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Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland: Ellie Mae, #4
Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland: Ellie Mae, #4
Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland: Ellie Mae, #4
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland: Ellie Mae, #4

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This is the final book in the Ellie Mae Series, Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland. Ellie Mae arrives in Atlanta and after a run in with the driver. She makes her escape and then sets about finding an apartment. The room is a share and all seems good until she discovers that her roommate has a habit of entertaining guests, for money. Undaunted, Ellie has a few adventures of her own while she's waiting for her appointment at 'Teenage Sensations.'
Will Ellie Mae realize her dream to act in porn Movies? What other ad ventures lie in store for our avaricious teenager- read on.

PublisherCharlie B.
Release dateDec 17, 2018
Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland: Ellie Mae, #4

Charlie B.

Well my name is Charlie B but you already know that. I live in the UK, Bromley, Kent, any GR peeps close by, friend me by all means. I write hot steamy stories. Why, well because if it turns me on I hope it will do the same for you, guy or girl! For those of you that might be interested my web site address is all of my books are individually listed there along with synopsis and other interesting articles. you can also sign up to my new releases newsletter and receive a free short story Commecial finished, please read on! I write a lot, a book a month sometimes even more and I like to do something different every time. Sometimes the sexy scenes are part of the story and other times the story is the vehicle for the sex scenes but one thing is always present in my stories, Sex! Most of my stories feature women as the lead characters, I liker strong women, women who know what they want and go get it. They want men who can satisfy them in every way, who can excite and give then totally fulfilling sex. Women today have found their freedom, they want books that excite and arouse, they want a hot read that will give them a thrill and why not. Ah, but I hear you guys saying , 'what about us? Well I know what guys like, after all I am one. Fresh young women, cheerleaders, raunchy college girls that are naughty rather than nice. Older women that bend the rules, blur the lines because they are hell bent on satisfaction and they will do their devious best to get it. In actual fact, although there's a possible division in what I write, I think men and women will enjoy most of my books as many sit in the middle road.

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    Ellie Mae 4, Atlanta Dreamland - Charlie B.


    Riding the night bus is a lonely pursuit. Most of the passengers are asleep, the lights down low, and unknown townships float by in the night. My head is still all awhirl after the excitement of that last day with the Japanese Yazuka. That’s the name I conjured up for the crazy foursome, trawled from some hidden depths of my twisted mind for the four crazy girls that I’d hitched my ride with so as to get to Atlanta.

    An excited girl has three options on a long bus ride, well two if the excitement denies sleep. There’s masturbation, or sex with some stranger; those are the only two options that I am considering right now because, down between my thighs, those clingy, denim cut-off s are rubbing at my mound each time I move my legs, and something needs doing about the feelings that are arising therefrom. But there is no handsome stranger; no one even seems to be interested in this attractive redhead who’s sitting all alone at the rear of the bus. Well, sometimes you just gotta improvise to get your kicks.

    My slim fingers start to ping the silver buttons of my cut-offs undone one after another, the fly of my denim shorts slowly parting, inch after inch separating, to reveal my naked, ginger-tufted pussy, and I grin at my audaciousness. Taking a chance in public is one of my favourite pastimes, and possibly getting caught at it just adds to the fun. Slipping my free hand up under my tight crop-top, my fingers slide over a hard nipple causing me to take in a sharp breath at the contact. I’d been quite a skinny girl until recently, then my boobs had just blossomed into sudden fullness and I’m still amazed that my figure has developed like it has, so late on. Some girls might mature early; but being this late has been the answer to my prayers. Now guys stare at my tits as well as my slim body and cute face, not to forget the red hair that surrounds it, with pure lust on their faces.

    My fingers reach my dampening twat, dig inward as I let out another sigh. Relief at last. I ease a fingertip into my tingling crease and then begin to roll it all around. Small groans escape my pursed lips as I speed up the finger-strokes. A quick lick of my fingertip and its my hard clit that now gets the benefit of my frantic jiggling. Faster and faster, my slim hips squirming; it’s getting close, …. And then the bus pulls over to bring my fingering to an abrupt halt.

    Damn, I mutter, as I swiftly pull my hand free and then draw my shorts together to hide the evidence of my furtive activities. The doors swing open and two young guys climb onto the bus, make their way down the aisle and then settle into the seat in front of mine, after throwing their bags up into the top lockers. My interest perks up, my mind drifts to thoughts of upstanding cock and I’m wishing that the pair had settled in alongside of me. No sensible guy ever refuses a hand-job from a hot-to-fuck girl, well not unless they are gay.

    The bus pulls away from the curb and all is quiet once more, except that the muted tones coming from the seat in front of me, after a few miles, now cause me to wonder if gay is indeed a fact with these two. True, I can’t make out their whispers, but there’s definitely a higher pitch to their dialogue. My thoughts swiftly return to the itch that I’ve just failed to satisfy.

    Once again, I’m shimmying my hips all around, this time easing my shorts down to my ankles, my knees spreading wide. My hand dips to cup my eager snatch, my breath catching at the instant thrills that now resonate through my squirming body. The thought of getting caught in this position edges my desire back to its previous heights and I begin to work myself back to a peak. Once again, my hard nipples jut at my thin top, tingling like crazy until my fingers pinch and squeeze at the spiked flesh. This time I do get my rocks off, my body rising up from the seat as an orgasm rips through it; fingers squirming faster between my thighs as I drive back my ardent cries. Hunger satisfied, I fall back into the seat, my head lolling as I regain my composure, but wait; what are those sounds coming from the seats in front? Little grunts and groans filter into my consciousness and curiousity takes a hold. Levering myself up, I dip my head between the headrests before me, and then feel my lust rise up once more. It seems that the two guys, bored with just chat, are now lustily fisting each-others hard dicks off in the darkened confines of the bus. I can see both stiff staffs clearly enough to get excited once again. Raising up my crop top, I grab a breast and then maul it silently as my eyes take in both throbbing pricks, their swollen heads bursting with the need to ejaculate. The tight fists wrapped around each one jerk faster, the guys cries grow louder, and my fingers frig like crazy until the two cocks fire off their spurting loads high into the air. My squeal of lust is a little too loud and so I swiftly fall back into my seat, drag my coat in close and within seconds I’m fast asleep, only to be awakened by a shaking hand some hours later.

    Blinking my eyes open, I stare up wildly at the man standing before me, his swollen dick in his free hand, his face grinning at me as his eyes drift down over my semi-naked body, my coat having fallen down onto the floor as I slept.

    What the fuck? I cry out, as I register that it’s now daytime, and that the bus is empty of all the other passengers.

    That’s my question, but since you ain’t gotten no ticket to ride, and you are showing me your all, ah guess we can come to some arrangement, he grins. With a squeal, I grab my top, yank it back down and then clasp my knees together.

    Ah do have a ticket, it’s in mah coat, I retort, while searching frantically for the stub.

    Nope honey, I don’t think so, comes back the man’s reply, and he gives his hard dick another stroke while crushing my ticket in his free hand.

    Pervert; you let me go.

    Not till we reach a settlement; …or I can call the cops, seeing as how you hitched a ride without a ticket. My mind races. One thing I don’t need are the cops. Ok, so what do y’all want?

    What do you think sweetie? I got a hard-on here, so get your damn mouth around my dick and get me off.

    Again, I stare at the man’s rigid prick, a smile spreading across my face. When a girl rides a bus with the Yakuza foursome, she learns a trick or two about self-defence.

    Fuck you, you dirty bastard, I scream, and then my foot lashes out to meet with his groin. With a loud grunt he falls to his knees, his hand now clutching his crushed balls.

    You bitch, I’ll fucking kill you for that, he cries out, and then he falls silent as my hand flicks out to send him backwards onto the bus floor. Yes, those girls had taught me a few moves that can incapacitate another person within seconds.

    Fuck you bastard, I mutter, as I pull my trolley bag to me, check for my money and then rifle through the supine man’s pockets so as to retrieve it. He’s lifted that too. My next move is to dig out a loose-fitting, grey hoodie, and to then to slip it on. The baggy top will conceal my face somewhat from prying street-camera’s. Next, I wriggle into a pair of jeans, step over the groaning man and then depart the bus. Head down, I swiftly leave the Bus Station and then pause to think once I’ve moved a block or two away.

    I have my stash back; now my priority is to find some accommodation, but not a Hotel. I might be a possible fugitive and Hotels will be checked if so. With a sigh I make my way into a nearby café, order coffee and some food, my eyes alighting on a local newspaper. Just the thing. I turn to the accommodation pages as I spoon pancakes into my mouth, swiftly working down the lists until I find one that meets my needs. A local cab-ride takes me to an apartment building that’s a little way from the City centre. Atlanta sure is a big place.


    The cab drops me off outside an apartment block in DeKalb County and I stare up at the glass façade; not too bad. It is mainly occupied by Hispanics judging by the few kids playing around outside, and the older ones over on the basketball court that’s across the way. Taking a deep breath, I enter, my nose assaulted by various cooking smells as I make my way down the third-floor corridor to room 310.

    Pausing at the door, my finger hovers over the bell. I can hear muted screams through it and with a frown on my face, I lean in closer. No not screams for there are male grunts too; the occupants are fucking. I check the note I made of the door number in the newspaper once again. Yes 310, but if the woman I spoke to on the phone is getting her goodies, should I knock? With another sigh, I slump down on the floor. Surely it can’t last long, but ten minutes pass, and the cries don’t abate any.

    I’ve had enough and rising to my feet and I

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