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An Autoimmune Solution: I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either - Crystal's Story
An Autoimmune Solution: I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either - Crystal's Story
An Autoimmune Solution: I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either - Crystal's Story
Ebook101 pages36 minutes

An Autoimmune Solution: I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either - Crystal's Story

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About this ebook

If you are exhausted and living in terrible pain, unable to work, concerned about bills, and NEED to take back your health... this is for you! Learn Crystal's Story - Healing Lupus

If you have Autoimmune Disease, chances are you are burdened with constant fatigue, terrible pain, dread the constant fluctuation and severity of symptoms, and just want your life back.

Many of us are told: But you don't look sick, or Get up, you're being lazy,. Or perhaps dismissed - as I was - with: Come back when you're worse and I'll put you on steroids.

Learn How Crystal Conquered Lupus

In I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either I share Crystal's story healing lupus. (Crystal began her healing journey after reading I Don't Have Lupus Anymore).

The solution she used was a simple, powerful anti-inflammatory diet which promotes healing – at the source of the problem.

With the right autoimmune protocol, you can QUICKLY begin to reduce painful symptoms from lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue and other A.I. disease.

Within 6 Months - Crystal Was Living Life to the Fullest Again

I begin with Crystal's journey back to health, and also include:

  • Top Coconut Oil  Anti-Inflammatory Tips for Health, Healing and Natural Beauty 

SEVERAL Healing Success Stories Come from JUST Implementing an Anti-inflammatory Diet

'I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either' includes science-based, natural healing practices that can create life-altering results, when utilized regularly.


Questons? Feel free to contact me for more information.

PublisherBruce Coleman
Release dateDec 15, 2018
An Autoimmune Solution: I Don't Have Lupus Anymore Either - Crystal's Story

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    Book preview

    An Autoimmune Solution - Stacey-Lynn Becker

    Table of Contents 

    Mission Statement



    A Few Success Stories


    A Little About My Story

    Crystal’s Testimony Healing Lupus

    A Healing Protocol Others Have Used to Heal

    Top Coconut Oil Uses for Health, Healing & Natural Beauty

    Closing Thoughts

    Additional Inspirational & Humorous Email Testimonies

    Mission Statement

    The purpose of ‘I Don’t Have Lupus Anymore’ (and ‘I Don’t Have Lupus Anymore Either’) is to provide natural, alternative health solutions for healing autoimmune disease, (including lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, diabetes, and other serious illness), and challenge the ‘no cure’ prognosis.

    I have a passionate belief in healing through a holistic lifestyle, by balancing the physical, emotional and spiritual components of life.

    In I Don’t Have Lupus Anymore I share powerful, often overlooked alternative modalities for healing that myself, and others have successfully used to heal.


    Let no person decree a thing cannot be, just because they don’t have the answer themselves. The art and science of spiritual law will one day set each and every being free from all limitations, and house their spirit in its true essence of healing glory in an all-loving Creator; God.

    Stacey Becker


    I am not a medical doctor, nor am I at a liberty to make any claims intended to diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease.

    This book is not designed to take the place of a trusted healthcare provider, and it is always wise to consult with a certified wellness practitioner for their consent and approval to any changes to your health protocol.

    I suggest you also consult with someone conversant in natural health solutions, such as a Naturopath, Alternative Health Specialist (now commonly known as a ‘Functional Medicine’ practitioner), or someone conversant in natural healing modalities, in addition to your general health practitioner, to help oversee your wellness plan.

    None of the information in this book has been submitted to or approved by the FDA, or the American Medical Association (AMA).


    Copyright - 2018 by Stacey-Lynn Becker, all rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise- without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the address below.


    This eBook is dedicated to you (or a loved one), suffering from autoimmune disease, or any health crisis.

    It is my greatest desire to inspire as many people as possible to take the healing challenge with natural, alternative healing protocols others have successfully used to fully recover from autoimmune disease. (Note: I Don’t Have Lupus Anymore include the entire healing program).

    I remember lying in bed, sick, with horrible symptoms of lupus, and the thought occurred to me ‘there must be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people suffering from the same kind of acute fatigue, pain, loneliness and despair from autoimmune disease, as I am’.

    In that second, I somehow no longer felt alone but connected, with enormous compassion for all those also overcome by disease. My journey led me to healing by challenging the ‘no cure’ prognosis. I hope that you challenge your health diagnosis, implement a natural healing protocol, and defy the verdict also!

    I don’t have lupus anymore - and I am NOT the only one. May you too, become another testimony of healing!



    Check Listings for: Sharon, Yolanda, Heidi, and my story ~ Healing Lupus ~ how we did it, plus additional natural healing content, or visit my website for more information.

    A Few Success Stories   


    OREN H.

    Dear Stacey,

    In January 2008 I was diagnosed with lupus.

    I then came across your book and subscribed to your email course. I am very grateful for your wisdom, your sharing, your healing and your work.

    You are a voice that opened up a very deep process within me that took me (and still is) into the depths of my soul, my beliefs, my cells, and my patterns... Looking back I had lupus since 2003, I can actually pinpoint the time I felt it first erupt; I just wasn’t diagnosed until 2008.

    I am very joyous to say that my blood indicators are clean, and that I have healed.

    I saw my rheumatologist at the beginning of November and he was happy to inform me that I am lupus free...

    The body is a beautiful partner, and I feel that it really feels the intention to heal, and it feels that I am listening to the messenger, so it is allowing the healing...

    I would really like to thank you for spreading

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