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The Runaway
The Runaway
The Runaway
Ebook377 pages3 hours

The Runaway

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Amber Schultz has become tired of her overbearing stepmother watching her every move. After years of restrained emotions, Amber strikes back. Fearful of being charged with murder, Amber leaves the only home she has ever known and stumbles into a camp full of dangerous bank robbers.

            Judd Cooper is a handsome man with an agenda completely different than the men he is with. He had not planned on rescuing the beautiful Amber Schultz in the middle of nowhere. However, his plans have now changed and he must get Amber out of harm's way. However, Judd discovers that getting rid of Amber is easier said than done.

PublisherJewel Story
Release dateDec 22, 2018
The Runaway

Jewel Story

Jewel Story was born and raised in Houston, Texas and has been a lover of western romance since she started writing in 1997.  The first book to be published was "The Runaway".

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    Book preview

    The Runaway - Jewel Story

    Chapter One

    THE AIR WAS THICK AND heavy in the confines of the kitchen.  The open windows with their lace curtains did not allow a breeze to flow through.  Rain had been close to non-existent, making the land look scorched in places.  When there was a breeze, it created whirlwinds, or dust devils as some people called them, that danced across the Texas land, picking up dirt as it went. 

    Aren’t you finished, yet?

    The voice went through Amber’s body as if someone had raked their fingernails against her skin.

    I’m al...  Amber was about to say she was almost finished with the chore, but was cut off by the older woman.

    I think you’re daydreaming, again, Beatrice spat out.  You’ll never get anywhere by daydreaming, Amber.  Hard work, back breaking hard work, is what’s important!

    Amber watched as the older woman walked out of the kitchen, her skirts swaying with the movement of her broad hips.  The urge to mock the older woman got the better of Amber as she sat back on her heels and placed a hand on her hip.  While pursing her lips, Amber tried to simulate Beatrice’s movements.  After several moments, she started to feel guilty. 

    Concentrating on the task she was assigned, Amber scrubbed harder and faster on the wooden planks.  Her step-mother was always looking over Amber’s shoulder.  She usually stood up to the older woman, but Beatrice was having none of that, today.  Many a time, Amber had to endure long lectures of how young people were being disrespectful to their elders and how each and everyone one of them should be taken to the woodshed. 

    Straightening, Amber looked at her work and was satisfied with the results.  Nothing should upset Beatrice today, Amber silently hoped.  Picking up her cleaning supplies, she made her way outside and dumped the water.  Amber took a moment to look at her surroundings.

    The house was a two-story Victorian structure.  It had been built several years before as a present from her father to Beatrice, at her stepmother’s insistence.  Amber had painfully watched the destruction of the original single story home and felt as though everything in her past was going with it.  It had been her childhood home and Amber felt the last bit of strong hold her mother might have had was slowly slipping away.  She remembered pain shooting through her heart as each board and nail was ripped away leaving her with sadness and a hole in her very being. 

    The new house consisted of four bedrooms, a parlor, a modest-sized dining room and an upstairs water closet with a tub that was cleaned to a magnificent shine each day.  The barn and corral sat behind the house, a comfortable distance away so the occupants would not be offended by any smells.  The two bunk houses sat beyond it. 

    Amber listened to the birds singing and squirrels chattering, while wiping her brow with the back of her hand.  Shielding her eyes as she looked up at the sky, she noticed there were no clouds to block the severity of the summer sun. 

    The song of a bird caught her attention and she watched as it flew from its perch in a nearby tree and skittered low across the dry grass.  It made Amber think of her care-free youth.  The days of running through the yard as a little girl, making the ranch hands laugh at her eagerness.  However, those were the days before her mother’s death and would never be again, Amber reminded herself as she released a slow breath.

    She also wondered if there would ever be more for her than the life she struggled through now, a stepmother that hated her and a father who did not have time to even look in her direction.  She remembered how much her parents had been in love and how much happiness there was on the ranch.  Those days were long gone and there was no use in mulling over the past, Amber told herself. 

    Amber!  Beatrice shouted from the doorway causing her to jump.

    I was just...

    I know what you were just doing, daydreaming, again!  What have I told you about daydreaming?  Get in this house, this instant!  Beatrice shouted.

    Amber knew what would happen if she did as she was told.  As soon as the door would close Beatrice would knock her to the floor.  The two women would roll into furniture as each tried to gouge the other’s eyes and pull hair until it looked like a cat fight with fur flying.   

    For the most part, Amber was able to control her anger, but on occasion, like today, embers smoldered just under the surface.  She had managed to control her temper quite nicely with only brief episodes coming forth on occasion.  And on this occasion, Amber felt the hot ashes being stoked to a full flame as she watched Beatrice’s face turn red from anger.

    Did you hear me?  Get in this house this instant!  Beatrice warned breathlessly, pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

    After tossing the bucket and brush to the ground, Amber shouted, Not today! 

    Amber had been taught to respect her elders, but her parents had also taught her to stand up for herself.  Trying her best to stand tall with her chin raised, Amber watched as the woman, who was twice her size, stepped down from the porch.  The boards of the stairs seemed to groan under Beatrice’s weight and Amber found herself hoping they would give away.  They did not.   

    What did you say?  Beatrice asked in a low, menacing voice only a foot away from her.

    I said...

    Beatrice’s palm struck the younger woman’s cheek sending a tingling feeling through Amber’s head as she tasted blood.

    Don’t you back sass me, girl!  Your father placed me in charge of bringing you up right and that is exactly what I aim to do, Beatrice shouted as she grabbed a hand full of Amber’s hair.

    Like a cornered animal, Amber began to throw punches to the woman’s midsection.  After several blows, she managed to tear loose from her capture’s hold.  Quickly, Amber balled up a fist and made contact with the older woman’s mouth causing blood to spurt out and onto the front of Amber’s dress.  Beatrice’s jaw sagged with disbelief and her eyes were bigger than Amber had ever seen.   

    Unable to contain herself, Amber giggled, which made Beatrice even madder.  As Beatrice began to storm towards her, Amber hiked up her skirt and ran across the yard as Beatrice cursed, spurring her to move faster.  Not knowing where to go, she ran into the barn.  She saw the door at the far end of the building and ran towards it.  Her flight was suddenly halted as her ankle twisted, sending her tumbling to the hard packed dirt floor.  Pain shot through her ankle.  She ran her hands over the injured area and felt no bumps that would indicate a possible fracture. 

    You little witch!  Beatrice screamed in a horrifically high-pitched voice as she stood in the doorway of the barn.  You’re going to get it, now!

    Amber staggered to a standing position and hobbled to the far door, but as the pain increased with each step she finally relented and leaned against the wall.  She watched as her stepmother advanced with wild, insane eyes and braced for the worst.  She turned her head away and tried to focus on a lantern that hung nearby.  Just as Beatrice approached and raised her fist, Amber grabbed the lantern off the wall and brought it down over the woman’s head.  Beatrice’s eyes rolled upward as blood ran down one side of her face.  Her head dropped back and Beatrice slowly crumpled in a heap at Amber’s feet.

    With horror, Amber realized what she had done as she covered her mouth with her hand.  She visually searched Beatrice’s body for some sign of life.  Amber was relieved when she saw Beatrice’s body move with several intakes of breath.  

    The two women had some pretty nasty fights over the years, but nothing like this.  The thought of what her father would think after Beatrice gave her version of what had happened made Amber shiver. Never had there been any marks or blood shed like there was with today’s encounter.  There was no doubt her father would side with his wife.    

    Chapter Two

    HANK, WE BEEN RIDIN’ since night fall.  How bout a rest?  Carl complained as he pulled his horse alongside his boss’.

    Carl’s right, Hank, we’re bone tired, Billie chimed in.  Besides, we lost those Texas Rangers a long ways back.

    Judd fished in his shirt pocket for a rolled cigarette and placed it between his lips as he listened to the exchange.  After striking a match, he said, I could use a couple hours sleep and some grub.

    All right, we’ll bed down for a couple of hours, but no fire; we’ll just eat hard tack, Hank told his men. 

    Judd listened to Carl and Billie grumble, but he could tell they were grateful for the reprieve.  They rode a good distance into the woods and dismounted.  After unsaddling their horses and laying out their bedrolls, they settled down to get what little rest they could.

    My belly’s rumblin’ up a storm, Carl complained as he rubbed it.

    I told you to eat somethin’ instead of messin’ with that saloon girl, Billie laughed.

    Carl grinned while saying, It was well worth it.  That little filly sure could...

    Quiet!  Hank barked as he walked past.  Get some sleep or you can stand watch.

    Sure, boss, Carl grumbled while he settled into his blanket.

    Almost three hours later, Judd stirred from a light sleep.  Raising his hat from over his eyes, he saw Hank kick Carl’s boot and order, Get up and stand watch.  I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.

    Sure, boss, Carl said as he placed his hat on his head. 

    With a stretch and a yawn, Carl picked up his rifle and proceeded to check the area.  Glancing over at Billie, Judd could see him settling back down with his trusty pistol in his hand.  He never slept without it.  Satisfied that things were fine Judd replaced his hat and listened to Carl walk around.  Knowing that Carl had gotten very little asleep the night before, Judd raised his hat, once again.  After he caught Carl’s eye, Judd grinned while saying, You want me to take watch? 

    Nah, I can pull my own, Carl told him.

    Judd gave a nod of understanding before he leaned back and replaced his hat over his eyes, leaving Carl to listen to the sounds of the night. 

    He wasn’t sure how long he slept, but when Judd woke he found Carl sitting on a log next to a tree with his rifle lying across his lap.  It was not long before Carl’s eyes became heavy, making his head bob back and forth.  Judd was about to sit up when he saw Carl quickly shake the sleepiness from his eyes.  He watched the man stand and walk over to his canteen.

    At the sound of movement, Carl lowered the canteen slowly and froze.  At the same time, Judd moved his hand to his side arm.  The two men locked eyes and at Judd’s nod Carl dropped the canteen and swung around, aiming his rifle in the direction of the sound while Judd did the same with his pistol. 

    Out of the darkness stepped a chestnut colored horse with a rider, a young woman.  She was slumped over the neck of the horse with her dress hiked high on one thigh. 

    Well, look what we have here, Carl said while focusing on the woman’s exposed leg.  Nice. 

    Judd stood and holstered his gun.  He walked over to Hank and bumped the man’s boot; he did the same to Billie.

    What the hell is going on?  Hank complained as he sat up.

    We got company, Judd informed.

    Who the hell is that?  Billie asked as he stood and holstered his pistol.

    Don’t know, Carl told him as he stepped forward and placed his hand on the bare thigh.  Soft, he leered as he rubbed his rough hand over the exposed skin.

    But when his hand went higher to disappear under the dress, Hank ordered, Hold off, Carl, until we know for sure there isn’t anyone else out there.

    I didn’t hear anybody, Carl whispered as he kept an eye on the creamy skin, but withdrew his hand anyway.

    When the woman stirred, the four men froze in their tracks as they watched her open her eyes and straighten with a moan.  She massaged her neck and while doing so her eyes finally fell on her audience.

    From where he stood, Judd figured her to be about twenty years old.  She had long, wavy, brown hair that hung loose about her shoulders and she had an attractive figure.  In the darkness, he could see the buttons on her dress straining to stay fastened across her full bosom.

    Who are you?  Hank asked harshly, but when she did not answer he stepped forward and said, I asked you a question.

    Am...Amber Schultz, she told him in a high-pitched voice.

    What are you doin’ out here?  Hank asked, but when Amber did not answer, he asked, You out here alone?

    You’re scarin’ the girl, Judd said calmly, as he placed his thumbs in the front of his gun belt.

    I’ll give her something to be scared about if she doesn’t give me an answer!  Hank growled as he walked up beside Carl.  Now, answer me!

    Her fear was evident.  So when she kicked her horse into motion, it was no surprise.  Judd found he was relieved.  The last thing he needed was to baby sit a woman.  But Billie was there to step in its path and grabbed the harness of her horse. 

    Grinning, Billie said, Hold on there, girl.  Why you in such a hurry?

    It’s your looks, Billie, Carl snickered while placing his hand back on Amber’s thigh.  When the girl pushed his hand away and jerked her dress down it only made Carl chuckle. 

    She’s got spirit, Billie laughed.

    Get yourselves under control for ten minutes, will you?  Hank barked.  We still don’t know if anybody else is out there.

    I think if there was anybody else out there they would’ve made themselves known by now, Carl told Hank as his eyes roamed over the girl.  How bout some fun, Hank?

    Her eyes widened more with fear, making Carl and Billie laugh.

    Where you from, girl?  Carl asked with a grin, but when she did not answer he placed his hand on a cheek of her buttocks and squeezed.

    She struggled to push Carl’s hand away and finally said in a small-frightened voice, Henderson.

    With a laugh, Carl grabbed Amber around the waist, while his free hand captured the inside of her thigh.  After pulling her off the horse, he brought her struggling body against his with her back to him. 

    Look at that, Carl, ol’ buddy, that dress of hers is barely staying shut. I do believe I see some skin in there, Billie said with a smile as he bent over to have a better look.

    Carl chuckled while he ripped the front of her dress open.  After pulling the material back to expose her breasts fully, he held her firmly with one arm around the waist while he yanked the hem of her dress up with his free hand. 

    She doesn’t have a stitch of clothing on under here, Billie!  Carl laughed as his hands grabbed and pulled painfully at Amber’s skin.

    Let me have a piece of her, Billie said while massaging his swollen member through his denims.

    Boss?  Carl asked as he struggled to hold onto Amber anyway he could. 

    Hank was looking out into the darkness and finally said, Go ahead, but keep it quiet.

    You hear that, little girl?  Billie asked as he stepped forward and pressed himself against her.  His kiss was rough.  She struggled to push him away.

    Hold on there, friend, Carl complained as he gave Billie a hard shove.  I saw her first.

    I don’t want to go after you, Billie complained.  You had some just yesterday.

    And I’m gettin’ some tonight, Carl told him.  You can go after me.

    You horny bastard, Billie said with a grin as he stepped back.

    Judd watched as Carl picked the girl up around the waist and carried her kicking over to his blanket.  When Carl dropped her body hard onto the ground, Judd winced.  He could see her trying to catch her breath, but Carl was quickly on top of her. He was worried about the girl.  Rape was not his style and he didn’t plan on watching it happen.  Judd stepped over to Hank and presented an idea.  He was thankful when he caught Hank’s interest, but he wished the man would hurry up and tell the others. 

    Turning, Judd saw Carl unfasten his denims and was now attempting to kiss her cruelly as she pushed against his chest.  She kicked at him while raking her nails down the side of his face.  She received a fist across her jaw, stunning her.

    Hold on, Carl!  Hank finally called out.

    Momentarily pausing in his pursuit to raise Amber’s dress, Carl looked over his shoulder, obviously angry at being interrupted.

    What?  Carl shouted.

    Judd has an idea, Hank told him.

    I can listen to his idea after, Carl angrily advised as he tried to handle the wild cat beneath him.

    Get off the girl, Carl!  Hank ordered.

    Cursing, Carl ignored Hank and concentrated on raising Amber’s dress.  With lightning speed Hank got up and closed the distance between the two pallets.  Using his boot, Hank kicked Carl off Amber, catching him in the ribs.

    You’ll do as I say or pack up and leave!  Hank warned, as Carl rolled and stopped to lie in the dirt.

    As he massaged the bruised area, Carl complained, Damn, Hank...I think you might have broken a couple of ribs.

    Put your pants back on and get up, Hank told him, as he disregarded his employee’s complaint.  Walking back to Judd, he said, Tell’em what you told me.

    Judd watched Amber jerk her dress down and curl up into a ball as Carl stood to dust his clothes.  After Hank sat down on his blanket, Judd turned to their female captive and began to question her.

    You related to Sam Schultz?  He asked, but when the girl did not answer, Judd walked over and grabbed by the back of her neck.  After roughly bringing Amber to her feet, he said, I asked you a question.  Are you related to Sam Schultz?

    Judd watched her bite her bottom lip before finally answering, Yes, he’s my father.

    Releasing her, Judd stayed close while watching her. 

    The same Sam Schultz that owns the Rocking Bar S Ranch just south of Henderson? 

    She stepped back to add distance between them, but stopped when he grabbed her arm.  She struggled against his hold until she finally said, Yes.

    Judd smiled at her before turning to the three men. 

    Carl asked angrily, So what the hell does that matter?

    Placing his thumbs into his gun belt, Judd said, It matters a lot.  Sam Schultz owns the Rocking Bar S Ranch...a ranch that is worth a lot of money, and I’m more than positive that Schultz would want his little girl back.

    At the sound of Hank’s chuckle Billie joined in.  Their eyes devoured Amber with a desire for a quick fortune.  A moment later Carl joined his partners in a hearty belly laugh, as Judd simply grinned.

    Chapter Three

    YOU’LL BE RESPONSIBLE for her, Hank told Judd.

    What?  Carl cried out.  I saw her first!

    Carl, shut up!  Hank ordered.  I’m talkin’ about protectin’ our prize.  We’re not gonna damage our goods.  She’ll be worth a lot more as she is.

    Damaged goods?  This bit of news did not comfort Amber.  The one called Judd obviously had a plan of his own.

    In a calmer voice, Carl tried a different tactic.  Ah, Hank, nobody will know.  And if they do find out it’ll be too late; we’ll have our money and be long gone.  He turned to her before continuing.  It would be a waste to let a body like that go without a taste.

    Hey, you’re rhyming! Billie said with a laugh. 

    Leave the girl alone, Carl.  You’ll get your chance, Hank told him.

    A chill ran up Amber’s spine as the men openly stared.  But she kept her gaze on Carl who seemed the most threatening.  His verbal explosion made her cringe.

    Look what the bitch did to me!  Carl shouted while pointing at the bloody scratch marks that ran down one side of his face.  I should at least get a poke at her now.

    Shut up, Carl, she heard Billie warn his friend.

    No, I’m not goin’ to shut up!  Carl growled as he stormed towards Amber. 

    Carl!  Billie called out, but it was too late as Hank had already withdrawn his knife and flung it in Carl’s direction.

    The knife landed just inches in front of Carl’s boot, stopping him in his tracks.

    Leave the girl alone, Hank warned.

    Carl’s face was contorted in anger.  Amber saw him take a deep breath while placing his hands on his hips.  With a deep sigh he walked over to the blanket and grabbed his gun belt.  After strapping on his gun belt, he bent to pull the knife out of the ground.

    We’re not through!  He told her.

    She watched as he silently walked over to where Hank sat.  With a flick of his wrist, the knife went into the dirt, making it stand hilt up.  Carl looked at Hank and to Judd, it was obvious he was relenting, at least temporarily.

    I seriously doubt any of us are gonna get any sleep, so I suggest we saddle up, Hank instructed the other men as he stood and gathered his blanket.

    Where we ridin’ to?  Billie asked.

    East, towards Henderson, Judd advised.

    That’s going back in the direction we just left, Billie informed him.

    Yep, Judd answered.

    We’ll ride northeast and then head east, Hank said, while picking up his saddle.

    After the men saddled their horses, Amber saw Carl walking towards her.  She wished Judd or Hank would turn around to see him approaching her, but they were busy breaking camp.  A whimper slipped past her lips, but no one seemed to notice.

    Get your ass out of the way!  Carl ordered, but when she did not move he grabbed her arm and pushed.  I said get your ass out of the way!  Amber stumbled and fell backwards into the dirt.  Carl chuckled and said, We’ll have our day, little girl.  You can count on it.   

    The men busied themselves with saddling horses and tying their bedrolls to the back of saddles. A small sigh of relief escaped, but she knew the danger had not past.  Amber slowly stood while trying to cover herself with the remains of her dress.  She took several steps backwards.  Still, they did not notice her.  Taking a deep breath she turned and bolted.

    She heard Billie shout, Hey!

    She ran the best she could, but her ankle still ached.  It did not take long before she felt an arm clamp around her waist, halting her escape. 

    No, you don’t, Judd said in a low voice against her ear.

    She struggled, kicked and screamed as Judd half dragged her back to the horses and the men.

    I wouldn’t try that again, Hank told her.  Judd can track anything...even in the dark.

    Real quiet, too, Billie grinned.  He was on you before you even heard him, right?

    Amber did not answer as Judd finally planted her on her feet beside her horse.

    Get up on your horse, Judd told her.  And don’t try anything funny.

    Looking into his face, she saw a handsome man in his late twenties with light brown hair.  His face was unshaven with several days’ growth of beard and his eyes were a deep shade of blue that seemed to penetrate through her.

    I can’t, Amber whispered while continuing to pull her dress together. 

    As she hung her head, Amber noticed that Judd wore his gun belt low on his hips with his holstered gun on his right side and a sheathed knife on the left.  She secretly wondered if these men were running from the law and what they had done.

    Get on your horse, Judd told her again, but in a more aggressive tone.

    I can’t...not by myself, Amber told him.

    I’ll help her, Billie laughed as he sat atop of his own horse, but quickly sobered when he saw Carl looking at him.

    Without warning, Judd gathered her in his arms and roughly planted her astride her horse.  In doing so, Amber released her dress and grabbed the mane for balance causing a large amount of cleavage to be exposed. 

    Hmmm, uhmmm!  Do you see that?  Billie asked Carl while adjusting his seat in the saddle.  Nice ripe ones.

    Damn!  Carl cursed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

    The men chuckled as Amber quickly grabbed the material to hide what she could from their prying eyes.  She was caught off guard when a folded shirt was thrust in front of her. 

    Here.  Put this on before you drive Carl and Billie insane, Judd instructed.

    She took the shirt with eager hands, but turned away the best she could to quickly slide her arms through the sleeves.  Turning back, she found Judd smiling up at her as she fastened the buttons.  He shook his head and walked away to climb into his own saddle. 

    When Carl, Billie and Hank rode off, Amber glanced over at her keeper.  When he saw her looking at him, Judd moved his horse closer to say, Let’s get something straight.  You do what you’re told and when you’re told.  Do we understand each other?  When she did not answer he leaned over and placed his hand at the back of her neck bringing her face close to his before asking again, Do we understand each other?

    Amber slowly nodded her answer.  She watched as he winked before taking the reins out of her hands.  He led her horse behind his leaving her no option than to hold onto the horse’s mane.

    They rode for what seemed like hours, only stopping long enough for the men to rest their

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