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Blood and Passion: A Sci Fi romance
Blood and Passion: A Sci Fi romance
Blood and Passion: A Sci Fi romance
Ebook49 pages43 minutes

Blood and Passion: A Sci Fi romance

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To keep her deep, dark secret, guard Xyla Devi hides the truth when she’s stabbed in the leg by an inmate on the prison planet Earth. In pain, she stops at a convenience store for a bottle of wine and runs into two alien hotties she knew back in peacemaker school. The whirlwind affair that ensues may be too good to be true. She’s more used to being attacked than being loved. And the guys are definitely hiding something. Still, for a chance to fulfill her threesome fantasy, Xyla will risk everything, including her heart.
Release dateJun 6, 2018
Blood and Passion: A Sci Fi romance

Emma Abbiss

American Sci Fi author Emma Abbiss brings you her latest sizzling romance.

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    Blood and Passion - Emma Abbiss




    Emma Abbiss

    Blood and Passion

    Copyright © 2018 by Emma Abbiss

    ISBN: 978-0-6483473-4-7

    All cover art and logo copyright © 2018

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


    Q~Press Publishing


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter One

    Hiding an injury carried a sentence of corporal punishment, but Xyla Devi angled away from the hovering seecam, or security cam, and squirted seal-skin over the wound on her hip anyway. The slimy glob of chemicals made her eyes water, her head fog. The nostril-searing drug smelled like the thousand-year-old pollution that had turned Earth into a wasteland—a wasteland that was now a prison planet for the galaxy’s most notorious criminals.

    This isn’t my day.

    Blinking back tears, she forced herself to walk steadily until she was out of the ding-wing—the prison’s mental ward—and down the max aisle. An image of her mother came to mind. Nothing like an injury to make her want her mommy. And that was just messed up. Her mother was the last person in the universe Xyla should be longing for right now.

    You can only count on yourself, she thought.

    Xyla wouldn’t report the attack. Not when it was her third on-the-job injury this month, and she was facing a transfer from the ding-wing to the minimum security ward on the opposite side of the planet.

    Six-five! An inmate’s shout echoed down the long corridor, warning the other maximum security prisoners a guard was coming.

    The chip imbedded in the back of Xyla’s hand flashed red, blue, green, signaling the end of her shift. She held her arm over her injury and hurried past the six-by-eight-foot cells that caged lifers. Whistles and lusty shouts followed her until the thick metal door that separated the inner and outer prison sectors thudded shut behind her.

    She entered the crowded employee garage, keeping her arm over the tear in her green slacks. Too many eyes. Too many seecams. Even her boss, Kith Rayorr was there, supervising their departure from across the hanger.

    A mixture of fuel from the ships and ozone from the outer prison-shield overpowered the coppery smell of blood that trickled from her wound. Her colleagues, two-hundred-and-twenty-two day-shift peace guards, said goodbye to each other in tired voices. They powered up their ships and flew off to their homes on one of the thirteen manmade moons that orbited Earth.

    Night, she said to no one in particular as she slid into her wormhole-warped compact spaceship. The rusted door sealed shut with an oxygenated groan.

    Xyla, the ship greeted in its haughty voice.

    Hi, Ship.

    My fuel is depleted. Far below recommended levels for off-planet travel, it whined. I advise we dock at the nearest AllStore to fuel up…if you approve. Ship preferred to have a full tank of fuel. Always. For such a piece of crap, it really was a diva.

    Can it wait? She belted herself in.

    I may not have enough fuel to fly to the closest AllStore tomorrow.

    The holo readout showed over half a tank of fuel. As usual, ship was being a drama queen. Definitely not my day. With a sigh, she pulled the rubber band from her hair and speared her fingers through her blonde curls.

    Shall I dock—

    Fine. She

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