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Christmas Miracles (A Voice From Heaven)
Christmas Miracles (A Voice From Heaven)
Christmas Miracles (A Voice From Heaven)
Ebook252 pages3 hours

Christmas Miracles (A Voice From Heaven)

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There are five stages of loss and grief! We know them as: "Deny the reality of the situation that's followed by anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance." Jack is still at the fourth stage, depression.

When Jack Lamont loses Bill, his partner for over twenty years, his life is over. On Christmas Day, after only two months of being diagnosed with the deadly disease, Bill succumbs to cancer. Jack had been so full of anger. He was mad at the world in general, but especially partner Bill McCloskey, who had left him.

Now, five years have passed since Bill died of cancer, and for that same amount of time, Jack had buried himself in his work. When he worked, he didn't need to think about all that he loved and lived for was ripped away from him.

Together with his three brothers, Jack owns and runs Lamont Industries. His life turns upside down when Josh Lamont decides that they need another designer because of a project. Jack is baffled when Josh tells him that he hired an extra architect to help him so they can finish the project on time. However, he is thrown completely off-kilter when he sees the gorgeous man who will be his new working partner. For the first time in five years, Jack responds to another man, and it fills his heart with guilt. In his mind, he is still with Bill. Jack is confused and angry with himself because of the attraction he is feeling toward this new designer.


Dexter O'Connell is a hotshot architect, and when he gets the opportunity to work for Lamont Industries, he takes it. Not only is he allowed to work from his home office, but his boss Jack Lamont is smoking hot. Dexter has good reasons to work from his home. The man is a single parent, and he has a six-year-old son, Parker. Even though Dexter thinks that his boss is smoking hot, he keeps his distance once he realizes that Jack can't let go of his deceased partner. He has to think of his son, who can't cope with the loss of his mother. Claire Reynolds was Parker's mother and Dexter's best friend.


Jack's life has been in turmoil ever since meeting Dexter O'Connell. The attraction is there, but Jack is very much in denial. However, Parker succeeds in worming his way into Jack's heart. Will Jack's affection for Parker, allowing him to finally come to terms and accept his growing feelings for Dexter?

Things change when Vincent Garza, Dexter's ex-boyfriend, comes to town, letting the man know that he wants him. Then, a health scare and a kidnapping spur Jack into action. Is Jack ready to take the next step, and will he be able to pursue a relationship with Dexter? Is Jack finally able to let go of Bill?

Even though Jack didn't know it at that time, but a voice from heaven pushed him in Dexter's direction.

Release dateDec 22, 2018
Christmas Miracles (A Voice From Heaven)

Haley Langwood

I always say that there isn't much to tell about me. In 2020, right before the Corona pandemic, my husband and I moved back from Germany to the Netherlands. I love to write stories, and it's still a learning process, as it's with many things. I like traveling and taking care of Emma, my doggie. Also, I would like more spare time to read, but all my time is divided between my regular job, writing stories, and Emma. I've been a vegetarian for many years now and never regretted it. Also, I despise people who wear fur. It's disgusting! I will never understand people who help keep maintaining this awful industry of torturing and killing animals. I like to cook and love to try new recipes; it's how I learned that nearly every dish can be served with meat substitutes. My husband and I spend the winters in beautiful Spain, where the temperatures are pleasant. Even so, it's Italy that's still my favorite country. That's enough for now. If you have questions, just contact me.

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    Book preview

    Christmas Miracles (A Voice From Heaven) - Haley Langwood

    Chapter One

    I love you so much, Bill said in a soft voice, pulling Jack even closer to his chest. Jack sighed, his eyes were closed, he felt so content. I love you too, sweetheart. I miss you so very much, Jack whispered, somehow knowing that this wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real, could it? I never really left you. You know that, right? As long as you carry me in your heart, I’ll always be with you. Bill continued to speak in a soft, low voice. Jack looked up to see his husband’s beautiful gray eyes. Kiss me, make love to me, please, Jack begged his husband, his partner for over twenty years.

    Bill leaned down and started to kiss each inch of Jack’s handsome face, hands, and mouth. Touching, nibbling and licking every inch of Jack’s body ever so slowly.

    Bill slowly, teasingly, let his fingers trail from Jack’s broad chest to his inner thigh, deliberately not touching Jack’s magnificent thick cock. Jack shuddered when Bill’s fingers reached his sweet puckered hole. Bill smiled. You love that, don’t you?

    Then, Jack heard that the tube of lube was opened, and he moaned when he felt Bill’s fingers gently entering him. The feeling was so wonderful, so natural. Jack started writhing and moaning underneath Bill, who continued to stretch Jack. Jack began to lick the spongy mushroom head, not letting one drop of pre-cum go to waste. Bill moaned. You are so good at sucking my dick, I love you so much, he whispered. Jack always got turned on when Bill talked like that in the bedroom.

    Goosebumps broke out over Jack’s body. Then he swallowed Bill’s cock until he could feel the prickle of Bill’s short trimmed pubic hair. Bill started to fuck Jack’s mouth, and after several thrusts, he slowly pulled Jack of his cock. Jack smiled; he knew what would come next. I want to come inside you, Bill whispered against Jack’s mouth, kissing his husband deeply. Bill then positioned his long, hard shaft and pushed in carefully inch by inch. When Bill was fully inside, he stilled, giving Jack time to adjust. Move, please, big boy, just move, Jack urged his husband.

    Bill slowly pulled out, and then he pushed back in again, gently nibbling Jack’s taut nipples. It was too much, and Jack shouted Bill’s name when he came, splashing his hot pearly white seed between them. Bill dipped his fingers in the warm seed and licked it very sensual from his fingers, never breaking eye contact with Jack. He kissed Jack, exploring every bit of Jack’s mouth to share the taste with his husband. You taste like the sweetest wine, he murmured into Jack’s open mouth. Then, Bill started to thrust into Jack again. Jack slung his legs around Bill’s waist and whispered all kinds of sweet nothings into Bill’s ear. Bill stiffened, and after a full-body shudder, he came, crying out Jack’s name. When the aftershocks subsided, Bill cupped Jack’s face, and kissed him, letting Jack feel all the love he felt for the man.

    Jack woke with a start. He touched the space beside him, but he found nothing but cold sheets. Then, the realization hit him with full force; this was all just a dream, a fucking dream. He looked down as he felt the cooling seed on his stomach. He absentmindedly wiped the tears away. A look at the alarm clock told him that it was four in the morning. He got out of bed and walked into the adjacent bathroom to wipe himself clean with a washcloth. Then, he walked down the stairs, butt naked. Jack strode into the kitchen to grab some juice. He shook his head. He had never dreamed about his deceased husband before. So, why now? And the dream had been so real.

    Jack looked automatically at the calendar that was hanging next to the fridge. He realized with a shock that Christmas was only two months away. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat. Today, it was exactly five years ago that Bill had been diagnosed with the deadly disease. On Christmas Day, two months after he got diagnosed with cancer, Bill had lost the short but painful battle and had died in Jack’s arms. The love of Jack’s life, gone, just like that. Christmas for Jack would never again be the same.

    Jack didn’t go back to sleep. He went into the bathroom again, relieved himself, and put on his robe. After that, he went back to the kitchen to fire up his laptop, better get some work done.

    Jack hoped that work would take his mind of the vivid dream that he had. It had been so real. A while later, Jack got up to grab the newspaper that lay waiting for him outside the front door. He then walked back into the kitchen and refilled his mug with coffee. He sat down at the dark wood kitchen table, and he stared at the newspaper like it would bite him at any second now. After a short debate with himself, Jack decided to take the paper with him to the office. He didn’t feel like reading it right now, anyway.

    A look at his watch told him that he was going to be late. He always forgot the time when he was working. Nobody would hold it against him when he would be late because he owned Lamont Industries, together with his three brothers Josh, Jason, and Jeffrey. Even so, it was rare for him to be late, though. Of the four of them, he was always the first to arrive. Today of all days, he was going to be late. Jack’s brother Josh had scheduled an interview at nine this morning, and Josh was very excited about meeting the potentially new designer.

    According to Josh, Dexter O’Connell was one of the best designers in the country. Now they had a chance to welcome him on board at Lamont Industries. It was a significant opportunity to upgrade their staff because the competition was immense. So, today was the interview, and Jack had promised Josh that he would be there. The design and development department was his and Josh’s baby. They had discussed hiring a new designer to get the pressure of Jack. The Dawson account was huge. They had to design three houses, complete with landscape architecture. That’s why they needed another full-time designer.

    He quickly gulped down his cooling coffee; then, he took the stairs two at the time to his bedroom to get dressed. Jack was ready in less than thirty minutes. He walked into the kitchen to grab the newspaper and looked at his watch again. He really would be late, and he had to hurry, or the meeting would start without him, hell the meeting would be over by the time he arrived. Jack quickly rinsed his coffee mug and placed it in the dishwasher. He never left with the kitchen out of order; even if it meant cleaning one coffee mug, he would do it.

    Jack walked into the hall and put on his cashmere coat. He grabbed the keys from the side table and closed the front door behind him. As he stood outside, he looked up to the cloudy gray sky. It wasn’t snowing yet, but Jack knew that soon, the first snow would fall. He locked the front door and unlocked his car; after he had buckled up, he pulled out of the driveway.

    Chapter Two

    Dexter hurried to the elevator, clutching his briefcase firmly to his chest. He only had ten minutes left for his interview, and he wanted the job at Lamont Industries very much. Dexter woke on time this morning; then, an accident had happened on the highway, which had cost him extra time. However, he would make it on time, thank god. To be late for a job interview never looked good, even though he was one of the best in his line of work.

    Dexter wanted to make a good impression. He could pick and choose because the companies stood in line to hire him. Dexter had chosen to work for Lamont Industries. It meant he could work from his home office, and he didn’t need to move across the country. Dexter was what you could call; a natural, designing came naturally for him. Whatever it was, Dexter could design it! He really was one of the best, and damn well he knew it.

    He got out of the elevator on the tenth floor and told the woman behind the counter his name. She made a call, then led him inside Josh’s Lamont’s office. Josh rose from the chair behind his desk and strode towards Dexter, holding out his hand in greeting. Dexter took Josh’s hand and returned the firm handshake with a firm one of his own. Hi Mr. O’Connell, welcome, I’m Josh Lamont, but please, call me Josh, he said, smiling warmly. Dexter O’Connell, Dexter said, smiling. However, I guess you already knew that. Please, call me Dexter, he said in response.

    Josh was taking in Dexter’s handsome face and his killer body. Even though the man wore a tailored suit, Jack could see that the man was well built. Dexter wore a perfectly tailored dark brown suit that accented his beautiful light hazel brown eyes. Please take a seat, can I get you anything to drink, coffee, tea, water or some juice? Josh offered. Thanks, coffee would be great, black, no sugar, Dexter answered Josh while he sat down in the leather chair that stood in front of Josh’s desk.

    Dexter’s first impression was that Josh was a very handsome man, just his type. Raven black wavy hair and stunning green eyes, but something was missing. I’ve heard a lot about you, and I’m sure that you will be an asset to the company, Josh said, smiling. The interview went smoothly, and soon, they were in a relaxed conversation. It had just taken a lot longer than Dexter had thought it would, but he liked Josh already. He knew that four brothers owned the company, and he was to meet Jason and Jeffrey Lamont later this week. He would meet Jack tomorrow because they would work closely together on the Dawson account.

    Jack should have been here. I don’t know what’s holding him up, Josh apologized. That’s okay. I was nearly late myself. There was an accident on the way over, and it took some time before the road was clear again. Dexter understood. Josh was relieved. They shook hands at the end of the interview that went better than expected. Dexter would start his first workday the following morning. He had wanted this job for several reasons. The main reason was that he could work from his home office. Plus, he had felt a strange but irresistible pull toward Lamont Industries. He was hired on the spot like he knew they would. He stepped into the elevator that would lead down into the parking garage.


    Jack wasn’t in a good mood; after the dream he had, he kept thinking of what he’d lost. His eyes filled with tears, and Jack had to blink several times to keep them from falling. It was five years since he had lost Bill to cancer, and still, most of the time, it felt like it had happened yesterday. Jack was so lost in his thoughts that he almost crossed the red sign. Shaking his head, he tried to clear his mind. Next, he became stuck in traffic because of an accident ahead, police cars and ambulances were already at the scene. Jack cursed; this could take a while. Not only would he be late, but he would miss the appointment altogether. He grabbed his cell and called Josh.

    Hey, bro, what’s up? Josh answered the call. Jack sighed. I’m stuck in traffic due to an accident on the road ahead, and this may take a while, he finished. No problem, little brother; I have it all under control, Josh said in a reassuring tone. I just hired Dexter O’Connell, Josh said bluntly. Jack smiled; he was forty-five now, and still, Josh called him little brother. Wait? What? You hired him? Jack asked, and he couldn’t hide his astonishment. Yep. Josh sounded too happy; he had way too much fun. Well, I hope that he is as good as they say he is. After all, I have to work with the guy.

    Jack didn’t like it that Josh had hired Dexter without him present. Then again, he was very late. So, in the end, he couldn’t blame his brother. They ended the call, and Jack started to read the newspaper he had grabbed from the kitchen table when he left the house. He just had to wait until the road would be clear, better wait while reading the newspaper, he thought.

    It was more than three hours later when Jack finally reached the parking garage under the company’s building, where he parked his car in his usual spot. He looked at his watch again; the morning was almost over. Jack took the elevator up to the tenth floor, where all four brothers had their offices. With his mind wandering off to the vivid dream he had about making love to Bill, he was startled when the elevator came to a stop, he stepped out and greeted Denice, Josh’s secretary. She smiled and greeted him back, and then she focused once more on her computer. Jack peeked around the office door to greet his brother. Hey, bro, I’m so sorry I’m late, and Jack really was sorry.

    Josh looked up and smiled. You just missed a fascinating interview with a very handsome man. Josh leaned backward in his office chair and laced his hands behind his neck. He is gorgeous and just your type, Josh said, as he looked intently at his younger brother. Jack’s face sobered. Josh didn’t break eye contact when he continued, carefully choosing his words. You closed down completely after Bill passed away, he said in a soft voice.

    Josh knew that even after five years had passed, the topic was still susceptible to his younger brother. Sure enough, Jack winced at hearing Bill’s name. He always winced when someone mentioned Bill. Josh continued. It’s been five years, and you suffered enough. It’s time for you to mingle amongst the living again, don’t you think? He softly chastised his brother. He couldn’t imagine how Jack felt because Josh, although the eldest of the four brothers, had never been in love.

    Bill was the love of Jack’s life. They had been together for more than twenty years. It seemed that the day Bill died, Jack stopped living too. Jack had never shown any interest in another man after Bill’s death. All Josh wanted was to see his brother happy again. Jack looked at Josh. You know, Bill was it for me. I thought I found my happily ever after. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be, he stated. There was so much sadness in his eyes; it nearly brought Josh to his knees. Okay, since you weren’t here, I decided to hire Dexter, Josh said, changing the topic for which Jack was grateful.

    Please don’t tell me you hired the guy because of his good looks, Jack said. Josh grinned wickedly. Nope, he said, looking deep into Jack’s eyes, eyes so very much like his own. All four brothers had the same raven black, wavy hair and stunning green eyes. Eyes that gave you the feeling that they looked right into your very soul. Josh continued. This company wouldn’t be what it is today if we hired people just for their looks now, would it? He said, leaning his forearms on the desk as he absentmindedly started fumbling with the letter opener. However, he is good looking, he added, grinning.

    They talked a bit more, and Josh told Jack how the job interview with Dexter went. So. Josh finally said: Dexter will be here in the morning so that you can fill him in about the Dawson project, Josh stated while looking for any sign of emotion on his younger brother’s face. Jack paled. He already starts tomorrow? Why? He scoffed, and by the emotions showing on Jack’s face, Josh could tell that his brother was uncomfortable. And that he didn’t like the new arrangements. It’s a huge project, and you could use the input, he is really good at what he does, you know. So, the sooner he starts, the better. Josh answered his brother. He continued. You have an appointment with Dexter at nine sharp, try to make it on time, okay?

    Jack showed a crooked smile. I will! Join me for lunch, say around noon? Josh’s face lit up. Yep, I will ask Jason and Jeffrey, too, he replied. It would be nice to have all four of us at one table at the same time, Jack said. This time the smile reached his beautiful green eyes. He didn’t see his brothers too often these days, despite that they all were working at Lamont Industries.

    Chapter Three

    It was after seven when Jack finally got home. Lunch with the four of them was the highlight of his day. He chuckled, the highlight of his day, wasn’t that pathetic, and he knew that Josh was right. It was time for him to start living again, to move on. If only he could do just that. Jack’s thoughts wandered once back to his deceased partner, and gone was the idea of picking up his life.

    He thought of Christmas and if he should join his family this year. That would be a good start. Jack hadn’t celebrated Christmas for the

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