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Christmas in Opalla: The Opalla Trilogy, #3
Christmas in Opalla: The Opalla Trilogy, #3
Christmas in Opalla: The Opalla Trilogy, #3
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Christmas in Opalla: The Opalla Trilogy, #3

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About this ebook

Christmas is Lyndy's favorite time of year. Luca and Lyndy along with the entire family have more than enough Christmas Spirit to hand out. With Lyndy and Luca's first baby on the way, everyone is excited to meet this new little bundle.

The baby's arrival is just one of many changes happening in the lives of this family. Scarlette, Lyndy, and Poppy have their own happy news to share… and secrets surrounding Bailey, who has captured their hearts, are revealed.

Due to her illness, Bailey never enjoyed or even experienced the joys of the Christmas Season. The family is determined to make this Christmas a memorable one for her and all to enjoy.

Join the Hellers, Loftins, Joni, Jon, Brock, and Bailey for a festive frolic in the snow as they gather to celebrate family and the holidays.

Release dateDec 9, 2018
Christmas in Opalla: The Opalla Trilogy, #3

Jennifer Daniels

Dr. Jennifer Daniels trained as a medical doctor and received a medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of medicine and an MBA in health care administration from the Wharton School. Her premedical studies were completed at Harvard University. For 10 years, Dr. Daniels practiced as a board-certified family practice physician.

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    Book preview

    Christmas in Opalla - Jennifer Daniels


    To my son Ryan

    You are the #1 reason why I’m on this crazy journey. All because one day you came home from school and wanted to write a book, (that I promise we will finish!) An idea popped into my head and I started to type it out. This book is literally a labor of love because you and Dad are my everything. Always follow your dreams, Bud, no matter how scary I think they are. I love you so much...... Mom


    Grace Augustine, What , would I ever do without you? Book three and I’m still lost. Thank you for your never-ending love and encouragement.

    Linda Boulanger, Amazing!!!! Enough said.

    To Rich and Ryan, thank you for your love and encouragement, I love you all so much.

    Finally, to my readers, thank you so much for your support. You have no idea how much it’s appreciated.


    Since Scarlette and Zarn’s wedding and coronation, everything had calmed down and was back to our new normal.

    This is our first Christmas in Opalla and we are spreading the Christmas cheer. The weird thing for me was that in Maple, New York, where we used to live, we had snow at Christmas time. So, being in Opalla was odd because it’s always so warm and sunny. I can only imagine that this is what it must be like in Florida and the other warm climate places in the world.

    Now I knew what people felt like that moved from a cooler climate to a warmer climate and vice versa. It’s a drastic change to your system, and what you are used to seeing when you looked out the window.

    In New York there were twinkle lights everywhere. When you walked by houses, you would see Christmas trees with lights shining brightly.

    Everyone was filled with the Christmas Spirit and that was what I loved about it.

    This has always been my favorite time of year, I love Christmas and this year Luca and I have so much to be happy about. This year we were preparing for the best present ever.

    ChAPTER 1

    H ey, Luca, I need your help with this garland. Can you come here, please?

    Luca was busy stringing lights around the archway in the castle silo. He was just as excited for this Christmas as everyone else. 

    I’m pregnant and ready to pop. Everyone treats me with kid gloves, like no one has ever been pregnant before. It would have ticked me off eight months ago, but this little bugger growing inside of me has made me soft, and I’m okay with that.

    Lyndy, what are you doing on that stool? You’re going to fall then both of you will get hurt. Give me that garland, babe.

    Luca snatched the shimmering blue garland from my hands and gave me a kiss on the lips. He was right, I shouldn’t have been on that stool. I’m so used to doing things on my own and not asking for help that I just did it. This year, however, I can’t stretch and reach because my gigantic belly is in the way.

    Luca, I’m not going to break, but I’m sorry I was on the stool. I wasn’t thinking. I have pregnancy brain, but I did ask for help. That’s a biggie for me, you know.

    I smiled and shrugged my shoulders then changed the subject. Luca got down from the stool and we both backed up, so we could see if everything looked straight and even.

    Once we were satisfied with that, we spun around in a circle to check out all that we’d done today. The lights and garland in shades of peacock, green, teal, purple, and blue were hung around the room. It was so pretty to look at. The way the lights reflected the colors of the tree on the wall was so cool! Everything looked so beautifully elegant   and I was tickled pink!

    Now all we need to do is put the rest of the bulbs and feathers up. I will do the bottom half of the tree, you can do the top... that way I won’t get into trouble for climbing. I also want the guys to help you put the lights up around the top of the silo. It will look so cool up there.

    Luca put his arms around me and gave me a nice gentle kiss. As we stood in our embrace, our little package kicked me so hard Luca felt it. His eyes got humongous, and I just giggled.

    Ow, that little shit is really on the move today! I’ve been having Braxton Hicks for the last two weeks, but every now and again this kid will karate chop me.

    Luca and I rubbed my belly, then he laid his head on my ever expanding belly and whispered so quietly, I could barely hear what he was saying. 

    Luca was telling our little bundle not to kick Mommy too hard because it hurts her. It was so funny to see him doing stuff like this. This big, strong guy showing his softer side made me smile.

    I had changed so much during this pregnancy. It chilled me out. Don’t get me wrong, I still speak my mind, but I’m calmer, and more content. We’re both so excited for this baby, and the rest of the family is, too.

    Are you ok? Little turd really gave you a good one. I told the turd to be gentle with you.

    I’m fine. I’ve become used to it.

    Scarlette, Zarn, and Bailey popped in to check on me. With Scar being a nurse, she knew what to look for and always was checking on how I was doing. It was nice to have her around for questions.

    Then there’s Bailey. Lately, if she wasn’t with me, she was with Scarlette. She’d become a protective little mother hen. It was funny, considering she was just a kid, and I don’t mean this to sound horrible, but dead. Bailey had become the entire family’s kid, and we all loved her dearly.

    Hey, how’re my sister and the little bundle doing today?

    Scarlette came in, hugged me, then turned her attention to my belly, feeling and observing everything. It had become a morning ritual, her feeling for positions and pressing here and there. Down deep I really liked having her checking me out. Between Luca, Zachary—our Doctor, Bailey, and Scarlette, I was being well cared for. I never thought I would be the first one to have a kid. I never thought myself the mothering kind. 

    Looking good, Lynd. Make sure you’re drinking water and having small snacks. I know it’s been difficult with the morning sickness.

    I’m taking good care of myself and Luca keeps a very close eye on me, so does Bailey. What’s up today with you two? When are we going to do our communal tree?

    Bailey was sitting on Luca’s shoulder clapping her hands together, she reminded me so much of Poppy when she did that. She was so excited for Christmas.

    That’s why we stopped in. How about tonight after dinner? Joni is going to prepare snack foods, but you know it will be enough food to feed an army. That woman really knows how to cook.

    We would never go hungry with Joni around. She was an amazing cook. Now that she lived in our family quarters, there was always yummy food and the snacks were never ending. And don’t even get me started on her baking! She is the best chocolate chip cookie maker and I’m in heaven when she bakes my all-time favorite, lemon bars. They are to die for and Joni makes them for me all the time.

    Sounds good to me. What color is this tree going to be?

    "I was thinking of silver and gold with clear lights, or we could do a pink and blue themed baby tree. If we want trees in our own individual houses that

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