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Accidental Romance: Silverblade Book 2
Accidental Romance: Silverblade Book 2
Accidental Romance: Silverblade Book 2
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Accidental Romance: Silverblade Book 2

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Even with the job of your dreams, you can’t have it all... or can you?

Bassist Zack Bryant has gotten his big break, but it may come with a price. Zack is torn between his career and the beautiful but off limits daughter of his lead vocalist and mentor, Shane Martin. In order to keep his job with Silverblade, he has to stay away from Abigail. It’s harder than he expects, especially when she visits them on the road.

Abigail Turner will do anything to capture Zack’s heart. Even though he’s made it clear nothing can happen, she won’t take no for an answer. Getting to visit them on tour was hard enough, but Abigail refuses to let Zack go without a fight. Now if only she can keep her father from learning of her true intentions.

Warning: For those 18 and over only. May not suitable for all readers. Bumps in the road can be fun, right?

A Rockstar Romance set in the World of Triple Threat.

Release dateJan 27, 2019
Accidental Romance: Silverblade Book 2

Bella Jeanisse

Server tech by day, author by night, mom and grandma all the time. I'm always striving for something more.

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    Book preview

    Accidental Romance - Bella Jeanisse


    Triple Threat:


    Tragic Soul

    Triple Threat

    Triple Time

    Rubbed Raw

    Raw Reunion

    Chasing Chad

    Dual Desires

    Desires Delivered

    Wicked End:

    Wicked End

    Passionate Needs

    Sinful Needs

    Fulfilling Needs

    Prelude to a Wicked Wedding



    Persistent Urges

    Evolving Urges

    Forever Urges

    Final Urges



    Accidental Romance

    In the works:

    Forbidden Romance (Silverblade 3)

    Brass Monkey

    Mark of the Devil

    Hands of Fate

    Winter Winds

    Wounded Hearts

    Velocity Series:

    Rockin’ Rhythm – Ash’s book

    Shredding Dreams – Ian’s book

    Silver Strings – Bryce’s book

    In the works:

    Driving Reigns – Leo’s book

    Erotic Tales:

    Double Dominance

    Insatiable Appetites


    With Zack now a member of the band, he needs to find a way to feel like he belongs. Shane treats him like a kid, which at times can be good. However, it doesn’t help him grow. Then of course there is Abigail.

    Book one left off with the tour just beginning. We are now a few weeks in. Zack has done all he can to forget Abigail, even things he is not proud of. Her eighteenth birthday looms ever closer. Will it be a new beginning for them or disaster in the making?

    Shane is getting into the swing of things as if he’d never left the spotlight. Thankfully, most on the tour are aware and respectful of his sobriety. He’s been debating if he should give into the many groupies available to him. His heart still tells him he needs more than a quick fuck though.


    Papa Roach’s 2013 performance in my town inspired a scene in this book. It did not play out the same, but I was jotting down the details in my head while Jacoby Shaddix ran around the amphitheater. Thanks for the awesome show in Tampa and the raw energy you shared with us all!

    My other influences for this book were: Puddle of Mudd, Three Days Grace, Pop Evil, Nickelback, Shinedown and as always, Avenged Sevenfold.

    The real Dave the sex god of course inspired his own character. He has morphed some, but I still think of Dave when I see his name. I’m sure many of my books wouldn’t be the same if he hadn’t come into my life when he did. I’m forever grateful for all your love and support, Dave!

    And… of course where would I be without an amazing and loyal crew? You ladies are my backbone and my sounding board when I need it. My writing would suffer without you. Thank you from the heart for all you do! Kathy, Sandy, Traci, Anita, Patricia, Donna, Sonia, LaDonna, Sarah, Christa, Stephanie, Lisa, April, Stephanie, Coralee, SG, Ruby, Camillie, Frances, Cortney and Amy.



    Shane Martin - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar

    Kyle Savage - Drums

    Carter Keys - Lead Guitar

    Zack Bryant - Bass


    Dominic Spinelli - Lead Guitar

    Dean Johnson - Vocals/Rhythm Guitar

    Jon Harris - Drums

    Tommy Fischer - Bass


    Brandon Knight - Lead Guitar

    Jake Thompson - Vocals

    Chico Rivera - Drums

    Scott Mason - Bass

    Austin Reese - Rhythm Guitar


    Chad McLoughlin - Lead Guitar

    Chris Bradley - Vocals

    Giovanni Saracino - Drums

    Crystal Atkinson - Bass


    Noelle Young - Lead Vocals

    Emilio Martinez - Drums

    Jack Barrett - Lead Guitar

    Trevor Smith - Rhythm Guitar

    Mitchell O'Reily - Vocals/Bass/Piano


    Anthony Demarco - Lead Guitar

    Yuri Petrov - Bass

    Randy Houston - Vocals

    Max Klein - Drums


    Silverblade’s bassist, Zack Bryant, sat up quickly and smacked his head on the ceiling of his bunk. He winced. The dream about Abigail Turner faded slowly. She’d been crying again.

    It was a common dream. That time, he had woken himself up. Sometimes he couldn’t, then he would find himself in bed with her. If only! In his mind, sex with her was amazing. Never gonna happen. She was the seventeen-year-old daughter of his band’s lead singer, Shane Martin.

    They were five weeks into the Reign of Fire tour. He had his own groupies, which shocked him. In the beginning, after every show, he’d let one blow him. Sometimes he fucked them. All in an effort to forget the heartache. It never helped. Images of her plagued him.

    No matter how many times he’d reminded himself that she was a kid and off limits, his body still reacted. Only once had he thought about taking something to make him forget. In Colorado, someone offered him Oxys. Instead, he’d smoked a blunt with a few guys from another band they’d met there. It had helped him relax but not let her go.

    While he rubbed his forehead, Zack rolled out of bed. He set his feet on the bus floor and walked to the bathroom as quiet as possible. When done, he strolled to the front and pulled the curtain back a bit. The sun hadn’t even risen yet.

    Hey, Zack said to Johnny, the driver. We almost there?

    Johnny nodded. Yeah, next exit. Why’re you up?

    Can’t sleep. Zack sighed. Think it’ll be a’right if I go for a run when we get there?

    With a smile, Johnny replied, No one’s gonna be up for hours most likely.

    Zack didn’t want Shane to worry. Shane had been quite concerned about him lately. There was enough stress without him adding to it. Zack crept to the hall dresser and took out joggers and a t-shirt. He tried to be quiet, but the bus turned onto the off ramp, which made the drawer slam.

    Shit. Zack cringed.

    Kyle Savage, their drummer, jumped awake. He opened his curtain to see Zack’s bare feet. Why’re you up? He yawned and stretched, since he assumed it was morning.

    Sorry. Zack crouched down. I’m going for a run to clear my head. I don’t work out enough.

    His morning run was part of his routine, but he also lifted weights. They’d been busy that week. The last stop in Los Angeles had been filled with days of interviews, photo shoots and meet and greets, besides multiple shows.

    Zack donned a pair of socks. It’s not even light out. Go back to sleep.

    With a nod, Kyle closed his curtain and turned back over. Night.

    As soon as they parked at the hotel in Walnut Creek, California, Zack pulled on his hoodie and stepped outside. They were to play the Concord Pavilion near Oakland that night. The weather being only slightly cooler than in L.A. was a plus. He pulled his hood up and jogged until he left the parking lot. Then he picked up his pace.

    Somehow, he needed to get Abigail out of his head. The harder he pushed, the more he hated himself for his behavior the past few weeks. If she knew how many women he’d been with, she would be appalled.

    They’d meant nothing though. As soon as it ended, they left, and he went to bed alone and lonely.

    About an hour after Zack had left, Shane awoke and stumbled to the bathroom. He found the door locked. Seconds later, Johnny emerged. Hey.

    You mind if I crash in the bedroom? Johnny asked. It’s empty.

    Shane nodded. Go ahead. He stepped into the bathroom. Sorry. I’m too tired to see if Vince got here yet. He should have the key cards for our rooms. Vince was the tour manger.

    I’m good here for a few hours. Johnny smiled and disappeared into the bedroom.

    When Shane entered the hallway again a few minutes later, he noticed Zack’s curtain open. He dragged himself to the front room and was shocked to find it empty as well. Zack?

    He’s out, Kyle mumbled.

    Shane walked back and crouched next to Kyle’s bunk. He’s what?

    Out. Kyle yawned. Woke me up by accident a while ago I guess. He went running.

    Although Shane knew Zack ran daily, it surprised him that Zack had gone out so early. I couldn't do it. Too fuckin’ early for that shit.

    Shane climbed into bed with the intent to go back to sleep. It proved impossible. He had a feeling Zack was upset about something. They’d talked about Zack’s mother being in a permanent vegetative state. He hoped her condition didn’t worsen. If that happened, he knew Zack would take it quite hard. Since Shane hadn’t had other children after Abigail, he never expected to have a son. Zack filled that void to a point.

    He checked his phone for messages. There were none, which disappointed him. He’d hoped Patty Hudson had called or at least texted. She was his best friend’s widow. His deepening feelings for her confused him, but he couldn’t ignore them completely.

    Zack returned sweaty and exhausted. The bus was silent when he stepped aboard. He took off his sneakers and headed to the back. After a much-needed shower, he hopped back into his bunk in only a towel. The run did one good thing. His eyelids were heavy with exhaustion.

    As he attempted to drift off, Abigail’s face appeared. His lids snapped open. Leave me the fuck alone, he whispered.

    Why can’t I let her go? It wasn’t logical. The threat of Shane beating the shit out of him was very real. He didn’t want to be Shane’s enemy. Just stick to groupies. They’re safe.

    Zack? Shane knocked on the wall that separated their bunks. You going back to sleep? He’d heard Zack get settled.

    With a sigh, Zack replied quietly, Gonna try.

    OK. One question though. Shane hoped Zack knew more than he did. Did Abigail call you? She sounded off since he had left her back home in New York. He’d hoped it would pass. However, the night before, he’d heard her crying. She tell you anything?

    Zack gritted his teeth. The mention of her name made his cock stir. Uh, no. She don’t have my number.

    Why not? Shane thought that was strange.

    I dunno. Zack’s eyes closed, and he squirmed. Please stop talking about her. Talk to Gigi.

    Shane sighed. I did. She knows nothing. At least that’s what she says. Abigail is never sad this long.

    Are you trying to kill me? Between the mention of her name and the image of her upset, Zack was a mess. His chest constricted. I’m so sorry. If there was a way, I’d be with you, Abby. He wanted to say that, but it would give her hope. Too cruel.

    Did you crash? Zack’s lack of response told Shane it was true.

    Zack decided it was best to pretend he had. No matter what he did though, he saw her. When Shane didn’t say anything more, he took a deep breath and slipped his new headphones on. He turned on the MP3 player that he used when he ran and let the music take him back to simpler times.

    When Shane opened his hotel room a few hours later, he wondered why Zack had jumped at the chance to share with Carter Keys, their lead guitarist. Shane hadn’t seen Zack and Carter interact much. Carter usually disappeared with a groupie as soon as he stepped offstage.

    The hotel became overbooked because of a convention in town. Vince had asked for volunteers to share rooms. Most of the single men agreed. Since they didn’t stay in hotels in every city, they appreciated the breathing space.

    Kyle walked in behind Shane. Hey, this is nice.

    It is. Shane nodded. You noticed Zack’s kinda down today?

    After Kyle set his bag on the bed by the window, he turned back. Now that you mention it, he’s been quiet. Something up?

    I dunno. Shane opened his bag and pulled out his outfit for that night. He said he’s fine. Maybe Abigail can get him to talk.

    Kyle froze. How do I respond? Uh, maybe. He didn’t want to let on that Zack had feelings for his bandmate’s daughter.

    Guess I can ask her to talk to him.

    His eyes opened wide, Kyle blurted out, No! Don’t.

    Why not? Shane’s face screwed up.

    Kyle walked to the window and looked outside. He’s just getting used to this life. It wasn’t easy to come up with something plausible. I’ll talk to him.

    I already tried. Shane sighed and threw his hands up. He’s starting to remind me of Abigail. Why’re kids so confusing?

    This is why I don’t have kids. Kyle laughed.

    Shane rolled his eyes. No. You don’t have them because you’re not an idiot like me.

    Dude. Kyle regretted joking about it. I was kidding. You’re not an idiot. You were fifteen.

    I know. Shane sat on a bed and held his head in his hands. But I’m the only one I know my age going through shit like this. My daughter’s gonna be eighteen in three days. I kinda hoped Zack and her would become friends, so he would keep an eye on her. Well… an ear… whatever. Be closer to her than I am. She pulled away again. Since we left, she won’t talk about anything but her mom and school. What am I doin’ wrong?

    Kyle wanted to tell Shane the truth, but he couldn’t. Nothing. She’s a kid. They do this. He hoped Shane bought that.

    True. Shane fell back on the bed. Maybe I’m pushing too hard.

    A few rooms away, Zack sat on his bed while Carter searched through his bag. Do we have time to take a nap? Zack was still exhausted.

    Seriously? Carter cocked an eyebrow and stared at Zack. No way. We’re getting you outta the funk you’re in. He pursed his lips for a few seconds. Got any patches of blank skin left?

    Zack looked up, confused. Huh?

    As in a place to put another tat, Carter explained. You need a rush. Tats always do it for me.

    Some on my legs. Zack took inventory of his tattoos. I guess my ass and my dick. He laughed. Not getting my dick done. He wiggled his fingers. My hands?

    Carter grinned widely as he thought about Zack’s extensive tattoos. How about a piercing? I think I’ll get my nipples done.

    I took most of mine out because of my last job. Zack missed the snake bites. I almost got my nipples done last year. Rose thought it was weird. Another reason to be glad his ex-girlfriend let him go. She’d held him back more than he’d realized.

    Excited, Carter put a black shirt and shorts on the bed and grabbed a pair of boxers. Lemme take a shower.

    Zack watched Carter rush to the bathroom. A piercing might help get me out of this mood. He seriously hoped it did. After Carter came out drying his hair, Zack took a quick shower himself. When he was done, Carter searched on his phone for a shop to get it done.

    This one I recognize, Carter said as he scrolled through the long list. Wait! I got a tat here once. I was kinda high, but it came out real good. Cool guy. He pulled his underwear down to show off the ink on his ass. Shane told him to do it pink, but the guy couldn’t be so cruel.

    Zack’s eyebrows rose. It took him a few seconds to decipher the phrase because of his dyslexia. The words, KISS THIS were in red, but outlined in black. What made you get that on your ass?

    Fuck if I know. Carter shrugged. Me, Troy and Shane did a lotta stupid shit when we got high. Troy got Patty’s name tatted on his dick when we were in London. A few days later, he had me do a video chat with her while he jacked off. She was mad until he got hard and her name was obvious. He laughed. Those two were a great love story. He never cheated on her once. He’d rather suffer in silence than hurt her. His voice softened. Maybe that’s why he went overboard. Their previous bassist, Troy, had died of an overdose over a year prior.

    Silence prevailed for a minute. Zack broke it when he started to get dressed. I’m sorry you lost your friend. I promised Shane I wouldn’t get into drugs like that.

    Thanks. Carter shook his head to stop the memories. It’s not easy being out here for months. Lonely and boring sometimes. When I was high, it didn’t matter. We’ll just keep busy. Never went sightseeing before, except in Europe, but I don’t remember much of it.

    Zack smiled. We had fun in Vegas. They’d walked the strip, gone to clubs and checked out multiple casinos. We staying in any cites for a few days?

    I think so. Carter dressed as he thought about their schedule. Not sure where though.

    Less than thirty minutes later, they arrived at the tattoo shop in Oakland. Carter walked in first. The man behind the counter stared at him. Shit! Carter Keys?

    Carter’s here again? someone shouted from the back.

    Zack stayed behind him, unsure what to do. His eyes flitted around. Most of his tats had been done at his friend’s small tattoo shop. The décor of the huge, open space confused him. Nothing seemed to go together. Footsteps made him look up. A large man headed their way.

    Hey, man. The big guy offered a hand to Carter. How’s your ass?

    Carter laughed. Not pink. Thanks to you. He tugged on Zack’s arm. Zack, this is Jay. He did the piece on Shane’s arm with Abigail’s name.

    Wow. Zack was impressed. I like that one.

    Jay smiled. So, what can we do for you today?

    Me and Zack wanna get our nipples pierced. Carter glanced at Zack to make sure he hadn’t changed his mind. Right?

    Zack nodded. Yeah. I’d rather rings than bars though. I got my eyebrow bar caught once.

    Really? Carter scanned Zack for piercings. He only saw the ones in his ears. How?

    With a smirk, Zack explained, Lace panties. The trio burst out laughing. She tried to help and tore it a bit.

    I’m convinced. Carter didn’t want to imagine the pain of a nipple tearing. Same for me.

    Jay waved a hand at them. Come to the back. He led them to an open room of tattoo chairs. I’m set up at the end there. He pointed to the left.

    Nervously, Zack followed Carter as Jay left the room. Who goes first?

    Don’t matter. Carter shrugged. If you’re nervous, go first so you don’t have to watch.

    By the time Jay came back, Zack rested in the chair with his shirt off. Damn. Jay closely examined Zack’s visible ink. That’s awesome.

    Zack grinned. Most admired the work his friend had done. Thanks. I came up with the design myself.

    Cool. Jay got his sterilized tools ready and sat down. Just relax. It’ll be quick.

    After a few deep breaths, Zack closed his eyes. He barely felt the first piercing. However, the second one hurt. To hide it, he gritted his teeth. Once the rings were in, he looked down and cocked an eyebrow. Not bad.

    Yeah, yeah. Carter chucked at Zack’s self-admiration. You look hot. My turn. He tugged his shirt off and set it on another chair.

    Zack blushed and got to his feet. Fuck you. The rush wore off quickly. Unfortunately, the strange urge to show Abigail the new jewelry came over him. When do we haveta be back?

    We got a few more hours. Carter flinched slightly with his first piercing. We’re gonna check out a few places. You need to get your head back in the game. He glanced at Zack who seemed almost sad. You said no to getting head last night, so something’s wrong.

    With a shrug, Zack walked a few feet away. He’d said no because he felt guilty. Abigail was constantly on his mind. Carter was unaware that he’d only been talking to the girls he hooked up with in the past two weeks.

    They’d been insulted until he explained that he was in love but in an impossible situation. He hadn’t given names. However, the women fawned over him even more since he needed support. They hadn’t helped his situation, but because of it, they promised not to tell his bandmates nothing happened.


    Hey, Zack said as he stepped into the small hidden section next to the stage.

    He waved at Brandon Knight’s girlfriend, Mackenzie, who watched Wicked End. Brandon was the band’s lead guitarist. Zack was sure she hadn’t heard him, but she did smile. He returned the gesture before he focused on the band.

    No matter how many times he saw the headliners play, they still amazed him. The chemistry between the members was visible. They anticipated each other and had comebacks for everything. He hoped he would be that in tune with his bandmates soon.

    Between songs, Mackenzie leaned close to Zack. They need to take their shirts off like you and Carter do. She winked at him. Love the nipple rings.

    Zack couldn’t help but blush. Uh, thanks. He hadn’t realized she’d watched their set earlier in the night.

    That’s one thing Brandon doesn’t have pierced. She smirked. Well, that and his dick.

    Unable to meet her gaze, he replied, It’s worth it.

    It is? She bit her lip as she looked him over. Maybe I can try yours out.

    That shocked Zack. His head snapped up. Wait! What? He’d never seen desire in her eyes aimed at him. Brandon’s a crazy fucker. I’m not messing around with his woman. He’d witnessed one guy go down who touched Mackenzie’s arm. Sorry.

    She smiled and lightly poked his chest. If I asked for it, he’d let you join us.

    Oh. He didn’t know how to handle an open relationship, since he didn’t like to share. Not sure about that.

    A bit nervous, Zack turned back to the stage. He loved how they worked pyrotechnics into their show. It was more elaborate than previous Wicked End shows. The explosions that went with the music fascinated him. They’d been timed perfectly. I’d get burnt. He didn’t think he would able to pay attention to so much going on around him.

    In Silverblade’s dressing room, Shane was talking to several young fans. They’d won a contest and part of the prize was to hang out with the band. With them around, the others were tame. He hadn’t gotten propositioned once, which was unheard of.

    Will you write a new album with Zack? a female fan asked.

    Shane smiled. We’re working on new music. Not sure when we’ll be ready to record. He suddenly recalled a conversation with Jon Harris of Demonfire Records and his bandmates. Most likely after this tour.

    "Where is Zack?" a young man asked.

    Kyle sat nearby. I think he’s watching Wicked End. He’s always out there for their set. He was glad that Zack hadn’t taken the invite to Mark of the Devil’s dressing room. I’ll go get him.

    Still next to the stage, Zack sang along to Thoughts of You. It had surprised him when the song was released, since it was definitely a ballad to a rock beat. Wicked End’s music was normally metal. He didn’t care what they played. It was all good in his eyes.

    Kyle walked up to Zack and glanced at the band on stage. His gaze drifted back to Zack, who was obviously a fan. He tapped Zack’s shoulder. When Zack turned, Kyle nodded toward backstage.

    Reluctantly, Zack followed Kyle. When they stepped into the dressing room, he remembered the contest winners. He berated himself for not being there. With faked excitement, he strolled right to the group with Shane and waved.

    Hey. Zack grinned. Sorry. I was checking out Wicked End. You guys having fun tonight? He hoped that didn’t sound lame.

    Shane threw an arm over Zack’s shoulders. We’ve been talking about you. Seems you’re popular.

    Where’re you from, Zack? a young man to his right asked.

    Zack made eye contact. "Yonkers, north

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