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The Guardians: Earth Angel, #11
The Guardians: Earth Angel, #11
The Guardians: Earth Angel, #11
Ebook196 pages3 hours

The Guardians: Earth Angel, #11

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In a fiery tale filled with villains and heroes, this installment of the Earth Angel series takes readers on a magical journey rich with emotion, intrigue, and danger. Fans of Twilight, The Red Queen, The Selection, and Harry Potter will devour this breathless fantasy set in a modern mystical world.

Layla has embraced her deadly power, carved her way through the enemy, and stared into the face of death. Now her hero's lights are fading fast, and his perilous fate lies in the hands of strangers.

Can the mysterious magicians who call themselves the Crusaders be trusted? Or will their quest for an angel lead to Layla’s demise?

Release dateOct 3, 2017
The Guardians: Earth Angel, #11

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    Book preview

    The Guardians - B.C. Burgess

    Chapter One

    Leaving her coven less than a month after she found it shattered Layla’s heart and opened the floodgates, so three tortuous hours crept by before emotional exhaustion overtook her, settling her mind and body into a still and peaceful dreamland. Quin sighed and kissed her head, wishing he could see her aura, but they both stayed invisible as he followed the Crusaders toward the rising sun.

    Shortly after ten in the morning, Venetia instructed him to descend, so he eased his way through top-heavy Lodgepole pines and quaking aspens. His feet found earth, and he looked around as the Crusaders appeared, peppering nature with powder-blue cloaks. After mind searching Grant to ensure he’d landed, Quin raised the concealment spells he placed on him. Then he raised those he’d set on himself and Layla. She remained asleep, breathing evenly into his neck, so he let her stay that way while carefully scanning her aura.

    When Venetia approached, Quin gestured for her to be quiet, so she drew closer and spoke in a whisper. We need to determine our path. Waving a hand through the air, she cast a cloud of colored fog then molded it into a blueprint of the earth. The straightest path would have taken us north through Canada, across the Hudson Bay to the Arctic Ocean. From there we would have crossed Greenland, flown south of Iceland and north of Ireland. It’s a convenient route with plenty of land to rest, but the Dark Guild will be watching it, which is why we headed east. She zoomed in on a map of the United States. The red markers represent areas the Dark Guild has been known to rendezvous with American allies. As you can see, the majority of them are across the northern border. This condensed section in the northeast is due to their foreign base of operations in Vermont. Obviously the safest route is the southern route, which will add several hours to our trip and make our flight across the ocean a long one. Keeping that in mind, we need to decide how far south we’ll detour.

    Quin continued to examine her map, but when she failed go on, he looked over. The choice is mine?

    Sure. I don’t care as long as we avoid trouble.

    When will we rest?

    Whenever you and Layla tell us to. Are you tired now?

    No, but I will be tonight.

    Then we’ll rest tonight.

    Quin made sure Layla was supported with magic. Then he reached out, running his finger across the foggy map. We could drop down to Oklahoma, stay the night there, then move east. We’ll need to stop again before crossing the ocean, and Virginia would be a good place to do it. We have trustworthy connections there who could tell us if the Dark Guild has been in the area.

    How trustworthy?

    Morrigan, Daleen and Serafin are from Virginia. Their families are still there. And Grant lived there as recently as two weeks ago.

    That’s convenient. And what’s the lure in Oklahoma?

    Quin found her eyes, surprised by how quickly she spotted his ulterior motive. Until a month ago, Layla lived in Oklahoma, in a hexless community near the northern border.

    Are you suggesting we postpone our journey so Layla can visit her friends?

    One friend, and yes, I’m suggesting she get the opportunity to see her.

    Hmm... A short visit I presume?

    Yes. She could spend a few hours with her friend tonight, before getting some sleep. Then we’ll depart in the morning as planned.

    Venetia stared at her map for another moment. Then she vanished it and looked at Quin. Very well. If we arrive in Oklahoma early enough, and Layla’s friend is available, we’ll provide protection while they share a visit.

    Provide whatever protection you’d like, but you’ll have to do it discreetly.

    Of course. She scanned her scattered companions then motioned toward a log. Perhaps you’d like to sit? We’ll be grounded for another thirty minutes.

    Quin looked to the sky, squinting at the dusty shafts of light filtering through the trees. We’re in Yellowstone National Park. I’m going to need at least an hour.

    Dark rocks stretched out in front of Layla, parting the ocean surf and catching the foam. Moonlight spilled over her path as a tiny King Charles spaniel led the way, sniffing out kelp while dodging the water.

    Layla followed, her hand tightly clasping Quin’s. She’d been here before, but only in her dreams. She had a name for the puppy – Arabella – but she’d never owned a dog. She’d seen plenty of beaches, but she’d never seen this one. None of it was real… except him. Quin would still be there when she woke.

    Layla Love, he whispered.

    She breathed him in as her dream faded, but the roar of the waves grew louder. Her heavy lids were slow to open. Then Quin’s gorgeous face filled her view. She smiled, and his dimples deepened as he touched her lips. Shh… Keeping a finger over her pout, he urged her head to the right, and her gaze fell on a mama grizzly bear and two cubs.

    Layla awoke with a jolt, her eyes widening as her mouth fell open. She and Quin sat at the base of a waterfall, and the bears were less than thirty feet away. The babies wrestled with each other while the mom got a long drink, but when she moved further upstream, the cubs followed.

    They’re beautiful, Layla breathed, and Quin’s aura brightened around her. Only then did she recall their dire situation – the conditions in which she’d fallen asleep, and she wondered if they’d died and gone to heaven. Where are we?


    Her mouth fell open again, and this time it was framed by a smile. Really?


    She looked for the Crusaders, finding several in the trees behind them. What are we doing here?

    We stopped to take a break. We’ll be leaving in an hour.

    What time is it?


    Her chest deflated, and she bit at her lip while looking at the bears. I hope they’re okay.

    The coven?


    They’re fine. I talked to them ten minutes ago.

    She looked at him. On my cell?

    Yes, and everyone’s okay. They’re just sad we’re gone.

    The Dark Guild didn’t hurt anyone?

    They didn’t even enter the community. Around a hundred showed up, but when they were intercepted by 200 Crusaders, they had a brief conversation with Bryce then left.

    Did he tell them I’m on my way to France?

    He wouldn’t confirm or deny it. But Caitrin was there, and he said the Dark Guild suspects the guard of 200 is a ploy. They’ve probably already dispatched troops to try to pick up our trail.

    Good. I want them away from our home. We can take care of ourselves.

    We’ll take care of each other, he corrected. Then he tightened his hold on her and stood. We have one hour. How would you like a bird’s-eye tour of Yellowstone National Park?

    Are you kidding? She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. I’d love it.

    Usually she kept her face hidden when Quin and his lights were invisible, but this time she made an exception and kept her gaze on the land. They flew over Old Faithful and several much smaller geysers, and they dipped into dozens of valleys boasting breathtaking views of roaring waterfalls. A handful of Crusaders accompanied them, and as a favor to Quin, they kept their eyes peeled for the local fauna. If they spied something of interest, they’d mind search him, and he’d swoop low so Layla could see. They spotted two more bears, a gang of elk, and a few bison, mountain goats, and bighorn sheep. After a short trip along the Yellowstone River, they checked out the Upper and Lower Falls. Then they made their way back to Venetia.

    Good morning, she greeted, smiling at Layla. Did you enjoy your tour?

    Layla loved her tour, but she wasn’t sure if she liked Venetia. It was amazing.

    Venetia cleared her throat and looked away, motioning to a floating spread of food and drinks. Help yourselves. We’ll depart when you’re done.

    Quin and Layla approached the buffet, and Venetia and the other Crusaders walked away, leaving them to eat in peace.

    You must be exhausted, Layla noted, feeding Quin a grape.

    I’m okay, he replied, but I’ll be ready to sleep tonight.

    I’m sorry I’ve been so useless through all this.

    What are you talking about?

    You know what I’m talking about. You’re carrying all the weight, and it’s not fair.

    He grinned and closed the gap between them, leaning in until his breath mingled with hers. We’re stopping tonight. I’ll let you take charge once we’re in our tent.

    She grinned, her thighs twitching as her nipples tightened, but at the moment, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about her arousal. Tease.

    He laughed as he straightened, giving her a bite while taking one for himself. I prefer to call it foreplay.

    Layla stayed awake through the second leg of their journey, and she and Quin spent the nine-hour trip talking into each other’s heads. She learned his favorite food was steak; his favorite color was green; he liked cats and dogs, but preferred the latter as pets. He’d never been to a mall, inside a fitness club, or on a plane; and until her, he’d never had a relationship last longer than four dates. The later it got, the deeper the conversation went, and she learned he was thirteen when he lost his virginity to a fifteen-year-old witch, who was not a virgin. When Layla asked if he regretted it, he answered with a firm no. When she asked if he’d taken anyone’s virginity, he claimed only one, at the age of sixteen, and that he did regret, speculating that was probably where he got his reputation as a heartbreaker.

    After flying in the dark for more than two hours, Quin descended, and Layla peeked from her sanctuary, finding herself surround by trees. He lowered her feet to the earth, and Crusaders appeared around them. A few small fires burst to life, but everyone’s auras stayed concealed as the Crusaders began setting up camp. Venetia floated from comrade to comrade, quietly delegating tasks, and Grant started setting up tents for him and Cecelia.

    Quin took Layla’s hand. Then he cast a soft light from his other palm and led her several yards away from everyone else. When he halted, his magical light disappeared, but he kept her hand while digging into his bag.

    Less than a minute later, a tent stood beside them, its floor carpeted in enough bedding to swallow a family, and he’d lit a small fire outside the door.

    Cozy enough? he asked.

    She looked from their rustic retreat to his shadowed face. It’s perfect.

    It’s not perfect. It’s unworthy of my angel.

    You’re wrong. Wherever you are is the perfect place to be.

    He smiled as he kissed her head. Then he reached back into his bag. What do you think Phyllis is up to?

    Layla tilted her head, wondering if she’d heard him right. What?

    Do you think Phyllis is awake?

    Layla stared at him for several seconds, baffled by his inquiry, but she eventually answered with a shrug. I don’t know, probably. What day is it? Friday?

    Yeah. Around ten Central.

    Then she’s probably at work. Why?

    Work? he asked, pulling some clothes from his bag. Then he reached back in for more.

    Yeah, Layla answered. She couldn’t wait for the diner to be rebuilt, so she’s working at a bar and grill.

    He paused his task. A bar?

    Yes. Why are you asking all this?

    He stayed silent as he contemplated the situation. Then he continued his search. Because we’re about ten miles outside of Gander Creek.

    Layla’s jaw dropped as she looked around.

    If you’d like, he continued, you can call Phyllis and see where she is. Then we can go into town for a visit. It will be a short visit, but at least you’ll get to see her.

    Layla didn’t respond. She couldn’t, because she couldn’t believe she was standing ten miles outside of her hometown… a town she thought she’d never see again. Yet here she was, exactly one month after she left.

    Quin touched her shoulder, making her jump.

    What’s wrong, love?

    Nothing. She swallowed and found his stare. I just can’t believe I’m back here. Did you arrange this?

    I don’t know if arrange is the right word, but when the opportunity arose, I took it.

    That was really thoughtful, she whispered, moving closer to his heart. But I’m not prepared to see Phyllis. I have no idea what I’d say to her.

    Tell her we’re on our way to Europe, but we had to stop for a long layover in Tulsa, so we decided to rent a car and drive to Gander Creek for the night.

    But she’s probably tending the bar, and we’re not twenty-one.

    I can alter our IDs. We just won’t drink if she doesn’t feel comfortable serving us.

    Layla’s chest fell as her excuses withered away. I don’t want to go to the bar. There will be people there I don’t want to talk to.

    Then don’t talk to them.

    He handed her a slinky black dress, and she bit her lip as she stared at it, her breathing growing labored. I’ll be uncomfortable, Quin.

    I’ll be with you, he assured, taking her cheek.

    She turned her face into his palm, and he vanished his cloak, urging her ear to his heart as he whispered through curls. Talk to me, Layla. What’s going on?

    With his pulse echoing in her head and his arm wrapping her in warmth, she did her best to explain herself. "Being back here… it feels… it feels like I’m back here, you know?"

    No, I’m afraid I don’t.

    "It makes me feel like the person I was before I left, like the moment I step into town and face the people who live there, the girl I used to be will come back to haunt me. These people don’t understand me, Quin. They think I’m crazy. And the last year I spent in this place, I was crazy. Returning here is like returning to the

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