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Bipolar Life Hacks: Keys to Loving Life with a Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Life Hacks: Keys to Loving Life with a Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Life Hacks: Keys to Loving Life with a Bipolar Disorder
Ebook34 pages22 minutes

Bipolar Life Hacks: Keys to Loving Life with a Bipolar Disorder

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About this ebook

So I have a bipolar condition…now what?  If you are like me, simply coping with the symptoms of the condition gets old.  Living life in the paradigm of being sick gets old.  So since we have a condition that is going to be with us for life, how do we live life without thinking we are sick all the time?  The pursuit of that question led me to the following conclusion:  It is about building life skills, not coping with symptoms that lead to a fulfilling life.

Release dateDec 19, 2018
Bipolar Life Hacks: Keys to Loving Life with a Bipolar Disorder

Stephen Nawotniak

Stephen Nawotniak OTR/L has a Self Designed Masters Degree from Buffalo State College and a Masters Degree  in Occupational Therapy from Utica College.  Steve is also an Eagle Scout. Starting in May of 2000, Steve completed an 8 month, non-motorized trek from Buffalo, NY to Key West, FL.  He canoed across NY on the Erie Canal, sailed the Hudson River into New York City, hiked the Appalachian Trail to Roanoke, VA and biked to Key West, FL.  Along the way he gave presentations to over 1000 youth on the values of volunteerism and education and completed over 230 hours of community service along the way.  He studied the geology of the Eastern United States as part of his Self Designed Masters Degree.  These studies complimented his Bachelors in Earth Science, Secondary Education. Two years later, in August 2002, Steve was hospitalized for a week with a major depressive episode and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  The next 8 years of his life was spent learning how to live with his condition on the journey from hospitalized patient to licensed healthcare professional.  Steve published the book Handbook for Healthy Living with a Mood Disorder sharing the skills and tools he uses daily to live, what he calls, a desired quality of life.  Steve has spoken at various events including the International Association of Peer Specialist, The Museum of disABILITY History and various high schools in the Western New York area to challenge the stigmas associated with mental health. His award winning children’s book series Mubu the Morph speaks to the inner journey we all face as we discover our purpose.  Mubu’s concept was generated from Steve’s personal experiences of his bipolar condition with his professional experiences as an Occupational Therapist. Stephen currently lives and practices Occupational Therapy in Buffalo, NY. 

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    Book preview

    Bipolar Life Hacks - Stephen Nawotniak

    Also By Stephen Nawotniak

    Handbook for Healthy Living with a Mood Disorder

    Mubu the Morph Award Winning Children’s Book Series

    Mubu the Morph

    Mubu’s Christmas

    Blue Mubu


    So you have a bipolar what?  If you are like me, simply coping with the symptoms of the condition gets old.  Living life in the paradigm of always being sick gets old.  If this condition is going to be with me for life, how do I live without thinking I am sick all the time?  The pursuit of that question led me to the following conclusion:  Building new life skills, not just coping with symptoms, is what leads to a fulfilling life.

    Don’t get me wrong.  I know I have a medical condition that I need to take care of.  I also know that, if ignored, it will lead me into some pretty bad situations.  I’ve also been hospitalized...twice, so I know that in those acute times of distress, the illness model of focusing on stabilization through finding the right medication combination works well.  But there is a difference between being stable and being fulfilled.  There is a difference between focusing on symptoms and focusing on those things that bring a quality of life.  There is a difference between simply coping with a condition and living life to its fullest. 

    In this book I share what has helped me enjoy my life while accommodating the needs of my bipolar symptoms.  Some of the sections such as Gratitude and Financial Management provide specific exercises to work on, while sections like Stigma and Self Identity share reflective concepts that I have become aware of over the course of my recovery journey.

    This is not a book on symptom management.  This is about what

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