriend blames a decline in her mental health. As for Joan, she doesn't know what to think, as her self esteem erodes and her grip on reality becomes weaker with every passing moment.

Who is Misty...and why is she suddenly affecting every aspect of Joan’s mundane and predictable life?

PublisherAmelia Keldan
Release dateSep 30, 2018
The Memories of Misty

Amelia Keldan

Amelia Keldan is a women’s fiction writer, full time Mother and lover of all things vintage. When not reading and writing, you can find her trawling through second hand stores, re-furbishing old furniture and creating playlists on her iPhone. Amelia grew up amongst the foothills of South Australia and now resides in a beachside suburb, which helped to provide the setting for her latest stand-alone novel, The Memories of Misty. Her next novel, The Arrival of Amber is due in 2019.

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    Book preview

    The Memories of Misty - Amelia Keldan

    The Memories of Misty

    By Amelia Keldan

    Copyright © 2018 Amelia Keldan

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover Art Design -

    Thank you for downloading this eBook. Although this is a free book, it remains the copyrighted property of the author. It may not be reproduced, copied or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book please encourage your friends to download their own copy at, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    Whilst being set in a non-fictional town, this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidences are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six


    Henley Beach, Adelaide, South Australia - 2017

    Joan Goodfellow felt a stab of annoyance as her mobile phone vibrated inside the pocket of her expensive black pants. Risking a quick glance, she tutted quietly as she saw her Mother’s face light up the screen. Opting to ignore the call, she switched her attention back to the auctioneer, grabbing her fiancé’s hand in anticipation. As the gavel made a resounding and satisfying thwack to signal the end of proceedings, Joan threw her arms around Damon, her mind firmly fixed on the future. Having always had a clear vision of the life she wanted to live, Joan was feeling giddy at the thought that this was the first step in that dream becoming a reality. She was determined to experience this moment fully, without any pesky distractions. Besides, she could always call her Mum back later, right?

    As her partner, Damon Wu stood on the back porch happily chatting with the realtor, Joan excused herself quietly to return the call. The sprawling backyard of the beachfront home she’d wanted to buy ever since it’d come on the market, majestically lay out before her. Land this size was highly sought after in the beautiful suburb of Henley Beach.

    As a real estate agent, she knew she’d nabbed an immensely desirable property. She’d designed the sales flyer herself, highlighting the properties’ sleek and modern façade which only hinted at the extravagance which lay beyond the front door. The main selling point, besides the enviable location, was the view – the sight of the seemingly endless blue ocean was breathtaking.

    More importantly, the home was designed in a way that perfectly suited Joan’s need for organisation. Having always been the type of woman that prided herself on never having a hair out of place, she had wanted a home that suited her high-end lifestyle. Her sleek, tidy and shoulder length blonde hair was rarely messy or unkempt and her new residence was in keeping with this type of aesthetic.

    She’d pulled out all the sales clichés, the day she’d suggested to Damon that they bid on the property.

    It’s ergonomically designed and well-planned out, every little detail has been thought of, she’d gushed enthusiastically.

    "It is a great looking house," Damon had admitted.

    Look at the user-friendly appliance placement in the kitchen and it has enough outlets for all your gadgets and what not, she’d concluded.

    Joanie....enough already. I was sold the moment you mentioned gadgets, he’d joked.

    Her mind still on the sale, Joan slowly realised that her Mother was not answering the call. Tapping the end symbol and checking for messages, she finally noticed the notification which was alerting her to a recently left voice mail. As she absent-mindedly opted to hear the message, she ventured out further across the lustrous back lawn. She was intent on checking out the expansive entertainment area that was conveniently situated beside the in-ground pool.

    …Joan…I’ve had an accident…

    Joan frowned and felt her heart rate speed up. Pressing the phone harder against her ear, she foolishly called out to her Mother.

    Mum? she croaked out fearfully, hearing a thunk and the sound of laboured breathing. As she ran back toward the rear French doors, Joan called out for Damon, her voice barely reaching his ears as she felt herself spiralling toward a full-blown panic attack. She watched as her fiancé placed his hand gently on the vendor’s arm whilst turning toward the sound of Joan’s anguished and strangled cry. He looked startled by the sight of her obvious distress and he nervously swiped a lock of his dark brown hair out of his eyes. Stumbling clumsily over the patio pavers, Joan finally sank to her knees as she faintly heard sirens coming through the speaker of the phone - her Mother’s voicemail having recorded the last moments of her life.

    Mum! she screamed again, grabbing onto thin air, reaching out for Damon’s strong arm for support. Letting herself be hauled up from the ground, she listened to her fiancé’s panicked voice, imploring Joan to tell him what was wrong.

    As a drip of sweat made its way slowly down the length of her spine, Joan’s mind splintered in two – one half eager and anxious to get help for her Mother whilst the other was helplessly aware that it was already too late.

    Giving in to the impulse to wail, Joan’s cries were temporarily shut off by a sudden and sickening realisation. Her finger had hit the decline button the very last time that she’d heard from her Mother.

    Chapter One

    Henley Beach, Adelaide, South Australia – One Year Later

    Joan frowned as she studied her face in the mirror. Two pesky lines had appeared by the sides of her mouth, marring her otherwise perfect complexion. Scowling and then swiftly changing her expression to make her face smooth and wrinkle free, she sighed deeply and wondered why she felt so off this morning.

    Switching on the hair straightener to transform her wild and wavy blonde locks into a more sensible dead straight lob, she recalled the words of her trusted hairdresser. A long bob is what all self-respecting women no longer in their twenties go for, the woman had informed Joan assuredly.

    Opening the cupboard of her medicine cabinet in search of her favourite comb, her eyes lingered briefly over the small packet of birth control pills that hadn’t been touched in weeks. Anxiously wondering when her cycle would return to normal, Joan gingerly picked up the tiny rectangle box, slowly tracing her fingernail underneath her last name – Goodfellow.

    Get a good job, buy a decent house and settle down she thought silently, recalling her Father’s favourite mantra. Despite Don Goodfellow having been gone even longer than her Mother, his strong and opinionated voice would often reverberate within her mind, especially whenever she felt unsure about things.

    I’ve achieved two thirds of those goals already, she told her Dad silently, feeling a small burst of pride. Hell, I was a property owner by the age of twenty-five. Now, just a few months’ shy from turning thirty, she figured it was the perfect time to start trying for a baby. Not that she felt particularly broody.

    The bathroom door suddenly swung open as her fiancé’s clumsy and thirsty looking golden retriever made his way toward the toilet.

    Lucky! she scolded the dog good-naturedly. You have fresh water in your doggie bowl!

    Assuming Damon was back from his morning run, Joan called out to him whilst grabbing Lucky’s collar.

    Are you going to be home for dinner tonight Damon?

    Yes, and Lucky has been taken out for her morning business! he threw out hurriedly. One of Damon’s stipulations before they’d bought their gorgeous beachfront home was that his goofy and loveable fur baby would be allowed to move in with them. Crouching down beside the excitable pup, Joan couldn’t help but melt at the sight of his dopey looking face. She was still surprised at the affection she felt for the excitable creature considering the constant mess the dog often bought into her life.

    I’ve got to go now though, Damon’s voice grew louder as she heard him making his way down the hallway. Albie called earlier and our clients have rescheduled for eight instead of nine.

    He poked his head quickly into the steamy bathroom and grinned at her. Joan drank in the sight of his handsome face, taking note of his warm, dark eyes as they softened at the sight of her. She knew he couldn’t resist her, what with being all fresh and dewy from the shower and she grinned back at him cheekily.

    Damn…I could risk being a little late if you’d like to… Damon suggested, letting the sentence hang.

    Get out! she replied laughingly. It wouldn’t be worth the grief you’d cop from your boss.

    It wouldn’t? he joked, already making his way out of the room.

    See you tonight! she called out, as she heard him shutting the front door.

    Her phone buzzed on the bathroom counter, alerting her to a message from Loren Madsen.

    Landers on war path. Can’t find Harrison

    rental agreement!! Help!

    Joan smiled and tapped out a swift response to her friend:

    They’re under wife’s maiden name – Williams…

    The response was immediate:

    You’re the best! See you soon – your shout for coffee!

    Joan made a mental note to add an extra shot to Loren’s latte before heading in. She sounded like she needed the extra boost and Joan was happy to help.

    Grabbing her iPhone from the glossy kitchen counter, she plugged her earphones in whilst scrolling through her extensive music library. The short walk to work was always more enjoyable with a soundtrack. Choosing an old Tori Amos song, Joan smiled at the memory of first meeting Loren as a teenager. Both a tad shy and bookish, the two girls had struck up a fast friendship during their first year at Henley High. Although quite wild and more carefree than Joan herself, Loren’s ways had nonetheless piqued Joan’s interest during the nerve-wracking first year of high school. The girl’s differences quite often balanced the other out and Joan felt grateful that their friendship had lasted long after their adolescence.

    Closing the front door, Joan walked briskly toward Henley Square. Absentmindedly bypassing her usual coffee place, Joan found herself heading towards Malobo café – a bustling establishment that sat overlooking the beach. The marquee lights that hung across the courtyard swung a little in the morning breeze and Joan pulled the lapels of her lightweight jacket closed, silently mourning the fact that Summer was almost over. A colourful crowd of artistic and bohemian types were spread amongst the outdoor tables, swapping stories or otherwise happily eating alone with a book or newspaper. She smiled politely at the ones who briefly made eye contact and made her way toward the counter.

    As she stood in line to wait, Joan stared at the mural on the wall beside the entrance door, strangely moved and surprised by its beauty. Painted with a myriad of vibrant colours and an expert hand, the face of a beautiful young woman stared back, triggering a latent memory. Before she could fully take hold of the thought, the guy behind the counter asked if he could take her order.

    Oh…um, one latte and one black coffee thanks… Joan replied distractedly.


    Yes, of course…

    Joan supplied him with the information and checked her Fitbit for the time. She still had at least ten more minutes before she was due at the office.

    Landers Realty was based in a tiny storefront, a few steps along from the main row of shops. Joan knew how fortunate she was, being able to walk to work in only a few short minutes.

    I can’t imagine how stress free it must be to have your place of work right outside the front door, Damon had moaned, shortly after moving into their place on The Esplanade. He hated taking the car into the city for his job. The drive, a seemingly easy straight run right down Henley Beach Road, took way longer during peak hour. This, as well as the astronomical parking costs, meant that Damon quite often chose to grab the bus. Despite his complaining however, Joan knew how much he loved his job at Lakewood Financial Services.

    Coffees in hand, Joan quickened her pace before suddenly stopping beside an eclectic window display. Not usually one to waste time in such places, Joan found herself feeling drawn to the row of hand-painted vases displayed like an afterthought in the bay window. Forgetting all about the pile of paperwork sitting upon her desk, Joan pushed gently on the weathered shopfront door, a little bell above her head signalling her arrival.

    Chapter Two

    Cursing herself for her tardiness, Joan anxiously pushed open the glass door of Landers Realty. She cringed at the sound of her boss’s voice, which could be heard from the front reception area.

    Where the hell is Joan?! Carl was barking, no doubt baffled over the fact that his most punctual employee was running late.

    Um, she had to attend an emergency at a property in Torrensville, Joan heard Loren reply, obviously bluffing and stalling for time. Nervously rushing along the hallway that led to the rear office area, Joan sent her friend a silent word of thanks, slowing her pace as she waited for Carl Landers to retreat back into his hole.

    Peeking into the open plan office space, Joan watched guiltily as Loren flustered about. Her long necklaces were getting tangled up in her hands as she shuffled papers around in an almost comical show of being busy.

    Oh wait, here she is now… Loren cried out triumphantly, as she spied her friend hovering beside the hallway door. Joan jumped and struggled to balance the cardboard cup holder tray she’d almost left in the car.

    Everything sorted with the Torrensville unit? Loren called out brightly, giving Joan a subtle wink.

    Ah…yep…all sorted, Joan mumbled, placing the now lukewarm coffee cups on Loren’s messy desk.

    Carl Landers frowned and looked at Joan through squinted eyes.

    You have a meeting in one hour Joan, about the Clayson Place. You all set?

    I know Carl – no problem, she assured him, feeling a little uneasy as she realised she had no idea what he was talking about.

    Oh and another thing, her boss added before turning away. You won’t always have someone like Miss Madsen here to cover for you, so get it together.

    She made a silly nervous face at Loren and turned on the computer.

    You okay? Loren asked gently, after Carl had left the room.

    I think so…just a bit…dazed.

    Joan felt a churning sensation and she unconsciously placed her hand on her abdomen.

    Oh my god Joanie! Loren squealed, jumping to conclusions. You wouldn’t be…you know… Loren pointed toward Joan’s flat stomach.

    Joan gasped and placed her other hand onto her belly.

    I never even considered it! she admitted, wondering if that was the reason she was feeling so odd.

    I know you and Damon have been discussing it – did you stop taking the pill?

    Yes but only two months ago and my cycle has been all over the place ever since. Joan sank into her office chair and flicked the desk calendar over to the new date. Suddenly realising it had been twelve months to the day since her Mother’s passing, Joan sighed heavily. Maybe that’s why I’ve been feeling so out of sorts

    Dr Dhillon told me my cycles may be irregular until I get used to the change in hormone levels… Joan’s voice trailed off as her mind went back to that awful day.

    Maybe you should make an appointment – just to be sure, Loren suggested, as she pulled her long and wavy blonde hair over one shoulder.

    Yeah…maybe, Joan replied softly.

    You don’t sound very…um…excited at the thought?

    Joan’s shoulders slumped as she thought about her plans for the future. She’d always envisioned having a baby with her own Mother still around. She loved her career and Damon was a massive workaholic as well. She’d always assumed that her homebody of a Mother would be the kind of Grandma that would jump at the chance to help with the care of their first Grandchild. Call it a little spoilt, presumptuous and maybe naïve but Joan had always been under the impression that having a child would not necessarily have to be a huge disruption to her lifestyle.

    Loren tilted her head slightly, a knowing look on her face.

    Thinking about Mama Mary? she said softly, using the nick-name she’d coined years ago for Joan’s loving and nurturing Mother.

    Yeah…today is the anniversary of her death.

    Oh no Joanie…I didn’t realise. Has it really been a year?

    I know…doesn’t feel like it at all.

    Loren tutted, leaning over to rub Joan’s arm supportively.

    "Well, it makes more sense now why you’re having such a wacky morning. Still, while we’re on the subject…how would you feel about being pregnant? If you were, that is."

    Joan scrunched her mouth to one side as she pondered Loren’s question.

    I don’t know…I just always thought that Mum would be around to help out, she said, voicing her recent musings aloud. Realising that sounded awful, she shook her head and rolled her eyes.

    Oh gosh…I didn’t mean it like that. I just… Joan paused as she gathered her thoughts. "The prospect of having a baby, born into a full and loving family, was very reassuring. You as an honorary Auntie and two loving Grandparents to share the load and offer advice and support. Now I’d be pretty much

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