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Heart-Commands of Awakened Love
Heart-Commands of Awakened Love
Heart-Commands of Awakened Love
Ebook193 pages1 hour

Heart-Commands of Awakened Love

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I am so grateful to welcome you to this heart-based energetic mastermind! 

Here, we join together in the energy of love to download these sacred commands and affirmations into our chests, minds, and bodies. You are invited to breathe deeply, tap your sacred chest in a rhythmic manner as you speak, whisper, silently repeat, and energetically anchor them within you. Speak them with such soul-force that every cell and atom of your body shakes and vibrates. 

With time, your cells will be packed with light, your heart will open even more, and you will begin to know yourself as love.

This is a 90-day program of doing 4 basic daily practices. One – anchor the commands of awakened love into your mind and body. Two – using your breath and imagination to channel the energy of love through your mind and body. Three – meditate on love throughout the day. Four – handwrite command #1 and anything you are grateful for.

With time, these four practices will help transform every area of your life: Emotions. Relationships. Health. Joy. Creativity. Abundance.

♥This book for spiritual warriors of loving peace who are here to do the inner work to create a more loving world for ourselves, families, friends, communities, and the world. 

♥This book is for planetary healers, lovers, and visionaries. It is for those of us who are here to magnify and manifest the power of love on this planet more fully and completely. 

♥This book is for energy healers, light-workers, and reiki professionals who want to deepen their consciousness of love so we can be of more service to others.

♥This book is for anyone who meditates deeply on love, and who endeavors to dissolve our consciousness into the ocean of love.

Most amazingly, this is a heart-centered energetic mastermind. As you repeat each command, you are silently connecting with everyone repeating it as well. 

This book is a particle and a wave.  It is a collection of words, (a particle), and a powerful movement of the energy of love (a wave) to impact the lives of countless people. 

All copies of this book are intentionally and energetically entangled in the energy of love on a very deep level. Each book will have space to write a list of people, relationships, and places that you wish to receive the love flowing through the energetic wave of this book.

In this spirit, you are invited to hold this book between your hands and channel your highest love into and through its pages. The love that flows into one book, flows into all books. We are activating the universal power of love in a MAJOR way.

Take a breath and ponder this with your heart for a moment. As you sit in a comfortable position with a warm smile on your face, this book between your radiant hands of light, and as you channel your highest love through these pages, you are literally touching the lives of thousands of people

All for their highest good. 

Truly remarkable.

Kinda hard to comprehend with the thinking brain – but the heart knows.

Perhaps you found this listing for a reason?

Get the book and find out.

Release dateDec 13, 2018
Heart-Commands of Awakened Love

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    Book preview

    Heart-Commands of Awakened Love - Danny Skyfeather

    Heart-Commands of

    Awakened Love

    Danny Skyfeather

    Copyright © 2019 by Danny Peebles, writing as Danny Skyfeather

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Printed in the United States of America.



    Four daily practices

    Practice #1: heart-tapping the commands

    Practice #2: channeling the energy of love

    Practice #3: meditate on love throughout the day

    Practice #4: writing and gratitude

    This book is a heart-space of love

    Heart-Commands of Awakened Love

    Eight commands

    The first command

    The second command

    The third command

    The fourth command

    The fifth command

    The sixth command

    The seventh command

    The eighth command

    All commands together

    The I Am commands

    The You Are commands

    Our Ninety-Day Journey

    Our Heart-Space Lists

    My heart-space list

    To my mom, who forever has my heart.


    This book is intended to help arouse the inherent bliss, wholeness, and love within our cells, atoms, hearts, and minds. Through the four daily practices presented here, we can dig out from the trash heap of our old conditioning and taste the sunlight that has been there all along.

    The highest energy of the universe is love. It takes tremendous emotional and spiritual courage to step into the furnace of this love and dissolve in joy before our very own eyes. The fact that you are reading these words is proof that you have this courage.

    This book can be viewed as both a particle and a wave. It is a collection of words with a certain number of pages. It can be held in your hands in paper or digital format. In this respect this book is a particle.

    This book is also a field of consciousness where the energy of love is received, felt, given and awakened. In the movement love through these pages on an energetic level, a countless number of lives can be positively impacted. In this respect, this book is a wave.

    To interact with this book as a wave, feel free to take long, deep inhaling and exhaling breaths as you read. In this way, you will tap into the essence and energy of this book. You will get more out of it this way. You could even say that you can breathe this book as much as you can read it.

    The highest love of the universe is implanted in us as seeds of our awakening, of our highest potential – unfolding with grace through all of our emotions and experiences. This love awakens within and through all the painful and pleasant moments of our lives.

    Our highest growth occurs when we stare with fierce determination into the face of our lives and declare with internal passion, power, humility, and joy – that the highest love of the entire universe is fully awake in this moment, this body, these cells, this mind, this blossoming heart, and as all of these as well.

    The container through which love flows eventually drops the illusion that it was ever anything but that love. The bed of the river, the channel, the vase – are themselves the water that fills, overflows, and dances through them. The body, the cells, the mind, heart, and emotions – are the containers for the flow of ecstatic love. They are this love as well.

    This encapsulated awakening is found in this statement, the very first command of the heart:

    The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

    This is an energetic program to install into the human heart-field through passionate feeling and repetition over time. It is a thought born of and inhabiting the highest dimensions of spiritual consciousness in this and all universes. As this program is anchored within us, we are calling forth and invoking the ocean of universal love to unfold from within the endless caverns of our cells, atoms, thoughts, and emotions.

    The highest love that I am is now wholly awake and manifest within and as every cell and atom of my body and mind.

    This statement also connects the energetic field of your heart with other hearts and souls who endeavor to awaken the truth of it within themselves. As one person repeats, feels, vibrates, and anchors it inside the space of their heart – followed by still more – it becomes a more potent command for all who seek the awakening of their souls within and through their human forms.

    To awaken and live the energy of love, and to make peace, compassion and kindness more visible in our bodies and minds – and therefore more potent in our relationships and communities – this is the calling of the fierce ones who are here to do this work. We know who we are.

    Even though we may have been temporarily blinded through forgetfulness, it is our sacred honor to remember and return again to this love that transcends all understanding.

    The practice is to declare, command and demand with all the strength of your soul that you are the love that has never needed names, labels, or stories to be. That love is all there is. That love is all that you are, and all that we are.

    Be this love. Live this love. Give this love – to yourself and all that hurts, aches and cries inside you first. Then you can witness this love naturally reach through you to touch and impact others in the most beautiful ways that could ever be imagined.

    And when it hurts the most, when it feels like you have failed, fallen, become lonely, sad, or in despair – know that all is not lost. Get up again. Find the strength. Find the power. Never give up on getting up. Then you will discover the real and felt-magnificence of your very own being.

    You will find that you are not alone, and that invisible hands are holding you. You will notice that countless souls are walking with you, with their silent hands upon your back, whispering thoughts of love to your soul – helping you take that next step, and the next, and the next.

    Together we walk, even though it may seem that we are in the desert alone. Together we rise, even though it may seem that we are feeling the pain of our growth alone. Together we fly home, even though it may appear that we can only see our own reflection in the clear blue sky. Regardless of how we may feel in the moment, in the greater awareness of love, we are together. Welcome to this awakened journey of the heart.

    Danny Skyfeather

    Four daily practices

    The goal is to do these four simple daily practices, as best you can, for the next ninety days and beyond:

    One. Deeply repeat, feel, vibrate, and anchor two or more chapters of potent heart-commands within your chest and body every day. You can tap your chest as you read them aloud, whisper them, silently repeat them, or rapidly absorb them with your heart and breath. The commands are designed to help spark, facilitate, and nurture the awakening of yourself as the very consciousness and energy of love.

    Two. Combining the powers of your breath and creative imagination – channel the energy of love through your mind and body every day. Concentrated sessions of ten to twenty minutes in the morning and evening are ideal. With time, you can increase the length of those sessions if you choose.

    Three. Throughout your day, do your best to perpetually meditate on love.

    Four. Handwrite command number one every day, as well as what you are grateful for.

    These are the four basic daily practices. Here are some more suggestions and insights that can help you along the way…

    Be prepared for painful or difficult emotions to arise. You are channeling the highest love of your soul through the deepest recesses of your subconscious mind. This can stir stuff up. Take good care of yourself. The practice is to stay calm and witness whatever comes up. Don’t get all wrapped up in it. As best you can – be fully present and kind with yourself. Get support if you need it. If you have to stop for a few days to calm the storms, then do so. Take full and complete responsibility for your well-being.

    Watch for unconscious blowback from yourself and others. Storms can arise from other people who are unconsciously used to us interacting with us from a specific emotional and energetic vantage point. When we internally pivot, it can cause all kinds of uproars from other people. Also, our own deeply embedded

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