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Selena's Decision
Selena's Decision
Selena's Decision
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Selena's Decision

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About this ebook

Bored with her mundane lifestyle, shop assistant, Selena Thomson, spots an unusual advertisement in the local newspaper inviting applications for the role of Maid in the household of an extremely rich couple.
Never in her wildest dreams could Selena have foreseen the strange events which unfold when she decides to put herself forward for the job.
Author's Note:
This story contains themes of a sexual nature, including bondage, discipline, and erotic roleplay. If these topics offend, then you are advised to pass this title by.
If not, then please purchase and enjoy the ride.

PublisherMarian Wilder
Release dateDec 31, 2018
Selena's Decision

Marian Wilder

Marian Wilder welcomes you to her world of erotic 'Damsel In Distress' novels and stories.Her subject material sometimes wanders towards the darker side of erotica, but if you enjoy a generous helping of bondage and erotic discipline with your fiction, then this is the place to be.Please check back often for new releases and updates.FACEBOOK here: here: @SpankingTalesGOODREADS here: welcomes comments regarding her stories and novels (ONLY) at

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    Selena's Decision - Marian Wilder

    Selena’s Decision

    Copyright 2017 Marian Wilder

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    No part of this e-book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of the author, except for brief quotations used for promotional purposes or in reviews.

    This e-book is for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be copied, resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-book with others, then please purchase an additional copy for each person.

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    This is a work of fiction.

    Names, characters, incidents, and places are fictitious. Any resemblances to persons or businesses are entirely coincidental.

    Adult Topics: Please use discretion.

    This e-book is intended for mature readers only (18+) as it contains themes of a sexual nature.

    Find more Marian Wilder stories here:

    ~ 1 ~

    The girl on the opposite bunk was crying. It was incessant and, at that particular moment, there was no real reason for it. Eventually, her crying would draw the attention of their captors, and if that happened she would surely be given something very real to cry about.

    Selena, by reason of the fact that she hadn’t tried to calm her, would probably be punished too. Any excuse would do if these men were in the mood for it.

    Earlier, she had failed miserably at scrubbing the deck, and had found herself bound over an old chest and spanked mercilessly.

    The brawny overseer had tied her in place by her wrists and ankles, spread-eagled, and had assembled the crew to witness the punishment. Then, having raised her skirt, leaving only her flimsy panties to protect her soft flesh, he had delivered twelve stinging slaps with his calloused hand to her surging globes.

    Oh, how she had wailed, unable to draw her legs together to hide her shame. Oh, how she had yelped and wriggled as each blow landed. Oh, how she had blushed scarlet with embarrassment as the audience of lewd sailors jeered and laughed.

    But, damn, how she had revelled in it!

    By the time the twelfth stroke had landed, her arousal had almost reached boiling point, and the greatest torture of all had been the very fact that her climax had been denied her. She had moaned, mentally willing the overseer to continue, but it wasn’t to be. Instead, they had left her thus, stretched and unable to touch herself, with only the creaking of the rigging to distract her. For hours she had struggled, trapped in a mire of frustration, until the sun had finally disappeared beneath the swaying horizon, and the men had come to release her.

    She had been dragged, exhausted, to a dingy cell beneath the deck, and roughly manhandled onto an old bunk. An iron collar had been locked about her slender neck, and a heavy chain connected this to a ring in the bulkhead. Then, locking her wrists before with rough manacles, the men had left her, a flickering candle the only comfort in the dingy cell.

    The crying had alerted her to the other presence in the room, and she had identified it as coming from a similar bunk to her own, mounted on the opposite wall. At first, she had tried to block out the sound, but it had been impossible.

    A creaking sound from the ceiling above her—the floor of the open deck she had been punished on, she assumed—sent shivers of fear cascading along her spine. She held her breath, waiting, but nobody arrived. Thank heavens, she thought, but their luck wouldn’t last forever.

    Making up her mind, Selena climbed awkwardly from her bunk, and tiptoed carefully towards the one opposite. Coincidentally, the chain attached to her collar was just long enough to allow her to cross the distance. Odd, she thought: it hadn’t seemed more than a foot or two long when it had been first connected.

    But this was such a strange place anyway. Nothing seemed to make sense. Things slipped in and out of focus alarmingly. It was as if the world lacked continuity; as if even eras overlapped at times. Weird. Dreamlike.

    She reached out to the other girl, gently touching her shoulder.

    The girl jumped in shock, and the crying instantly ceased. She turned slowly, and slipped from beneath the ragged blanket. Recognition dawned on her pretty face when she saw who it was.

    Selena! Oh my God! They got you too?

    Selena gasped in shock. It was Paula, a newish friend of hers from the village. She had met the girl on a few occasions at lunchtime in the local café, and conversations had ensued.

    Paula worked in one of the legal offices nearby, she seemed to remember. She recalled the girl telling her that she had previously been employed by some archaeological guy, and that she had been imprisoned and tortured once while with him on one of his expeditions abroad.

    A terrible and frightening tale; she had been caged, stripped, flogged, and forced to work like a slave to atone for some perceived offence against her jailers’ beliefs.

    What were they called? Something to do with morality. A cult of some kind. A brotherhood? Yes, The Brotherhood of Morality … that was it.

    Suddenly, Selena remembered the girl’s story in its entirety, and remembered the effect that hearing it had had upon her at the time.

    Abducted. Tortured. Whipped. Just like what was happening now. Lightning striking twice? This couldn’t be right.

    The girl’s excitement and relief at seeing her friend was immense, and she threw her arms around Selena’s neck, pulling her to her and squeezing her tight. She was naked, and Selena felt her soft flesh pressing to her own, caressing

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