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Teacher's Obsession
Teacher's Obsession
Teacher's Obsession
Ebook119 pages2 hours

Teacher's Obsession

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Jaycee Collins thinks she has a perfect life—until her husband dumps her for their pregnant au pair. How can she provide for her child with an incomplete college education? Jaycee grits her teeth and goes back to school to make a better life for them. She’s hoping to get good grades and better job skills. The last thing she expects is the sexy professor who takes her breath away... right before she spills the contents of her purse, including her vibrator! Can life get any more embarrassing?
Dr. Megalos Thessalonis knows he's not to be involved with a student. And yet, whenever he’s near Jaycee, he finds himself sporting a hard-on, and it’s getting harder and harder to fight his growing attraction to her. Then, on an archaeological dig, what began as a wet dream becomes a reality that can cost him his career.
Can he save his job and also win the heart of the woman he has come to love?

PublisherM.R. Kelly
Release dateJul 3, 2018
Teacher's Obsession

M.R. Kelly

Melinda Kelly (Melliar) works as a Nursing Instructor at the local community college. Began reading at an early age and soon put pencil to paper for her first story at age 6. After years of working as a nurse and telling her stories to children in the Pediatric ward, she penned a child's book for her granddaughter Tori "Victoria Bee." Melinda spends the year divided between her home in Scotland, El Paso, Texas and wherever internationally her husbands job transfers him. She is a confirmed romantic and gets her inspiration from the love of her life John. Caulbear's Stone is the first of a four part series that will take place in locations around the world. Come join her on her journey with her favorite hero's.

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    Teacher's Obsession - M.R. Kelly


    Book One of the Obsession Series


    M. R. Kelly

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    Teacher's Obsession

    Copyright © 2018 M.R. Kelly

    ISBN: 978-1-9832-26021

    Cover art by M. R. Kelly

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    Book One of the Obsession Series


    M. R. Kelly

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    Copyright © 2018 M.R. Kelly

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by M.R. Kelly

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    About the Author



    Jaycee Collins squeezed into the snug seat on the front row in the auditorium and glanced around the lecture hall. Her face heated as the attractive blonde female snickered behind her laptop, leaned over and whispered something to her friend. Jaycee turned back to the front of the elevated stage that had a centered, wooden mahogany stained podium and a sizable white projector screen that protruded from the ceiling behind it. She tried and failed to adjust the folding writing tray more comfortably around her slightly rounded stomach. Who the hell did they build these chairs for anyway? She wondered, then answered her question when she saw the surrounding empty chairs begin to fill with stylish, slender, cheerleader-type women who fit perfectly behind the desks. As the auditorium filled, she looked around, puzzled by what she didn't see. There was a significant number of women and few males. Archeology, a topic she loved, was not one that many sought as a career, and she wondered at the popularity of this class.

    Jaycee sucked in her stomach and wiggled until she could get the writing table in position before she pulled out the white sheet of paper that listed her class schedule, her eyes scanned the document as she searched for the instructor's name and location for the section on Native-American mythology. One of her nightmares had been ending up in the wrong group and everyone laughing at her. Yes. She was in the right place, Dr. Megalos Thessalonis, room 215, Natalicios Auditorium. It twisted Jaycee's stomach in a knot as she sat and waited for the class to begin, the only over-thirty in the room. What was she thinking? She was a middle-aged student back at a university taking a summer course after being away from school for so long. The situation which she found herself was not by choice. At thirty-eight, other women were on their second or third career or having and raising a family. Well, one out of two was not bad. She had a family, her son, Marcus, a precocious pre-teen who had become her rock the past year, and her widowed mother was from a generation of flower children.

    The noise surrounding her became deafening with the sounds of student chatter, rustling papers and bang of wood hitting metal as the room filled with young, stunning, diverse women. Jaycee's gaze scanned the room again. Yes, just as she thought. She was the oldest and the only person in the room who was overweight. Petite and curvy, Jaycee mourned the loss of her pre-pregnancy figure every New Year when she would resolve to lose those extra pounds, but no matter how hard Jaycee tried, she could not give up Krispy-Kreme doughnuts. She glanced down at her body, the extra pounds showed, especially today when she had to squeeze into the empty narrow seat like a sardine. Now, sitting in a room filled with slender women half her age, she wondered if she had made the right decision in returning to university to get her degree.

    A sudden silence followed the rustle of shifting papers around the room. Alerted, Jaycee knew the professor must have arrived. Someone drew Jaycee's eyes from the screen of her cell phone, and a text from Marcus to the podium and her heart leaped in her chest. Dr. Megalos Thessalonis. Oh. My. God. Her instructor was young and uncommonly gorgeous. She suspected his age between twenty-nine and thirty-five years, hoping for the latter. But she was uncertain because he had one of those faces where you couldn't guess an exact age.

    The man was tall and broad-shouldered, with a toned body underneath a thin white t-shirt and tight black denim pants that left nothing to the imagination. A mop of damp, thick, black curly hair laid against his olive colored skin and a face that sported a five o'clock shadow at nine in the morning. A heavy brow offset his boyish grin and a pair of eyes the color of sea glass gleamed behind square-framed glasses that kept slipping down his long nose. He was a bookish Adonis, and it struck Jaycee why predominately nubile young women filled the room. He was the attraction, and she felt older and fatter than ever!

    Jaycee sat stunned as Dr. Thessalonis' gaze scanned the room and ended on the front row in front of the podium. Her place. His brow raised in surprise and the corners of his mouth lifted in a smile and a slight nod. Under his scrutiny, Jaycee slumped down and leaned to the side and pulled on the buckle to her computer bag… and then it happened. All the contents of her case tumbled out onto the floor in front of her, including her package of tampons, a cervical cup, three maxim condoms and a personal ribbed vibrator that chose that instance to activate.

    The blood rushed to her face as the vibrator hummed and inched its way across the floor toward the stage. The roar of laughter from everyone around the room caused Jaycee's face to burn with humiliation as she struggled to pull up the attached writing table and found it was not working. She strained and pulled until the tray lifted and she fell forward on her knees onto the floor in front of her.

    Jaycee grabbed the tampons and condoms and stuffed them back into the computer bag as the pink vibrator danced further away from her across the floor. She crawled on her hands and knees over to the vibrator when she heard the screech of approaching sneakers on the tile. A brown masculine palm with thick fingers and nails that were ridged like little clam shells reached down and picked up the vibrator. Jaycee eyes drifted up knowing but hating whom she would see over her. Yep! Her day had just become a bit shittier… It was Professor Thessalonis.

    Dr. Thessalonis extended his hand and gently helped her to her feet. Jaycee snatched the vibrator from his other hand and face burning, tried to shove it into her bag… as if everyone in the room had not seen the damn thing almost do flips across the tiled floor. When this day was over, she planned to kill her friends for their divorce party gifts.

    Miss… are you, all right? he asked, his voice warm and sexy, drowning out the laughter of the class. O.K. Everyone, just… shut it! he yelled before glancing around for her other spilled items.

    I'm fine, Jaycee stammered glancing into his eyes before stepping back toward her seat where she once again struggled with her broken table.

    Dr. Thessalonis' vivid blue-green eyes regarded her shrewdly before he turned and placed a hand on the edge of the stage, leaped up,

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