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Noreen and the Lesbian Vampire
Noreen and the Lesbian Vampire
Noreen and the Lesbian Vampire
Ebook39 pages32 minutes

Noreen and the Lesbian Vampire

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In a drab town in 1960s Ireland, nineteen year old Noreen Bawn falls under the erotic spell of a beautiful and mysterious young English woman. Noreen surrenders to her secret desires, but her sexual awakening is just the beginning of a love affair that will expose the sordid secrets of her home town and change her forever.

PublisherMike O'Connor
Release dateDec 20, 2018
Noreen and the Lesbian Vampire

Mike O'Connor

Mike O’Connor is a powerful and engaging storyteller who performs at many events across the country. An important researcher into Cornish music and folklore, he has been awarded the OBE and made a bard of the Gorsedh of Kernow.

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    Noreen and the Lesbian Vampire - Mike O'Connor



    Mike O’Connor

    Copyright © 2018 by Mike O’Connor

    Noreen didn’t want to go to the dance. Tommy Ring and the Dazzlers were playing in the ballroom. Four men in bow-ties and dinner suits playing a mix of Beatles songs and whatever else was popular in the hit parade.

    Noreen would have preferred to stay at home and listen to her records. She would have preferred any number of options, but what was a nineteen-year-old girl in a small Irish town to do? What was anyone to do but follow the pack?

    Tommy Ring and the Dazzlers were not exactly the Stones, but they were not the most wholesome of showbands. Tommy was rumoured to have a fondness for teenage girls and their drummer was rumoured to be queer. On the other hand, the heavyweights like Joe Dolan and Dickie Rock tended to bypass the town of Kilfeathery. Sometimes, it seemed that the twentieth century was giving Kilfeathery a wide berth.

    Do you think they’ll play Satisfaction? asked Kathleen.

    If they play Love Me Do, I’ll fecking scream, said Mary. Tommy Ring looks so much like Paul.

    Noreen looked at her two friends. Kathleen’s face was a mess of teenage pimples that no amount of badly applied makeup could disguise. Mary was free of acne, but her floral patterned dress fit her full figure much too tightly. Not that Noreen was in any position to feel superior. With her mousy blonde hair and large front teeth, she considered herself to be average looking, at best. She was certainly unlikely to have men fighting over her. Not that she wanted them to. In Noreen’s case, they would be fighting for a lost cause.

    The three young women walked towards the dance hall. Noreen felt like running away. She hated this stupid little town and the stupid little people that inhabited it. A group of men was fighting at the entrance to the ballroom. Red-faced farmer’s boys in the suits and ties their mammies had ironed for them. They’d be lining up as soon as a slow set came on, stinking of drink, fags and desperation. The girls would line up at the opposite side of the dance floor and the ritual would begin.

    Timmy Sheehan is fighting Paddy Moriarty, cried Kathleen.

    That’s Peter Murphy on the ground! screeched Mary. He must have taken a belt. Where are the guards?

    Noreen watched her two friends run towards the fight, tottering on their semi-high heels. She had no inclination to follow. The fight was as predictable as everything else that happened in Kilfeathery. The boys would beat the tar out of each other tonight and be the best of friends again tomorrow. They would share their stories of the girls they had danced with and kissed. There would be boasts of arses and tits

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