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How to Pick Up a Porn Star
How to Pick Up a Porn Star
How to Pick Up a Porn Star
Ebook23 pages22 minutes

How to Pick Up a Porn Star

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About this ebook

Please consume responsibly! This wonderfully erotic and dripping wet tale is full of adult language and unconventional, albeit consensual, behavior. If detailed sex and threesome scenes aren’t your thing, then please turn elsewhere else for something less hardcore. I spare no detail in reliving that vivid evening where I meet a pornstar and her husband and am taken back to their place for more fun. Wordplay marries with foreplay and my scenes put you right in the middle of the action. I am certain you’ll enjoy living vicariously through these words, and I’m certain you’ll give me a standing ovation... or three ;)

Release dateNov 19, 2018
How to Pick Up a Porn Star

Bouncy Baby Girl

December 2018 update: Happy Holidays! I'm taking requests for custom stories! If you want to see your fantasies come to fruition, go ahead and send me an email along with some juicy details... or just send a message saying hi! About me: My name's Bouncy Baby Girl, and I'm a 29 yr old female in a long term poly relationship with my dom couple, Mr. Steel and Jenni Lane. Jenni is a model and Mr. Steel is her photographer; so if you wanna see some of their work, check out her website at I, on the other hand, am their naughty Baby Girl who writes dirty stories about them. Tehee! This is my first time ever writing erotica, and oh boy oh boy, I am having soooo much fun! And from the looks of are YOU ? The cunning language in these lascivious tales have been inspired by true events procured from my full-time life as a BabyGirl (aka a "little"). Although all these stories are purely fictional, there are some tantalizing tidbits of truth that my lovers and I have shared whilst tangled in silky sheets ;) They are a mix of reality, personal fantasies, and some of your fantasies too, hehe! I love skating the fine line of what's acceptable and not...I do this in real life as well :) Although my tone may come off sounding "ditzy" or "naive," this is all just part and partial to my whole lifestyle—this is who I am, this is how I speak, this is how I think, and this is how I live. I can’t think of a better way for you to get a glimpse into the true story of my Big Life as a Little: a series of unmentionable events! Can't wait to share my many exciting experiences with you! xoxo, BouncyBabyGirl

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    Book preview

    How to Pick Up a Porn Star - Bouncy Baby Girl

    How to Pickup a Pornstar

    Copyright 2018 Bouncy Baby Girl

    Published by BouncyBabyGirl at Smashwords

    Note from Author

    Thanks so much for downloading my book! This wonderfully erotic story is based on true events from my own life, so I invite you to join me in reliving that vivid, vibrant evening with hopes of encouraging a standing ovation. And since you’re gonna love what you read, I hope you’d consider supporting all the fun to come by purchasing this story :)

    xoxo, BouncyBabyGirl

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I had just turned 21. I had just scored my dream job. And I had just reached my sexual prime, oozing charm and a tight young body amongst middle aged businessmen. The new girl at the office always garners excessive attention, and I made sure to relish lavishly in all the compliments and sexual innuendoes.

    I was the CEO’s right hand man, catering to his every whim while assisting in some executive projects. We had recently hired a new client and my boss wanted to set up a business dinner at the finest restaurant in town. Before I was able to phone in the reservation, the CEO leaned in close and asked if I would be the client’s date.

    Strictly plutonic, my boss assured; you see, he was taking his fiancé, the business director was bringing his

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