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Bed Times ~ Un Lit, Seuil des Temps
Bed Times ~ Un Lit, Seuil des Temps
Bed Times ~ Un Lit, Seuil des Temps
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Bed Times ~ Un Lit, Seuil des Temps

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When centuries overlap ~ Anything can happen!
Rose knows all about time travel between centuries. She has hundreds of books on the subject at her finger-tips, because she is a librarian. But coming face to face with a REAL time traveller is a different matter all together—especially when he turns up in her bed!

Lorsque les siècles se chevauchent ~ Tout peut arriver!
Rose est au courant pour des voyages dans le temps. Elle a des centaines de livres sur le sujet à sa portée, parce qu’elle est bibliothécaire. Néanmoins, elle ne s’attend pas à rencontrer un VRAI voyageur dans le temps—surtout lorsqu’il arrive dans son lit !

Release dateNov 21, 2018
Bed Times ~ Un Lit, Seuil des Temps

Suzy Stewart Dubot

An Anglo/American who has lived in France for nearly 40 years, she began writing as soon as she retired. She moved to London in 2012 and spent more than a year there with family. The spring of 2014, she returned to France, Her laptop has never had any trouble following her.Before retiring, she worked at a variety of jobs. Some of the more interesting have been : Art and Crafts teacher, Bartender, Marketing Assistant for N° 1 World Yacht Charterers (Moorings), Beaux Arts Model, Secretary to the French Haflinger Association...With her daughters, she is a vegetarian and a supporter of animal rights! She is also an admirer of William Wilberforce.(If you should read her book 'The Viscount's Midsummer Mistress' you will see that she has devoted some paragraphs to the subject in Regency times.)PLEASE BE KIND ENOUGH TO LEAVE A REVIEW FOR ANY BOOK YOU READ (hers included).

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    Bed Times ~ Un Lit, Seuil des Temps - Suzy Stewart Dubot

    Bed Times


    Un Lit,

    Seuil des Temps

    Suzy Stewart Dubot

    Copyright © Nov. 2011 Suzy Stewart Dubot

    Reedited June 2023

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    ISBN: 9781790157396


    This book is dedicated to my father,
    Russell Lowell Stewart
    (21st May 1919 — 11th December 2001)
    with love from his only daughter.
    He was an avid reader of historical and modern times.

    Some of the other novels, novellas and short stories by this author:

    RR = Regency Romance

    MR = Modern Romance

    TT/R = Time Travel/Romance

    F = Fantasy

    The Insignificance of Being a Spy (RR)

    The Baron & the Clockmaker's Daughter (RR)

    Capturing Constance (RR)

    Hope in Winter (RR)

    Topaz (F)

    Prim & Proper-T (TTF)

    Bed Times! (TTR)

    Un Lit - Seuil des Temps (TTR)

    The Timely Gift (TTR)

    The Repentant Viscount (RR)

    Never Love Another (RR)

    The Builders' Report (MR)

    Tangling with Tania (MR)

    Garnets (RRF)

    The Winchmore Hill Tales series (M & MR)

    Appearances (RR)

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6

    Chapter 1

    London, England

    It hadn’t been easy to turn her back on six years of life with Nicky.

    She had always taken the position that pride is an ugly sentiment which can cause you to lose out by not compromising, but she had been a doormat for long enough. For years, she had overlooked his hurtful criticisms. She had wiped away the surreptitious tear and continued to do all she could to please him—because she loved him. It was as simple as that.

    The time had come, however, when she found herself reassessing their relationship after an unmerited, belittling remark made in front of friends. It had taken her five years of coming second place to his drinking with mates, to hours spent overhauling his car or to him playing tennis at his club, for her to finally see the light. She was only a convenience to him. He probably quite liked her (except when she beat him at chess), because she was his ego booster. Of course, he was only too happy for her to shop, cook, wash clothes and to keep his place tidy for him. As a ‘within hand’s reach’ bed partner whenever the urge grabbed his balls, she was, no doubt, the cherry on the cake. But he had worn the doormat thin and with it her love for him. It had taken five of the six years, but it had happened.

    The annual business conference had suddenly seemed the perfect time to take action.

    Nicky usually left on the Saturday morning and returned on the Sunday evening, but this time the organisers had decided Scotland was to be the venue, which meant getting a Friday night train up to Inverness. She’d seen him go to work on Friday with an ‘over-night’ case, and it left her free to her thoughts.

    All day she’d mulled over the idea of leaving him as she’d registered books in and out of the library. That afternoon, she’d covered books with a protective film, and if anyone had asked her how many she’d done, she would have been incapable of saying. Her gestures had been automatic while her mind had wandered. It was as though she was trying on the idea for size, seeing if it felt comfortable enough to accept. The aspect that actually excited her was imagining Nicky’s reaction when he came home to an empty flat and realised all the benefits he’d lost. She now felt bitter enough to leave him with no explanation and no forwarding address. Let him stew while he imagined she’d found someone else. It was probable, he would eventually guess that she’d gone to her mother’s house in Battersea, but that would only be a stepping-stone to her own place, a few months’ stop-gap until she found her niche. Her mother lived in Spain most of the time so she wouldn’t care how long she stayed, which was a relief when knowing that a lot of women escaping from intolerable situations wouldn’t have such an easy option.

    She might have been a doormat, but there had been one issue where she had been intransigent. She had refused to pay him any rent. He had wanted her to move in with him, and he’d obviously realised that she’d been worth it as the subject was never broached again. At least he wasn’t tight-fisted. Most of her earnings had gone into a building society account, while the money she had earned making historical costumes had been more than adequate for her other needs.

    She had lived and breathed in his world, surrounded by his things. What it came down to was that she only needed to move her clothes and her sewing machine. Nothing else in the flat belonged to her, or at least, nothing she wanted. He could keep her Marks & Spencer’s mug with the self-satisfied cat and its smarmy smile. It had been an unimaginative Christmas present which he’d probably bought for her at the last minute; a second gift to go along with the sexy underwear he’d fancied seeing her wear. Green of all colours.

    Did she expect Nicky to contact her and beg her to return? Would she, if he did?

    The answer to the first question was ‘no.’ She couldn’t even imagine him asking her to discuss things with him. Begging for anything was not in his makeup, so that eliminated the second question. He might phone her, but he was too much of a chauvinist to ask her to return or admit he missed her. It was that final thought which had determined the action to take. What was the sense

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