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The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John
The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John
The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John
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The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John

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Revelation provides translations to parables and exact quantitative measurements. It describes the Bride of Christ, given by God to Christ, as the City of God, descending from above, and measured by the angels, to be about half the size of the planet Mercury or slightly smaller than our own Moon.

The true consolidation of this book and 'How to Believe in Christ According to the Gospel of John' are both consolidated in "The Way, the Truth, and the Light According to the Gospel and Gospel and Revelation of John" which is FREE to download from here and others online.

It is a descending city with a volume able to accommodate more than 47,000 trillion 1,000 sq. ft. 10 ft. high ceiling apartments. It chronicles the final redemption of us as Adam's lineage by Christ's Way of Love, God's Breath or Light, and the Holy Spirit of Truth. The Second Death is mentioned a four times in Revelation. It describes the Final Judgment of all souls, including the followers of Satan. The Second Death is the death of the soul being cast into the Lake of Fire. As Christ said in Matthew [10:28]: “And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.John presents in Revelation, a continuation of the Christian beliefs after the Gospels. In fact the Gospel of Matthew [13:30-40] also lays out Revelation's plot and provides most of the keys to the mysteries: “Let both [the good and the evil] grow together until the harvest: ... He that sows the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire [same as the second death's lake of fire in Revelation]; so shall it be in the end of this world.” Also is Matthew [5:45], it states: “That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” This is in agreement with Revelation [22:10-12], where it states: “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. [11] He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” A God that tolerates and allows evil to remain unchecked in Heaven and on Earth is seldom admitted by Christians.
So you can see that the Revelation plot is not an odd isolated fanciful plot solely dreamed up by John. The Revelation plot, in a parable, was indeed mentioned in the Gospels by Christ before the writing of Revelation. Indeed, those who are evil are currently destroying our Earth.
Revelation [20:11-12] also states that “from whose face [of God] the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.” and later on [21:1] “I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.”
All true knowledge comes solely from the Holy Spirit of Truth released by Christ. Christ therefore did not write copious works for us to be saved with just an easy read.

Release dateDec 18, 2018
The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John

Victor Pierobon

A lifelong interest in religion, science and extensive spiritual exercises, and the study of many belief systems from age 15. Retired software Architect, CIO, developer, and other related science and technology careers mainly as a contract consultant/company servicing the Ontario Government.One international wireless peer-to-peer mesh technology patent, one single board computer design and manufacturing, some software packages, and some building architectural work.Computer College Professor for almost two years.Education: Bachelor of Science and Education Degree.Hobbies Classical Guitar, music, and art.Canadian and resident in Toronto.

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    The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John - Victor Pierobon

    The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John

    Victor Pierobon

    Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Victor Pierobon

    All Rights Reserved

    All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

    Published by Smashwords Inc. ISBN 9780463464922 and replaces ISBN: 9780463145128 which was an earlier version under a different title as How Not to Have a Second Death According to Revelation of John

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Previously published under my pseudonym as Herndis Macri

    Version/Edition September 2021.

    This book is being replaced by The Way, the Truth, and the Light According to the Gospel and Revelation of John which combines this book ("The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John) and How to Believe in Christ According to the Gospel of John" Because both books share some summary and essay sections, it is far better to make life easier and just combine both books into one,



    Why John Is The Best Source

    Why You Should Not Read This Book

    The Christian Beliefs, Events, and Definitions

    The Revelation of John

    Revelation Conclusion


    Questions for Modern Christianity

    Questions for Modern Spiritualism

    Problems in Science

    Problems in Ordinary Consciousness

    Techniques for Listening to God

    End Notes

    About the Author


    I wrote this book to understand the true teachings of Christ and to believe in Christ solely for my salvation. But I also only hope that it will be of some benefit to others, and pray that it is not in any way become a hindrance, and according to John, all true knowledge should only be obtained internally by your subjective effort and conscious realizations from the Holy Spirit of Truth, Christ, God and not just by reading academic worldly logical arguments. If it were not so, Christ would have written copious works for us to be saved with just an easy read.

    Also about to what Revelation states in the end, "[18] For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: [19] And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.", I am not adding or removing any part of this Kings James Version. I am only writing a commentary and analysis, trying to understand it, just as many others have before me. We should all thank John and all be humbled by John's exquisite writing.

    This analysis of John's Revelation is a sequel to How to Believe in Christ According to the Gospel of John book. This book will make more sense if you read my other book first. If you are new to Christianity the Christian Beliefs, Events, and Definitions chapter after the Appendix will give you a good start and summary and will allow you to better understand this book. If you have read a very recent version of my other book, How to Believe in Christ According to the Gospel of John, you will find the two books sharing the following sections:

    Why John Is The Best Source (the next chapter)

    and the APPENDIX sections at the end of the book:

    Christian Beliefs, Events, and Definitions

    Questions for Modern Christianity

    Questions for Modern Spiritualism

    Problems in Science

    Problems in Ordinary Consciousness

    Techniques for Listening to God

    End Notes

    About The Author

    I highly recommend that you download The Way, the Truth, and the Light According to the Gospel and Revelation of John, since this book will not be updated anymore and may become deactivated.


    I believe that the works of John the Beloved probably have the best possibility of reflecting the teachings of Christ. There are more early older copies of John's Gospel than the other Gospels. After all, John did not abandon Christ and lived many years after Christ left. The Gospel of John has nuances that ring true to me, and more so by the contrasting human frailty, ignorance, and misunderstandings in his Gospel, and is not always in agreement with the other Gospels. As a pastor once told me, John's Gospel stands alone. One should expect the many witnessed accounts of a single set of tragic events to be full of contradictions due to human errors concerning any significant event. Likewise, one should not be surprised by the disagreements and mismatches between the four Gospels.

    In other non-Christian religious tales or belief systems, their divine heroes are often depicted as spotless, without any candid humor or story contradictions, and their tales are surely not surrounded with clueless, shallow, petty participants and disciples. But unlike other religious belief systems, the Gospels are unique, simply by having Christ surrounded with clueless, shallow, petty participants. There are some subtly humorous quotes attributed to Jesus, in the many times he reluctantly had to rephrase answers with a variety of analogies, metaphors, and parables, often repeatedly showing his frustration on how clued out the public was, and even on his close followers. The Gospels show all the complexities of real events involving very contemporary-like foibles and dynamics. The numerous recollections of very extraordinary psychic miracles are amazing, and perhaps more amazing is how much pettiness is shown by the masses, leaders, and Pharisees who, by their unimaginable shallow envy, greed, and pride, sought to deny and kill Jesus.

    John was given a special task. Sadly, the other disciples were all martyred and only John was spared and allowed to live on to write about it (see John [21:23]). John was the only apostle among the twelve apostles that stood undeniably faithful to Christ. John was the only disciple to attend Christ’s trial and Christ’s crucifixion. Because of his full faithfulness, as decreed by the resurrected Christ at the end of the Gospel, and much to the angst of the other disciples, especially Peter, Christ said "If I will that he [John] tarry till I come, what is that to thee?". John was spared martyrdom. John is also the first male disciple to arrive at the tomb after the Resurrection. He is the apostle who wrote Revelation, a unique work of prophecy while in exile.

    The Gospel of John contains a belief system that is continued in his Revelation - John's prophetic vision. Unfortunately, the Gospels are secondhand written down documents, multi-translated descriptions, multi-copied, so caution has to be taken by the reader since any worldly-wise materialistic interpretation will always be wrong. You can bet on it that my book will be wrong as well and will likely be full of misinterpretations. Having said that, I think it is still worth reading this book and my effort to understand John's belief system. You should avoid being an Armageddon-ist, and also avoid extracting any believable physical prophetic timeline of events, for your worldly gain or survival.

    Salvation in John's Revelation:

    John presents in Revelation, a cohesive continuation of his belief system from his Gospel. In fact, the Gospel of Matthew [13:30-40] also lays out Revelation's plot and provides most of the keys to the mysteries: "Let both [the good and the evil] grow together until the harvest: ... He that sows the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire [, the second death's lake of fire in Revelation]; so shall it be in the end of this world, [before God creates a New Earth and New Heaven]. Matthew [13:30-40] is similar to Revelation [22:10-12]; it states: Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. [11] He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. [12] And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." It describes a God that even tolerates and allows evil to remain unchecked in Heaven and on Earth until the Judgment, this is seldom admitted by Christians.

    So you can see that the Revelation plot is not an oddly isolated fanciful plot solely dreamed up by John. The Revelation plot, in a parable, was indeed mentioned in the Gospels by Christ before the writing of Revelation. The proposition that evil, demon seeds, empty husks or weeds, what may seem conscious and with some inner Light, or potentially good, both good and bad must exist unhindered to reincarnate and to repeat their evil or good free will till the end of time's Final Judgment. Both good and bad are allowed to prove themselves before the final harvest and separations, for some of them to enter into the City of God. This makes perfect sense, as an explanation for why Christ's physical death did nothing to prevent the recurrence of sins, horrors, homicides, and abuses that he witnessed in his time and to this date and God's allowance for evil to continue to be in our present world. In fact, it gets much worse as Judgment approaches since the good are harvested first, thus allowing the density of pure evil to increase on Earth. They are identified in Revelation as those who destroy the Earth.

    Christ and God did not forgive all our sins, as some think he promised, but God has provided a narrow venue for salvation, encouraging us to be the good seed sowers, as sons of Man, to listeners of God, Christ, and invite the Holy Spirit of Truth within us. Only the good are allowed to exist and be in harmony in Heaven with their own kind. Christ did not bring God's Kingdom on Earth to exalt the land of Israel or some other sacred land, as some worldly Jews expected.

    Atheists use these seemingly unfulfilled promises as a shallow excuse for justifying their disbelief in God. Some atheists state: I refuse to believe in a cruel unforgiving God that allows so much suffering and injustice to exist. God is not a puppet master. He allows us to be good voluntarily and to be placed among only those just like us.


    Why did Christ not write a book on how to believe in Christ and be saved? Why did Christ speak in parables to us but spoke plainly and direct only to his disciples only just before he was crucified? John’s Gospel [14:26] Christ states: But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you… and later on in [16:29] John states, "His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb". It was only after the Holy Spirit of Truth baptized them into seeing the divine reality all around. Thereafter they had a dramatic spiritual growth, by dashing off all fears about death, became healers and prophets of the divine nature of Christ! This facilitated their understanding of the plain truth dialogs with Christ. It was like a near-death experience (NDE) experience transforming fear into the pursuit of love and kindness.

    So this is my frail attempt to try to understand Christ rather than only God on a personal level via some purely logical written word analysis of the bible and John’s works. I have a vague hope that those who like to be convinced solely via common worldly logical arguments may be convinced enough to study Christianity and search for the Kingdom of Heaven. But I realize that no matter what words I write with these erroneous logical arguments and half-truths, I and many will be misled into a wrong understanding of Christ and our divine reality. I will therefore point out examples of my errors in my arguments within this book and similar worldly logical errors committed by other semi-spiritual leaders.

    Where logic goes awry when addressing unknown experiences is when one applies common experience from one dimension or level of creation or level of consciousness or divine awareness to other divine realms. Even by just having an extrasensory means or even lacking one makes it impossible to convey to anyone without matching background in senses or experience. One cannot apply how this world works as being related to other worlds. Ideally, the sons of God and God exist on all levels simultaneously and communicates with each other simultaneously regarding all levels of creation. God is omniscient of all existence from Hell up to the throne of God. God is all-knowing at all levels and coordinating at all levels to realize thy kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven so that all realms will provide the same level of divine peace and cooperation as exists in Heaven eventually.

    If we try to apply mundane decomposition analysis which is the most common way to study causality in this material world where one assumes that objects are composed of parts and in turn, parts are composed of finer parts, all the way down to atomic units of space, time and energy may not be applicable across all divine levels or realities. It’s a divide-and-conquer methodology to try to reduce interactions that can be easily modeled by simple linear mathematics. Consciousness can move across these realms while retaining the same divine I am identity across these many forms of existence. Christ refers in parables to the same composition analysis in the abide in when stating that the Holy Spirit of Truth abides in Christ as well as God abides in Christ as well, does not really imply true composition but could just be simply the coordination of their will regarding the realization of God’s plans.

    A simple example and proof of this would be the experiment of someone who has sight trying to explain to someone who has been always blind over a voice-only phone call how to make a turn in any special direction without referring to their left or right side of their body or referring to objects that may be left or right of them. Voice and non-stereo mono hearing which is 1 dimensional alone cannot communicate anything 2 or 3 dimensional, such as tactile or visual information for body parts or relative locations. So like the "blind leading the blind" this book of mine is just that! So many religions persecuted and fought over whether Christ and God and the Holy Ghost are one entity or not, which is silly since they are fighting over mundane words, concepts, and identities that do not apply to divine reality. By trying to understand the divine via some arrangement of words is naïve since mere words only represent this world's objects and their abstractions. We don’t have words developed among multi-realm beings sharing a common reality, so any logical arguments arranging these words are useless in deriving new knowledge by the use of our human pure logic’s deductive rules or manipulations of our erroneous axiom's assumptions to build up some divine system of causality.

    Orthodox religions and even occultism try to be the science or descriptors of these divine laws or miracles. They seek their own self-centered Power and Glory that result in the suffering of others by this. Rather than seeking to see the individual needs, sins, and fates so that they can assist our brothers in their redemption here on Earth. We as flesh and blood cannot derive a divine model to help us navigate through all of God’s creations with just these Earthly non-divine experiences. Any attempt will result in getting yourself lost and more bound into this world, it will not release or realize yourself into a divine realm to enable you to self-sacrifice and help others. You can’t just think yourself into salvation with some internal thought sequences or verbal dialogues. You have to be subjectively transformed within your pure consciousness or awareness in the presence of the realm of God, Christ, Spirit of Truth, and the divine. You must open up to listening to the Holy Spirit of Truth or Holy Ghost to teach you. Your divine existence and other holy and good divine beings, which are referred to as divine guardian angels, helpers, and divine souls.

    All one can hope by studying John is to try to understand is how Christ’s disciples slowly overcame their human fears, unbelief, and confusion into fearless believers and witnesses of the kingdom of God all around them, being transformed by the baptism by the Holy Spirit of Truth, providing them with the truth to make them truly FREE in mind, body, and soul, transforming them into Christ’s divine helpers in spreading the belief in what Christ said and did for us.

    Many wrong assumptions or interpretations in Christianity’s past have caused much suffering. By dropping the teaching of reincarnation or the resurrection of the soul in the 4th century Christianity, Martin Luther tried to practice the disciplinary and devotional practice of flogging oneself with whips or other instruments that inflict pain on the assumption that if one has only one lifetime or reincarnation to prove oneself to be worthy of salvation then one must make as many sacrifices, have all the virtues, none of the deadly vices, and suffer as much as Christ did on the cross. Martin soon realized that one lifetime of self-punishment is not enough time to accomplish this, so as result dropped all these attempts and simply stated that salvation is solely done by the grace of Christ and by what Christ sacrificed and suffered on the crucifixion to pay for our all sins. By this, Christ’s and James’s emphasis on doing good deeds as sons of Man and becoming listeners to God’s will as sons of God is woefully ignored. Martin pointed out the same logical irrationality in the Roman Catholic Church’s selling Indulgences for a guaranteed entry into Heaven, for a price, while ignoring its logical corollary that if the church has the divine power to guarantee Heaven to any soul then the church should therefore print an infinite amount of indulgences to ensure Heaven for every soul that ever existed as any good Christian would do if one had such a divine power to do so. Although Martin was able to uncover the Church’s logical error or their hypocrisy, Martin failed to catch his own above-mentioned assumptions and subsequent errors in his logical deduction.

    Martin assumed that a soul has only one lifetime and does not reincarnate many times, which implies that a new soul is created with every birth or lifetime since it is a 1-to-1 relationship between a single lifetime and a soul. This same assumption or restriction also highlights the atheistic argument against God by the apparent injustice of stillbirths or the births with deformities, or even implying that we should have an urgent obligation to be creating as many new souls or children as possible for God. But again, Christians have forgotten what Christ told them. Christ said in John [3:13] "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." In other words, the body return to dust but the soul return to Heaven from where it came from, and the soul does not go to Heaven for its first time! In other words, the soul is created by God in Heaven and returns to Heaven. God can send a soul just once into a body or may send the same soul many,

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