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God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future
God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future
God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future
Ebook54 pages43 minutes

God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future

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This study guide covers three neglected issues facing those who suffer. First, “How do you go on when all of the props are knocked out and there is nothing but you, God, and pain?” Second, “Does the Bible teach that it is God’s will to heal all those who truly come to him in faith? Is it always a given that He will say yes to our requests for healing?” Third, “How do you keep from going back into depression when you experience setbacks? How do you conquer the fear of what lies ahead when your strength is failing? And what promises does God make to us of eternity with Christ and a new body free from pain?” These and many more questions are discussed with honesty and biblical hope for all those facing the uncertainties of life now and in the future.

Release dateDec 12, 2018
God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future

John Ankerberg

Host of the award-winning John Ankerberg Show, has three earned degrees: an MA in church history and the philosophy of Christian thought, an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a DMin from Luther Rice Seminary. He has authored, co-authored and/or edited 92 books, including the 2-million-selling “Facts On” series of apologetic books.

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    God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future - John Ankerberg

    God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future

    Study Guide

    John Ankerberg, Joni Eareckson Tada & Michael Easley

    Published by ATRI Publishing

    Copyright 2018

    ISBN 9781941135419

    License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Unless otherwise noted, Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version ®. NIV ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

    First Printing, April 2012

    Edited by Dillon Burroughs. Layout and Cover Design by Beth Lamberson, ATRI Publishing, Chattanooga, Tennessee.


    Title page


    Session 1: Facing the Fear of Death

    Session 2: Does God Always Heal?

    Session 3: How to Endure Pain God’s Way

    Leader Resources

    Appendix A: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Part 2

    (Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Norman Geisler)

    Appendix B: How to Begin a Relationship with God

    Appendix C: Praying for Those Who Do Not Believe

    About the Authors

    About the Ankerberg Theological Research Institute


    Welcome to the God’s Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed, and Fear the Future study guide. In this series, you’ll hear from two gifted individuals who are uniquely suited to discuss how God can help us through pain, suffering, and discouragement—Joni Eareckson Tada and Dr. Michael Easley. Many of you know that at the age of 17 Joni severed her spinal cord in an accident that has confined her as a quadriplegic to a wheelchair for 45 years. Approximately two years ago she was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer.

    In addition, she is experiencing extreme pain shooting through her body every day. What truths did God help her discover that have changed her life? How did a person confined to a wheelchair start a global organization to help those affected by disability?

    Dr. Michael Easley is president emeritus of Moody Bible Institute and lead pastor at Fellowship Bible Church in Brentwood, Tennessee. At one point, his physical condition forced him to resign his role as college president and live confined to bed. He later received a complete fusing of his spinal column in order to save his life. Michael now lives with severe chronic pain every day, yet somehow manages to serve as the lead pastor of a growing church while facing many physical limitations.

    In this series Dr. Ankerberg talks with Joni and Michael about three neglected issues facing those who suffer. First, How do you go on when all of the props are knocked out and there is nothing but you, God, and pain? Second, Does the Bible teach that it is God’s will to heal all those who truly come to him in faith? Is it always a given that He will say yes to our requests for healing? Third, How do you keep from going back into depression when you experience setbacks like pneumonia, breast cancer, or severe chronic pain? How do you conquer the fear of what lies ahead when your strength is failing? And what promises does God make to us of eternity with Christ and a new body free from pain?

    This study will help you learn more about these issues for your own life and to help others in these

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