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She Cries At Night
She Cries At Night
She Cries At Night
Ebook140 pages2 hours

She Cries At Night

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Early one morning Esther returns back from a relaxing holiday only to find the house she left doesn't seem to be the same. A mysterious bracelet that no-one can explain and strange cries at night that only she can hear, lead Esther to feel that her house is no longer safe. With everyone around her thinking, she is insane, there is only one person she can truly confide in. 

- Is Esther a victim of a sinister plot or the illusions of her troubled mind?

Release dateDec 28, 2018
She Cries At Night

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    She Cries At Night - I. S. U. Nedion

    This is dedicated to our parents and grandparents. Thank you all for sharing such wonderful stories that helped to shape our imaginations

    Thank you so much for coming, it’s been a challenging few weeks, I don’t know what to think or who to believe and no-one seems to believe me, that’s why I asked for you, I have always trusted you.

    —Esther to the person she trusts the most


    I returned after a spa weekend away with my girlfriends. My husband always insisted that I go on a girls' holiday every few months. He would usually pay for everything; the hotel, the spa, and of course, he supplied a very generous shopping allowance. I arrived back in the late afternoon and was surprised not to see the menacing guard dog at the gate. The gateman told me the dog had wandered off the night before, which was not surprising as they often let it roam free. The gateman helped take my bags out of the taxi, and I proceeded to my bedroom to rest. It had been quite a journey to and from Victoria Island, and I was exhausted. After a short nap, I awoke, feeling hungry, so I summoned Miriam, our maid, to bring my meal. She then offered to unpack my bags, and I saw a tiny mouse dash across my room and out of my door. This was unexpected, as the house was usually so clean.

    Miriam, I shouted, why is there a mouse in this house?

    Ah-ah, a mouse, Madam? That's not possible, she replied.

    Well, there's one in here, I screamed at her. Get Festus to catch it.

    Festus ran up the stairs promptly, and I instantly scolded him, Festus, why is there a mouse in this house?

    Mouse, Madam? Where? He seemed shocked and confused.

    I pointed to where I had seen it run to. Then together, we crept along the passage looking for it. I saw the nasty thing sneak into one of the spare rooms.

    Festus, it's in there! I screamed.

    He pushed the door open wide. He was shaking like a leaf, so I pushed him in. Come on, go inside.

    He stood in the middle and looked around the room before saying. Sorry, Madam, it not dey here. Are you sure that you saw an actual mouse?

    What a stupid question. Am I blind? The old man could be very infuriating at times. There it is! I screamed as it ran past the back of an old drawer. Festus, move that drawer. It's behind there.

    Festus used all his might to move the cabinet. He was still shaking. I waited in anticipation to see which direction the wretched thing would try to run to next, and that's when I caught a glimpse of it. My screams were drowned out by Festus, who was whaling like a little girl. When the idiot finally calmed down, he looked at my feet and then hissed his teeth.

    Now because of dust, you dey scream so, he goaded.

    It was embarrassing, but at my feet was just a ball of dust. Festus burst into laughter.

    Don't you have a gate to look after? You can leave.

    As he left, I looked down at the ball of dust and then back at the drawer. I was sure that I had seen a mouse, so I inspected the cabinet again and noticed something green stuck under the drawer leg. I prized it free and saw it was a beautiful emerald beaded bracelet, so captivating; it was gorgeous. I held it up to the sunlight to see if a name was inscribed on it, but I couldn't find any, so I put it aside to show my husband later that evening. But first, I had to give the maid a stern warning.

    Miriam, what sort of job are you and your girls doing here? This place should be spotless but look at the dust everywhere. I pointed to the ball of dust that had humiliated me.

    Sorry, Madam, she said, bowing her head in shame, It's just Oga usually keeps this door locked, so we don't clean it. That was the stupid excuse she mumbled.

    Well, you can see it is open now, so clean IT! And I left her to it.

    The bracelet raised a lot of questions in my mind. There were priceless pieces of jewellery in my collection, but this wasn't mine, nor had I seen any of the staff with anything so extravagant.

    That night my husband arrived home late from work as he did it every night.

    Hello darling, I have missed you, he smiled as he swept me up into his arms, how was your trip?

    Relaxing, fun, unbelievable, can't use enough words to explain it! I smiled, I did a lot of shopping, as you would expect, but it doesn't matter because I missed you more than anything.

    And I have missed you too, he replied as he kissed my forehead. He then started loosening his tie as he walked towards the staircase. What did Miriam cook for us today? he asked.

    Rice with Goat-meat Pepper-soup, I told him, which made his brown eyes light up, and he ran up the stairs to change.

    My husband spent at least twenty minutes upstairs before coming back down to the dining room. We have a large dining table there, which can seat at least twelve people, but it feels so lonely when it's just the two of us. I took my regular seat at the side of the table whilst Osaze sat at the head of the table. He looked so dashing in his white and silver ashoke. He is so traditional at heart; he loves traditional attire. If given the chance he would wear it instead of a suit to work.

    The staff tell me that the frightening dog ran off again, I started the conversation.

    Don't mind Festus, he forgot to lock him up again. He then tucked into the food. He seemed hungry. He scoffed his whole meal in three mouthfuls, That was good, he sighed, and then he rested back in his chair and sipped his glass of wine.

    Well, if Festus can't find it, please get another colour of dog, not black again.

    Babe, it's a guard dog, not a puppy. It needs to look menacing so that when it growls thieves run away. He did a funny imitation of a guard dog. Anyway, forget the dog, tell me about your holiday, he teased.

    It was great, but next time I would like to go with my husband.

    I know, he smiled, once work quietens down, we will go somewhere nice. Believe me. I need a holiday. He then picked up his phone.

    Osaze, please forget work for one night.

    Babe, this is urgent. I won't be long. I have been waiting for this email all day. He then left the dining room, and that was the last I saw of him for the night.

    The next morning, I awoke after having a bizarre dream, or what I thought was a dream. It was somewhat weird and vague but haunting at the same time. I tried to forget about it as I headed to the shower.

    You haven’t been into any of the rooms, have you? Well, the house has five huge rooms, each with an en-suite shower room/toilet, all fitted and modern, all very posh. My friends used to joke that it was the poshest house in Benin city.

    After my shower, I made my way downstairs to find my husband already awake, sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, Akara, and Eko, his favourite.

    Morning, sexy baby, he greeted me pleasantly, did you sleep well? He seemed to be in a good mood.

    Well, sort of, I had the strangest dream..., I wanted to tell him more, but his attention was turned to his phone again, which of course, he couldn't wait to answer. The call lasted only ten minutes, but that was enough time to fully engage my husband.

    Who was that? I asked as he came off the phone.

    Just an early morning appointment, babe, which I must meet straight away. I put my spoon down and looked at him sternly.

    What's wrong? He asked.

    I found a bracelet in one of the spare rooms yesterday.

    Oookay, he smiled.

    I waited for a better reaction. It's not mine.

    Well, it's not mine either, babe. He then laughed. I am not into cross-dressing. He always made jokes about things like this, which annoyed me further,

    I am being serious, Osaze. Was someone here while I was away?

    No, babe, it must belong to one of the maids, he came over and kissed me on the cheek, I've got to go, then he ran out of the room.

    I wasn't sure that I believed him, but our maid interrupted my thoughts.

    Can I take your plate, Madam? asked Miriam. She was hovering patiently behind me.

    Yes, Miriam. I replied, in fact, let me help you.

    Madam, you want to help me? She asked quizzically and somewhat fearfully.

    I know how to clear a table, Miriam. I got up and helped. She objected as much as she could, but I would not hear of it. She had been loyal to my husband for many years, and

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