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Warlords: Saga
Warlords: Saga
Warlords: Saga
Ebook1,516 pages18 hours

Warlords: Saga

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The ancient Antarian scrolls speak of legends regarding a female warrior from an unknown house.
The life blood from the Beast of the Valley of Trenches can bring fortitude to the new Empress of Antares.

Follow along on this magical quest in search for the ancient texts and discover the mysteries of the Kron’Shulooka,
or Blood Spirit.Their hope is that the ancient writings will hold the clues of what must be done.

Prepare yourselves, the Warlords are coming...

Release dateNov 26, 2018
Warlords: Saga

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Book preview

    Warlords - Brian K. Larson


    Chapter One


    The Star


    Earth Year: 1375


    Eridonian scouts on scanner, my Lord, reported the tactical officer.

    What are Eridonians doing at the Betelgeuse system? Engage them, but I want prisoners for the Emperor!

    Weapons ready, awaiting your command, my Lord.

    Fire! the captain of the Antares battle cruiser ordered.

    Weapons firing, my Lord!

    Gorax waited impatiently for the glowing lights of an explosion. He was rewarded with a flash on the forward display.

    Direct hit, my Lord! Target one destroyed, two to go! the captain heard Ajail report in a gruff voice.

    I said I wanted prisoners!

    Sorry, my Lord. I will adjust our weapons output to disable their ships.

    Gorax sat in his captain’s chair, extended his arm pointing his large hairy index finger, After them! They’re running away!

    Yes, my Lord, Chetran, the helmsman answered, Altering course and increasing speed. We are in pursuit!

    Gorax gave his helmsman a stare, Do not let the Eridonians escape! Understood?

    Yes, my Lord, Chetran answered, We are nearing weapons range in two minutes.

    Weapons status!

    Yes, my Lord, Ajail answered, Weapons recharged!

    Very good, Ajail! Gorax’s saber rattled as he moved to stand between his tactical officer and his helmsman. Chetran, you would do well to emulate how my tactical officer anticipates my orders, Gorax relaxed into his leather command chair.

    They’re returning fire, my Lord! Ajail reported.

    Shields up! The fools. Those scout ships cannot damage us at this range.

    Sir, their scout ships are no match for ours. Weapons range on the last two targets in one minute.

    I said Shields up! Gorax now stood beside his tactical officer, the tip of his sabre making his point against Ajail’s chest.

    Yes, my Lord, Ajail nervously acknowledged, Shields activated!

    Gorax sheathed his sabre and pointed a heavy finger at Ajail, DO NOT destroy them, they are to be captured and taken to the Emperor.

    Ajail nodded, Yes, my Lord. I have targeted both ships’ engines.

    Thirty-seconds! the helmsman counted.

    The Emperor will be most pleased, my Lord, Ajail cracked a smile, and became enraged when he cut his lip on his crooked and pointed teeth.

     We need them alive! The Emperor will be able to complete our telepathy deflector with the life of one of these...Eridonians.

    Fifteen seconds!

    They will be unable to fool us with their mind tricks, once the Emperor perfects our technology, Gorax nodded, Ajail, fire at will!

    Yes, my Lord, Ajail acknowledged, pressing his firing sequence. Target two has been hit. Their engines are disabled.

    Helmsman! Record their position and continue pursuit. We’ll come back for them shortly.

    Yes, my Lord. I have marked their position. Changing course to intercept the last target.

    My Lord, Ajail reported, I’m picking up some very unusual readings coming from Betelgeuse.

    Tactical, report!

    My Lord, sensors indicate the star is about to supernova!

    Our seers warned us that this star would die soon. Are you certain your readings are accurate?

    Yes, my Lord. I have confirmed our readings, Ajail reported, I suspect that’s what these three Eridonian scout ships have come this far to record.

    How far are we from that star?

    We will be destroyed if we are here when it blows, my Lord!

    How much time do we have before we must make our escape? the Captain demanded.

    Five minutes or less, my Lord. She has already exploded. If we wait much longer, we may not make it out of the expanding gravity well!

    Helm, take us away from the supernova!

    My Lord, what about the Eridonians?

    Never mind them now! We must make our escape! Prepare for jump sequence!

    Yes, my Lord! Chetran acknowledged, Spooling jump drive. I’ve changed course to intercept the disabled ship. They have launched an emergency escape pod, we can scoop them into our landing bay before we jump.

    Are you certain you will have enough time? the nervous Captain tugged on his stringy goatee.

    Yes, my Lord. We will intercept in two minutes.

    Tactical, report!

    My Lord, the supernova shockwave will be on us in three minutes.

    ...and time to jump?

    It’s going to be Lord.

    I didn’t ask for your analysis!

    Yes, my Lord. Just under three minutes.

    Engage locking beam and bring that pod onboard! NOW!

    We have them in our locking beam, my Lord.

    Jump coordinates set for Antares, my Lord! Ajail reported, We have the pod onboard! One minute to shockwave!


    Jump drive is nearly ready, my Lord!

    Lock down the landing bay and jump!

    Yes, my Lord. Landing bay secure. All stations report ready for jump sequence.

    All personnel, Gorax ordered, Activate auto-restraints!

    The battle cruiser began to shimmy with the approaching shockwave. Sweat rolled down Gorax’s hairy forehead and dripped from his scraggly beard as he studied his monitor. JUMP! Jump the ship! Jump the ship, NOW!

    The ship rattled and shook as the supernova shockwave hit. Jumping now, my Lord! As Chetran finalized the jump sequence, a brilliant display of color played across the ship’s forward screen. Stars bled from one color to the next in the spectrum from the instant speeds of the jump engines.

    Then all was quiet.

    The shaking stopped.

    Only the engines, winding down from the massive energy spike of the jump sequence, could be heard.

    Report, Gorax ordered, wiping his sleeve over his bony brow.

    My Lord, Ajail reported, We cleared the supernova. We have minimal damage to our aft thrusters, and to the inertial dampening systems. I’m dispatching repair teams.

    The Eridonians?

    They are alive, my Lord, Ajail smiled with satisfaction.

    Bring the prisoners to me at once!

    Yes, my Lord, Ajail replied, and then signaled on his comm station for the security detail.


    The helmsman turned to address his Captain, Yes, my Lord?

    That was brilliant bringing those Eridonians on board just in time.

    Thank you, my Lord.

    You may have earned accommodation.

    Thank you, my Lord, Chetran answered, bowing before his Captain.

    Set course for home. Enter our home moon Serintin’s orbit when we arrive.

    Yes, my Lord. Plotting course to Serintin. We shall make orbit in two hours.

    Yes, I cannot wait to see the Emperor’s face when he sees we brought him one of the Eridonians, Gorax’s expression turned a more serious look, We all need to be aware of the mind tricks these Eridonians have on us. DO NOT be fooled by them.

    The security detail entered the widespread bridge from the rear door. Five armed Antarian guards escorted two rather short, bald, and unassuming humanoids before Gorax.

    You are the Eridonians? You’re much smaller than us. Gorax laughed, and then stood, towering over the white skinned androgynous creatures, However, we understand size makes no difference in this Galaxy.

    The two Eridonians were dressed in light blue, long flowing gowns. The lights from the bridge caused their garments to sparkle as they stood emotionless before their captors.

    Gorax leaned closer to their faces, I know you understand me. You can hear everything I say telepathically. Now speak to me! Tell me what it is you were doing in the Betelgeuse sector?

    The two continued without movement, simply returning Gorax’s stare.

    Speak to me, NOW! Gorax pulled his sabre and thrust it into one of the Eridonians.

    The short humanoid buckled on Gorax’s sabre, then slid off the blade and collapsed on the floor. A pool of blue spread outward from the Eridonian’s body.

    Speak now or you will have the same fate as your partner!

    The Eridonian nodded and made a hand gesture, please, give me a moment. We have not spoken Antarian for some time.

    You just did it, Gorax smiled, I heard you just now. Why did you wait for me to kill one of you before responding? You must have known that I was going to do can tell these things, can’t you?

    The white skinned humanoid gestured once more, our lives are of no consequence. Our mission was a success.

    Your mission?!

    Yes, our mission was to cause you to return to Antares after the supernova.

    I fail to understand your reasoning?

    We entered the Betelgeuse star system, knowing that the star was about to supernova. We have been studying this star for some time now. All we needed to do was clear the sector and your people would be locked on this side of the portal.

    Portal? Gorax asked, What portal?

    The supernova has created a wormhole. However, the wormhole, or conduit, will not be stable for over six-hundred years. Two way travel will be impossible, so your ruthless Empire will now suffer from isolation. Jump drives will not operate through that sector of space for some time now. Our mission was a success.


    Yes. Individually, we are expendable. We understood this was a one way trip for us. Now we have rid our sector, and protected other star systems from your tyranny, the Eridonian smiled with a slight nod.

    We will discover a way through! You cannot stop us! We are the Warlords of Antares! We will not be defeated!

    The Eridonian cocked its head to one side and closed its eyes.

    Gorax and crew grabbed their ears in pain. Most of the bridge crew fell to their knees from where they were sitting. Gorax struggled to maintain his composure. What are you doing!? You will not take us! Holding his blue stained sabre, he looked at the blade and then back to the Eridonian, but before he could act, the helmsman had already lunged with his sword, piercing the Eridonian.

    The pain in their heads ceased. Gorax shook his head and stumbled back into his command chair with a thud. Pressing a button on his command chair, he leaned closer to the intercom, Get someone up here to clean this mess up, on the double! he looked over to Chetran, who was still holding his bloody weapon, What have you done!?

    I-I don’t know, my Lord.

    You let his mind tricks get to you!

    I am sorry, my Lord. The pain...the pain was too great.

    You are weak!

    My Lord, I ask you to forgive me. Please-do not kill me, Chetran begged, backing away from the Captain and his sabre.

    Gorax stepped closer, pointing his saber at the helmsman’s chest, I will not stab you. He wiped the alien’s blood from the weapons across his sleeve and returned it to his sheath.

    Thank you, my Lord.

    I would not thank me just yet, Chetran.


    You killed the Eridonian! Now our Emperor will not be able to defeat these creatures!

    I will try harder not to fall to their mind tricks in the future, my Lord, Chetran bowed before his captain.

    There will not be a next time for you, Chetran! Gorax reached for his side arm, pointed it at his helmsman and fired, incinerating him. His screams echoed in the minds of his crew as his flesh burned away, vaporizing into the air.

    The remaining crew held silent and waited for their next orders.

    Don’t just stare at me! Get to your stations! Someone take over the helm and report on our arrival time!

    Another crewman slid into the helm station. The ship resumed its usual routine as they made their way to the third moon of the fourth gas giant of Antares.


    Epsilon Eridani

    Earth Year: 1375


    The misty green planet occupied the fourth orbit around the star known as Epsilon. Five Eridonian leaders had gathered in the center of a courtyard, in the center of the continent which was centered on the equator of Epsilon prime.

    Towering spires surrounded the courtyard, signifying the leaders meeting place.

    A slight nodding motion from each Eridonian was the only visual clue to their communications.

    It is done.

    Yes, we all felt it. The last of our teams have perished at the hands of the Warlords.

    Our mission was a success.

    Yes. However temporary it was, we were successful in keeping the Warlords from entering our space.

    We must not let them find the others when the portal stabilizes.

    Yes, we must protect the planet called Earth. They are not technically suited to defend against the Warlords at their current state of development.

    It was agreed that this was the safest course of action. The Betelgeuse supernova couldn’t have occurred at a better time.

    Yes, it was an advantageous time. However, this only grants us a small respite. The conduit will stabilize, making two-way travel possible. The Antarians will traverse the conduit in six-hundred and forty years.

    We must use the time prudently.

    Is it possible to help the Earthlings advance to a state where they can fight against the Warlords in the time we have given them?

    I see them advancing to a state where they will accept help from outsiders by then.

    Yes, I sense that is correct.

    Then it is settled. We shall mentor the Earthlings when the time comes.

    If it becomes necessary, indeed.

    Until that time, we shall continue our observations of the planet to monitor their progress.

    One last nod passed around the five Eridonians before each departed in his own direction.

    Chapter Two



    Present Day


    Jedidiah Fitz slouched on the lumpy couch. His gaze moved from the empty shot glass to the fifth of whiskey waiting on the coffee table. He ran his hand through his gelled blond hair, then wiped it clean on his jeans. Then he ran his other hand across his face, feeling the roughness of his three-day stubble.

    He looked out the window at the night sky. The stars twinkled outside the high-rise condo. They called him, beckoning him to come to the window. He opened the patio French-style doors and stepped out onto the balcony. The beeping horns and flickering car lights twenty stories below hinted at the hustle and bustle of the city nightlife.

    The constellation Orion was shining brilliantly this time of year. He loved gazing at the stars. He longed for the day that man would reach the distant stars. He never expected it would ever be in his lifetime, but perhaps for his grandkids. If he ever had any.

    His dreams of a large, happy family died five years earlier. Five years ago. This very night. The night the love of his life was stolen from him by a car accident.

    Happy birthday, Jed.

    Visions of sitting in a bar, his beautiful wife next to him, sipping seltzer water so he could have his shots of whiskey played over and over in his mind. It was like it happened yesterday. Was it really five years ago?

    His eyes looked at the stars, but he saw only her white spring dress. The one with the flowers. He could smell her shoulder length black hair, soft as silk, as it flowed around her soft neck. He remembered how she’d tremble when he ran his fingers along her neck ever so softly, barely touching… he could feel her warm, smooth skin, he could look into her eyes… He missed those almond eyes the most.

    He remembered the waitress setting a full bottle of his favorite whiskey on the table. She smiled at them, working for her tip, as she wiped the table quickly before leaving.

    He held Joan’s hand across the round table as she nodded that it was okay.

    "Drink up honey, her sweet voice sang, I’ll drive us home, you just have a good time, sweetie."

    He lived to be with her. It nearly killed him when she died in his arms that night. Maybe some of him did die with her, he thought. No, he was sure part of him died, the emptiness told him.

    No one saw the car speeding through the intersection, running the red light, until it slammed into the driver’s door. She lived just long enough to tell him she loved him. God, he missed her.

    Damn-damn-DAMN! It’s all my fault! he cursed to himself, If only we hadn’t gone to that bar...if only I hadn’t had those drinks...Joan would have never driven us would have been me that was killed, not her...damn it!

    Tears rolled down his cheeks. It took some time, for the sobs to ease. Why do I always do this...every year since the accident?

    Jed walked back to the couch and picked up the whiskey. He studied the label, then the amber liquid in the bottle. After a time he poured another shot and set the bottle down on the table.

    You really don’t want to do this, now do you? he muttered to himself. No-I don’t want this anymore...never again...never again.

    He lifted the shot glass to his nose and took in the powerful elixir’s aroma, swirling the drink in the glass, he watched the oils of the whiskey coat the sides of the glass.

    Touching the glass to his lips he thought, maybe this year will be different...maybe this year I’ll actually take a drink.

    Jed kept the glass there, the rim barely touching his lower lip. Ten, twenty seconds, a minute he kept it there. He sighed before he returned the shot glass to the table. Then he fidgeted a little, and finally giving in, he reached his hand out, only to pull it back before he touched the cold, hard glass. Twice more he reached for it. The third time he actually picked it up.

    Like drinking bad medicine, Jed thought. He opened his mouth and threw down the whiskey in a quick movement. He slammed the glass hard on to the table. Desperately he filled the glass twice more, quickly downing the spirits. After each shot he slammed the glass harder on to the table, hoping that it would break.

    The TV suddenly turned on, making him jump, What the hell?

    He reached for the remote control and quickly powered the set off, Too damn depressing to watch the news.

    After setting the remote next to him on the couch, the TV once again popped on, displaying a news anchor, and showing the words on the screen, Breaking News!! The Aliens Have Arrived...

    What the devil’s going on? then he stopped short as the station displayed pictures of the little grey alien’s that had been reported by thousands over the last fifty years. Jed had seen enough UFO shows to know they were called ‘Greys’. Reports of sightings from all over the world existed, but there was never any confirming physical evidence. The shows made it seem like the Government knew more than what they were saying. Hype or not, Jed always had believed there was life out there. But these little creatures? He didn’t think it likely.

    Wait a minute, he reached for the control and turned the volume to a level he could hear.

    We are bringing you this breaking news: An alien race has, in fact, made first contact with Earth. This is not a hoax or a drama show! We have reports that the aliens have contacted tens of thousands across the globe, all simultaneously, the news reporter said, In fact, there’s one in contact with me this very moment. This alien is saying that the Governments of the world can no longer deny their existence. They are sending us a message of utmost importance.

    While the news anchor continued talking, Jed scoffed at the TV. Yeah, right. Aliens are coming to Earth, you betcha.

    He poured two more shots and downed each of them quickly when he heard a voice behind him, What’s the matter, Captain Jedidiah Fitz?

    Startled that someone was in his apartment, he shot around to see who it was.

    Standing behind the sofa was a man of medium build, wearing plain, simple clothing.

    Who the hell are you and how did you get in my apartment?!

    Shhh, do not be concerned.

    Oh, I’m plenty concerned, and so should you be! Jed reached under the cushion and displayed a .40 caliber Glock.

    You cannot harm me with this privative weapon.

    Wanna make a bet on that? he squeezed the trigger and fired a round at the man.

    The bullet passed through the mysterious man and embedded in the wall behind him. Jed gave his gun a puzzled looked, and then aimed it again, and fired another round.

    You cannot harm me because I am not physically here.

    Jed sat the gun on the table and poured another shot.

    You really do not wish to continue doing this to yourself, do you? That liquid cannot drown what troubles you.

    How do you know what I want and what do you mean, you’re not physically here? I see you standing right there. It must be the booze that’s why I missed. I must be too drunk right now to hit anything, Jed stammered.

    I have not moved, you may inspect the bullet holes behind me to see this.

    That’s impossible.

    It is only impossible when you limit the scale of your perception.


    I assure you, I am not a hallucination. I know you very well.

    What do you mean, you know me? I’ve never met you before.

    I know you well enough to understand your pain.

    "What do you know about my pain!?"

    I know much about your pain. I also understand you well enough to know this is the first time in five years that you have actually taken a drink. May I ask? Why did you decide that tonight is a good night to have a drink?

    I wish I knew, Jed answered, lowering his head.

    You do know, the man replied, You only need to access that part of your mind to reach the understanding you seek.

    Jed looked up at the man, What in the hell are you talking about? Who are you, really?

    Pardon me, Captain Fitz, have you not seen the news?

    Yeah. Yeah, Jed said, facing back to the TV, I saw it...but I don’t know how? I never turned on the tube! I never watch the news, not anymore, anyway.

    I turned it on so you could perhaps understand who I am, without too many questions or disbelief.

    Oh, Jed laughed, I see, you’re trying to tell me that you’re one of these little green men they were talking about? Pfff, tell me more, star-man.

    Call me Malcom. You would need to study our language for a very long time to be able to pronounce my real name. I am from the fourth planet orbiting the star Epsilon Eridani, ten and a half light years from your star.

    ...and I’m from Mars. Do you really know how ridiculous that sounds?

    Yes, I do. This is why we waited until we could provide you with a sign.

    A sign? What? You gonna walk the streets with a sandwich board, advertising that you’re an alien?

    The man walked over to the balcony doors and motioned him to follow. Jed felt compelled to join the strange man on the balcony.

    Malcom turned and pointed at a star in the Orion constellation, That star right there.

    Yeah, what about it? That’s not Epsilon either, so forget trying to con me that this is the star you are from, ‘cause I know a little about the stars and that particular star is Betelgeuse.

    Yes, you are very correct. That star was Betelgeuse as you called it.

    Was? Called it?

    Open your mind to a larger scale of possibilities, Captain Fitz.

    ...fine-fine, let’s say you are an alien, not here in physical form. How in hell do you expect me to believe you? ...and stop calling me Captain. If you know so much about me, you’d know I turned in my commission earlier today.

    Watch that light. In a minute or two, you will see it change into a much brighter light. It will light the night skies brighter than your twilight for the next three weeks.

    You’re saying that star exploded? This star is going to brighten our skies? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?

    Jed froze on the balcony as he watched the star begin to grow in brilliance, just as the strange man said it would. The brilliance of the light now took over the night sky, lighting the city with enough light to turn off the photo sensors on the streetlights below.

    Jed nodded and then grew a smile, You are for real, dude. Aren’t you?

    You see? All you have to do is open your mind to new possibilities. Yes, I am the real deal.

    Why now? Why are you revealing yourselves to us now?

    The star you call Betelgeuse went supernova six-hundred and forty years ago. We waited for two reasons. The first being that it would take all those years for the light to reach your planet, and your species requires evidence.

    ...and the second?

    The second reason is your kind needed to reach a certain level of technological advancement before we came to offer our help. Not counting the fact that the existing conduit destabilized, preventing us from traveling physically to your planet.

    Wait, what? You lost me again, Jed said, shaking his head, W-Why do we need your help? Why now?

    Pardon me. I must apologize.

    How about starting from the beginning?

    Yes, yes indeed. You see, there are others in the Galaxy. Others that are not benevolent.

    Others? Well, I’m trying my best to have an open mind.

    Yes, they are from a star that is six-hundred light years away.

    Six-hundred? How is it they could ever be a threat to us?

    Open mind, larger scale, remember?

    Okay, right. Forgive me if I’m having the slightest difficulty with all of this.

    They are from the star you call Antares. They are the Warlords of the Galaxy. We have concealed your planet for as long as we could.

    Huh huh...keep going.

    You see, the Antarians enslave weaker species.

    Weaker, huh?

    Yes. And at your technological state, you will be unable to resist any attack from the Warlords. This is why we have come to help you.

    You’ve come to help us win a war against a civilization that we’ve never had a conflict with, let alone know about?

    You must learn to trust us.

    I’m sorry, but I’m still having a hard time with all of this.

    We know your kind will resist. This is why we waited for the sign to show itself.

    Well, alright. I’ll keep listening... What else can you tell me about this conduit?

    Wormholes in space, allowing ships to travel across the Galaxy in minutes.

    Okay, I’ll bite. Then how come these Warlords haven’t arrived on Earth yet?

    There was no conduit, or portal from their space to yours. That was before the supernova six-hundred and forty years ago. The energy expelled from the exploding star, destabilized all the wormholes until now. When the shockwave from the supernova reached your solar system, it completed a new conduit from that star to yours, and now it is stable. It’s just a matter of time before the Warlords discover that it’s once again safe to traverse the conduit, bringing their war ships right to your door step.

    Okay, I understand. For some reason, I feel drawn to your story. I don’t know why or how, but I believe you...just answer me one more question?

    Yes, you wish to know why we chose you?

    Yeah, that’s what I want to know. Why me? I’m a nobody. A washed up pilot in the reserves who’s turned in his commission... and stop reading my mind already! That’s just unsettling.

    I understand your concern. However, I assure you that reading your mind was necessary to communicate telepathically across the great expanse. And again, I assure you. You are the right match for what we seek in your people.

    Really...’cause you just lost me again. Why not speak to the greater powers that be? I’m afraid I can’t offer you much help at all.

    Remember to keep an open mind. Larger scale.

    Right, I forgot again. See? Maybe not the right stuff after all.

    You are perfect for the job. We are communicating with thousands, including key members of your military. But we require your special talents to command the first ship to cross to our star. You will return to your office tomorrow morning and your commission will be reinstated. Then you will head over to the space center where preparations have been underway the last five years on building your first star destroyer.

    Okay, well. I better get some sleep then. I did have several shots of whiskey, Jed took the bottle and locked it away in his cabinet.

    Why do you insist on keeping that elixir? Are you not afraid that you will bend to temptation once more?

    No, not anymore. Not after tonight, anyway.

    Very well. I will contact you in the morning for further instructions.

    Great, just great, Jed looked to where the strange man had stood only to see that he had vanished. ...and how in the hell do you expect me to sleep with this new bright light shining into my bedroom?

    He stood motionless, waiting for an answer, Well...maybe it was just a bad dream after all.

    Then he trudged off and collapsed on his bed and snored the rest of the night, in spite of the new bright light outside.

    Chapter Three

    Jedidiah lay still against the morning sun beaming in his bedroom window. He felt the hand of a man shake him into consciousness.

    What the hell? he mumbled, still half asleep, Who the hell are you? then began snoring once more.

    He felt the hand shake him again, Hey, man. Wake up already! the voice whispered.

    Jed turned his head sleepily toward the source of this rudeness, What’re you doing in my apartment? As the fog of sleep cleared, he realized he was not alone. Jed shot out of bed, caught the man by his neck and pressed him into the wall, I asked you a question!

    The man Jed had pinned to the wall struggled to answer, Cap’n’...CAP’N’!

    Captain Fitz only saw the image of the man who interrupted his slumber earlier, Malcom, isn’t it? I thought you were just a bad dream!

    The man struggled against Jed’s grip, Malcom!? Who the hell is Malcom, Cap’n’?

    Fitz stared at the man, his eyes still blurry from last night’s whiskey.

    Cap’n’, it’s me! Race Jennings! Let me go already!

    Race? Fitz shook his head and blinked his eyes, Race? Is that you?

    Yes! Now if you don’t mind, our eggs are going to burn!

    Eggs? Jed asked, releasing his grip.

    Yeah, I’m making us breakfast...big day today, you know.

    How the hell did you get in here?

    Don’t you remember, you gave me the bloody key?

    I did? Jed scratched his head. What time is it anyway?

    It’s almost six.

    Six?! he yelled, following Race to the kitchen. Why is anyone waking me at six? I turned in my commission. I don’t report to anyone anymore.

    Not according to Cap’n’ Gilmore.

    And what does Captain Gilmore have to do with it? He’s not...wasn’ superior.

    Well, he’s not Captain Gilmore anymore. It’s Admiral now.

    Admiral? When the hell did they promote him?

    That’s something you’ll have to find out for yourself, Cap’n’. Race answered, stirring the scrambled eggs.

    Tall, lanky, thirty-five-year old Race Jennings was used to being on top of the world. He remained friends with Jed, even after he had washed out of the military academy. One night with a forgotten hottie and a line of cocaine was all that was needed to ruin his military aspirations. Luck would have it he was randomly selected for a drug screening the next morning, and that did it. The military wasn’t going to turn a blind eye to this, and he was lucky they didn’t insist on jail time. He had his run-in’s in the past, but never with drugs. This time, the military was not forgiving.

    The blond, blue eyed consultant was a real ladies man. He worked hard to keep his arms as muscle-bound as he could, but even after all his training, Captain Fit was stronger and outweighed him by fifty pounds.

    Turning to serve the scrambled eggs on two plates, he dashed a glance toward Jed. Captain...Admiral Gilmore contacted me late last night. It was after that crazy news story about aliens making contact with Earth, Race half laughed, You don’t really believe that do you?

    I’m sorry, what? Jed asked, his brain still throbbing from the whiskey.

    The aliens? Do you believe the stories, or do you think it’s all a hoax?

    It’s a hoax! A bad nightmare, already!

    Well, they’re all talking about it on the morning shows. What’s just weird is that all the stations are giving so much time to this story. What they won’t do for ratings these days.

    I know, right? What a waste of time.

    Jed picked up his plate, grabbed a cup of coffee before the pot finished brewing, and sat at his table.

    Race quickly joined him, handed him a fork and a paper towel for a napkin, Still, he turned, noticing two bullet holes in his wall, Hey! When did you shoot your wall?

    Come again?

    The wall, Race pointed, Right there, shaking his head, then he turned to address Jed directly, I’m pretty sure those weren’t there the last time I was here.

    Jed looked around Race and shrugged.

    What? What was that shrug about! Come on, man. Tell me already? What’s going on?

    I thought it was a bad dream.

    Wait...wait a minute, you’re not saying...

    ...It’s true.

    It’s true?! What’s that supposed to mean?

    It wasn’t a dream, Race.

    Come on, Race said, leaning away from Jed, Quit messin’ around, you’re starting to freak me out.

    I had a visitor last night.

    Not funny, man...

    Race, you and I go way back. Farther back than even the academy.

    Since high school, for cryin’ out loud! So stop it already.

    "I shot my gun at a man I thought was an intruder. Turns out, he wasn’t really here, but in my head."

    Hey, that’s exactly what they’re saying on the news too! You’re serious, aren’t you?

    Yep. I wish I was kidding around, Jed said, wiping any smile he may have had on his face.

    Well? Race asked, picking at the eggs on the plate, What else did he tell you?

    He said a star exploded over six hundred years ago. He was telling me these things, apparently in my mind, just before the star’s light illuminated the night sky.

    Oh man, Race exclaimed with wonder, That must have been so freakin’ weird.

    To say the least.

    Ohhh, I get got me, Cap’n’, Race cocked his head and pointed at Jed, Good one.

    Race, I’m not kidding. It’s all coming back to me now. He also told me that there’s these other people.

    Oh, this is just getting better and better, Cap’, Race said, slapping his knee. Not only is there one alien creature, there’s more? Keep going, this is only going to get...

    Jeb dropped his fork and grabbed Race’s wrist, I’m not kidding! he slowly let go and picked his fork off the table. Now that this star’s light has reached Earth, these others, the ‘not so friendly’ ones, have a way to find us.

    Race, beginning to see the Captain was serious, sat his plate off to one side, "Who are these others, these ‘not so friendlies’, anyway?"

    Malcom. That’s what he said his name was, or that’s how we’d understand his name, anyway, he told me the bad guys are from the star Antares. They call themselves the Warlords.

    Uhh, Cap’n’, I’m getting a bad feeling. You’re making my hair stand on end.

    From what he says, these Warlords find and conquer less capable races.

    So, this Malcom, he’s telling us that they’re coming?

    He didn’t say they were on their way. What he did say, was that it’s only a matter of time before they discover this new conduit that was created by the Betelgeuse supernova.

    You can’t make this stuff up, Cap’n’. So why is he now talking to us about them? Why’d they wait? We could have been told a little sooner, you know!

    They must have had reasons. Jed thought for a moment, Yeah, he said they waited for two reasons. We would ask for proof; that was the light from the star. He also said we needed to reach a certain technological state.

    Did he happen to mention if we had reached that state?

    No, he never said that. But he did say he was here to help us.

    How can he help?

    I don’t know, Jed answered. He finished his eggs, and picked up his coffee, But I suppose that’s what we’re going to find out from Admiral Gilmore.

    Right, Admiral Gilmore! Race checked his watch, Oh crap! We’re going to be late if we don’t get on the road soon.

    I know, traffic’s a bitch these days. Too bad they can’t help us with that.

    Who knows, Race smirked, Maybe they can.

    Race took the dishes and tossed them into the sink, turned on the faucet and ran some water over them, You ready, Cap’n’?

    Gotta pee first.

    Race shook his head as he made a show of looking at his watch, I don’t know, Cap’n’.

    Can it, Race, Jed grinned. He reached inside his pocket and tossed him some keys, You’re driving.

    Grabbing the keys in midair, Race turned for the exit, You’re letting me drive the ‘stang’? Wow, not a problem, I’ll go warm her up.

    Jed nodded, and then turned for the bathroom, I’ll be right down.

    You got it Cap’n’.

    Race got off the elevator at the parking level and nearly ran to unlock Jed’s prize 2010 Red Mustang GT. He anxiously opened the door and slid into the driver’s seat. Oh man! It’s like sitting in a fighter’s cockpit! This is such a GOOD day!

    Turning the key in the ignition unleashed the roar of the 380 horsepower engine from the dual exhausts. This car was designed for speed, and Race loved to go fast.

    A few minutes went by before Jed opened the passenger side door and got in. Race was ready to head out.

    We’re lucky you live so close to the Base, Cap’.

    Jed fastened his seatbelt, Yeah, I’m a real lucky pup. Now just get us to the Base....and wipe that grin off your face!


    You know.

    Okay-okay, you can trust me with your baby.

    Yeah. Right. I must be crazy.

    I’m right there with ya, Cap’n’, Race smiled. He shifted into reverse, let the clutch out, and backed up. He slid the shifter into first, turned the wheel toward the exit, let out the clutch again and squealed the tires, I hate these parking garages.

    Just drive, already.

    Race followed the route up several floors, making him dizzy from circling around and around to each level, I’ll be glad to get us out of here.

    Yeah. Me too.

    Oh, hey, how’s the head?

    Still reeling.

    Well, you shouldn’t have taken so many shots, my friend.

    Yeah, now he reminds me...thanks.

    Race pulled out of the garage and accelerated onto the parkway, beeping the car’s horn as he cut off several cars in an attempt at getting ahead of the rush.

    Hey-hey-hey, Jed exclaimed, grabbing his arm rest, Easy does it now, she’s not paid for yet!

    Relax! Race snickered, I won’t hurt her.

    You better not!

    So, can I ask you somethin’?

    Sure, Race.

    Why’d you take a drink?

    I don’t know.

    Come on, man. It’s Race you’re talkin’ to. Your main man over here.

    Race down-shifted and gunned the engine, swerving around a couple of cars who didn’t hesitate to blear their horns in return.

    Jed ducked to the right as the car zigged left around another car, WOW! That’s a little close, slow it down already!

    Did I say it’s ol’ Race here you’re talkin’ to? I got this. ‘Sides, Race dropped the Mustang into high gear, threading the car like a madman through the morning traffic on the parkway, Someone’s got to get us there on time.

    ...and in one piece, please, Jed added, with a look of panic.

    You never answered my question, Cap’n’. Why this year? What was different?

    I said, I don’t know! Jed snapped, Sorry...this whole ‘alien’ thing’s made me a little edgy.

    A little?

    I said I was sorry, already.


    Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it was intuition that the aliens were coming?

    It’s just weird that you took a drink five years after, AND, it’s the night the aliens show up.

    Yeah, real strange.

    Well, maybe this hangover will remind you next time.

    I won’t have a headache next time...and wait a minute! There’s not going to be any ‘next time,’ that’s for certain, Jed answered, holding his head.

    Does it hurt that bad, Cap’n’?

    Yes! But not from the whiskey, it’s your driving! You’re going to miss our exit!

    No, I’m not, Race swerved right, cutting off more cars. This time, he held his horn button down.

    Veering off the NASA Parkway, they headed over the bridge. Soon they turned up the street to the John F. Kennedy Space Center.

    Home sweet home! Race exclaimed.

    Oh boy, I can hardly wait.

    Relax already!

    The gate’s coming up...slow it...slow down!

    Race screeched to a halt and rolled down his window to greet the man, motioning with his hand, Good morning, Sirs...oh, Hi Captain Fitz. Who’s your buddy? And might I suggest you slow it down out here?

    You can suggest, Race returned, with smugness.

    That wasn’t a request! the guard protested, Show me your ID badge.

    Race dug in his jacket pocket and held out his ID, See? I’m a high level military consultant. Ya happy now?

    The guard leaned down to see Captain Fitz, You here to see Admiral Gilmore?

    Yep, that’s where we’re going alright.

    You guys are sooo lucky! Down the street and to the left. The meeting’s about to begin.

    Thank you, son. Jed replied.

    Good day, Sir, the guard saluted.

    Jed returned a lazy salute, and then looked over at Race as he pressed the gas on the muscle car, Why do you insist on speed anyway?

    It’s my name; I race here, and I race there..haa haa haa.

    Just keep it under the limit for once?

    You don’t want to miss anything do you? I’m sure the Admiral will bring us up to speed. Screeching one more time into a parking stall, Race gunned the engine and turned off the key, God, I love your car, man.

    I can see that.

    Race grinned ear to ear, I’ll drive you anywhere you wish, Cap’n’.

    Just give me my keys back...I’ve had enough of your driving for a while.

    Race reluctantly tossed them in the air to Jed who caught them and stuck them into his pocket, Come on, now. Let’s see what the Admiral has to say.

    I’m all over it, Cap’n’.

    Chapter Four


    Antares System

    Warlord’s Home World

    Third Gas Giant Lebencha

    Third Moon Serintin


    Yes? What is it? Emperor Dumakas demanded. A large, hairy hand plucked a drumstick from the platter. His crooked teeth sank into the mostly cooked flesh, the juices and rendered fat running down his chin as he tore a chunk off of the bone.

    Sorry to interrupt your nourishment period, my Lord. The Antarian spoke from one knee, I am Thelix of the second house and moon of Gornash of the rising star Antares, my Lord and Emperor.

    Well, Dumakas answered, bits of blood and flesh spraying out with his words, Thelix of the second moon, Gornash of our rising star Antares, tell me what it is that I can do for you? What is so important that you feel a need to burst into my nourishment chamber? Did you bring new recruits for the games?

    Yes, my Lord. Emperor Dumakas, son of Thumakas, son of Gorax the Great. Thelix stood and bowed, and then knelt once more before his master. In this position, his matted hair covering his bone-studded scalp appropriately displayed his submission. I offer the spoils from our last raid on Sigma Draconis.

    You have returned the spoils from Sigma Draconis? Excellent. How many containers have you delivered, and what were their contents?

    We have two-hundred standard shipping containers full of gold, silver, and jewels from their home world.


    Yes, my Lord. We have delivered several Draconian for the arena. We did not destroy them all, and we left enough for them to rebuild so we can raid them again in the future.

    Draconian? Most excellent, Dumakas smiled as he picked at a string of meat from between his teeth.

    Thank you, my Lord.

    However, how are these spoils of Draconia of greater importance than my feeding? Spoils from a raid are required, are they not? I sense there’s more you have yet to tell me?

    Yes, my Lord...

    Then I suggest you STOP wasting MY time and tell me what it is you think is worthy of interrupting ME! Dumakas leaned to his left and expectorated into a metal bowl next to his chair. 

    Yes, my Lord...

    ...and stand on your feet when you address me! You look weak, kneeling like that.

    Thelix stood and returned the gaze of his Emperor, It is much better than the blood lust of the arena, my Lord.

    Dumakas paused in mid bite, the chunk of flesh dropped from his teeth hanging from the bone, What could possibly be better than fulfilling our desire for the blood spilled in the games?

    My Lord, my fleet picked up a signal...

    Dumakas stood from his table, drew his sword and placed it at the neck of the man who dared to interrupt his nourishment session, "You have thirty seconds to prove to me that this signal is of greater importance than my dinner!"

    Thelix instinctively drew his sabre simultaneously, and poked the tip at his Emperor’s plate armor, "You will NOT be disappointed, but if you kill me, I will kill you before I fall to the floor. So, you may serve that fatal blow your blood boils so eagerly to feed me, but then you would die without knowing what it is I have to offer the house of Serintin, my Lord."

    You have fifteen seconds remaining, and I doubt your sabre will penetrate my armor.

    Don’t be too sure of that, my Lord...

    Five seconds remain!

    Eridonian! Thelix exclaimed, jabbing the tip of his carbon steel blade through Dumakas’ breastplate.

    Dumakas’ thick eyebrows rose, Eridonian?

    "What’s the matter, my Lord? Is my cold steel blade sharp enough for you? Withdraw your sword and I will reveal the rest, my Lord."

    Dumakas looked deep into Thelix’s eyes, I shall withdraw my sword, but you must remove your sabre first...then I will hear you!

    ...and if I refuse to withdraw?

    Then it is apparent that we both will satiate our blood lust today. Perhaps you should push harder, as you only pierced my adornment, and not my armor.

    Thelix withdrew his sabre from the Emperor’s armor, and then Dumakas drew his sword across the man’s neck.

    Thelix recoiled and grabbed his wound with his free hand, What is the meaning of this!

    Be thankful you will live long enough for that to scar over, Thelix of the second moon, Gornash of the rising star Antares! Never draw your weapon on me again! Dumakas’ sword pointed at Thelix’s face, I will kill you the next time that you do!

    My Lord, you must hear me.

    Very well, Dumakas answered, returning to his seat, he spread his arm across the table, Sit. Eat. Tell me.

    Thelix hesitated, and then nodded. He pulled out a chair, It has been some time since my last feast.

    We can go without nourishment for six weeks. How long has it been for you?

    It has been eight, my Lord.

    Dumakas shoved a platter in front of him, "Then partake of my feast before you expire, lest you are not able to share with me your amazing story of this…signal."

    Thelix greedily grabbed a handful of flesh from the platter and shoved it into this mouth, chomping the gamy meat with enthusiasm.

    Now, tell me about this Eridonian signal. If I recall, we haven’t seen, or heard, from any Eridonians for several centuries.

    Yes, my Lord. It has been six-hundred and forty years to be exact.

    My Lord, Thelix said, chomping his food, This Eridonian ship appeared near the old star Betelgeuse, and then vanished.


    Yes, my Lord. They disappeared. First they were there, and then they were not.

    Interesting...what else?

    I sent a scout vessel from my flag ship to investigate.

    What did they report?

    They too disappeared.

    To what conclusion does this lead you, Thelix of the second house?

    My Lord, Thelix continued, taking another handful of flesh, I conclude that the Betelgeuse supernova has stabilized.

    The conduit has been restored?

    It does appear that it has. I recommend sending a larger ship to explore.

    It is most certain that it leads to our long lost friends at Epsilon.

    My Lord, our scanners indicate that it travels well beyond the star Epsilon Eridani.

    We have long suspected that the Eridonians have been protecting another star system.

    Yes, my Lord. It may be that the Betelgeuse conduit does in fact lead to a new star.

    Yes, yes indeed, Dumakas laughed between chomping, A new star, new planets, new races we can conquer.

    Yes, my Lord. I can taste the spoils of our raids already.

    Dumakas pointed his finger, I want you to lead the exploration team. Take a small corvette class ship. Investigate these new findings. Bring back a good report, and I will order our invasion fleet to be dispatched at once.

    Thelix smiled, baring his stained, yellow fangs, Yes, my Lord. A small craft such as our corvette class, operating alone, will be nearly impossible to detect.

    The Emperor leaned toward Thelix, Be cautious, Captain. Do not let these Eridonians trick your mind.

    I will equip our ship with a telepathic inhibitor. They will not fool us.

    Dumakas leaned back in his chair, Tell me, Thelix of the moon Gornash, you are familiar with my grandfather’s legend?

    Yes, my Lord. Everyone is aware of the Great Warlord, Gorax. He captured two Eridonians and brought them to our home world for analysis. It was the first live Eridonian capture known in the history of Antares. It is his act of capturing them, and fleeing the supernova before it destroyed them; it was this very act that rewarded him with the crown as our new Emperor of Antares. Your grandfather was responsible for the development of our telepathic inhibitor.

    Dumakas smiled, Yes, that is the legend. But there is more to the story that is only known by the House of the Emperor.

    Curious, my Lord? Why do we not know the entire story?

    It has been kept secret. We were told by my grandfather to never discuss this until it was time.

    ...and you’re saying it is now that time, my Lord?

    Yes, I believe that this is what he was telling us. I will trust you with his knowledge, only because you will be crossing near Epsilon.

    My Lord, Thelix answered, wiping his large hands on the front of his clothes, You can trust me.

    Very well, Thelix. You will tell no one else.

    No one, my Lord.

    Swear it! Dumakas ordered, pulling a dagger from his belt.

    Thelix held his hand out before his Emperor. Dumakas held his hand and drew his dagger across his open palm. Thelix grabbed the blade as the Emperor pulled the blade, forming a deep wound.

    Thelix winced at the pain, and looked into Dumakas’ eyes, I swear it, my Lord!

    Dumakas leaned down and licked the blood that pooled in his hand, slurping it into his mouth. Then he closed Thelix’s hand and returned his blade to his belt.

    It is sworn with my blood, my Lord!

    Dumakas licked the leftover blood from his lips, You have sworn to me your blood oath. I will now reveal to you the secrets of the Gorax legend.

    Yes, my Lord, Thelix nodded, and then wrapped his hand with a cloth he took from his vest.

    Dumakas pressed a button on the arm of his chair, Laboolaron, do not disturb you understand?

    A smooth, yet gruff voice, echoed from the intercom, Yes, my Lord. Your chamber is secure.

    Now, Dumakas began, You know about the tale of the Great Warlord, Gorax. But you only know part of the legend. You see, my grandfather did indeed capture two Eridonians. There were three ships they detected at the Betelgeuse star. We had known that star was doomed for many years. We didn’t know it would be so soon. Our best scientist expected it would be another ten-thousand years.

    Yes, I do remember reading that during my training at The War Foundation.

    Well, the readings were off the chart. It was those tremendous radiation waves that emanated from that star that prevented the Eridonians from using their telepathic mind tricks on them. This is why they were detected by my grandfather’s battle cruiser.

    Why did they come to the Betelgeuse star system and risk detection, my Lord? Surly they would have known this, am I not correct?

    You are most correct, Thelix. They were unable to use their mind tricks on us. When Gorax gave the order to jump from the system, they escaped the supernova. They had seconds remaining before their ship would have been destroyed.

    Their jump setting was off slightly. Is that why they jumped two hours from our home world?

    Quite right again. The ship’s helmsman punched in the jump setting but did not take into account the supernova’s effect on the ship’s engines. They were in fact two hours out from our home moon Serintin. What happened during the next two hours was kept secret.

    My Lord, I would guess that the radiation from Betelgeuse no longer inhibited the Eridonian prisoners.

    Yes. Gorax resisted the best he could. Even with his strength, he fell to their mind tricks, and so did his helmsman. Gorax killed one of them to force the other to communicate. Then after the last Eridonian spoke within his mind that they were on a one-way mission, the helmsman ran his sword through him.

    If the Eridonians were killed, how did your grandfather discover how to make the telepathic inhibitor?

    It was three days later. Apparently, the Eridonian’s communication with my grandfather transmitted more information than he wished to. Gorax began having vivid dreams. It took him six months to compile all the details. The Eridonian didn’t intend to transmit any additional information. Gorax surmised that they were still affected slightly by the radiation from the supernova. This is the only reason he was able to figure out the inhibitor. It’s based on the radiation signature that Betelgeuse emitted.

      So as long as our telepathic inhibitor produces the signal, they will not be able to influence our minds?

    Yes, you are correct. However, if the inhibitor signal is terminated, you and your crew will be susceptible to their mind tricks.

    I understand, my Lord.

    No, I do not think you really do fully understand.

    My Lord?

    Let me explain. Gorax was affected more than he first knew. The Eridonian that was last to die, well, he planted thoughts in his mind. Thoughts that he would not know were not his own until much later.

    What happened, my Lord?

    When they boarded his ship, they found Gorax sitting by himself in the command chair.

    What happened to the rest of his crew?

    He killed them.

    He killed them?

    Yes. Gorax killed them all. Every last one of them. Our people carried him from his ship and placed him in an isolation cell where he was to await punishment. He knew that he had murdered the crew. He wasn’t able to stop himself. He killed them with no purpose, no meaning...he robbed his entire crew of their blood lust in order to quench his own. This was a blood lust he had never experienced before. We had never sought after our own kind to satisfy this desire within. He had escaped the supernova, captured the Eridonians, and then killed the rest in a rage he was unable to control or understand.

    How did he become Emperor if he committed this unnatural crime against his own?

    A few weeks after isolation, he was brought before the Emperor. The Emperor at the time was fascinated by his ordeal. They became so close that the Emperor brought Gorax to his council hall every day to talk with him. This went on every day for the next six months. Together they sorted out the thoughts that were trapped inside of his mind. It was ultimately ruled that Gorax was a victim of the mind manipulation. He was not punished for this crime. The Emperor was old. He had lived four-hundred and twelve years. His health was failing and he had no offspring in which to pass his house to. Gorax fell to the leadership position at the Emperor’s request. They had cracked the invention of the telepathic inhibitor. Once Gorax took the throne, he wanted to ensure that his line would continue. So he ordered as many females to be brought to his chambers as possible. He mated with hundreds over a period of fifty years. Then one day, at long last, my father was conceived.

    I never knew, my Lord.

    And you will never tell a sole about this secret.

    My Lord, I pledged a blood oath that I will not.

    Yes. You most certainly did. Your blood oath will keep your promise. This I know too. You are aware, that if you speak of this to anyone, your blood will boil, killing you.

    Yes, my Lord. Our blood oath: it keeps us or kills us.

    It is our way.

    My Lord, I shall prepare my team and depart our system for the Betelgeuse corridor immediately.

    Yes, you will depart as soon as you are ready. I know you will miss the games. For that I am sorry.

    My Lord, my blood lust will be quenched by this journey.

    Very well, Thelix. Take your leave of me. Report when you return.

    Yes, my Lord.

    Thelix stood and bowed before leaving the Emperor.

    Chapter Five



    John F. Kennedy Space Center


    Race pulled the towering glass doors of the hanger open, and then followed Jed through.

    Across the way they saw Admiral Gilmore on a raised platform, speaking to a group of officers. The Admiral addressed the two men approaching, Well, it’s about damn time you two showed up!

    Nice to see you too, Admiral, Jed said, with a weak salute.

    Race smiled at the sight behind the Admiral. Wow, Admiral. That’s some scaffolding. What’s ya buildin’?

    Race Jennings, Gilmore said, placing his hands on his hips, So, they decided to let you in after all.


    You know what...

    Hey, that was a long time ago. Besides, you told me to bring him here.

    I said bring him, I never said you were on the team.

    I’ve been a military consultant for a long time! Cut me some slack here.

    How about peeing in a cup?

    Any time, Admiral. I’m clean.

    We sure can arrange that.

    "Just show me the way, Sir."

    Admiral, Jed interrupted, I think we have more important things to discuss. Maybe we should leave the past, well, in the past.

    "...coming from a man who can’t leave the past alone

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