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Mistletoe Kiss: Sweet Tea Holiday Collection
Mistletoe Kiss: Sweet Tea Holiday Collection
Mistletoe Kiss: Sweet Tea Holiday Collection
Ebook90 pages56 minutes

Mistletoe Kiss: Sweet Tea Holiday Collection

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Chase Spencer had been firmly planted in the friend-zone ever since he first met Rachel Anthony back when they were in grade school and it looks like that's where he's destined to remain. And her latest scheme is bound to be torture. She wants them to help break the Guinness World Record for the most couples kissing under the mistletoe at one time. How should he handle this? Should the kiss be a chaste, friendly kiss like she envisions? Or should he do it in a way that leaves Rachel without a doubt that he wants to be more than friends?

It had always been Rachel's dream to break a world record, and who better to do it with than her best friend Chase? And it wasn't as if they hadn't kissed before—sixth grade, spin-the-bottle at Iona Puckett's party—a peck of the lips and it'd be over. Except she missed the part where they had to hold the kiss for ten seconds. And no one warned her of how she would feel afterwards—confused and longing for more. How can she convince Chase to change her status from friend to girlfriend?

PublisherAndrea Boyd
Release dateDec 4, 2018
Mistletoe Kiss: Sweet Tea Holiday Collection

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    Book preview

    Mistletoe Kiss - Andrea Boyd

    Mistletoe Kiss

    Andrea Boyd

    To all those poor souls who are still trying to find their way out of the friend-zone.


    "Chase, you have got to see this!"

    The way Rachel Anthony practically danced into his office reminded Chase of the day they met—the first day of first grade. She had skipped right up to him on the playground and asked if they could be friends. If he’d known he would be permanently relegated to the friend-zone, he would’ve said no.

    She leaned against his arm as she stretched over his desk. As her fingers tapped across his keyboard, her familiar floral scent surrounded him. He leaned closer and inhaled deeply.

    Chase Spencer, did you just sniff me?

    Hey, I paid a lot for that overpriced, scented water. Worth every penny. It had been over a year ago, but he still remembered the way she had jumped into his arms with an exuberant squeal when she opened the coveted birthday gift.

    Yeah, and I'm about out. You know, Christmas is right around the corner. Rae tapped him on the knee. Scoot back.

    I was trying to work here.

    She plopped right down into his lap. The woman drove him crazy, and she didn’t even have a clue.

    "This is more important than work. I figured out how we can get into the Guinness Book of World Records, and... She tucked her light brown hair behind her ear as she glanced back to add emphasis to her point. And, we can strike another amusement park from our list. She lifted two slender fingers in the air and then let one drop. Two birds, one stone."

    The summer they each turned ten years old, Rae’s parents had taken the two of them on a Disney vacation. After that, they made a pact to visit every amusement park in America. They had managed fifteen by the time they entered college. He hadn’t given it a thought since then.

    And the Guinness World Records thing—that had always been her dream. They had poured over the book after coming across it in the library one year. It hadn’t taken long for him to realize they would never be record-breakers, but Rae would never let go of the idea.

    "I heard about it on the radio just now. It’s all happening at Six Flags, and as you know, the one in Georgia is not that far away. We could so do this. Don’t you think?"

    Rae leaned to the left so he could look at the website she had pulled up on his monitor. Chase couldn’t get past the title at the top of the screen. He sat frozen in place until she elbowed him in the gut.

    Can you see the screen? What do you think?

    Calling All Couples!

    Sign up now. Help us set a record!

    On December 10 at 5:00 pm,

    we need your help setting a

    Guinness World Record

    for the most couples

    kissing under the mistletoe!

    So, you think we could do this? His voice came out in a higher pitched tone. Chase swallowed hard and tried again. I mean, do you think we can both get off work at the same time?

    They began working at Windsor Designs right after college ended, just under seven months ago. No one at the advertising agency was actually scheduled to work on Saturdays, but if you planned on going anywhere in this business, you had better be there. And the last couple of months had been brutal. None of it mattered. As always, he’d do whatever it took to be able to do this with her.

    Rae bounced against his knees. According to Sandy, all this work we’ve been doing will drop off dramatically come the first of December. We should be free by then. It’ll be my treat. The park opens at 3:30. We can leave early on Saturday and get there in plenty of time. I’ll find us a place to crash that night, and we’ll be back in time for Sunday night church services. What do you think?

    Chase rubbed his chin and stared at the screen as if he had to take a moment to think it over, but in reality he was already picturing that kiss. Had she really thought this through? His gaze shifted from the computer screen to her face.

    Her brows rose in question. Well?

    He allowed the corners of his lips to turn upward. Let’s do it.

    A few clicks of the mouse, and Rae had the ad he had been working on back up on the screen. She stood and opened her mouth to say something when someone cleared their throat right outside his door. He leaned back to see who it was just as she said, Traveling only has one L.

    What? Chase leaned closer to the screen to where Rae pointed. Are you sure?

    In some parts of the world it is acceptable to use two L’s, but here in America we only use one. Look it up for yourself.

    He would, as soon as his heart stopped racing. He was keenly aware that Ajay Gossett stood at the door, and Rae had just saved them both from a reprimand with her quick thinking. What would have happened if the guy had come in two minutes earlier while she sat on his lap? Besides the fact Ajay was his boss, the man had a thing for Rae.

    Thanks, Ra-chel. I appreciate you catching that for me. Sometimes it was hard for him to remember that she wanted to be called by her actual name at work. Said it sounded more professional.

    You’re welcome. She turned to go. Oh, hey, Ajay. She seemed to just realize the man was in the same room.

    Chase might be more convinced of her innocence if he didn’t know her so well.

    Ajay’s eyes lit up when she spoke to him. Just the woman I hoped to see. A group of us are going to Sullivan’s for lunch. Would you like to join us? Smooth. He had invited her to go with him before. No doubt he hoped a group date would take a brick out of the wall she had erected between them.

    Can’t. Too much work to do. Maybe Chase would like to join you.

    Thanks a lot, Rae.

    She smiled sweetly up at Ajay as she slipped past and then threw a teasing glance over her shoulder at Chase. He’d get her back for this one.


    Rachel smiled at her coworker as soon as she stepped back into their workroom. You ready for lunch?

    Sandy slung her purse strap over her

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