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A Healing Heart: Rogues Inc. Book 2
A Healing Heart: Rogues Inc. Book 2
A Healing Heart: Rogues Inc. Book 2
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A Healing Heart: Rogues Inc. Book 2

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ETHAN: When I found the child she was blue from the cold, a runaway, alone in an unforgiving wilderness. My beast and I did our best to keep her safe and warm, amazed by the tiny witch's resilience and determination. Her tears broke my heart, her laughter reawakened my spirit. How could this little girl weave a spell so strong? I'd contact the team, get us out of the storm, and find her mother. Those coven witches would not get their spelled hands on this little bunny.

HANA: My coven is keeping my child hostage, hoping to use her powers for their own gain. Now I have to trust this group of supernatural rogues to help me get my daughter back. I've learned through harsh lessons that males wanted power and cared nothing for who they hurt in the process, but the rogues are my only hope. When she's with me again, we'll run far from here, find a special place, a safe place to hide, because nothing could make me want to stay.

PublisherGayle Parness
Release dateDec 26, 2018
A Healing Heart: Rogues Inc. Book 2

Gayle Parness

Gayle was surprised when she first discovered how much she enjoyed writing. She began eight years ago after reading a popular paranormal romance series and thinking, I’d like to do that too. Since then, she’s indie published fifteen books with many more on the way, writing paranormal fantasy/paranormal romance under Gayle Parness and spicy paranormal romance/urban fantasy and hot contemporary romance under her pen name Marie Booth.Besides writing books, Gayle’s a musical theatre geek, a Disney parks maniac, a lover of pasta, pizza, and pinot noir, and is owned by a black cat with big bones named Stealth. She’s raised two amazing daughters who bring her great joy every day and hopes to take some time off to travel really soon. As soon as she finishes that next book...She can’t write a word without music playing in the background so if you ever bump into her, she’ll probably have her earbuds in, listening either to music or an audiobook. You may have to shout to get her attention. :)Audiobook news: All nine Rogues Shifter Series books are currently available on Audible, ibooks, Amazon, and many other vendors: Narrated by Reba BuhrNext on my writing agenda: In Demand: Rogues Shifter Series: Book 10, releasing spring, 2022Thanks for reading!GayleSign up for my newsletter to get all the latest info on my new releases and to have the opportunity to win books, audiobooks, swag and other fun prizes.Newsletter Signup:Website: https://www.gayleparness.comFB: to my evil twin, Marie Booth, for LGBTQ+ Paranormal Romance, M/F Contemporary Romance & M/F Urban Fantasy.

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    A Healing Heart - Gayle Parness


    My coffee was cold. The grilled cheese and tomato sandwich I’d consumed half of sat like a greasy lump in my belly. I’d be lucky if I held it down, I was wound so tight. Two days in a row hanging around this dive slash club made me antsier than usual. But thank the goddess my source had been reliable, because the group gathering in the corner were Rogues Team members.

    About freakin’ time.

    They’d greeted each other with cool nods and fist bumps, indicating a few had mixed feelings either about the meeting or about each other. I pulled out my phone and thumbed through several notes, looking for names and descriptions.

    The smaller leopard… I flipped to a list I’d made earlier. Kyle.

    Kyle glared at the tall blonde vampire who was scanning the restaurant for danger. The keen-eyed male had to be Sasha. Garrett’s second in command. When he finished his surveillance, he took his seat, giving Kyle a snarky smile.

    Kyle stood. His bright red aura indicating strength, intelligence, and a hot temper. Piercings and tats indicated a desire to be noticed. "Now that you’re all finally here, I’ll begin."

    Sit down. The good-looking guy in the nice suit tugged Kyle back into his chair. You should wait. Garrett isn’t here.

    Kyle sat while I scanned the guy in the suit. Leopard. Name unknown. Dark skin. Good build. Aqua blue aura. Those two were obvious mates. My thumbs danced over the phone keyboard. Their energy meshed well, even though Kyle’s had darkened with anger.

    A very large vampire with visible tattoos was the last to arrive. Blondie signaled for a female server. Could you bring me a glass of cabernet, sweet thing?

    The girl blushed. Um…sure.

    And a dark beer for my friend. He nodded toward the other vampire. A biker type who hardly fit in the chair.

    I glanced at my older notes. Heinrich. Partners with Sasha in a security firm.

    Anything to eat? the young woman asked.

    The vampire called Sasha hesitated, looking her over. She was very pretty. I’m on a strict diet, so no.

    She smiled shyly. Be right back.

    Ellie would hang you by your balls, and that’s if you were lucky. Heinrich shook his head. He hadn’t completely lost his accent, which was not uncommon for vamps. Those turned against their will often held on to the crumbs of their heritage by choice.

    When has smiling at a pretty female become a crime? Sasha asked, shrugging.

    Did I mention I saw your lifemate practicing with a katana yesterday? She’s getting good. I’d watch where I directed that devastating smile of yours, Heinrich teased.

    Ellie knows I would never betray her. Sasha leaned forward, his light Slavic accent adding a tone some women might find appealing. And she doesn’t need a katana to have me at her mercy. Fae blood is the greatest aphrodisiac imaginable.

    Ew. Enough of that. Kyle scrunched up his face and stood again. Garrett already knows what I’m going to say, so we don’t have to wait.

    It’s the polite thing to do, his partner said.

    Kyle ignored him. We need an intervention. He pounded his fist on the table.

    Sit down, Kyle. This time Kyle managed to pull away from his friend’s grasp.

    Listen to Peter. Ethan’s a big boy, Sasha said.

    Kyle’s partner, the reasonable leopard, was Peter. One more piece of the puzzle solved.

    But was Peter part of the team? My source hadn’t mentioned him.

    Ethan’s isolating himself from the team more and more. He’s crawling up on forty. He needs a mate.

    Ethan, the subject of the discussion, was a cougar shifter and captain of the original team of four shifters. Kyle had also held a place in that start-up group.

    Forty in shifter years is like five in human. Sasha smiled at the server as she placed the glass of wine and the beer on the table. The rest of the group had already been served. Don’t you agree? he asked the server.

    Um… The female was cougar. Pink aura. A romantic. Pinks saw the best in everyone. Made them vulnerable.

    Pay no attention to my idiotic friend. The server giggled at Heinrich’s spinning finger motion and left with her tray. Sasha grinned at his friend and flipped him off.

    Ethan is capable of choosing his own life path, Peter said. How would you feel if someone butted into your romantic life?

    Kyle sat, smiling. I have the perfect romantic life. He kissed Peter on the cheek. Peter clasped Kyle’s hand, resting them intertwined on the table.

    A pang of sadness grew in my chest, but I shook it off. I could get emotional later. Now was all about my plan to convince their leader to help me.

    Ew. Enough of that, Sasha said, grinning and imitating Kyle’s tone exactly.

    Kyle glared back. Ethan’s been with a dozen females at least. Most of them were perfectly acceptable. What is his problem?

    Only a dozen? Sasha grinned, sharing a joke with the now chuckling Heinrich.

    The enormous vampire raised his hand slightly to get the group’s attention. Ethan is kind. He has not broken any hearts as long as I’ve known him. He will find his mate when it is meant to be. Heinrich shrugged. Perhaps never. Nothing wrong with that either.

    According to the information I’d dug up about the team, Heinrich was a dedicated bachelor with a happy group of shifter and human blood donors. A gentle giant, except in battle.

    He’s still carrying a freakin’ torch for Sinc.

    And if he is, it isn’t any of your business, Peter insisted.

    She’s bonded to Gabriel. He has to let her go.

    Don’t you have anything better to do than play matchmaker, leopard? Sasha asked. Where are the swords I requested a month ago? A war is coming, in case you’ve forgotten. We have students to train.

    I shifted in my booth. What kind of sword would be useful in a modern war? And what students were these?

    Kyle leaned back in his chair, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. I have orders to fill a mile long. Business is good.

    He’s hired seven new employees, Peter said.

    No excuse. Sasha bared his fangs slightly.

    Maybe I’ll put your name on the bottom of the list. Or maybe—

    Kyle! Peter huffed out a sharp breath. We arrived early for the meeting as per your request. You should try to be civil.

    I’d keep a muzzle on that one. Shifters are a favorite of mine and I haven’t fed today. Sasha’s voice had taken on a bit of a growl. Heinrich placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder but the vampire shook it off.

    Like you’d have a chance, Kyle grumbled.

    A normal vampire could take out an average shifter without batting an eye, but a glance at my notes told me Kyle had developed weapons effective against all sorts of supernatural creatures. Perhaps these swords he was making were spelled in some way. I leaned as close as I could to the action, hoping to catch something said in the heat of anger that might be of use.

    Another vampire appeared in the entranceway. He spied the group and strode toward them.

    Hey, boss. Heinrich said, smiling at the expression on the newcomer’s face as he surveyed the two supes still arguing like teen boys.

    The new vampire’s presence put an instant halt to the argument. He was tall but not enormous like the other two, but his frown had Sash and Kyle looking away. The guy wasn’t afraid to throw out power, yet I felt nothing sinister in his energy. The blast had been more to get their attention than cause pain. He projected a bright blue aura, but he was masked in every other way.

    This had to be Garrett – the NAVA certified Master of the Pacific Northwest. His territory included every mile from the Washington-Canada border to Marin County, California, then east to Tahoe. Garrett was the male I’d hoped would make an appearance, only now that he was here, I wasn’t quite so sure I had the nerve to approach him.

    What was the argument about this time? Garrett sat beside Sasha.

    The usual, Peter said.

    I’m worried about a team member. So shoot me. Kyle folded his arms and actually pouted.

    Ethan can take care of himself, Peter said.

    Isn’t he coming to the meeting? Heinrich asked.

    Garrett shook his head. He’s requested vacation time in the Cascades. Since he was going, I gave him an assignment.

    The Cascades? Again? He’s up there as much as he’s in Crescent City. It’s because of the anniversary, right?

    He’s free to do as he wishes. Leave him be, Heinrich said.

    My spine tingled with a familiar vibration bringing my gaze toward the entrance. Holy crap. I immediately slunk down lower in the small booth. My former Saffron House Coven Leader and one of the more powerful witches from the compound was meeting with the same team I wanted to talk to. She was bad news. I shifted in the seat, my latest wounds tightening as if to prove the point.

    Garrett stood and addressed his team. This is Nikki, one of Sara’s assistants at the Valley Coven. The team greeted Nikki and she smiled in return as she sat in the chair Peter held out for her. She looked to be around thirty, although I knew she was at least fifteen years older. Nikki was rocking the peasant dress look today, her hazel green eyes and wide smile giving her an earnest, congenial aspect. She’d changed her aura from the usual mustard yellow to a more peaceful green. Garrett seemed pleased to have her at the table.

    I’d come to beg the master vampire and his team for help but I didn’t have a snowflake’s chance in the Demon Realm to get him to side with me over Nikki.

    I glanced toward the entrance, but it was behind their table. No way could I cross the room without being seen. The kitchen must have a back entrance but getting to the swinging door would put me in the open. My heartbeat pounded an erratic rhythm. A vampire might pick up on it.

    I closed my eyes, whispering an undetectable spell to calm my body and my mind. It wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped, but I couldn’t call up a stronger spell in the middle of a public place. I wasn’t certain of the strength of his powers, but Garrett might sense my magic.

    Nikki has asked for our help in locating a runaway witch. She doesn’t have complete control of her powers and Nikki wants to make sure no one gets injured, Garrett said.

    She asking them to help find me. Could today get any worse?

    Has anyone been injured so far? Sasha asked.

    Several children, but it’s nothing serious, Nikki answered. Just a few cuts and bruises.

    My jaw practically hit the table. I’d never hurt a child in my life.

    What is her name? Sasha asked.

    Hana Sawyer. She doesn’t mean to cause harm. She’s young and has just come into her powers. She’s known by her teachers to be slightly reckless and impulsive.

    More lies. I’d been using my magic for twenty-five years and had complete control. But what brought her to this group? Nikki couldn’t read minds but she must have deduced this was where I’d go for help. It couldn’t be a damn coincidence. Those things didn’t happen.

    What will you do with her when she’s found? Garrett asked.

    A million dollar question.

    Nothing radical. Hana will be invited to our large training center in Dalham, a small town east of Eugene, Oregon. It’s in an out of the way spot where she’ll be able to experiment under supervision without causing any damage.

    No. I’d only whispered the word, but Garrett stilled for a second before relaxing once more and smiling at Nikki. A prick at my mind followed, but thanks to my DNA, my shields were strong. This guy had serious mojo and I was in deep shit.

    Do you have a photograph?

    Yes. She slid a manila envelope across the table. I’ve also included a short information sheet. She has no relatives, and I doubt very much she has friends outside the coven compound. I can’t imagine how she’s surviving. We barter services and don’t exchange money at the coven. She may be desperate. Dangerous.

    Nikki was the queen of BS. Plenty of money exchanged hands, but usually only Sara, Nikki and the rest of the high level minions had access to it. Most of us weren’t allowed off the grounds, unless we were forced out.

    Garrett pulled out the pictures, glanced through them and passed them around the table. Anything else we should know?

    Not that I can think of at the moment. Will you take the job?

    For now we’ll keep our eyes and ears open for Hana and poke around a bit, then make a decision.

    He checked his phone. I’m sorry, Nikki, but I’ve just gotten a call I have to respond to. The WPC has noticed some unusual activity in your area and I’m going to be checking into that as well. Perhaps it has something to do with the rogue witch. Keep your coven safe. If you’d like to set up another meeting, I’d be happy to call you tomorrow.

    His aura was waffling, meaning he wasn’t telling the whole truth. Fortunately, Nikki couldn’t read auras.

    I understand, Nikki said, hiding her annoyance beautifully. I’ll call you tomorrow around two in the afternoon?


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