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Scattered Sunflowers
Scattered Sunflowers
Scattered Sunflowers
Ebook35 pages28 minutes

Scattered Sunflowers

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About this ebook

A tragically beautiful love story.

In this beautiful, yet tragic true love story, a married woman – who has been broken by the abuse from the man to whom she had pledged her love, the father of her children - is challenged to her core when she meets the man she had been praying for all her life, her soulmate. 

Finding her true love and soulmate should have been a dream come true. Instead, it turned her life into immense turmoil while she tried to rationalise the greatest decision she would ever have to make in her life.

Torn between whether to choose her own happiness or that of others around her, and unable to find middle ground, prayer is her only savings grace.

Would she choose her new love, or stay in her unhappy marriage? In Scattered Sunflowers - a beautifully emotional story - Sally shares her heart and the events that led up to her life-changing decision. 

Buy your copy of Scattered Sunflowers now.

Release dateDec 5, 2018
Scattered Sunflowers

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    Book preview

    Scattered Sunflowers - Chronicles of Sally


    A beautiful love story of a woman, challenged to her core when faced with the greatest decision she will ever have to make in her life after meeting her true love and soulmate. Torn between whether to choose her happiness or the happiness of others around her. She makes the decision to depart from her soulmate when realising that she has much to lose if she chooses him, because of his playboy ways and for the protection of her children. She tries to continue with life as she has always known it, to find her own inner happiness and peace. But everything has changed for her, only to realise that she will never be the same again.


    Listening to SELENA GOMEZ – NOBODY.

    It is said that fate unites me with you from the beginning of time, and our story will have no end. What would you do if fate commissioned you? Would you listen to it if it insistently whispered to you, or would you ignore it? Would you even have a choice?


    Me: Hi there. How many accounts do you have?

    Prince: I have two accounts. Why do you ask?

    Me: Don’t want to block you again!

    Prince: You can block me when you want. It’s not a crime to block me. It’s your right.

    Me: You’re so feisty. Do you always command those around you? So, I’m curious about something.

    Prince: I am not commanding anyone. I simply said that you have the right to do whatsoever you want; do you call that command?

    Me: No.

    Prince: What now?

    Me: So, as I mentioned earlier I’m curious. Why me?

    Prince: Tell me, why you are curious?

    Me: Why the requests?

    Prince: Because I wish to have a relationship with you.



    I’ve often thought that the best people are those who come into our lives by accident, but stay on purpose.

    The idea of Instagram was a fun one; an opportunity to better understand and connect with the world around me.

    My first account was lost after having my phone stolen. The second was used for work and community, and so I decided to open the third Kimberly Tom account. My third official account was solely for my own private and

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