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The Mortalis: Beyond the Cosmos: The Mortalis, #2
The Mortalis: Beyond the Cosmos: The Mortalis, #2
The Mortalis: Beyond the Cosmos: The Mortalis, #2
Ebook262 pages3 hours

The Mortalis: Beyond the Cosmos: The Mortalis, #2

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In eternity, there was no hurry.

In the year A.D 3198 humankind is thriving and striving for the stars. Among them stand the Mortalis, flesh and blood beings who can live extensively by xulon, a life-preserving plant that gives health and vitality when ingested.

Preparations to travel to the stars are in its second phase. Follow three hundred-year-old (or so) Lieutenant Colonel Marion Stefanova on her latest mission to Helion 3, a class M planet in the Proxima Zetauri System.

"It's just that my emotions are still a little raw." 

Marion is a seasoned commander; she is also seasoned in loss. Her assignments are to shuttle back and forth between the developing colonies in Helion 3 and Roma 2 system. Pleased with the progress, Marion takes a solo shuttle to Roma 2 for a little break. 

"Little by little, the shaking grew more intense, alarms began sounding, and Marion awoke to the realization that the shuttle was out of control."

Her shuttle sinks into a time-space wormhole that crash lands her back to the nineteenth century. Found by a Lakota tribe who are suspicious of her, Marion helps them against the diseases that have struck them, before setting off in the search for her ship.

"…you're such a long way from home." "I'd say that's an understatement,"

Between language barriers, capture, social suspicion, imprisonment, and being defenseless in ways that she isn't accustomed to – Marion struggles to retain her composure in a time that lacked the advanced technologies that she's accustomed to using. She is relentlessly pursued by Union Officer, Major Thomas Conrad for her futuristic knowledge. One thing is for certain, Marion will do anything to secure her ship and escape back to her allies. It just boils down to her survival skills – and a matter of leverage. 

Release dateApr 27, 2016
The Mortalis: Beyond the Cosmos: The Mortalis, #2

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    Book preview

    The Mortalis - Larry Cockerham

    To sci-fi and space opera fans everywhere and a special thanks to Justin B. Rye for the loanwords.

    1 The Expansion

    2 The Arrival

    3 The space-time portal

    4 Fort vasquez, colorado

    5 leavenworth, kansas

    6 ossining, New York

    7 Boston, massachusetts

    8 the ocean voyage

    9 charleston, South carolina

    10 the confrontation

    11 New orleans, louisiana

    12 good times

    13 tragedy strikes

    14 memphis, tennessee

    15 st. Louis, missouri

    16 chicago, illinois

    17 Déjà Vu

    18  vive la france!

    19 Hirschberg an der Bergstraße

    20 the hideout

    21 captured

    22 leverage

    23  march 1945

    24  ship repairs

    25  the disturbance

    26 home bound

    27  Helion 3

    28  the presence

    29  The alliance

    30  the ceremony

    About the author

    In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

    —Revelation 22:2 (KJV)


    To my wife Diane, my fellow-helper and loving companion, and

    to our children Sharon, Barbara, and Emily, who inspire us each day.


    The expansion

    BY A.D. 3198, THE MORTALIS had begun its second phase of preparation for travel to the stars. Their next destination was Helion 3, a class M planet in the Proxima Zetauri System. Lieutenant Colonel Marion Stefanova would shuttle back to Roma 2, a planet located in the Alpha Novus System that was in close proximity.  The settlers would be split into two groups of twenty thousand each; one colony on Helion 3 and the other on Roma 2.  Lt. Col. Stefanova would work with both settlements and the base commanders.

    At the forefront was the escort ship Pegasus, a gleaming galactic heavy cruiser, followed by fourteen transports. The transports were carrying over forty thousand colonists eager to reach their next destination. The heavy cruiser carried a full complement of crew, consisting of one hundred and twenty-five officers and two thousand two hundred enlisted men. 

    Lt. Col. Marion Stefanova seemed absorbed in the changing landscape of stars as they sped past the large, windowless portal. She was a third centennial officer and the new commander for both systems.  Lt. Eric Henslee, a second centennial officer, watched her from across the span, crossing to talk with his superior.

    It's something, isn’t it? Eric asked as he admired her inner tranquility and apparent beauty.  Although Marion was nearing her three-hundredth year, her physical appearance was no different from Eric, who was many years younger.  They could be grateful to the life-giving plants for that.  Although the Mortalis were timeless in their external form, the life-preserving plant life was what gave them their strength and vitality. They were given the approval to bring these along to cultivate for their new settlements. 

    Marion was silent as if deep in thought. She turned to Henslee and began issuing orders, catching him off guard.

    Lieutenant, when we reach our new destination, I want you to set us up a schedule of operations for the two systems.  Both you and our two privates will accompany me when I make my shuttles.

    Yes, Colonel, Eric acknowledged.  How long will the trip take?

    They told me four days, Marion answered. We'll all take turns piloting. There’s the autopilot if we need it.

    Four days... Eric mused.

    Have Major Becker report to me at his earliest convenience, Marion ordered.  Has Major Kramer checked in yet?

    No, ma’am, Eric answered.

    Check the transport J.T. Abrams.  Have him message me.

    Marion realized until there were some new promotions, either Major Becker or Major Kramer would be in charge while she alternated between systems.  She would have to await orders from headquarters.  That could take a long time. 

    Within the hour, Major Kramer had contacted Marion and Major Becker had arrived.

    The com-link broke the silence. Colonel, Major Kramer checking in.

    Major Kramer, Marion answered.  I will be assigning you to the base at Roma 2.   

    Yes, Colonel, Major Kramer answered. 

    I’ll be working with you by turns with Major Becker.  The first order of business will be installing all of our weapons emplacements.

    Yes, Colonel.

    Turning to Major Becker, Marion said, Major Becker, you will be assigned to Helion 3. The same order goes: begin installing the weapons emplacements as soon as possible.

    Yes, Colonel, Major Becker replied.

    When we arrive, I’ll have your planning and development blueprints available for the bases.  Also, have at least four batteries installed around the perimeter of the settlements.  Okay, gentlemen, that’s all for now.

    After meeting with her team leaders, Marion settled into her cabin that evening. Before long, she received a message from Admiral Fausset to meet with him and his officers for dinner at 1900 hours. 

    Marion dressed and met with the officers of the heavy cruiser Pegasus.  They were all in their dress uniforms. The dining room was just large enough to accommodate six to eight officers and guests.  The table and chairs were fashioned of black acrylic material. 

    Marion noticed several portraits lining the paneled walls of former officers along with many of the early heavy and light cruisers that had once been in service.  As she slid her hand lightly over the heavy linen cloth, she noticed that it was embroidered with the official emblem of the federation.  Everything was in white decor except for the silverware. The tableware was of the finest china and was engraved with the authorized Orion constellation, a design which provided a distinct astronomical theme.

    Hello, Colonel, why don’t you have a seat over here, Admiral Fausset offered as he pointed to a seat across from him at the table.  He was one of the oldest in the group, but his dark curly hair and muscular build belied his true age.

    Thank you, Admiral, Marion replied.  This is just stunning.

    Colonel, I want you to meet Captain James Stanley, Admiral Fausset announced.  And this is Lieutenant LeAnn Whatley and Commander A.J. Clarke.

    It’s great to meet all of you, Marion replied as she sat down across from Admiral Fausset. 

    "Colonel, are you finding everything in order on the Pegasus?" Commander Clarke asked as he reached for one of the delicacies laid out on the table. The tall sandy haired leader of the Blackstar fighter squadrons looked rather young to be leading such a distinguished group, but he had flown more combat missions than all the rest of the men combined.

    Everything seems to be just fine, Commander, Marion replied.  I’m looking forward to arriving at Helion 3.

    I know that you have a lot of plans for the colonies, Colonel, Lieutenant Whatley added.  You must be excited.

    I am eager to get started, Marion agreed.

    We just hope for your sake that it’s not as exciting as some of your exploits on Albea Prime, Captain Stanley interjected. The feisty red-haired commander was known for his ability to get under one’s skin, but he also had graduated at the top of his class at the academy and was a genius in military tactics.

    Exploits? Marion asked, puzzled.

    Well, let’s just say that you had some pretty close calls, Captain Stanley explained.

    Several close calls, that’s for sure, Marion granted with a forced smile.

    We know that you’ve been through a lot, Colonel, Lieutenant Whatley stated. We’re available in case you need to talk.

    As Marion looked across the table at Lieutenant Whatley, she tried to imagine how she compared to Anna, her old friend. Both were alike in build and features, but she could sense a slight wariness in the lieutenant's demeanor. On the other hand, Anna had been attracted to her from the very first time they met.

    Everyone aboard the large ship as well as the transports were all strangers to Marion.  It would have been nice if they had allowed some of her old teammates to accompany her on this trip.  However, it was not up to her; headquarters had made the final call.

    After the meal, Marion thanked Admiral Fausset for the food and the opportunity to meet his officers.  Lieutenant Whatley accompanied Marion back to her cabin.

    Colonel, I realize that I’ll never take the place of Lieutenant Anna Dakova, but I do want us to be close friends.

    I want that, too, Marion admitted.  Come by my cabin sometime when you have time to talk.

    I’d like that, Captain Whatley replied as she looked up at Marion, who towered over her.

    As Marion watched Lieutenant Whatley disappear down the long corridor, she saw a considerable resemblance to Anna: both were slim with dark hair and about the same age. Both were accomplished officers aboard their fleet cruisers. Marion hoped that they would never share the same fate.

    As Marion went through her belongings, she opened a long, narrow camouflaged bag that contained all of her weapons.  Her railgun, laser, and bayonet, along with her belt that held her translator and water bottle were tucked neatly in the bottom.  She also had several packets of powder made from the leaves of the healing plant.  These would last indefinitely.

    Marion also had procured several new items she wanted to try out.  A special belt that contained a navigation and thermal tracking device, body cam, and cloaking device. Another device attached to the belt created a force field that would protect her from low-velocity weapons.  All of these might come in handy. Several other specialized tools, flashlights, and cleaning kits completed the list.  As Marion closed the heavy bag, she heard a knock at her door.

    Colonel, it’s Privates Travers and Lois.

    Come in, ladies, Marion announced.  She motioned for them to take a seat on her bunk bed.  Marion sat in a small chair across from her bed.

    I’m sorry we don’t have larger accommodations, but we are kind of cramped for room. What can I help you with tonight?

    The two privates were silent as they glanced at each other. Private Travers was the first to speak. We just wanted to ask you about some of the incidents that happened back on Albea Prime.

    Sure, ask away, Marion answered as she leaned back in the chair.

    We wanted to hear about the alien queen, Travers announced as she looked over at Private Lois.  Susan Travers was from the Midwestern area of the states and was an excellent marksman.  With her close-cropped light brown hair and green eyes, she radiated a natural curiosity about life.  On the other hand, Private Cynthia Lois was somewhat reserved.  Her dark hair and eyes added a mystique to her personality.

    Where did you hear about that? Marion asked, puzzled about the source of her information.

    It was common knowledge back at headquarters, Private Travers advised. Everyone was eager to find out about the new colonies.

    Okay, Marion replied, not realizing that the news had traveled that fast.  There’s not much to tell other than we were captured and escaped. She must have been tracking my shuttle because when I landed later in the southern kingdom, she was waiting for me.  I guess she wanted to show me how powerful she was...and she did.  She almost killed me.  If it hadn’t been for the president, I would have been a goner.

    The president killed her? Travers asked.

    Yep, Marion replied.  And that’s pretty much it.

    What about the alien attack on the base? Travers asked.

    Well... Marion hesitated as the emotions began to come back in vivid detail.  Although the fleet fought them off and the ion cannon stopped two of their destroyers, they managed to land several troop transports close to our base.

    Were there many? Private Lois asked.

    Admiral Byrd estimated over twenty thousand, Marion answered.  But we stopped them at the mountain road.

    Wow! Private Travers said as the two looked at each other in amazement. 

    Was that when your friend was killed? Private Travers asked.  Private Lois elbowed her.

    That’s okay, Marion explained.  "She was killed on board the Orion during the attack." 

    We’re sorry, Colonel, Private Travers said. 

    We didn’t mean to make you sad, Private Lois apologized as she gave her friend a hard look.

    It’s just that my emotions are still a little raw, Marion admitted.

    We understand, Private Lois answered.  It’s just so interesting to hear you tell it.

    The conversation went on late into the night as the two privates continued asking questions while Marion explained in detail the many adventures she had had while in the Albea Prime system.  Finally, the young soldiers seemed to come to the end of their curiosity and Marion was well past her bedtime.

    Okay, ladies, Marion announced with a yawn.  I think it’s time we all got some sleep.

    Thank you, Colonel, Private Travers said.

    Yes, that was so exciting, Private Lois added.

    Well, I hope this new assignment will be a little less exciting if I have anything to do with it, Marion stated, getting up from her chair.  Good night, ladies.

    Good night, Colonel, both privates said in unison as they saluted and hastily disappeared down the long dark corridor. 

    That night, Marion continued to toss and turn as she dreamed of all the narrow escapes she had encountered.  Hopefully, the next assignment would be one that was a little less stressful for everyone.


    The arrival

    After twenty-four months of FTL travel, the heavy cruiser Pegasus and fourteen transports began arriving at Helion 3.  The system was composed of fourteen planets with over one hundred twenty-eight satellites.  The transports were lining up in order while the cruiser landed opposite the assembly area.  The Ascended had already constructed several of the enclaves and some of the smaller buildings in town.

    The sudden arrival had caught Marion off guard.  As she peered out one of the portals of the large cruiser, she could see the forty thousand settlers pouring out of the transports onto the assembly area.  She dressed and went by to check on Privates Travers and Lois.

    Private Travers, you and Private Lois check on the others and have everyone meet in the assembly area in ten minutes.

    Yes, Ma’am, Private Travers answered. 

    Soon, everyone was lined up in large groups in front of the podium. Marion met with Edward Caine, the president of the colony at Helion 3. He was tall, with dark hair and dark glasses with a background in city planning and development.  He would be an asset in the future planning of the new colonies. 

    The large battalion was lined up in companies alongside the colonists. As Marion and Edward Caine climbed the podium, they exchanged greetings.

    Mr. Caine, I look forward to working with you and your people, Marion announced as they met at the top of the podium.

    Thank you, Colonel, he replied.  It’s always a pleasure to work with the military.

    After the preliminaries, everyone began moving into their assigned stations.  Most of the colonists would be staying on the transports, as there was not enough room for them in the town. Marion and her battalion reboarded the Pegasus to make the short trip to the base installation.  It was only a little over two kilometers away. There they found the typical barracks, medical center, Central Command, kitchens, and mess hall awaiting them. 

    The battalion would be split between Helion 3 and the Roma 2 system. Major Becker would be the second-in-charge for the Helion 3 installation. Major Kramer would travel with the rest of the battalion to begin operations at Roma 2. Everyone would have a two-week rest before making their final destination.

    As Marion inspected her office in Central Command, she sent for Major Becker, her second-in-charge. Within fifteen minutes, he had entered Central Command and was standing before Marion.

    Major, why don’t you have a seat over there, Marion motioned for him to sit across from her desk in one of the short stocky armchairs. Marion had laid out the blueprints for the weapon emplacements on her desk.

    Yes, Colonel? Major Becker asked as he looked over the drawings.

    Major, why don’t you assign each of your company commanders one of the sixty-millimeter emplacements to begin with, Marion advised as she pointed to the various locations. That way you could be finished much quicker.

    Good thinking, Colonel, Major Becker replied with a bit of sarcasm

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